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File: 119 KB, 500x644, kiddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6273563 No.6273563 [Reply] [Original]

Kiddy Kong is looking at you.

>> No.6273564

woah... he's looking at us...

>> No.6273567

I remember seeing this magazine as a kid and trying forever to parse the grammar in this sentence without any success.

>> No.6273570

why the fuck did they release DK64 with 2 complete clone characters of the existing "girl monkey" and "strong monkey" archetypes? Just use Dixie and Kiddy...

Lankey would have been fine as the only Kong Krew newcomer

>> No.6273571
File: 81 KB, 333x293, 1584306371031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273573


and how tf did Donkey Kong end up playable in only 1/3 Donkey Kong Country games?

>> No.6273580

DK64 is an odball. Don't forget that they killed Wrinkly Kong and bought back Candy.

Squawks is playable in every game. He's the real protagonist.

>> No.6273596

dkc3 is underrated as fuck. I love the overworld, and the banana birds are so cute

>> No.6273608

I still have this issue. The cover is only holding on by a quarter of a staple

>> No.6273668

From what I remember, early on DK64's development, the team got told to only use characters from DKC1 for the main cast and the NPCs, later on Rare let them use whatever character they needed but Chunky and Tiny were already done so tough luck for Dixie and Kiddy, gonna guess Wrinkly's soul was a later addition during development.

>> No.6273687

Sex appeal.

>> No.6273789

In donkey Kong 1-3, he was only playable in 2 and was donkey Kong jr

>> No.6273810

So we're lead to believe. Yet the ancient mushroom sages once whispered of a primal mad god who would knuckle-walk the earth for as long as his chain of flesh-vessels and supply of virgin blood sacrifices remained unbroken

>> No.6273824

christ NMS was a terrible magazine. they began printing cheats backwards, in an attempt to make you buy the magazine instead of simply copying it in the shop. they knew they sucked

>> No.6273871

They'd publish nude game characters drawn by kids on the letters pages though, plus you could kinda see Nursie's pussy for months until some parent complained.

>> No.6273894
File: 744 KB, 498x1024, IMG_6223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6274017


European visual character design is the worst.

>> No.6274071

>until some parent complained
You know, I think that was probably all a stunt to stir up controversy, except that nobody cared.

It wasn't just that her pussy was "kinda" visible so much as they just drew her with her gash completely on display and made it huge on the page every month next to a bunch of letters from 10-year-olds.
I'd look at it every time and just think, no way would they do that, and rationalised it as being a seam on her (apparently literally translucent) panties or something. Right up until they copped to it and changed the art.

>> No.6274096
File: 28 KB, 413x313, 7be0da4aa017fda5bc2cccc2bb866475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.6274108

Post the gooch you cowards

>> No.6274158
File: 82 KB, 566x451, Coq_iDbVYAAZuPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I spent 5 minutes googling it and I give up. Although I'm sure I've seen anon post it here once before so it must exist.

Too bad my crate of mags is at my ex's place or I could just grab one. Ideally the first. IIRC the issue she was introduced (Nursie was the letters editor character who replaced the previous long-running one, Les, who was a mental patient in her ward or something) the pic of her legs/panties/syringe was like an entire half page, lol.

>> No.6274217
File: 172 KB, 601x810, 1492625385107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6274251

Ugly character, feels bad to play, whole game is sub par

>> No.6274372 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 624x723, 1584635679080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6274458

Who is "Here", and why is he lookin' at "You Kid"?

>> No.6276904

*Leans against the wall in a cool pose*

>> No.6276914
File: 80 KB, 900x650, IMG_6224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive become a prisoner to this sickness

>> No.6276918

>bongs think this is appealing character design