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6263869 No.6263869 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most shocking plot twist in any /vr/ game?

>> No.6263874
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>> No.6263880
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Villain's a tree

>> No.6263929
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>> No.6263942

I'll tell you what wasnt a shocking plot twist, op being a faggot

>> No.6263952
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cortex being a badguy in crash 2

>> No.6264091

>Calls him an enemy in the intro
Maybe I was a retarded kid but I always assumed he was lying to Crash from the start

>> No.6264101

I don't think you were a retarded kid, but I do think you're retarded now.

>> No.6264123
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How many times I've fucked your dad has hardly anything to do with the subject matter

>> No.6264173
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Pic related's reveal fucked me up as a child. I blame his betrayal for my inability to develop relationships of trust either platonic, romantic or professional, and my ultimate adult life based on constant isolation and mistrust

>> No.6264192

cait sith is shinra should have noticed cait sith is an anagram of shinra

>> No.6264194

Are you feeling okay, Chris?

>> No.6264201
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>cait sith is an anagram of shinra

>> No.6264212

actually it's an anagram of cat shit, which he is as much use as in battle

>> No.6264230

Galuf dying was more shocking.

>> No.6264245

Vincent is by far the worst in battle, terrible stat growth, even lower hp growth than Aeris lmao, useless limit breaks, ranged weapons outclassed by Barret and Yuffie and attack% by Tifa, litterally has no strengths.

>> No.6264268

B-but cool vampire guy!

>> No.6265349
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Everything revolving around this guy.

>> No.6265427


>> No.6265428

First boss after you recruit him is healed by his completely uncontrollable limit break. Just as a little fuck you.

>> No.6265446

There's that one guy here that always brings up deathblow+sniper cr, but even that's not enough to save vincent from being shit.

>> No.6265453

That's Dr. Wily isn't it?

>> No.6265498

No, that's clearly Mr. X, generous benefactor of the world's first Robot Tournament, surely not here to steal the top combatants and attempt to take over the world.

>> No.6265532
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>> No.6265576
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>Get MM6 out of order, so I play it before 4 and 5.
>See Mr. X and just think they gave Dr. Wily one of those extreme makeovers to make him more edgy like everything in the 90s, doesn't even cross my mind they were trying to play it off as a secret.

>> No.6265581

I used Vincent for an easy Emerald Weapon kill, one of his transformations hits everything on the battlefield every turn in his berserk state, so it continually killed the eyes without triggering counters.

>> No.6265792
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>> No.6265795

Ungermax + (Counter=Mime) = The instant Barret gets hit Emerald is going to FEEL THE PAIN

>> No.6265807
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"Oh where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, I am GHALEON."

>> No.6265814

Not so much. It's supposed to be satire about how it's always Wily.

>> No.6265819

Games is piss easy anyways

>> No.6265917

''You're a clone created by the devil who's goal is to take over the world you just resurrected. Oh, and if you kill him you die too lol''

>> No.6266569

I like that the underworld is foreshadowed to be a hell-like place, everyone in the village seems normal at first but either has a mischievous bent or secretly wants to harm each other. The signs are there, it's just the elder waits until the very end of the game to finally execute his plan.

>> No.6267174
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Oersted used to be a good knight, but was screwed over by his jealous best friend into destroying his own kingdom and becomes the demon king having his hatred become the final bosses in the other chapters. He also did nothing wrong.

>> No.6267180
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I found this weirdly satisfying - it was a great way of dramatising just how dangerously unstable Vincent was.

Also have comfy memories of my little brother laughing himself hoarse, watching me trying to take out Vincent, who kept healing Materia Keeper, who kept stabbing my other sane party members.

>> No.6267190
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Is this retro?

>> No.6267230

Terra is half esper

>> No.6267301

I think that was the whole joke.

>> No.6267351
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Bonus points: What are some plot twists that alter the outcome or the player character's perception of the game events that you can miss if you beat the game without investigating further.

I always like these.

>> No.6267595
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>First boss you killed was sent to the past by some dark beasts in the present, which in turn were sent here from the past by that first boss, making a loop that renders him almost immortal.
Dumb and all but it was mindblowing for me when I played Final Fantasy back then.

>> No.6267795


>> No.6267806

fuck Straybow

>> No.6267868

>Garland will never knock you down

>> No.6268207

The real genius behind Oersted isn't so much his story as it is the way it was handled. Instead of the final boss giving you his sob story during some cut scene you actually get to play it out and see it through his eyes, except you don't actually know he's the main bad guy until it's all over. And then on top of all that you even get the option to continue playing as him and take down the heroes of the game if you'd rather fuck the world over instead of saving it.

>> No.6268315
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I was so confused when giant metroid didn't kill me back when i first played this game, i thought i had fucked up and was all "huh?" when it let up and flew away. But when it flew in to protect me from mother brain? THEN... it hit me and i couldn't believe it.

>Followed me like a confused child.
And i was actually angry when Mother Brain killed it. Made blowing the shit out of her with the hyper beam one of the most satisfying things i've ever done in a game

>> No.6268445

Mega Man 5 when you find out Proto Man is innocent and it was really an edgy recolor named Bob.

>> No.6269805 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6269810

Do i need to play this game?

>> No.6269848

FF7 has one if you go to the Shinra mansion again after a certain point on disc 2 and check somewhere. Bit more info on what really happened with Zack and Cloud. Only saw it on the Advent Children bonus features myself after having the game for a good while which led me to replay to find it. It's well hidden for what is quite an important scene, as you have no reason to go back to Nibelheim at that point.

>> No.6270194

Lunar was more about its presentation than its gameplay, but it holds up pretty well. Play the PSX or Saturn version of 1 and the Sega CD version of 2.

>> No.6270198

>as you have no reason to go back to Nibelheim at that point.
Tifa's limit break.

>> No.6270219
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I'm sure it'll be fine.

>> No.6270454

What game is this?

>> No.6270497
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For me it was Coronya is Scheherazade

I should have seen it the whole time since she had a crown on her head but I was totally surprised

>> No.6270498


>> No.6270537

Thanks. That's been on my backlog since forever.

>> No.6271283

I still don't understand it or why it makes him super strong.

>> No.6271297
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For a game so light on story, it’s fucking incredible how much the betrayel seems to affect people.

>> No.6271530
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The Silent Hill games have alternate endings based on certain events you can do in game.

If you complete specific courses of actions in several of the games, you wind up getting kidnapped by aliens who have nothing to do with the plot.


>> No.6271543

that's just a joke ending, in no way "alters the outcome of the player perception peepeepoopoo"

>> No.6271561

t. alien

fuck off back to mars faggot

>> No.6271807

The power from the crystals is being siphoned by the elemental fiends to send to the black crystal in the Shrine of Chaos which is sent back in time 2000 years to Garland.

>> No.6273142
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>> No.6273150

It isn't really a plot twist since he was brainwashed and he wasn't the true final boss

>> No.6273154
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>> No.6273164
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>> No.6273180

My mom and my dad fucked. I could not believe it.

>> No.6273182
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>> No.6273185

>"Snake! Did you like my hamburgers?"

>> No.6274162
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Man, FUCK Sirius.

>> No.6274190

Cloud being a phony was pretty mental. Especially since it gets totally eclipsed by the whole "Aeris dies lol" spoiler so most people don't get spoiled on it.