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6260002 No.6260002 [Reply] [Original]

Were the Goron and Gerudo good additions to Zelda lore?

>> No.6260003
File: 17 KB, 631x346, Nabooru-from-the-Legend-of-Zelda-in-the-Video-Game-Character-DB-on-GA-HQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are hot brown girls a good addition

>> No.6260006


>> No.6260021

Potato good
Thot bad

>> No.6260034

brown girls smell like shit

>> No.6260041

Those aren't girls you aren't thinking of, anon.

>> No.6260080

Hahaha funny brown people jokes so fucking hilarious. Brown women she'll like poo because brown. Idiots.

Yes they're both gone additions to lore. They flesh out the world in cool ways. The Rito are also neat. But that's not retro yet

>> No.6260081

The Gorons are my favorite Zelda race.

>> No.6260480

The updates the Rito got for BotW were fantastic, same for Gerudo and Zora. Gorons pretty much stayed the same, though.

>> No.6261468

Gerudos yes, Gorons, also yes but not as much as Gerudo.

Of course, much like everything in the series, it's not like they've really done anything that interesting with either of them. All the best stuff seems to happen in between games or is only ever implied. Or things just never get addressed at all, like how Zoras are suddenly a peace loving ally to Hylians in the 3D games, and sometimes in the 2D games.

>> No.6261515

>how Zoras are suddenly a peace loving ally to Hylians in the 3D games
That's boring shit only western devs care about. Japanese devs don't give a flying fuck about any level of internal consistency of lore in games. Species in Zelda look and act different in every game, nobody who makes the games concern themselves over it.

But for OP's question, sure.
Gorons are a fine addition, gave the franchise a dwarf-like race to help complete all the Tolkien fantasy type stuff. Gerudo are a great concept, but woefully underutilized. Half ally, half enemy race of amazonian thieves, warriors and merchants. For all of the two games they're in with any prominence.

Best part of both races is that they're concepts are strong enough, they'll be hard to ruin. Gerudo can probably never be bastardized like the Sheikah were in Breath of the Wild by taking away their defining traits and turning them into an carbon-copy of a real life culture. Gorons can never be as boring as Zora have been, due their inherently laid-back and comical, yet hard-working craftsmen concept.

>> No.6261627

What makes this overreaction to the lowest effort shitpost hilarious is the fact that there is a ton of instances were the Gerudo's are used just to shit on the middle east. Like the fact link straight up walks all over the Star and Crescent, which in Islam the shoe is one of the ultimate insults. There's a bunch of other things to but that's the one I remember off the top of my head.

>> No.6263176

No. I always thought and still think they are wildly out of place.

>> No.6263180

>there is a ton of instances were the Gerudo's are used just to shit on the middle east.
Absolutely based.

>> No.6263250

The zora thing is explained, they're different species of zora. The hostile ones are much less human than the peaceful ones in Ocarina, Twilight Princess, BOTW, etc

>> No.6263252

>be blonde haired blue eyed male that saves world
>group of ethnically different peoples and their leader cause you problems
>group lives out in desert
>certain oot carts have soundtrack referring to the god of similar real life peoples put in the game "accidentally"

did zelda redpill anyone else

>> No.6263260

But in the end you end up befriending (and potentially romancing) the female gerudos.
The problem was Ganondorf.

>> No.6263305

I call bullshit on that though since they never acknowledge it outside of the Oracles games ( which were Capcom developed mind you ) and the Zoras in ALBW are a mix of friendly and hostile while only having one design.

>> No.6263309

You colonize them but still get with the white girl in the end

>> No.6263326

The Zora have been pretty morally grey ever since the games started having dialog. In LttP, King Zora doesn't have any problem with talking to Link and Link's Awakening has a friendly Zora hanging out in Animal Village. And Majora's Mask made it clear they can be pretty damn racist even when they're a friendly species.

>> No.6263330

It makes sense that they would mostly tolerate humans when it benefits them

>> No.6263349
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Without the Gerudo tribe, we wouldn't have best girl.

>> No.6263353

>villain is brown and without whites to stop him, the world is destroyed and in absolute chaos
>bad race clearly lives in the middle east
>white man and woman save the world and get together
>fire temple with some "accidental" muslim chants
I think Nintendo knew exactly what they were doing, and the most based part is that it was subtle enough to go over people's head for this long.

>> No.6263373

I was just memeing but I'm glad someone else gets it

>> No.6263374

Their skin is the color of shit, hence the smell.
This considering their prophet was a pedo.

>> No.6263379
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There's a few of these floating around. It's interesting how people can find random shit like this and make it into something it's not.

>> No.6263387

Yeah, say what you will about the Islamic chanting being incidental by virtue of the CD sound library Koji Kondo used, but that Turkish emblem is pretty distinct and was obviously put in there by somebody.

>> No.6265130

How is this /vr/ related?

>> No.6265151

They were both introduced in a game down the line in the series, but still during a /vr/ date? Based autistic watchman of timeframes.

>> No.6265280
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>> No.6265302

Everyone is racist in majora's mask.
Part of the mask transformation gimmick is actually dependent on racism.

>> No.6265310

Specieism you ding dong

>> No.6265313

Ok, mr semantics

>> No.6265335

As a kid, I would play the game, and I would go into a business and they'd say something like, " we don't sell to deku scrubs" or whatever and it redpilled me on how I may be discriminated in the future

>> No.6265365


They are referred to as the races of Hyrule/Termina

>> No.6265375

I will never understand how anyone can look at this art style and think "that's hot."

>> No.6265397
File: 4 KB, 160x128, Biggoron_OoS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've really enjoyed how the Gorons have been assimilated into the series appearing in many stylistic depictions similar to Zoras since OoT. On their own Gerudos are less special to me but they serve to give a background identity to Ganon which is pretty important, and at that I'm very glad they took a middle-eastern angle. It fits well.

>> No.6265412

reddit got mad at me recently when I made a thread asking if Hyrule is a European landscape and Hylians are caucasian. I deleted the thread before it took off because they are not worthy.

>> No.6265417

>link has a crusader shield
>carries the bible
>defends himself by wearing a magic white robe
>dungeon in the shape of a winter-invasion-windmill
and this is all in one game

>> No.6265418

Yes because Goron roll around. And thats pretty cool

>> No.6265419

spotted the ledditor

>> No.6265424

Please, I poke in there to look for a few seconds on truezelda. It's pure garbage

>> No.6265613

>Posts a goblino
what the fuck

>> No.6265616

gorons are the most based fucking race in the world
imagine just chilling in a lava bath and eating rocks all day with your bros before rolling down to the mines and mining some more rocks to chow down on
shit would be the life

>> No.6265756

>the middle east. Like the fact link straight up walks all over the Star and Crescent, which in Islam the shoe is one of the ultimate insults
There is so much wrong with this sentence I don't even know where to begin.

The star and crescent isn't the symbol of Islam, it's a bit of Turkish heraldry. And Turks are not middle eastern, Turkey is a European country. Do you watch Fox news lol?

>> No.6265765

And thank god they fixed Zoras too

>> No.6266732
File: 6 KB, 225x225, hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turkey is a European country

>> No.6266738

Eyes are sexy, lips are fleshy, the nose is very big but that's a feature that makes her exotic and hot.
That long ginger hair and the tone of her skin making a contrast.
It's hot man, I dunno. Of course it's a fantasy character in a video game so she isn't 1:1 like a human being, but that's also part of the appeal and the fantasy.

>> No.6266751

Like True Lies, it was pre-9/11, and seems truly redpilled in retrospect.

>> No.6266758

Because Turkey is the only Muslim country that has the crescent and star on its flag. And the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross isn't called the Red Crescent.

>> No.6267095
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Why are Gorons allowed in Gerudo Town?
Why does Darunia hate the Gerudo?

>> No.6267098

Gorons are technically genderless.

>> No.6267219 [DELETED] 

I mean its pretty fucking obvious hyrule is medieval europe and the gerudo are middle eastern but it's all fantasy and this goes too autistic

>> No.6267226

You know most of these are pretty convincing but like the last quote implies it's not because they are actual Nazis its just historical. Rememeber the bloody history of gyrule? The creators kind of look down on insane shit likenholocausts lol.

It's common for people in Japan to like cool nazi tanks and shit.

>> No.6267228

Ever heard of the Ottoman Empire, ignoramus?

>> No.6267252
File: 36 KB, 166x166, Deku Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when the Goron dance to funny music

>> No.6267257

Nope, it was a huge style shift to everything being overly cutesy and goofy.

>> No.6267330

Still doesn't deny the fact they're throwing shade at Muslims even though it's most likely unintentional. Even if it's not primarily middle eastern it's heavily embraced by a lot of Muslims.
>Do you watch Fox news lol?
I said something you don't like so you assume I'm with a group you don't like? I don't get why this herd mentality is so popular.

Yeah I don't buy into it. I just think it's funny how people find ways to make all these connections.

>> No.6267348


>> No.6267354


>> No.6267434

Play oracle of ages and say that sentence

>> No.6267553

>no imagination.
how sad.

>> No.6267560
File: 133 KB, 712x800, f3076d98a24dc5ce6264783d43eee1d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong, Gorons are all strong males with big dicks.

>> No.6267728

>Turks are not middle eastern, Turkey is a European country