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6246860 No.6246860 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that only Link can defeat Gannon

>> No.6247172

actually, only (YOU), the player, can defeat ganon

>> No.6247179

>Only Link can throw this book at Gannon

>> No.6247181
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>> No.6247183

Then what happened in the Zelda games?

>> No.6247204

Who is playing as Link so that point is moot.

>> No.6247210
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>> No.6247221

the script is based on cuneiform.

>> No.6247231

Ok but what does the fish on that script mean?

>> No.6247259

I type in LINK when it asks me for player name though

>> No.6247526

Only Hugh can prevent florist friars.

>> No.6247553

>Jesus fish
Ahead of their time with the messianic imagery here

>> No.6247648

did any sumerian langauge experts translate Gwonam's message

>> No.6247656

not that I know of. in fact, alot of cuneiform remains untranslated, since there aren't enough specialists working in the field.

>> No.6247658
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>> No.6247664

damn thats a cool fact, guess there is just no money to be earned there as of now.

>> No.6247685

that's true, because our culture doesn't emphasize scholarly pursuits.

>> No.6247691

Yep. The best we can do is make the horrid days go by fast so we can go home and complain about it on 4chan.

>> No.6248770


>> No.6249615
File: 1.09 MB, 384x239, getin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6249635

It says: Your Mother's chasm smells of fish.

>> No.6249646

~Sargon of Akkad's letter to Lugalzagesi of Sumer ca.2265 BC.

>> No.6249865

What is with the really weird "zooming" that Eastern European animation did? I remember watching an animated Shakespeare series and a Gawain episode that was animated by Slavs and it did it there as well.

>> No.6250409
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Gwonam is actually a pretty cool character in his own right, or at least the idea of him. It's a shame there isn't a character similar to him that exists in other Zelda games...

>> No.6250565

I don't know but it's fucking hilarious. It's so pointless.

>> No.6250629

Soviet animation wasn't known for its fast paced action scenes. Usually characters would move in careful gradual motions. Once the wall came down however all animators went off the rails and started producing fucking weird shit. This, combined with lack of practice in quick animation resulted in very distinctive '90s post Soviet style.

I also remember people assuming that CDi cut scenes were animated sequencely instead of using key frames and inbetween frames. This approach can lead to excessive movements.

>> No.6250723


In Soviet Russia, cartoon watches you!

>> No.6250894

Linka Brasi sleeps with the fishes

>> No.6251175

Morshu moves the most in his 5 seconds of dialog

>> No.6253126

Thanks squadalaa

>> No.6253483

Nope. Somebody else trapped his ass in the nether realm, or whatever you want to call it, long before the elfish fag.

>> No.6255643

Zelda defeated him in the direct sequel though. I think Gwonam was just full of shit.

>> No.6256915
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>> No.6257220
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Religious propaganda removal mod for Faces of Evil when?

>> No.6257819


>> No.6257915

Hey, you're right

>> No.6258231
File: 3.68 MB, 480x384, 1520077865_giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video uses footage from 'Nu, pogodi!' - THE fast paced chase cartoon of the Soviet Union (also the closest thing Soviet animation had to a real series with 16 episodes produced in 20 years).

>> No.6258549

I would like an explanation of this. I want it to be canon.

>> No.6259841
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>voice actors are nowhere to be seen
what i would give to find them.....

>> No.6259845
File: 49 KB, 768x432, smoky-the-bear-pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: only (You) can prevent forest fires.

>> No.6259859

They were yesterday nobodies being taught animation lessons at 800% speed, you can't expect anything good from that.
It is irrelevant to the topic at hand, since Animation Magic didn't have any cadre with actual experience in animation.

>> No.6259860

fuck I can hear this image

>> No.6260171

Based Gnowman poster

>> No.6260273

That animated Shakespeare series is fucking kino
Especially the Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.6260478

Holy shit is that cuneiform

>> No.6262030

based assyriologist developers

>> No.6262034

Except cuneiform on a papyrus scroll wouldn't make any sense, the whole reason the script was the way it was comes down to the fact that it's easy to scribe into a lump of clay with a reed....

>> No.6262620


>> No.6262673

sorry sweetie but it is literally written here >>6246860