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File: 121 KB, 1280x720, Doom64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6258524 No.6258524 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Doom 64 so underrated? It's literally the REAL Doom 3.

>> No.6258539

Took the words out of my mouth. The true sequel to DOOM 2.

>> No.6258551

Because with the cartridge limitations, people expectations were low. Caught eem by surprise and it exceeded to where in 2020 it's now being remastered for current generation consoles

>> No.6258562

>it's now being remastered
It's just Doom 64 EX ported as Nightdive have confirmed in interviews.

>> No.6258579

it seems like everybody says that these days

>> No.6258594

It has bug fixes, some other small engine updates and additional campaign.

>> No.6258595

Some fixed bugs and an unofficial map pack = a remaster, apparently

>> No.6258604

Do you want some 3d models, cutscenes and glory kills to it? Releasing updated Doom 64 EX with small fixes to perfect it and to add few maps, is pretty much perfect way to remaster it. Hell, I don't want anything more.

>> No.6258612

>literally every single normie and their dog have been drooling over D64 for the last 10 years

>> No.6258616

You have weird definition for normie. Most "normies" wouldn't play old (pre 2000s) Doom games at all.

>> No.6258723

what i mean is anybody who has played a doom game is, at least, well aware of doom 64 (that is i've never ever seen anyone going "woah, what the fuck is this?" when they saw a D64 screenshot in a Doom discussion post), if not outright played till completion thanks to windows port.
>wouldn't play old (pre 2000s) Doom games at all.
not entirely true, especially since how many times were original doom games quoted in RAGE/DOOM2016 (also re-released for general audience on last gen consoles in a Doom 3 BFG package)

>> No.6258741

If you guys want more D64 while you wait for the new episode, there was a cool megawad called Community Chest 64 released last year. It works with the D64 EX port.

>> No.6258747

Why can Doomfags not stick their containment thread?

>> No.6258760

Most of them do. But usually when OPs are asked they get all shitty about it. Not all doomfags are real fags

>> No.6258806

because it's difficult to enjoy on actual hardware, too dark poor framerate
it is a great game though

>> No.6258830

because console exclusive

>> No.6258831

>poor framerate
It's literally the only classic Doom game that runs at a flawless 30fps. Everything else is 35fps with or without dipping.

>> No.6258835

It's gone through the same cycle that Majora's Mask did where it started out underrated and ended up overrated because of its status as a hidden gem.

>> No.6258836

Because it released in 1997 and looked dated as fuck next the litany of full 3D games that had been released in the last 3 years. Quake 2 was mere months away. Unreal and Half-Life were only a year away.

With a lineup like that on the horizon, Doom 64 just looked like a way-late port of a 4 year old game.

>> No.6258853

>no archie, spider, chaingunner or revenant
>Ms. Bug Boss and drugged out imps as additions
>the new gun is kinda lame unless fully powered

>> No.6258873

people at that point were fucking sick of DOOM ports

>> No.6258874

If Doom64 is so good, name 5 of its maps from memory without looking them up

>> No.6258883

>>no archie, spider, chaingunner or revenant
sounds good to me

>> No.6258909

Yea sure it's a sequel to Doom 2 in the same way Doom 2 is a sequel to Doom. So not at all.

>> No.6258921

Altar of Pain, The Void, Hardcore, Hectic, The Absolution

yeah NORMIES were

>> No.6258973

It's real Doom 2.

>> No.6258976


>> No.6259007

IIRC GoldenEye and Turok were also already out, or near release. so even for the console it was outdated.
of course thats in the past now, at the end of the day what matters is that its fun to play.

>> No.6259024

god, I remember around 2010 when everyone would just talk about how DARK and MATURE the story was
Likely the same people that thought The Dark Knight so great for being dark and broody.

>> No.6259056

The lack of multiplayer is the only major flaw.

>> No.6259059

>Most "normies" wouldn't play old (pre 2000s) Doom games at all.
While Doom's popularity in the 90s has been greatly exaggerated this is just a silly thing to say.
Doom was THE normie computer game until maybe Diablo came out and became the most normie pc gamer game to play.

>> No.6259070

Imagine being this fucking braindead.

>> No.6259159
File: 143 KB, 640x1023, 3054_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 Doom was so good it inspired the atmosphere and sound design of this game. They even have the same composer.

>> No.6259176

Staging area, the terraformer, alpha quadrant, final outpost, even simpler, breakdown, the spiral, the absolution, outpost omega, into the void, hectic. Burnt offerings, eye of the storm

All I can remember off the top of my head

>> No.6259242

I want console limitations completely removed and fucking animations and non-shit sound.

>> No.6259246

I had that, it had great sound.

>> No.6259247
File: 55 KB, 512x512, Archie-Photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no archie, spider, chaingunner or revenant
Which archie? This one?

>> No.6259249

E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E1M4, E1M5

>> No.6259594
File: 41 KB, 500x375, Bart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying that it turned the game into a more atmospheric/creepy experience and less of a "Doom" (i.e. slaughtering demonic pigs en masse to metal). The "thing" it created is excellent but I'm just saying it's distinct derivative of the base experience.
Yes, anon. That Archie. You sure razzed me.

>> No.6259663

D3 > 64 > 1 > 2016 > RPG > 2

>> No.6259681

EX is dogshit to control. stiff movement makes the experience worse

>> No.6259696

I love how the PS1 port feels so different than the original, just because of this music. The original soundtrack is upbeat, kinda corny MIDI metal, but then the PS1 comes out of fuckin nowhere with this brooding, atmospheric, creepy soundtrack that changes the tone of the game completely.

I grew up on the PS1 port, so whenever I think of Doom, that's what I see and hear in my head.

>> No.6259714

I'm hoping they improve that for more fluid experience.

>> No.6259729

Because it is a fps game on console. Now please go back to your containment thread.

>> No.6259780

then go play quake 1 you absolute fucking brainless retard

>> No.6259786

There is no reason to limit the "port" due to the shittiness of the N64.

>> No.6259795

They are removing console limitations and fixing bugs that appeared on console version. Lost soul console limit will be removed for an example.

There's no reason to change the sprites or sound effects though. Never has same been done to pc Dooms either. If you want changed animations, you can always play Brutal Doom 64. Hell no, I wouldn't want that myself. I'm waiting Doom 64 EX enchanced experience.

>> No.6259806

It's not. It's shit. You're just parroting /vr/oom babby memethink like usual.

>Because with the cartridge limitations, people expectations were low
No, you revisionist dickhead that has no idea what he's talking about. People didn't care because it was just more 2.5D shit and 3D was becoming the new standard. We had had our fill of 2.5D FPS games by then and nobody was all that excited for yet another 2.5D Doom game.

Doom 64 was never good and still isn't to this day. Stupidly slow, unsatisfying weapons, of course /vr/ would jerk off over it like it jerks off over the original boring ass Doom.

>> No.6259808

The SSG sprite need sto be altered.

>> No.6259836

>Why is Doom 64 so underrated
said nobody ever

>> No.6259850

>People didn't care because it was just more 2.5D shit and 3D was becoming the new standard. We had had our fill of 2.5D FPS games by then and nobody was all that excited for yet another 2.5D Doom game.
That's true, but speaking for myself my care level was additionally so low that I only learned it was a distinct game (not just a 1/2 port) a few years ago despite being a doom fan (and n64 preorderer).

Anyway I just played EX for the first time for like 5 minutes and it seems fun. Kind of a dull first level but at least it's balls out right from the start.

>> No.6259861

>implying the N64 is a necessarily shit console apart from controller and cartridge size
>implying the N64 wasn't more than enough power to run a 2.5D shooter
>implying Doom 64 EX doesn't remove console limitations by allowing 4K/60FPS
>implying the audio can't be equalized or downsampled in audacity to sound better
>implying id software still has the original audio source for a game they outsourced to another company
>implying Doom 64 is even worth caring about and worth the financial investment to remaster
>expecting a suck-me-off port of Doom 64 when bethesda couldnt even release somewhat playable ports of Doom 1&2 for the current gen consoles

>> No.6259871

>Why is Doom 64 so underrated? It's literally the REAL Doom 3.
It used to be locked to a console that no one wanted to play it on. Plain and simple.

>> No.6259879
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its on PC

>> No.6259880

Yeah and now it's old. How often do you see people bothering with things that aren't the flavor of the month? He asked why it's underrated, it's because when it was NEW it was on a shit console.

>> No.6259891

Doom 64 EX was new at a time. That should have been enough to reincite interest in the game because its the first time is playable now and theres doom2016
>it was on a shit console.
>shit console
>having an opinion
honestly I've never played doom 64 on the N64 itself but I'll tell you what thats a fuckin

>> No.6259892

LOL. No. For people to really grab onto to stuff like that requires an add campaign because there is A LOT of stuff to watch, play, do. I ain't saying I like it, but that's how it is. Unless something is particularly special and Doom 64 ain't it.

>> No.6259896
File: 180 KB, 404x416, huey_released_these_fat_nuts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but doom 64 is special

>> No.6259897

were using that like were saying doom 64 is "special" right?

>> No.6259902

Not him, but back then, all the kids I knew disliked the N64. The controller was too awkward compared to everything else and the games felt too childish.
The only ones who liked it were the ones who had it as their first console.

>> No.6259905

shut up

>> No.6259926

The N64 was a great console but he's right, nobody wanted to play Doom on it.
For a whole bunch of reasons, probably. Probably largely that it was the generation of full 3D and it seemed like a pointless step backwards, but it'd not like we're gonna give it a real objective analysis in this thread.

Well, I had the opposite experience. Your crusty anecdotal console wars shit is retarded.

>> No.6259934

Controls were shit, plus the game was too fucking dark on the N64.

>> No.6259937

I played it more than Goldeneye or Turok back in the day desu, and it has


a lot better, no frame drops, fog, etc

>> No.6259938

>game was too fucking dark
not enough HDR, zoomer?

>> No.6259945

needed bloom at the very least

>> No.6259950

Because the 64 was marketed towards kiddies.

>> No.6259961

No it was not, zoomer.
It had plenty of darker games in the marketing. Turok and Shadows were launch titles in Europe and Killer Instinct Gold was pushed heavily early, just off the top of my head. I won't mention the obvious stuff.
Goldeneye was kind of a big deal too, which is more to the point. That was something revolutionary while Doom 64 was just more Doom. Everybody had played the shit out of Doom already and were sick of the endless fucking level packs.
Today we can say it stood the test of time, but in like 1997 it was the definition of last-gen.

>> No.6260004

>Stupidly slow

>> No.6260045

I just downloaded Doom 64. Any mods you recommend? I'm a fan of Per Kristian's smooth weapon animations and hi-res sound mods for Doom

>> No.6260058

>No it was not, zoomer.
Not him, but at least here it was as he said. Not any young adult guy would have bought n64 for himself, but psx instead. 64s were usually found in the families. Surely n64 did have mature rated games, but psx had multiple times more.

>> No.6260059

>yeah NORMIES were
fucker, everytime until doom64 was just a port of doom and doom2, people were bored to tears, that's why no one give a shit about D64 (some people never knew it was a fully new game)

>> No.6260083

I don't know where you lived (probably nowhere, you're a zoomer shit that wasn't even born), but back then, the only complaint about the N64 was the lack of games.

>> No.6260115

Because Quake was on N64 too

>> No.6260120

>Why is Doom 64 so underrated?
Well look at the thread and the absolutely violent reaction people are having towards anything N64 and you'll see why it was so underrated lol.

>> No.6260157

>Yeah and now it's old. How often do you see people bothering with things that aren't the flavor of the month?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.6260162

It didn't have enough power to run Doom. Try actually playing Doom 64 on the console and you'll see the bullshit they had to pull to save space.

>> No.6260169

Just started playing this week, I have to say it is interesting. In terms of enemies and weapons, it makes 1 & 2 obsolete, it even adds new stuff. The visuals and sounds are also much better. The only downside is that the maps are filled with backtracking and pointless "puzzles" where you have to press 4-5 buttons to just raise a platform or something. I would agree that it feels like Doom 3 was made in the vein of this game, rather than 1 & 2. But 3 should have taken note of the intensity of encounters, instead of being the slow boring crawl it turned out to be.

>> No.6260172

get out

>> No.6260175

>Because the 64 was marketed towards kiddies.
That is incorrect. Turok, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mace: The Dark Ages, War Gods, Doom 64, Goldeneye, and Hexen all say otherwise.

>> No.6260179

You're a zoomer and an idiot.

>> No.6260187

>Doomtards are so utterly and pathetically blind to aesthetics that they never see how the sprites for the Pain Elemental and Caco were switched in DOOM64

Literally every single time I bring it up: "NUH UH U FGT, DURR DURR DURR" Let's go over it then:

Caco from DOOM1/2:
>green eye
>red flesh
>multiple spines on back

Pain from DOOM1/2:
>yellow eye
>two horns

Pain from DOOM64:
>green eye
>red flesh
>multiple spines on back

Caco from DOOM64:
>yellow eye
>two horns

You losers still won't see it because you're a bunch of inbred fucking wastes who couldn't tell a triangle from a -circle.

>> No.6260192

Pain Elementals, and Lost Souls in general are such a fucking pain in the ass in 64. I swear they're the deadliest incarnations of them in the entire series.

>> No.6260245

>getting triggered
you first, sweaty

>> No.6260313

It's ok.

It's having some new content.

Why do you gobble my sack?

>> No.6260317

People thought it was just a port when it had all new levels and all new graphics. It could have been marketed better.

>greatly exaggerated

>> No.6260325

Don't be a scrub.

>Stupidly slow
Then it should be right up your alley.

>> No.6260329

Of all the N64's decisions, I'll defend its controller forever.

>> No.6260341

Look at this zoomie making up bullshit.

This. The one complaint about the controller was the analog stick rawing your thumb, and having low durability, but otherwise nobody complained about "muh three handles" because people weren't fucking retarded.

>> No.6260345

That's always been my opinion.

>> No.6260789

In my opinion the Doom 64 is not as good as people say. I think that most levels are not well balanced (relation between resources and types of monsters), the graphics are ugly, the sounds are bad, many gimmicks and traps in the levels, slow pace, absence of important monsters, etc.

>> No.6260801


>> No.6260810

>of course /vr/ would jerk off over it like it jerks off over the original boring ass Doom.
Why do autistic people find it so difficult to understand that their personal taste is not a universal truth?

>> No.6260815

The man can't hold a job and he's marrying his left hand, what do you expect from him?

>> No.6260841

The ps4 and switch doom ports have been heavily patched to the point where they are the best ports on console that I have ever seen.

>> No.6260842

You are full of shit. The problem with n64 at the time was primarly lack of game and shittier muliplats.

>> No.6260847

Came to this thread to ask if it had multiplayer
Original xbox doom 3 hell edition has 4 player classic doom built in

>> No.6260854

Very good game but stuck in a child console. That's why it didn't get the attention it deserve.
Even PSX Doom sold more, and that wasn't even a good reskin.

>> No.6260862

The Midway guys were working on a multiplayer version, but it was nixed fairly soon, as the sales of Doom 64 were modest, and the suits thought a later release of Doom 64 would look ridiculously dated next to Goldeneye 64, and be hard to sell.

They were probably right about that. Doom's gameplay works great for multiplayer deathmatch, but Doom 64 should have plain shipped with multiplayer attached, just like Goldeneye 64, even if it'd require a bigger cartridge (by which point you could maybe try to squeeze in some of the missing
monsters for better singleplayer).

>> No.6260867

PSX Doom is decent for what it is, packaging most of Doom and Doom 2 together, which previous ports hadn't done. It's not perfect, but it beats the hell out of a lot of the previous ports.

>> No.6260906

Yeah and the psx also had plenty of cutesie kid games too.
Both of them were trying to cover as much of the market as they could. Both of them had "hardcore" shit with double-page magazine ads with the font written in dripping blood, and both of them had gross-out tween shit, and both of them had thinly-veiled sexual innuendo, because it was the 90s.
Nintendo's kid stuff was more memorable maybe, because Nintendo is legitimately good at that shit. PSX had "more" stuff in general because it was less curated, including extremely homosexual gay pink otaku things.

I don't doubt in any given posters' circle of friends or whatever there were specific perceptions of one sort or the other, but that's console wars debris and you should purge it from your tiny brains.

>> No.6260931

even without any keys the thing is a lifesaver, my complaint is that it uses energy ammo so the game barely gives you any the entire game so it wont trivialize everything

>> No.6260932

>"hardcore" shit with double-page magazine ads with the font written in dripping blood
Name 3 N64 game that had this.
>extremely homosexual gay pink otaku things
name 3 PS1 game that had this.

>> No.6260936
File: 26 KB, 320x240, 31-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitscan enemies were always a mistake.
Imagine living in the timeline where the industry realised this perfect truth back in 1992.

We can't go back. But what if you could find brand new worlds right here on Earth? Where anything is possible. Same planet, different dimension. I've found the gateway.

>> No.6260938

Why don't you do your own logical journey, zoombini

>> No.6260979

It is ironic how today it is almost impossible to play Goldeneye, but even the vanilla version of Doom is still super fun.

>> No.6261014

I don't actually agree. About Goldeneye I mean, I think it works pretty alright as a shooter, in spite of quirks and flaws.
Doing James Bond as a 3D action game in 1997, it does about as well as can be done, on console at least.

>> No.6261059

Man, have you tried it lately? I agree with anon.
As good a game as it is, the controls are a brick wall.

A couple years ago I took a N64 into work (a game studio full of classic console nerds working on a game directly based on classic console FPSs) and everyone was hyped all week for some Goldeneye and Pefect Dark deathmatch.
That enthusiasm lasted about 5 minutes once we hooked it up.

Obviously you could stick with it and get the muscle memory, but I actually think it's harder to get back into now than it was to learn the controls in the first place.

>> No.6261063

>That enthusiasm lasted about 5 minutes once we hooked it up.
sounds like you plugged in a composite cable straight into an hdtv and expected a good experience.

>> No.6261065

If you say so. The muscle memory and neural pathways still sit with me, and I've almost not touched it in a decade.
It's not like how most FPS plays, it's quirky, but it all works.

>> No.6261091

>almost not touched it in a decade
I mean, if you say so, but it sounds like you had in fact been refreshing yourself.

In my case (and I'm guessing also for my douche coworkers) it was at least 10 years of not having touched it at all.
I don't doubt I could get back into it, and I agree that the way it works should be just as functional now as it was then (maybe I'm biased from watching Goldeneye speedruns regularly), but I don't think anon's wrong when he says it's almost impossible to play today. You definitely can't just pick it up.

>> No.6261131

Some acclimation maybe, Goldeneye is one of those games I played so much that I knew it like my own pocket, so maybe that accounts for it. I can close my eyes and imagine the game in front of me, and my hands just kind of move to the proper positions and my mind gets in gear for the right reflexes and tactics. I'm not a pro by any means.

I do watch a Goldeneye speedrun on occasion, typically because Jobst brought it up. I usually find speedrunning most interesting when it's about games I really like and I'm well acquainted with.

>> No.6261353

The best of ALL the og Dooms TBQH.

>> No.6261634

Your taste is one of the worst I have seen.

>> No.6261638

Not him, but the discussion was why Doom 64 is underrated generally. We all love Doom 64, but we are after all /vr/. General population of whole gamers, doesn't browse /vr/. We are minority (and that's a good thing).

>> No.6261646

okay retard

the pain elemental was totally redesigned as some two mouthed thing

>> No.6261652

plebs aren't welcome

>> No.6261668

Rating Doom 3 as best Doom 16 years ago wouldn't have made you to have a patrician taste, but it would have seen as being retarded fanboy who plays any crap that's new and has word Doom in it. Also Doom 1 is classic, and the monsters and ssg of Doom 2 makes up for the shitty maps. You don't even play wads do you? Contrarian zoomer.

>> No.6261670

Because it's on N64: it has to be shit by default

>> No.6261686

Yet the Doom RPG 2 isn't on your list, you fucking irredeemable casual.

>> No.6261695

you failed to notice that i didn't include the expansions either (and they're pretty different experience from the main titles)
Also, trying to articulate that a dungeon crawler spin-off, played on a screen the size of postage stamp, even remotely compares to adrenaline-gushing action of any main series entry would be contrarian and delusional, so gtfo with your trash opinions.

>> No.6261709

>Also, trying to articulate that a dungeon crawler spin-off, played on a screen the size of postage stamp, even remotely compares to adrenaline-gushing action of any main series entry would be contrarian and delusional, so gtfo with your trash opinions.
What? You included the first Doom rpg.

>> No.6261717

Damn you're trying way too hard to make the same joke I just did (effortlessly) yet still fucking it up. It's embarrassing. Take a walk, Anon.

>> No.6261718

>What? You included the first Doom rpg.
yes, and?
You're quoting my reason for why i like drpg less than d2016)
uh, what joke?

>> No.6261720

>uh, what joke?
Kind of a weird gambit if you're trying to seem less pathetic.

>> No.6261725

>Take a walk, Anon.
i will in a few minutes - will be offline for a couple of days, so forgive my lack of replies to any of your future drivel itt
i don't know what the fuck are you even talking about here. If it's some post in the middle of the thread - I haven't read anything and only replied to faggot's OP and why he's wrong.

>> No.6261756

You seem pretty confused in general. I thought you were trolling at first but now I'm getting kind of an Ambien vibe

>> No.6261773

Anon. Never go full retard.

>> No.6261826

>THE normie computer game
You mean Solitaire?

>> No.6262195

Should I preorder Doom Eternal so I get Doom 64?

>> No.6262207

Will the steam ver. available for purchase? I aint pre-order no shit

>> No.6262227

Confession: I have an old steamsale copy of Doom 2016 that I never even installed, and I'm still going to buy Doom 64 and beat the new campaign on day one

>> No.6262229
File: 90 KB, 420x314, 1535416157950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rating 3 as the best Doom
This is a new level of contrarianism.

>> No.6262948

3 is such a different game that I can completely understand someone (who doesn't really enjoy doom) picking it as their favourite.

Hating on 3 was such a fucking meme from the beginning anyway. The game is great. So is the lighting system.
Obviously the best Doom is commander keen 1 but all the others are just fine

>> No.6262949

true man. 3 is my favorite but I don't like to say it because i get called a nigger and a faggot enough

>> No.6262982

I don't like it. It's an action game kinda sorta trying to be a horror game but not really. I didn't even bother finishing it. The only thing I like about it is for some reason, graphically, it still looks really good. I'm not sure how though.

>> No.6262985

>So is the lighting system.

The stark lighting doesn't look good, and the graphics look terrible in general. Everything looks like plastic.

>> No.6262986

I don't hate it by any means, it's just surprising to see someone list it as their favorite.

>> No.6263202

is it really that good? i gotta play it then. what are the controls like on the 64 controller?

>> No.6263214

What's with the revisionism? The N64 isn't a popular system. Especially in the retro game scene.

>> No.6263223

Why do you care about rehashing boring console wars talking points from a hundred years ago?
We all know all the big name consoles from each gen sold tens of millions of units and each have at least a handful of classic games which are individually worth owning the console for. They're all good and were all popular. The Atari Jaguar? Debatable. The N64? Why.
We also all know that "the retro game scene" isn't a real fucking thing.

You really think this could possibly be an interesting discussion?

>> No.6263226

Doom 64 has cool sprites, but it just isn't that much fun. The levels are pretty boring.

>> No.6263534

>lame as a weapon
>lame because of the auxiliary reason of scarce ammo
6 versus half a dozen. It's one of those "you've already kicked the game's ass" bonuses, on top of the aforementioned ammo issue. Too little utility.

>> No.6263536

The plasticky look was definitely a product of its time and hasn’t aged well. Games back then always looked so plasticky with over exaggerated bumpmaps, FEAR was also super plastic-looking. I kinda like the style though. The stark lighting looks weird now but it definitely impressed me back in 2002 when I saw that E3 demo.

>> No.6263729

Goldeneye 2 player with turbo mode runs extremely fast

>> No.6263818

Imagine not being such a fucking scrub bitch, anon, god. Hitscanners is part of what makes Doom's formula good, and the Arch-Vile is by far one of the best additions to the game.
He's completely different from the other monsters, and he will force you to employ tactics in ways the others won't, adding one to any group of monsters is pretty much guaranteed to change how the fight goes.

Nevermind the zombies with their guns, which are pretty much the best part of the game period, as they're prone to start infighting, the most fun feature in the game.


I quite like Doom 3 for what it is, but I also think it has a number of flaws, some which are egregious.

>> No.6263827
File: 748 KB, 1280x960, 1560269387188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit that as far as endings go, this is pretty fucking kino.

>> No.6263859

the series goes
ultimate doom extra episode
doom 2
doom 64
then doom 3 and its DLC take place in the same world but to a different marine and set of characters
then back to doomguy you have doom 2016 and doom eternal

final doom is not canon
sigil is not canon

>> No.6263860

>Hitscanners is part of what makes Doom's formula good
I was actually speaking more broadly, about all hitscanners in every game, but I happen to think Doom's formula in particular would be especially improved without them. But that's a conversation for another day and a less dumb thread.

I mean yeah it's formula is good and they're a part of that formula so I can't say you're wrong or anything, and I'm not even a hundred percent serious in the first place here

>He's completely different from the other monsters, and he will force you to employ tactics in ways the others won't
That pretty much applies to every Doom villain which is one of the great things about them all.
They all have utility, sure, like chaingunners being used as area control turrets all over the place. I ain't saying otherwise.

All I'm saying is that somewhere out there in the multiverse there's a happier plane of reality in which they never existed, where 9/11 never happened

>> No.6264121

Thanks for the spoiler faggot

>> No.6264241

>he didnt play through doom 64 already

>> No.6264256


>> No.6264271

I'd say its utility is clear, its a get out of jail free card in a really bad ambush. But that will probably use up 80% of the energy ammo you have. Though that does almost make the Plasma gun and BFG obsolete, which is a problem.

>> No.6264394

>wtf the main character in this action game wins

>> No.6264395

I don't even know what to say to that, you disgust me.

>> No.6264404
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>beyond Doom 2 happening after Doom
>trying to ascribe consistency in storytelling to games where the plot is every definition of token

>> No.6264517

it's not? this is a pretty common opinion these days. doom 64 didn't quite float under the radar back in the day either, but it was more of an underappreciated gem than underrated. Because by the time it came out the market had doom/quake exhaustion I think. Also it was a time where technology kept growing exponentially, so there was a sizable sentiment that sprite games were "outdated". something, believe it or not, symphony of the night faced to a degree as well. but these days doom 64 is hardly underrated

>> No.6264815

Yes, dude

>> No.6264947

You can buy it without Eternal. I preordered it though, because I like both old and new.

>> No.6264950

>Hating on 3 was such a fucking meme from the beginning anyway. The game is great.
Gunplay doesn't feel good, enviroments are samey and you fight 1-2 imps 90% of the game. I don't get what people see in this game. I did complete it when it came out, but it didn't age well.

>> No.6264961

final doom is canon tho

>> No.6265154

The gunplay in Doom 3 could stand a lot of improvement for sure, but the chaingun, plasma, and especially the chainsaw are pretty good.
There's many flaws, but I think I just like the monsters and some of the exploration (if limited). The bossfights aren't shabby, even if the final boss is a total pushover.

Oh yeah, the hell levels are pretty cool.

>> No.6265523

>Gunplay doesn't feel good
It's not a straight shooter which is part of what I meant by saying I can understand why it might appeal to people who don't like the core Doom games as much. It's really only the direct comparison that disappointed people imo.
Although I think the gunplay is fine, I wanna point out that it's more of a horror setting and there's kind of an a self defense axis with horror games that makes them scarier if you CAN hypothetically defend yourself, but can't do so super readily. Doom 3 is at the very mild end of that axis, but Resident Evil is pretty far down the other end and nobody criticises its gunplay, because it completely sucking is an intentional feature.

>enviroments are samey and you fight 1-2 imps 90% of the game
I think that stuff gets overstated. The environmental breaks contrast well when they happen (and you know... weird thing to compare to other Doom games) and I can think of oodles of modern FPS games where you fight literally one enemy type for the whole game, so I guess that ain't a showstopper.

I get where you're coming from because when I play modern games fighting nothing but army guys for a week I'm frequently wishing demons would suddenly spring from the ground; I'm just saying it's not hard to understand why people enjoy Doom 3 on its own merits.
If I'd never played any other Doom game I wouldn't know what I was missing, and I'd say it stacks up great against contemporary titles.

>> No.6265573

If you're going to play Doom 64, play Doom 64 Retribution. I found it better than EX

>> No.6265698

>You seem pretty confused in general.
>discussing opinions on series from OP
not sure how that constitutes as confusing, but sure - keep that (You) flinging going, it will totally not shit up this thread with low quality shitposting, like that little masterpiece of offtopic bait >>6261717

noted. u2

>> No.6265834

>shit up this thread with low quality shitposting
>offtopic bait

>> No.6265857


>> No.6265976

Fuck all doom3 niggers

>> No.6266308

>tfw enjoyed immensely all the entries
feels good

>> No.6266996

Why you call em' niggers? Because Doom 3 is dark?

>> No.6267464

Nah, PS1 Doom is better.

>> No.6267603
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>doesn't have an actual argument and can only say zoom zoom as a retort
Eat shit Fudd

>> No.6267610

it's the one that has aged most graciously of them all, thanks to excellent sound design d16 couldn top off, per-pixel lighting still providing eerie atmosphere, immersive world building w/ coherent complex layout (to the point that you can navigate the place through its landmarks without the need of a map) and little human touches that make the place feel previously inhabited - also brilliant "bed time horror story, but it's actually happened" audio logs, like this one)

On top of that, the shootout is heart-pounding and is requiring a split-second reaction from you (yes, shotgun became a point-blank thor's hammer, but that's what make you feel terrified - you need to get into a point-blank range to one-shot an imp that will tear you face off in 0,5s if you blink)
It's essentially Doom1 Remastered, improved on absolutely everything.

>> No.6267693

(a) i don't think you know what fudd means

(b) see you in a week when you think of another bad retort

>> No.6267924

You fucking idiot noguns.

>> No.6268470

halo does suck

>> No.6268825

I'm 37 and I played it when it came out. It was too dark.

>> No.6268848

The fucking playtesters complained that the levels were too dark, the level designers admitted that they probably made them too dark because they all sat in dark offices with the blinds shut and lights off, because it was the era of CRTs, and glare is your enemy.

I believe marketing saw it and decided "Hey, that's great, tell people to turn out the lights so that it's more spooky!" and ultimately it works, whether you're spooked or not.
If it's still too dark for you, well, I guess get one of the level ports people made for PC and use a flashlight mod or something (it doesn't have to be like Doom 3, it can be like Half-Life's flashlight).

>> No.6270049

>unofficial map pack
This is next level stupidity.

>> No.6270052

>sigil is not canon

>> No.6270261

An awesome take on the original formula with a few problems. It's fortunately high quality enough to be worthy of the franchise.
It was nice on the N64 and I'll never forget "The Terraformer" and its "stomp" which send us flying out of our chairs back then.

>> No.6270269


In which way - too little to shot at or the general architecture?

>> No.6270328

that is the very definition of a remaster.

>> No.6270427

PS1 Doom -> Doom64 is lowkey the best overall experience in the series. The cheesy hardc0re rock MIDI crap is for zoomers larping as boomers.

>> No.6270525

doom 3 aesthetically is fucking kino. I played it without knowing much about it and the response.That being said the gun play was nauseating the shot gun pissed me off to no end, the fucking spider rooms and the awful awful "cherubs". It was way too long and hell was way to short.

The "guardian and the cyber demon were noice


I personally don't pay attention to map names unless it's particularly awesome, however doom 64's maps stand out in my mind more than any of the Doom games, the strange choice to use beige/purple/greens/pinks made things feel alien, psychedelic and like you're a different dimension in some cases.

I fucking loved the D64 monster sprites especially the pain elemental with the cybernetic wires on its back that almost look like dreadlocks or something. the arachnotrons with dual plasma fire that sound like fucking terminator lasers. BD64 has an amazing Spider demon sprite with a purple/pinkish fleshy brain and a wicked smile. Unfortunately the weapon sprites were shit except for the unmaker. D64 has amazing sound design the moans and groans echoing through the halls. When I play Doom I always use a D64 sound pack, smoother doors and platform sounds etc.

Doom 64 graphically is the best in the classic series. sprites/textures/effects. It's full of tension has great traps and overall is comfy as fuck

>> No.6270527
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, Doom3BFG 2018-12-28 01-00-38-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6270552

>pain elemental with the cybernetic wires on its back that almost look like dreadlocks or something
I'm pretty sure it actually is hair, not wires.

>> No.6270653

Inspired? They share a lot of the sound effects.

>> No.6270692

doom came with computers i think so even women have played doom when they were a girl.
>you really never played a single video game??
>oh.. i played doom haha

>> No.6270851

The gunplay is mostly weak, but try playing Doom 3 with just the chainsaw some time, it's ridiculously fun.

>> No.6271097

This man sounds like he's not a mindless consumer and actually has some taste, good man.

>> No.6271246

ya. i maek gamz sometimes so when playing the first time i capped the fuck out of doom3's hallways for reference material

simultaneously technically transitional and aesthetically ahead of its time. Setting aside that they couldn't do softer shadows, most games since haven't had the balls to make darkness actually dark despite the fact that our monitors are up for it (which is one thing that made that recent game Control so striking because it aggressively says fuck it); meanwhile when D3 game out there were still a lot of super dark-ass CRTs around.

>> No.6271405

You only say that because you tried playing it with Xbox controllers. You gotta have an N64 controller to actually enjoy that game.

>> No.6271430

Different guy, I've never used an 360 controller very much at all, but I imagine the analog stick is far less sensitive and precise, right?