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6253571 No.6253571 [Reply] [Original]

post trivia about your favorite games
>In the original prototype for metal slug, youd play the entire game from inside the tank (metal slug)

>> No.6253693
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>Evolution: The World of Sacred Device was originally revealed as a Sega Saturn game before getting moved to the Dreamcast. It was even shown off in Sega Saturn magazine.
>An interesting leftover of this period of development is the CG cutscenes: The eye design of main character, Mag Launcher, changed during the shift to the Dreamcast if the images are to be believed. However, that same eye design is used in the CG cutscenes of the final game, which is more than likely a sign that they were finished during the first iteration.
The game also has a dev diary, but it's all in Japanese.

>> No.6253787
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The director of the Kunio-kun SFC beat-'em-up (Kunio-tachi no Banka) wanted to do a PS1 sequel where Kunio and Riki go to Kowloon Walled City. Sadly it never got past the draft phase.

>> No.6253814
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Crash bandicoot's design was modified for the japanese release. A death animation where crash gets flattened and only the head and the foot remain was also changed because of a series of murders in Japan where the murderer left the heads and shoes behind aswell.

>> No.6253891

Total Carnage for the arcade has a bug in its ending. There were supposed to be two variations to the Pleasure Dome ending: one for simply completing it, and one for collecting all the loot inside. Because of this bug, you get the image from the good ending with the Smash TV heroes and supermodels appearing, but the text of the bad ending telling you to get all the loot before the supermodels will appear. To date, this bug has not been fixed, officially or otherwise.

>> No.6254030

That's not all that got changed. They redid the music for the Tawna bonus stage and most of the bosses.
>An 11th hour decision made by the Sony people in Japan. They felt that the boss rounds needed to sound more 'video game-like'. The only reference they gave was music from the Main Street Electrical Parade at Disneyland. I only had a day or so to write all those themes. My favorite comment was about the original Tawna bonus round music. It roughly translated into 'the sound of the guitar mixed with the tree imagery is too nostalgic-sounding'. I’m still scratching my head on that one.

>> No.6254052

I think that's just passive aggressive way of saying the tawna song outright sucked

>> No.6254060

I agree with the Japanese by the way, I've always thought Crash soundtrack was kind of dull

>> No.6254076

I'm neutral with it in most cases, though I really like the JP Cortex theme.

>> No.6254085

>a Japanese suit wanted a track changed because it reminded him of his youth or something

>> No.6254343

Knuckles' Chaotix features unused graphics that show a bubble and a splash meaning there was likely a water section planned in the game that was cut. There are also two unused graphics possibly related to the good ending with Super Sonic and Tails piloting the Tornado.

>> No.6254359
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Makes sense.

>> No.6254390
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Speaking of Knuckles' Chaotix, most people assume that the final boss is called Meta Sonic Kai.
The Japanese manual, however, explains that "Metal Sonic Kai" is actually just Metal Sonic in general: Apparently, after a bout with Sonic (CD?), Metal's body was so badly wrecked that Eggman basically ported his cpu into a new body using the Dark Ring energy he was toying with.
Knuckles' Chaotix in general has a surprisingly detailed manual, for the game that it is.

>> No.6254425

>Apparently, after a bout with Sonic (CD?)
That, Fighters, or Triple Trouble. Take your pick.

>Knuckles' Chaotix in general has a surprisingly detailed manual, for the game that it is.
And all of it was erased in the US localization, like almost of the previously-released Sonic games up to that point.

>> No.6255707

Vector is mentioned in the Japanese manual for Chaotix as searching for evidence that God exists, and considers the appearance of the Chaos Rings and the island around them to be a sign.

And now he just memes about finding the comouter room.

>> No.6255786

Kai (改) means revision. You'll see it on lots of jap stuff that gets a modified, revised release. So Metal Sonic Kai is literally a revision of Metal Sonic.

>> No.6255829

For the Japanese release of Wings of Fury, Brøderbund Software reversed the roles and puts you in the seat of a Japanese fighter plane bombing Americans instead of the other way around. Always found this kinda weird to play. There's no kamikaze missions or anything, it's just a reskin.

>> No.6255852

>Zelda OoT was envisioned to have some Dating Sim elements; which is the main reason for so many plot-important women compared to men. The idea was dropped due to the storyline making all of Link's potential choices unavailable in some fashion.

>> No.6255854

That actually makes it a more realistic dating sim for some of us

>> No.6255863

That's not even the only thing different about japanese Crash. Nips are fun

>> No.6256096

And Charmy wanted to find rare flowers.
Espio was the only one of them that was a detective, and apparently, he's also the reason Sonic and Tails knew about the Death Egg II in Sonic the Fighters.

>> No.6256207


>> No.6256327

> When Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Super Mario Bros, was in middle school other kids would actually laugh at him when he would kill turtles with a hammer

>> No.6256413

I'm sure I'm falling for (surprisingly good) satire, but is there actually a source for this?

>> No.6256709

I've seen the scans of the Japanese Chaotix manual but I haven't actually read the translations for the pages. That's interesting.

>> No.6256721

So his name would essentially be localized to Metal Sonic 2.0. Fucking Wendy Dinsmore and her half assed translation, now Chaotix I'm really mad about how Chaotix came out in the west. It was bad enough that they made Knuckles the star of the show and portrayed him as their leader, now I'm learning there's better lore than the shit we got here.

>> No.6256735

That's the best I could find, probably someone read this and went DUDE DATING SIMS LMAO.

Funfact: ALttP was supposed to have a party system, and you would play as an "elf" and 2 other girls.

Iwata Asks - Ocarina of Time 3D 2011

Iwata: More ideas sprang up than when you had just been basing the game around Adult Link.

Miyamoto: Yes. When we decided to handle Link growing up from a 9-year-old child to a more mature 16-year-old, I wanted lots of characters to fulfill various roles. For example, Kaepora Gaebora is a grandfather figure who gives Link all kinds of advice and looks out for him. And since Link is a boy, I wanted girls besides Princess Zelda to show up.

Iwata: And that's why Saria and Malon are there.

Miyamoto Right. Also, Link's archenemy is Ganon, so I thought they should meet once when he's a child.


Famimaga 64 - Nov 1997

Q: Does Link have a girlfriend?

Miyamoto: If it was Princess Zelda, it would be great. However, this time Navie [the fairy] is jealous of Zelda. So within the story, Navie feels something for Link.

>> No.6256743
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MGS was going to be ported to the Saturn, but never made it to release stage. Maybe somewhere a demo exists?


>> No.6256759

Ever since the first Sonic game, the detailed backstories seen in the Japanese manuals had been erased to almost nothing. Chaotix was thankfully the last time they did this.

One localization that does work out for the better, though, is Tails Adventures. Instead of taking place before Tails meets Sonic and gains his self-confidence, it happens while Tails is enjoying a personal break from hanging with Sonic and is already able enough to take on an army on his own.

>> No.6256774

Lad, you don't even know.
Knuckles' Chaotix's Japanese plotline essentially goes:
>A mysterious island rises from the ocean
>Eggman goes there, finds one of the giant rings from S3&K and figures it'll take him to the where the Master Emerald is
>Turns out, it took him to where the Master Emerald USED TO be, but there's still residual energy that turns into the Chaos Rings
>Eggman, inspired by this, begins studying the rings and builds a resort (Newtrogic High)
>Begins learning how to crystalize energy, creating Dark Rings to power his robots and "Ring Power" (the tether mechanic)
>Meanwhile, the Master Emerald's alter was what caused the island to form, so Knuckles goes there to ind clues about the lost civilization.
>Also a bunch of other people came to the island for their own reasons
>They aren't even a team, just a bunch of random people who ended up in the midst of Eggman's plan.
Now compare it to the english storyline: which was about Knuckles being the guardian of Carnival Island.

>> No.6256851

Knuckles, the resident protector of Clown Land needs help from his previously unmentioned gang.
Fuck the western translation. This shit is so much better.