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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 500x335, conker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
626948 No.626948 [Reply] [Original]

They'll never make games like this anymore

>addictive music
>butt clenching platforming
>Lovable characters
>the first character to give you those weird kid boners

Rare was the best

so, /vr/, what happened to games like this? Did the majority crowd get bored of it?

before... the dark days.

>> No.626960


>> No.626968

007 came out and thus the FPS monster was born.

>> No.626969


>> No.626971

Come on, FPS wasn't that bad until Halo changed the genre.

>> No.626973

Goldeneye 64 was years BEFORE Bad Fur Day, little one.

>> No.626974


I didn't like Conker's then, and I don't like Conker's now. It seemed like it was trying way too hard to be offensive, y'know, ride that South Park wave, and I really don't think the gameplay was anything to write home about.

>> No.626983

What about Banjo-Kazooie?

>> No.626978

He said that that's when FPS was born, not that Goldeneye came after

>> No.626979


>> No.626982

Microsoft bought 100% of the stock of Rare, and the rest is history. That is what happened.

>> No.626987

>Nuts & Bolts

>> No.626995

Yeah. That was Microsoft's doing. Their fucking messing with it.

>> No.626996

I remember when I bought that game. I was expecting so much

But then I saw fucking CAR PARTS in a game for KIDS


>> No.627007

bump for interest

>> No.627013

You and me both. It had a couple fun parts but all in all it was trying so much harder than it was achieving.

>> No.627021

Conker came about at the best and worst time. From a thematic standpoint, it's great because it came out after years of cutesy animal platformers. It's kind a great response for so many people who were tired of them. But it also got released at the tail end of the N64, when PS2 was fucking massive. It didn't stand a chance.

Mascot platformers sort of fell out of favor around the same time. All the new ones like Spinx and the cursed mummy or Ty never really took off. I consider Conker the swansong of the 3D platformer era.

>> No.627025


Remember the 90's.jpg

>> No.627028


It was okay. Not my thing but okay.

Honestly, I never quite bought into the 3D platformer the way Rare and Nintendo did it. I prefer my platformers to be more linear. But I see the appeal.

>> No.627041

They made the kinect?

That's low

>> No.627035

Nintendo bought 46% of the stock in rare in 1991 iirc, and they just saw them as a company that could develop 2nd party on their own. They developed with freedom to use Nintendo characters if they wanted to.

Microsoft saw Rare as an object to make money, and bought them outright and tried to USE them to make the same games nintendo did, and they failed because they tried to USE rare instead of letting rare do what they do. They tried to control rare, and failed. Then they assumed rare was all used up, so they put them on Kinekt duty because they didn't see them as useful anymore.

>> No.627046

Oh god the gameplay was terrible.

>> No.627048


I enjoyed it

>> No.627051

No. They have been put on Kinect duty. Microsoft has given them permission to develop only on Kinect from now on. It is to let them die in silence.

>> No.627054


Rare put a ZX Spectrum emulator inside Goldeneye.


Nintendo doesn't ask Rare why.

>> No.627103


It's amazing how stuff like that goes so long without being found.

>> No.627129


You're so fuckin right! I hate microsoft so much for that

>> No.627135

>007 came out and thus the FPS monster was born.
You're forgetting that Rareware made 007, too. Rareware's FPS games were very different to anyone else's FPS games anyway, which is a shame, because they did so much right.

>Oh god BFD's gameplay was terrible.
Using the "EASY" or "VERYEASY" cheats made the game more enjoyable, IMO.

>> No.627189

That game had a weird market.
It really targeted a less serious, yet not cuddly audience.

And honestly, I kind of appreciated that.
You had games like Mario Party and Mario Kart, which were party games for all ages.
You had Zelda, Final Fantasy games, etc for the more serious (I use that word lightly) type of gamer.
Then you had this game, which just never, ever took itself seriously.
How could it? It's about a drunk squirrel on a quest to save his get back home and save his girlfriend.
It was that weird middle ground between "Serious" and "light".

I remember being shocked over the amount of clear, dialogue, and cut-scenes. Not too many other Nintendo games had these at the time.
One of my favourite scenes in, well, any video game, was the first time you meet Don Weaso.

The characters, writing, and music was what made this game unique, and to me, fun to play.
> too hard to be offensive
I can kind of agree. I never really found any of the poo segments (minus the singing one) all that fun (Cow scene for example).
But really, I think the context was way too out there to really consider anything to be offensive.

>> No.627201

Why is there not a lot of Berri rule34?

Her fucking booty is godly.

>> No.627223

>Still have my old copy
>Prices approaching $100


>> No.627242

Because Conker's BFD didn't stay in our minds too long, whereas Starfox and sanic continued to make appearances as time went on.
And, with the introduction of various cartoons containing anthropomorphic animals, the furry's let that one slip by.

>> No.627250

>over 1000 dollars
I weep for humanity.

>> No.627257

As long as no-one is stupid enough to buy it thats okay.

>> No.627627

>Conker can't get near Poo Mountain without being overwhelmed by the smell
>Come back later with gas mask
>Go inside mountain
>Conker immediately takes the mask off upon entering and the smell doesn't bother him at all

This game has a special place in my heart do to me having to have my 17 year old friend buy the game for me (I was only 14 at the time).

>> No.627681

I agree totally. the pop culture jokes were really played out, even back then, and really came off as groan inducing.

Tooie was a far far better platformer

>> No.627693

>I agree totally. the pop culture jokes were really played out, even back then, and really came off as groan inducing.
Most of them were from movies made long before /v/ was born.

BFD sucks as a platformer, but BFD isn't really a platformer. It's... what it is. A game where you ride a T-rex eating people. A game where you go to a nightclub, get drunk, and piss on patrons.

>> No.630024

I never liked Conker, a disappointment after the years of delays, but I did get a promotional shirt from Rare for it. The image was Conker with his head in a toilet bowl with the caption "Shh.. conker is sleeping." Probably should have held on to that.

I did, however, really enjoy Conker on Gameboy.

>> No.631594

A game thats more like a cinematic experience with good writing, graphics for an N64 game and music?

>> No.631663
File: 43 KB, 640x471, Gex_Enter_the_Gecko_(Nintendo_64)_(NA).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see where you're coming from since I despise pic related for the exact same reason.

>> No.631690

What do the cheats do? As in, how does it make the game easier? I never had any problems with the gameplay or difficulty of it, but are the haters really mad because they found it too hard?

>> No.631704

I'm glad to hear there isn't, all furries should yiff in hell eternally

>> No.634196

>am I cool yet guys?