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6247323 No.6247323 [Reply] [Original]

>Everyone mentions how superior Earthworm Jim 1 is on Genesis
>Nobody mentions how superior Earthworm Jim 2 is on SNES

Why is that?

>> No.6247332

The differences between SNES and Genny versions of 2 aren't as drastic as the differences between 1. Iirc both versions of 2 had their own pros and cons.

>> No.6247337

Even someone who worked on the game said the genesis one is better, so I’d imagine it’s because it’s actually better?

>> No.6247345

Gen EW2 doesn't have nearly a big a difference. Also EW2 is a tad shit and not as many people played it.

>> No.6247357 [DELETED] 

Sega people are always compensating because of their severe inferiority complex

>> No.6247369

Genesis was the underdog, so it needs to be defended around more.

>> No.6247383

Because us Sega fans had two different versions, the Genesis and Saturn version. And wasn't the SNES version a Genny port anyways with flaws of it's own? Saturn version > SNES version if you wanna try to bag on the Genesis version.

>> No.6247386

Nobody wants to be reminded of 2 because it has more shit levels than good, plus that terrible dog bouncing minigame that you have to do like 3 separate times.

>> No.6247393

The worst bonus level of all time tied with that game Pandemonium!/Magical Hoppers

>> No.6247395

>Saturn version > SNES version
Nah, Saturn port was flawed, PS1 port as well. It was made by a different dev and they fucked up the controls a lot. Most noticeably on Puppy Love where you can notice how much more slippery and imprecise the directionals are, and how much worse is the hitbox detection.
Saturn version is better than PS1 because of more background effects, but it's not better than the SNES or the Genesis versions.

>> No.6247423

I played the Saturn version first so I guess the controller input flaws don't bother me much. But that music though! It's a full experience

>> No.6247431

>introduces all sorts of weapons you can select
>never get to use them since almost all stages are "gimmick" stages instead of proper EWJ gameplay

did I mention the puppy stages

>> No.6247912

>how much more slippery and imprecise the directionals are
Wasn’t it because the Saturn version was actually designed for PAL consoles, so NTSC is basically uncontrollable turbo mode?

>> No.6247974

Fun fact: the puppy levels were the first thing the team worked on while developing this game. I prefer 2 over 1, if not for the puppy level or the one with the air balloon (which initially was going to be a shooter level and have nothing to do with baby-sitting an object). The level with the bologna, the trivia, and Lorenzo‘s soil are pretty good. The level design in EJW1 are kinda piss poor, other than the first level and the one with the dog.

>> No.6247982

>Introduce the Shield
>Shield does nothing

>> No.6248026

Don't forget that the different weapons and ammo you pick up gets wiped out everytime you beat a stage instead of only when you die like in EWJ1, so the positives of the SNES version barely matter.
I unironically would rather play EWJ 3D and deal with its bosses than to go back to EWJ2.

>> No.6248268

>The level design in EJW1 are kinda piss poor, other than the first level and the one with the dog.

if EWJ1 levels are poor then what do we think of completely linear EWJ2 levels (aside of salamander stage which is even worse swimming section of Down the Tubes)? the only good EWJ2 levels are Anything but Tangerines and Lorenzen's Soil (which also happen to have actual soundtrack pieces and not generic/public domain pieces seriously what the fuck happened to EWJ2 development after that point in game?)

>> No.6248295

that is the case with ewj1 too.
saturn/ps1 ewj2 runs as slow as any other pal version and ntsc snes and genesis run 16% faster because of no compensation for the 50hz to 60hz conversion.
with how fluid the game feels at 60hz it makes you think that they designed it for 60hz instead.
so more than "being designed for pal" it seems to be more like "let's make the game as slow as other pal games".

>> No.6248312

Fucking hell, it takes a staggering FIVE levels until you get to another "standard" platforming level where you could use all of your weapons again.
And even IF you could use them some of them are so rare that they might not even be in the game, like, I don't even remember seeing that barn blaster anywhere outside the first level.
Or what are you even supposed to use them against?
There aren't any enemies in the game that warrant screen clearing nukes or homing missiles since everything already dies so quickly from your normal plasma pistol or head-whip and enemies in general are actually pretty rare.

>> No.6248330

EWJ 1 and 2 are both good. I like that the first is just kind of a weird run n gun platformer with a few levels that really go a long way toward adding variety, and I like that 2 really goes over the top in terms of its variety. It's irreverent and it suits the material just fine. Plus both games are really gorgeous for their time.
Also I don't understand why everyone is complaining about Puppy Love. I think about half of those stages should have been cut in the interest of avoiding repetition but I feel the same way about Andy Asteroids. They're both just kind of nothing bonus levels to me and I don't think either of them add that much to these games honestly. They would have been more enjoyable if they had just appeared less. Though I do like that Andy Asteroids punishes you if you lose with the Psycrow fight, that's kind of interesting at least.

>> No.6249443

because EWJ2 is a worse game

it's still worth a playthrough and there's a lot of creativity, but Puppy Love is a fucking slog

>> No.6250694
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>Flying King level

>> No.6250705

Genesis doesn't.

>> No.6250738

>that level in the DOS version
>if you blow the balloon up right at the start you'll become invincible for the rest of the stage for some reason

>> No.6250972

Because DOS version is the best.

>> No.6251010

I love EJ 2 and don't care about 1. 1 is too difficult.

>> No.6251202

EWJ2 is best experienced on Super Nintendo.
The Saturn port is worth a shot for the arranged CD music and more "impressive" backgrounds, but truth be told I thought the art direction was a bit uncanny and maximalist.
Like I love the colored planets on the back of Anything But Tangerines, but at the same time they're obstructing the otherwise nice and comfy original sky background that set the mood for that level, be it the sunset version on Genesis, or the mellow night version on SNES.
Same with Puppy Love, that desolated place with the parallax background at night was replaced with some lava place on Saturn, for some reason.
Then there's also a pre-rendered CGI looking statue of Jim on the cow abduction level, it looks really out of place, like I don't mind it, it's kind of cool, but I dunno if it fits with the game's art style.
But be aware, Saturn and PS versions have fucked controls. Not sure about the PC version.

>> No.6251254

Speaking of out of place CGI in EWJ2:

>> No.6251758

I prefer the completely linear levels of EWJ2 over the visual clutter of EWJ1 levels (like What The Heck?). Though I did love both games, I would have more fun with the sequel. It had more variety and Nickelodeon/Ren Stimpy-esque lolrandom humor (back then was cool).

>> No.6251764
File: 47 KB, 640x468, n64_earthworm_jim_3d_p_rao9q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't for the same garbage boss fight in every world I would rank it over the first two. I like everything else about it.

>> No.6251768

>free pager offer
zoomers have no idea

>> No.6251809

Three versions including SEGA CD

>> No.6251815

Sega CD only for EWJ1, not 2.

>> No.6252970

git gud faggot

>> No.6253101

talking with people about EWJ2 is like talking with people about Worms World Party - people think the game is absolutely better than Worms Armageddon and you just can't convince them nobody is playing that bug-ridden version - it's more colorful, funny, who cares about 20+ years of patches

>> No.6253326

Who cares? Earthworm Jim sucks and the only reason it's fondly remembered is because it looked and sounded pretty impressing a bunch of dumb kids at the time much like the Genesis Aladdin.

>> No.6253467

>youtubers inserting their faces into game art
What year is this

>> No.6254130

Imagine still being salty because the Genesis had better games than the SNES
what a retard

>> No.6254135

5 dollars have been deposited into your sex-reassignment-surgery fundraiser.

>> No.6254179

>Saturn and PS versions have fucked controls
I have played the snes and ps1 version and controls felt the same.

>> No.6254206

He probably played it on some poorly coded emulator with a USB controller and LCD monitor on his 15 year old shitbox.

>> No.6254308

that would make it even more funny because I played the snes version on a retroduo and the ps1 on a raspi.

>> No.6255619

>imagine not thinking the Sega CD version of Earthworm Jim 1 is better.

>> No.6256936

No, I played it on a real SNES and a real Saturn, on CRT.
that'd explain then why you didn't find any difference, maybe. I think the control difference is most noticeable on puppy love stages, Saturn version is extra slippery, and changing the facing direction feels slower than on SNES, like it has more lag, which is extremely bad for that stage where you need fast reaction time.
I honestly didn't try the PS1 port but it was made by the same team who did Saturn, I think.

>> No.6258639

PC version was superior to both, that's why.