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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6259763 No.6259763 [Reply] [Original]

is there any way to play blood or duke nukem without losing your weapons when you die?
I hate having to save at the beginning of each level, and load every time i die.
I'd rather just play the damn game and keep my weapons when i have to restart a level.
Zandronum fixes this pretty well for DOOM. You die, and you restart with the same weapons you saved up in previous levels.

>> No.6259768
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>there should be zero penalty for death

>> No.6259772

uhm, the game has a save/load function. I only save at the beginnings of levels
at least im not savescumming entire levels, only making a checkpoint for each level completed. If the devs didn't want people to save their games, they wouldn't have coded in a save/load feature, brainlet.
Getting stuck with no ammo in doom makes the game unenjoyable too.

>> No.6259797

Not sure if it's an option in certain ports or not, so saving at the start of each level probably is your best bet. Pistol/Fork starting is how some people prefer to play the games though, extra challenge, plus most maps are typically designed to be playable from a fresh start.

>> No.6259801

>If the devs didn't want people to save their games, they wouldn't have coded in a save/load feature, brainlet.
By that logic, they also included cheat codes so there's no reason not to just spam god mode and all guns codes whenever you like, right?

That's not how these games work. You know when you're cheating.
Which is what you're doing by using the save feature at all. That's only supposed to be for resuming your game after you have to sleep or go to work, and so are forced to cheat.
Think about it, how could your character put themself in stasis or go back in time or resurrect after dying? That's ludicrous.

Blood is meant to be played end-to-end in one sitting, and if you die you should restart on level 1.

>> No.6259813

I'm quite positive most ports autosave at the start of each level, I don't understand the issue here apart from OP being completely retarded to set up autosaves or hitting F6 or whatever the function key for quicksave may be.

>> No.6259851

i literally don't care mate, fuck off already. I don't have enough patience and I'm not a hardcore tryhard either.
You can do that, but when I sit down to play a game I want to enjoy myself.
Running around with a pistol at the beginning makes gameplay a drag.
Cheats are hidden bro. Load and Save are on the main menu and in the pause menu.
I don't like cheating in games, but I also don't like shitty time-wasters.
Like, in GTA games - dying and losing your weapons just means you have to race around to the ammunation store and buy your guns again, it wastes a whole bunch of time - and makes the overall experience of the game infruriating. The point of a game is to have fun. Its an entertainment medium.
And losing weapons every time makes the game not fun for me. That is the main point. If a game is unenjoyable I won't play it. So these are the only conditions I will play these old FPS under.

Who are you trying to impress anyway?

Also, by your logic - should everybody be watching the voiceover retardedly paced original cut of blade runner then?

>> No.6259852

You have aspergers.

>> No.6259853

they do quicksave at the beginning of levels?
what about blood fresh supply? (works/looks/sounds better on my machine than nblood)

>> No.6259865

project harder. you're the one who is unable to accept that not everybody plays games exactly the way you do.
I accept you play games like that, I don't care. You're the weird one here, you're a walking talking vibe killer.

>> No.6259870

...You actually think I play Blood and reset when I die?

Of course I don't play Blood; it's an overrated trash game for dweebs. You're pretty embarrassing all-round.

>> No.6259875
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>> No.6259886
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>Zandronum fixes this pretty well for DOOM. You die, and you restart with the same weapons you saved up in previous levels.
That's called autosave. The game is automatically saving your game at the start of each level.
>I hate having to save at the beginning of each level, and load every time i die.
That's exactly what the game is doing for you with the autosave feature. Not all source ports have autosave. Why? Because video games didn't used to have autosave. Those old video games like Duke Nukem/Doom/Blood/etc. did not have autosave. You need to quit being a baby and learn how to save your game at the start of each level like a normal person.

>> No.6259890

>i literally don't care mate, fuck off already. I don't have enough patience and I'm not a hardcore tryhard either.
You're legitimately mad and can't detect sarcasm.
I actually genuinely think it's likely you have some sort of developmental disability. Just out of curiosity, can you confirm that?

>> No.6259894

i dont take this place seriously, except I do. Its the last thing I can truly enjoy or immerse myself in because theres no good games any more
also, when youre under the influence of any given substance, you can't be fucked screwing around with a game - and I unironically thought you were an autistic purist because I see so many people like this over on /g/, bitching about software not being completely free/opensource - or criticizing someone for using 1 or 2 commercial proprietary programs on their PC.
You initially appeared to me as the average retarded purist OCD type that I see every fucking where on this site.
Also, I'm not exactly sober right now - I can't even remember half the shit you or I said a minute ago.

>> No.6259901

you do this to yourself

>> No.6260013

Just fucking save whenever you want to. Fucking quicksave every ten seconds if you feel the need. Who cares. I can't imagine restarting the whole level cause the zombie at the exit killed you is fun to anyone.

>> No.6260028

>look at me being an insufferable little bitch with no point
Do you need (you)s that badly, is that really how you have fun, spending afternoons acting like a retard ?

>> No.6260037

I'm ok with that.
Levels in these games are short, and I like the challenge of trying to get through one without dying
I just don't like being set back heaps because I died, and i hate the unnecessary inconvinience of having to save to keep weapons.
2 lines of code are needed to make this work. I don't want to have to make my own fork of these engines, so I was wondering if a mod had fixed the problem already.
theres so much fishing lately on 4chan
like an absurd level.
people on /x/ just spam take your meds schizo to get people to respond, i bet you they're even writing bots to farm replies
>zoomer this
>boomer that
>coomer this
>goober that
redditors have ruined this website beyond any form of redemption

>> No.6260038

You know you can quicksave and quickload right?

>> No.6260046

I believe this is what save scumming is for or just git gud.

>> No.6260061

we've gone over this 4 times already, and I mentioned it in the OP
what do you think i already do?
I'm trying to find a way to do this automatically, because I'm sick of taking my hands off the controls every level load (to press F6 or some shit), to the point I once bind the letter F in blood to save. Also I'm sick of dooming myself on a tricky level that needs lots of ammo to complete because I forgot to quicksave before playing the level.
In zandronum, this is a welcome QoL improvement because people do this anyway, it just saves time and stops you from fucking your save or having to replay a previous level to get your ammo back.
>I believe this is what save scumming is for
Save scumming is saving before you put yourself in danger, i.e. before every difficult firefight. Retaining your level-start inventory after death isn't as bad as save scumming, you still have to be good at the game to get through.
If I lose my weapons because i fucked up my saves, I would rather start the entire episode again than struggle through with the pistol and standard shotgun.
I don't get what the big issue is.
Im pretty sure everybody saves upon finishing a level, in almost every game.
Also, saving the game pauses gameplay and is a bit of an immersion breaker.
What I am looking for isn't unreasonable, and if I can't find it I'm just gonna fork the engines and not update them. But I'd like to find a mod that lets you do this without having to write code every time the engines get an update, letalone bother recompiling the engine in the first time.
It's like that Doom WAD that combines all doom episodes from Doom1, Doom2 and Final Doom. purely for convinience and QoL improvement.


What everyone here is basically saying is "play it the way it was coded"
but if that were true, you wouldn't be playing doom at 60FPS, since it was originally coded by carmack to be 35FPS. It makes no sense to not improve games, thats what sourceports exist for.

>> No.6260128

you are playing the game wrong. you are meant to pistol start ever level.

>> No.6260139

>But I'd like to find a mod that lets you do this without having to write code every time the engines get an update

oh yea! would be pretty hard keeping up with all the BUILD engine updates constanty being pumped out.

>> No.6260154

Pretty sure it does. Pirate it and find out.

>> No.6260173

learn to pistol start lol

>> No.6260186

nblood (the windows port of Blood) gets updated CONSTANTLY, because it's still got bugs and audio problems

>> No.6260203

I just installed it
it doesnt :(

>> No.6260221
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>> No.6260227

i dont like remembering :)
this is such a bitter board

>> No.6260249

I get what you are saying op. It would be nice if the game had a autosave option.
But it doesn't.

How many games have you beaten with no mid level saves btw? And on what difficulty?

>> No.6260268
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>I can't remember to save my game
I bet you can't remember how to tie your shoes, also.

>> No.6260271

>How many games have you beaten with no mid level saves btw?
I can't think of any games I've used mid level saves in. I think when I was a kid I used savestates to play super mario world, but most games ive played I just use the developer's checkpoints.
I'm only a casual player, but I like my games running at good framerates and looking vanilla / emulated accurately.
Half-Life is my favourite game and I never had issue with any of the half life games giving me bad save games and if they did the last one wasn't too long ago.

My biggest achievement would be finishing contra without the konami code. but that took me months. It was a fun exercise in discipline and muscle memory.

I alternate between normal and "intended difficulty" in most games. I'm too good for normal but not good enough for hard difficulty. So i don't finish games because its either me cruising through or getting my ass handed to me.
thanks for reading my blog, lmao fuck

>> No.6260307

>first time playing smw was emulated.

Zoomer detected : disregard thread.

>> No.6260320
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Not him but those shoes are comfy
laces suck with arthritis

>> No.6260335
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>that cankle
>foot so fat the shoe doesn't even completely cover up the arch
>potential diabetic socks
Nigga, you ain't got arthritis. You got fucking fatitis.

>> No.6260632

>brooooo like i'm so fucked up on drugs LMFAO being a degenerate is so kewl!!
You need Jesus, anon.

>> No.6260697

Blood question. I am playing it on GDX and whenever I use the map it makes it incredibly obvious where secrets are because the white outline will be missing. Is this correct behaviour or a quirk of GDX?

>> No.6260885

>is that really how you have fun
I made a joke. Yeah, that's how I have fun.
It was a pretty obvious joke but OP was drunk and took it seriously, so I teased him a little.

Then he chilled out so I left him alone because that was a cool move and should be appreciated.

He was drunk, fair enough. On the other hand, you're just a fag.

You need drugs.

>> No.6261040

I meant build Engin games. Like blood, shadow warrior and Duke. How many have you heated with this no mid-level saves tactic. And on what difficulty. Because it's not the easiest of feats.

>> No.6261056

Anyone with a brain could probably beat the game on Lightly Broiled doing that "tactic". I'd say most boomer shooter fans here have done it on Well Done before.

>> No.6261064

Yeah I think you're barking up the wrong tree, anon. Deliberate pistol starts were a meme from Doom onwards. Part of the reason later games strip your inventory was probably *because* of people digging that optional challenge.
I was never into it much but if you're asking the question the answer is going to be a lot of us

>> No.6261296

i was asking this guy specifically.
going though these games for the first time with no mid-level saves seems like it would be maddening.

>> No.6261319

Why? The levels aren't especially long and they aren't especially difficult games on normal difficulty with one or two... exceptions. Although yeah if we're talking Build engine those exceptions are 2/3 of the big three, granted.

More generally speaking I think it was typical to try to avoid mid-level saves until you got frustrated. Obviously it's pretty retarded to try to extrapolate gaming culture to apply to everyone before the internet was widespread... but I don't think it was uncommon.
As far as players' ethic goes it was still kind of a transitional period where FPS games were shedding arcade features but a lot of other genres retained them. There were Build engine games that still had a lives counter--something which doesn't exactly make sense with saves.

You gotta remember that it wasn't like today where you might have multiple decent shooters released each week. It was okay, even preferable, to take your time with a game that would entertain you for maybe months.

>> No.6261775
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>chaingunners and archvilles in doom2
>All the hitscanners in blood.
>The coolies in SW
>The battleloards and drones in duke
>the titty-gunners in RR
i suppose this is all more reasonable on normal

>> No.6262025

>it was a joke
Incredibly funny
You were just pretending to br a useless retard
Absolutely fucking hilarious
Kill yourself please

>> No.6262069

>You were just pretending to br a useless retard
Who are you even talking to?
A "useless retard"? Being able to one-credit Blood? Uncross your eyes if you can, you keyboard-pounding chimp

>> No.6262087

if you're not trolling this is pretty sad but also funny because you sound as miserable as you deserve to be lol

>> No.6262105

You have no point and do nothing but behave like an insufferable moron
Useless retard is perfectly accurate
Shut the fuck up already

>> No.6262118

>Shut the fuck up already
Dang, not only are you resurrecting a dead thread just to ignorantly flame people, but now you're a little bitch who regrets doing so and you're immediately begging him not to reply to you.

If you don't want to be in an inane conversation, maybe don't post. Ever.

>> No.6262203

People actually use the feature of loading an autosave? I always turn them off if I can, since they clutter up my actual saves and tend to be less reliable since I rather a more permanent save instead of one that will be written over on every replay. How else are you supposed to make a level select so that you can play whatever level you feel like in games without a console to swap between levels?

I feel confident enough in FPS games that I can usually play on the highest difficulty with no mid-level saves as a general rule, though I can't remember the last time I touched a Build engine game.

Having messed with pistol starting, I will say it all depends on the particular level. Some levels will become quite brutal if you start with just the default weaponry. Others actually end up easier, since there is no consequences to wasting ammo. I tend to get very conservative of ammo normally, meaning I spend a bunch of time killing opponents with the weakest weapons "just in case". This means pistol starts end up allowing me to kill things faster, since I am not so afraid of wasting ammo. Of course, if it is a level with no other guns beyond the default (Quake tends to thin out on weapons at the end of each episode, for example), it definitely can get more rough and thus more fun.

FPS games are the only ones I have any real confidence in being able to play. Note if you got me in Deathmatch, I would fail horribly. My gaming mentality is often slow-paced, I enjoy immersion and exploration, as opposed to rushing through places. RTS tends to require constant action and micromanagement, I still have yet to beat the 5th Egypt demo level for AOE and barely survived the 4th. RPGs tend to be me picking the wrong stats, like putting too much stock in strength and thus ending up decimated by magical opponents. Usually, in these cases, I either continue if I find the game enjoyable or stop if the game was just enduring challenge in something I didn't like anyway.

>> No.6262480

>more retarded shit
>dead thread on fucking /vr/
Why dont you go use your abilities on a more fast paced board where your stupidity would be more successful?

>> No.6263323

>I only save at the beginnings of levels
What's the problem than m8? Just hit F6 when you start a level and F9 when you die. Two buttons to do the exact same thing.

>> No.6263327

Why are you showing off your special snowflake keybinds, everybody knows it's F6 and always has been.

>> No.6263341

>>dead thread on fucking /vr/
Yeah, we have those *because* it's a slow board you fucking clown. There's no such thing as dead threads on fast boards.
In this case the entire thread is nothing but spergy flaming which was as cold and dead as it was boring in the first place, before you decided it was worth pouring more retard onto

It'd be something if you were at least entertaining but all you did was take a pointless non sequitur pot shot at a slapfight that was already over.

>> No.6263342

After fully embracing WASD, I switched it to F2. Just easier that way.

>> No.6265167

dnstuff dncornolio

>> No.6265240

>is there any way to play blood or duke nukem without losing your weapons when you die?
It's called Save-Load and "don't die".

>> No.6265245
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>> No.6265249

I'm just going to say it: Autism. There.

>> No.6265254

You should just get the hat.