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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 276 KB, 510x529, I know what I have.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6246289 No.6246289 [Reply] [Original]

I know what I have, arcade edition

>> No.6246305

Looks like he misplaced the decimal point two spaces to the right. It seems like every person selling stuff on Earth thinks they're sitting on white gold. The delusion, arrogance and stubbornness is infuriating.

>> No.6246310
File: 22 KB, 494x163, uh oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246316

That makes no sense. So is he basically admitting they don't even work? wow

>> No.6246324
File: 127 KB, 493x847, Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 1.14.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is a goldmine of idiocy

>> No.6246345

Haha, that's insane. Are boomers really that deluded?

>> No.6246370
File: 824 KB, 953x880, 1530745716423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/o/ here
you have no idea

>> No.6246373
File: 10 KB, 200x176, kai o kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will see my cousins house and go right

lmfao. That ad has to be a troll. Its too good to be true.

>> No.6246381

it's a joke, but it perfectly illustrates boomer mentality regarding their old toys

>> No.6246385

>Go onto marketplace or craigslist
>Looking for older used graphics cards
>Mostly reasonable prices, ranging from equal to ebay or lower.
>Some asshole charging quadruple what something is worth
>The same exact item is up for a reasonable price from several other sellers
>The cheaper postings are either in the original box or in immaculate unused condition most often.
>See the same overpriced item up for months
>Ask the seller about the overpriced item, maybe there is something more to it.
>find out the seller just copy pasted the highest price from ebay or google
>Politely explain to them they are going to have a hard time selling it for what they are asking because the asking price for a new unopened in box item and most cards rarely go up in value.
>2 weeks later the post is removed
>The item reappears but this time the cost is only double the going rate.
>inquire about the item
>blocked by seller

>> No.6246405

>"right next to my rape van" right in the title
>has to be a troll
You don't say

>> No.6246439

>guy has n64 games for sale at aflea market
>find his facebook shop page

>offer him like 300 dollars for the 4 games (they would be like 400 normaly) so basically 100 off

>He says no way, etc. I tell him I will give him 300 today, drive to him, etc. and he will have his 300 today and games are gone. He says no way, etc.

>keep going back

>been 1.5 months

>all 4 games are still sitting in the case at their original prices

>along with tons of other games that haven't been touched

>> No.6246440

go offer him 200

>> No.6246445

OK seething zoomer

>> No.6246454

Toppest kek

>> No.6246457


So you might be spending thousands on a brick with a yellow cartoon painted on the side?

>> No.6246459
File: 465 KB, 2001x612, 0F0C5E48-9192-4B4D-93C6-ED2DC3A426A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My br/o/ther

>> No.6246461

Even actual toy stores do this shit. There's a big toy store chain in my country, and the one nearest to me is (somehow) still selling 3DS games. They've been marked as being on 'clearance' for I think almost a year and they all cost exactly the same as they did when they came out. Included are such rare gems as Dillon's Rolling Western ($40) and one of the Yo-Kai Watch games ($40) and a Kirby game ($40).

I mean not retro and I don't even want these games but I thought businesses wanted to get rid of their stuff instead of keeping obsolete garbage on display indefinitely.

>> No.6246509

Nah, don't offer him shit. Get an Everdrive and enjoy games not the plastic shells.

>> No.6246516

Boomers don't want to actually sell the shit, their wives are nagging them to get rid of it so they put it up at a ridiculous price to shut her up

>> No.6246629

Yeah people definitely overvalue their stuff but game collectors are cheap lowballing fucks and the worst kind of human being you'd ever want to deal with.i've been part if game trading communities since 99.

>> No.6246631

>south jersey
Hey I live there

>> No.6246634

Philly here but I work in Jersey

>> No.6246706

In his defense, Baby Pac-man can sometimes go for a couple thousand.

>> No.6246729

Not sure about a store, but I really think some of these sellers attach a lot of emotion to their sales, buyer/seller relationships, and how selling price reflects on them as a crafty salesman. They're perhaps afraid of a potential buyer pulling one over on them (or generally being perceived by the buyer as having coming out on the losing end of a deal), thinking that a buyer who gets a good price doesn't think "yay I got a good price on this" but rather "haha i sure fucked that stupid seller." In fairness, the way the market is filled with flippers and resellers breeds this sort of feeling, because when you cut a deal with somebody you aren't necessarily selling it to someone who will enjoy the item for what it is, but rather to someone who views it as a way to scrape up a few bucks profit.

>> No.6246734

(next to my what?) lel

>> No.6246743

what's up Jers/Philly bros

>> No.6246985
File: 402 KB, 1386x894, rare 2tb hdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not retro, but look at this tool

xbox 360 E's range from $20 (just console) to $80 (all included accessories, Controller, HDD, and box)

you can use any off the shelf hard drive with a SATA connection up to 2TB in size. It's not some special rare MS hard drive.The official ones only went up to 500GB

>> No.6246993

>game collectors are cheap lowballing fucks and the worst kind of human being you'd ever want to deal with
These guys and resellers who do the same and consequently sell the same for 5 times the price because they believe anything retro game related make them as rich as an oil baron or something.

>> No.6247190

What a fucking retard. If he wont plug it up or otherwise prove that it works, any reasonable person would consider it an AS-IS listing and would treat it as such. If im selling something like that, I want to show that it works because i do want to get as much as I can for it. The fact that he wont is a little suspect.

I see this all the time though. People think there shit is worth way more then it actually is.

Top kek

My favorite are the ones were they tack on the word RETRO and mark it way up. "RETRO CRT GAMING MONITOR" when its just your run of the mill $5 thrift store no brand pc monitor.

>> No.6247197
File: 163 KB, 1303x705, crts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK chicago

>> No.6247245

>take 5 minutes to plug it in and see if it turns on
>it does
>better take 1500 off the price now :(

If anything should he ADD money on for his "time and effort" of testing it?

>> No.6247246

He is adding. Right now it’s 5k for both untested, If he tests them it will be 3500 each

>> No.6247251

I was trying to buy a Gameboy off Facebook marketplace, and you have no idea what kinda crazy prices people try to charge for a possibly working yellow tinted brick

>> No.6247254

Oh you're right, I missed the "each". My mistake.

>> No.6247278

>That ad has to be a troll.

gee, ya think?

>> No.6247292

I still don't get why ratio is underlined

>> No.6247336

Something like this kind of makes me miss having a facebook. Of course I was banned for leaving rude comments @ stupid assholes like this, but man I would love to publicly antagonize that faggot. Might even take it to DMs too cause I'm an asshole

>> No.6247346

the dumb boomer couldn't spell retro

>> No.6247348

That cabinet is worth, at best, $1200. If he could prove it works.
The Q-Bert cab is worth like $800 IF he proves it works.

For an as-is listing, I wouldn't pay more than $1250 for both, and that's still quite a lot to gamble with.

>> No.6247358

Found the boomer in OPs image

>> No.6247385

If I were selling it in Wildwood, New Jersey, I'd absolutely aim for 1800 for Baby Pac-man and 1200 for Q-bert. It's a pretty wealthy boardwalk town that used to have a LOT of arcades in its heyday, so there are a lot of casual collectors with too much money who played as a kid and just want basement games.

They also have a very active skeeball scene, of all things.

>> No.6247516

Infuriating boomer. Not plugging them in is basically admitting he knows they dont work and still wants 5k lmao. Fat fuck

>> No.6247520
File: 100 KB, 1125x1109, Dk48KgSU8AAwzpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backed into MAIL BOX at 5 MPH in 79 KILLING first wife THEY DON'T MAKE THEM LIKE THEY USED TO

>> No.6247637

>active skeeball scene
jesus christ these are the people bowlers give wedgies to

>> No.6247639

call his bluff. tell him "okay plug them in and if they work I'll give you 7k"

>> No.6247647

yeah really how hard is it to run an extension cord too guy is a complete bullshitter

>> No.6247813

boomer posting is too good. /vr/ has too many man children and real children to be this funny

>> No.6247983

Pro-tip. Find a electronics recycling depot or some shit. Ask if they have any TVs. Pick from one of the 100s of CRT TVs they are desperate to get rid of.

>> No.6247998

its a troll post look at the thumbnail, dipshit

>> No.6248001

Both are quite desirable, but I see nothing with more than 2300 dollars. And the Baby Pac is 1400

>> No.6248017


>> No.6248020

I added that because that's my opinion of him. A normal facebook profile pic is circular. It's real, believe me, dipshit.

>> No.6248283 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 717x960, pacman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Pac Man is a desirable mechanical hybrid cabinet worth a lot more than some candy cab but $5000 is a bit much even in compete personal condition.

>> No.6248308
File: 35 KB, 609x406, little baby butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the zoomer in my image

>> No.6248316

Look man nobody is going to pay you 5k for that

>> No.6248319

so he basically admitted they're not working

>> No.6248338

I was literally given a Trinitron for free last week, this is obscene

>> No.6248373

I gave away a Trinitron with the woodgrain cabinet. Used that shit through xbox 360/ps3. I miss it but I needed space. Sone weak ass African picked it up and I had to beast lift it in the back of his van. It didn't clear so I pushed the bottom and dropped hard 2 feet to the bottom. I dunno how he got it out.

>> No.6248674

Jokes on you. I sold that angry little pickaninny for 80k last year.

>> No.6248804
File: 749 KB, 1008x531, crt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you think that's bad?

>> No.6248863

You are actually fucking retarded

>> No.6248883

Kill yourself

>> No.6248897

Just filter out retro and gaming. Hell, dont even look up "crt" because most normies dont even know what that is. Just look up tube tv, box tv, old tv, etc. Ignore the gaming buzzwords like the plague.

>> No.6248904

>the guy who gets btfo in every thread is an actual boomer
like pottery

>> No.6249260

I got my games for sale on eBay at silly prices. I don't really want to sell them but if they do go for that markup I'm happy. I get emails from self entitled collectors telling me my prices are wrong and I should sell him the game at a lower price, sometimes I agree with them and accept their silly best offers. Then wait a few days and cancel the transaction for the lolz. There's always a moron who actually pays the high prices.

>> No.6249309

>the guy who gets btfo in every thread is an actual zoomer
like pottery

>> No.6249326

I wish there was something interesting in my area, but all it is is xbox shit and some retard trying to sell a wii for $140.

>> No.6249336

as a /k/ommando I feel your pain

>> No.6249338

This happened almost a year ago, wish I had screencapped the convos

>Girlfriend's little brother came over and played my N64, he's hooked because the games are better than the freemium shit he's been playing
>He comes over to our apartment and all he wants to do is play N64 with me
>Tells his friends about this "cool old system from the 1990s"
>Decide it's time to pass on the 5th gen and find him an N64 he can call his own
>Searching Kijiji, bunch of the standard boring grey systems like mine listed for ~$80 with controllers and various games
>One jungle green system, dusty as fuck, $200
>No controllers
>No AV cable
>No power adapter
>Guy didn't even bother taking a picture somewhere other than the garage shelf it had been sitting on for god knows how long
>Message him saying that I am willing to take a chance on this system, but considering all the cables I would need to buy and the fact that it may not even work, I would only be willing to pay $80, which is the price of a guaranteed working system
>"haha, nice try buddy! I've had a few lowballers like you try to take this from me but there is no free lunch here, I know what I've got"
>Try to explain again that other people are selling functional systems for way less
>"Well those are just regular N64s. This is a SPECIAL EDITION, which was limited quantity, but you wouldn't understand that"
>Literally a week later, see a Fire Orange N64 listed for $100 with 4 controllers and 10 games
>Seller is an older Jewish lady who's downsizing after her kids moved away
>Get a 20" flat screen Trinitron thrown in with the deal
>"Take good care of it, that was Noah's favourite"
>Months later, decide to check Kijiji for some N64 games
>Jungle Green N64 is still listed
>Still $200

>> No.6249349

Buddy, go to any business center and you will pick up plenty of working electronics for free, I sell tvs and tablets I pick up for free at the disc replay in downers grove.

t. anon in Naperville.

>> No.6249378

how do I balance the feels of getting a great deal and swindling boomers/grown up kids collections

>> No.6249380

If the Classifieds aren't working then try going to an e-waste center. I pulled an HP P920 from the municipal pile, actually a really nice monitor. Diamondtron tube, will do all kinds of resolutions up to 1920x1440 at a stable 85Hz. And all that was wrong was some minor scratching on the case, from where someone had set it down on the rusty floor of the shipping container. Also those HD CRTs are nice, I have a 30" Toshiba which I use for all my "modern" content. I got mine for free but $5 is a pretty decent nominal sum to pay.

My favourite was one guy who tried to sell his "Rare Gold Tint SNES", which is just another word for "piss yellow SNES"

I've seen people giving away "CRT" televisions for free. That's how I got my Toshiba as well as an older JVC D-series. I think normies probably google "what are old TVs called?" and figure out pretty quickly that they are called "Cathode Ray Tubes"

>> No.6249524

I've seen something similar to this
>around 2015
>SNES games were already expensive as hell compared to a decade earlier
>looking around on local websites, Ebay and flea markets
>notice Turtles in Time getting price gauged like crazy
>even found some crazier sellers like some guy asking 50 dollars for a generic Super Mario Bros. cart and some dumb normalfag asking over a 100 dollars for a loose cartridge of Legend of Zelda 1 on NES
>checked out games being sold by a seller in my country
>this guy asks 80 dollars for Turtles in Time
>keep missing out on better deals on- and offline
>think "fuck it, I guess I'll just bite the bullet and get it from that guy I'm sick of waiting!"
>suddenly I come across some guy selling TiT for 'only' 40 bucks
>went for that deal immediately and finally bought a copy of TiT after wanting it for over 2 and a half decades
>be extremely happy even if it wasn't the best deal at all
>look at same seller where I wanted to buy TiT from 5 years after first seeing the advert for that guy asking 80 bucks
>it's still there and he's still asking the same price

This guy could've actually made money if he wasn't so persistent. Even if he'd manage to sell it for the price he's always asked you can't possibly say it was a good choice to resell a particular game for a higher value especially when you include factors like inflation and other costs for resellers. Oh well, gotta dream you'll ever become a billionaire from old nintendo games amirite?

>> No.6249757
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1580306347830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a microwave

>> No.6249802
File: 359 KB, 719x1145, Screenshot_2020-03-07-15-57-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6249960

t. SEETHING reseller

>> No.6249973

>Meanwhile thrift store down the street from me has the exact same Toshiba CRT I have that's been sitting there for months for 8 smackers
I honestly wonder if I should just go for it already and keep it as a replacement in case something happens to mine. The power button on mine is a bit wonky at times.

>> No.6249982

>Guy taking a picture with his shirt off and his girlfriend in the living room

>> No.6249986

>I don't think they are worth 5k

>> No.6249991

What you do if you really want them is have a few friends constantly hound him with offer way below the fair offer you gave him. Eventually he will cave and think that he's getting one over on you.

>> No.6249994

what the fuck is a disc replay?

>> No.6250004
File: 2.15 MB, 3555x2000, 2020-01-27 19.07.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My braindead retarded aunt and her husband (who smokes by the way) run an Ebay "business", in which they go to thrift stores and whatnot and buy shit to sell
>Only they've become hoarders doing it (her husband at least) and they own an entire warehouse absolutely chock full of useless shit
>Occasionally go in there and swipe some gaming stuff that has literally been sitting in the exact same spot for months, if not years, just piling up
>Have gotten several N64 games, controllers, an actual N64, a (dirty/opened) Gamecube box, a few SNES games, some in the box (opened), and just recently, I took a poor Sega Saturn that was absolutely filthy and covered in grime, cleaned it up inside and out, bought a replacement part for the plunger, and now it works perfectly
Pic VERY related.

>> No.6250050

No it cant be a joke because jokes are funny.

>> No.6250067

Scalpers and resellers are like parasites

>> No.6250131

5000 for both is a pretty good price. Incels think, for whatever reason, that they are owed everything for cheap.

>> No.6250153

worth is an arbitrary number, it's worth how much someone is willing to pay for it

>> No.6250262

I don't understand retailers who keep merchandise on the shelf for years. I mean, cunts like >6249260 I understand, they have no physical location and no costs to cover. But people who have a store and need to pay rent and electricity, and have shelf space taken up by overpriced merchandise that sits for years and years? Just poor businessmen.

This is also a shitty business practice. And it convinces me that eBay is the fucking devil.

>> No.6250267

Yeah thanks for describing how buying stuff works.

>> No.6250276

You know, I really don't understand the retarded hatred I see for people who collect gaming items. I don't see it for film memorabilia or other collectibles, but without fail in any thread about buying old games there is at least one post about "rotting plastic" or "enjoying the games not their shell" etc. as if the physical game itself isn't part of the game.

>> No.6250291

well with your response it didn't seem like you knew

>> No.6250423

you've had 3 different people calling you boomer retard

>> No.6250445

saw somebody trying to sell The Legend of Zelda for NES for like 80 bucks stating it was a "RARE GOLD CARTRIDGE"

>> No.6250505

just don't buy it bro

>> No.6250507

>entire thread is full of butthurt poorshit and/or retards that don't know how elementary school economics work
just don't buy it bro lol

>> No.6250526

just dont read these threads bro

>> No.6250670
File: 2.15 MB, 960x540, 1576793158396.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can reply to more
than one post at a time

>> No.6250704

I think he's selling both for $5,000, and saying that if he goes through the "trouble" of actually seeing if they work he will have to sell them for $3,500 and $4,500 each. Basically he's trying to make it sound like getting both for $5,000 is a great deal.

>> No.6250706 [DELETED] 

You can tell that guy worships Trump.

>> No.6250710

well he said he would sell them for $3,500 and $4,500 if he bothered to test them, so you're gambling on getting a great deal!

>> No.6250720 [DELETED] 

funny though cause trump actually knows how to make a deal, that guy is just a bullheaded idiot boomer that thinks his trash is worth more than it really is. How would you be able to tell if was a democrat though, would he invite every brown person in the city to come play at his place at his families expense?

>> No.6250721
File: 379 KB, 2632x2204, IMG_20200221_135050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bluff. It happens quite often sadly.

>> No.6250969

>two spaces to the right
There's no way in hell you could buy two full sized arcade machines for $50, even if they were terrible games that no one wanted.

>> No.6250971

>le boomers
Fuck yourself.

>> No.6250974

A mint condition of either of these could be worth between $800-1000, but no fucking way is anyone with a shred of market sense going to sell both for 5k.
Literally how, reddit tourist?

>> No.6251041

rent fucking free

>> No.6251047

Movie Trading Company is the typical "I know what I have" store. Everything is so goddamn expensive. I see Metroid Prime for forty dollars there. Mario 64 is $55, an ugly brown peeled-label copy of Donkey Kong 64 is still $35. What the fuck.

>> No.6251125

Baby PacMan for 800? Where?

>> No.6251129

How so?

>> No.6251151

the part where you said people are owed things for cheap, when things are only worth as much as people are willing to pay for it

>> No.6251179

Chicago has got to be the worst city for retro. Nothing on Craigslist/fb and what little their is, is insanely overpriced. Not even a single retro game store within city limits.

>> No.6251218

I remember when I used to go to MTC pretty regularly. I think I got a GameGear from there back in the day and a DOOM PlayStation longbox (for less than ebay rate at the time, iirc). Granted most of my days shopping there were a decade+ ago, and the most recent purchase of DOOM was probably in like 2013 or 2014.

>> No.6251230

What the fuck is there anyway? I see some figurines and some toys. Do they really expect that to sell?

>> No.6251405
File: 1.68 MB, 3000x1687, 2020-01-27 19.35.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You honestly don't even know the half of what they buy, and how much utterly useless junk there is. It basically turned into a hoarding addiction. Even their own house is full with this shit. I think one of the most ridiculous things I saw were Garfield shampoo bottles. But then you have old flip phones and shit, and things that simply aren't worth buying due to the resale value. Might as well just burn the whole fucking place down. You can hardly even walk through it.

>> No.6251428

look i replied to more than 1 post at a time

>> No.6251437 [DELETED] 

okay boomer

>> No.6251443

Says the SEETHING poorfag who just has to mention his poorfag setup anytime any sort of purchase is mentioned

>> No.6251452

None of this shit will ever sell. They really need some help with picking items that people actually want. Even shitty non-designer furniture would be a better business than this.

>> No.6251501

That's obviously not the real asking price, sureño pendejo.

>> No.6251524

Yeah but other people who arent delusional entitled incels will pay that.

>> No.6251607

Its a two way street. I've been offloading my collection over time and every time I sell stuff I remember why I'm always so apprehensive about making another listing.

>Check ebay prices
>Check local buysell/craigslist.kijiji for comparative prices
>Make decent well informed sales number, usually around 20% less than median listings
>after pricing out my huge lot of stuff this way, make my post
>include Pickup only, because fuck meeting up with no shows
>"Can you deliver?"
>"Can you meet me at X School"
>"I use transit, can you meet me at a trainstation?"
>Better yet
>"I can get this for cheaper at X place, will you lower the price?"
If you can get it cheaper somewhere else, then buy it somewhere else. My prices are already super reasonable.

Selling is it's own plague, especially if you're actually interested in moving product and not taking an absolute bath on it.

Also you idiots should just learn to avoid grossly overpriced shit. That guy with the N64 story is retarded, did you think he was actually going to drop his asking price 120 bucks just because you asked him to?
You have no idea what his investment is. It's totally possible he bought it for 80 and is just trying to get his money back.

You people are all fucking retards.

>> No.6251703

Same, I only could find Pockets, Colors and GBA's for about 80 or 90 bucks without games or even the battery cover

>> No.6251736

>Only two accidents ONE FATAL
lol, I could unironically see someone saying this.

>> No.6251776

>It's totally possible he bought it for 80 and is just trying to get his money back.
That doesn't really change my point, if anything it's even more stupid to list it at the same price in the hope someone might eventually buy it. Disregarding the amount of money he paid for it it's simply insane to consider old retro games as some investment, especially for loose carts of games that have sold millions. MILLIONS, anon! Turtles in Time isn't exactly some sort of rare game or a 'hidden gem' that has sold 'only 100k'. Again, we're not talking about something like Stadium Events here.

>> No.6252212

>if I act casual no one will know it was me

>> No.6252232 [DELETED] 

yeah trump really knows how to make a deal, thats why to curb illegal immigration he's wasting billions of dollars of our tax money on a fucking wall instead fining and jailing the people hiring illegals, something that would bring in billions.

>> No.6252260

I'd buy that camel up top. Fuck the wise men though I just want the camel

>> No.6252284

The depressing part is that is actually the camel (the wise men, along with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus) my grandparents used to use in their Nativity scene every Christmas years ago. My papa put it all together himself, and those plastic characters have been in my family since before I was born. A lot of stuff on that top shelf is actually my grandparents, the Disney sets (the blue cardboard boxes) in particular, because he used to have a display for it all in their old house. The same goes for Santa and Mrs. Claus on the left. A lot of stuff my grandparents had was stuffed into the storage facility when my aunt first purchased it, but it's become such an extremely incredible mess over the years, that it can be almost impossible to get to all of it.

>> No.6252301

People are quite delusional about sales and pricing.

>> No.6252313

What a faggot

>> No.6252315
File: 348 KB, 618x412, Rick Harrison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give him $5 for it. That's the best I can do.

>> No.6252319

I’ll take the Cincinnati Reds jacket and the grandma cuckoo clock with the pine cone pull chains for like $5

>> No.6252324

I’ll also pay $5 to open that bag of foam packing peanuts and throw them all around that room

>> No.6252335 [DELETED] 

Mexico is the wall he dealt with the problem, he threatened them with tariffs and they are dealing with the migrants now. Still finding the people that hire illegals is a glorious idea but you know the Hollywood elite would spend every dime trying to convince people that's wrong it would be fun to see that shit show.

>> No.6252345

No they won't retard. Nobody is going to pay 5k. Even games in demand dont go for 5k moron

>> No.6252356

Honestly I would give them to you because I guarantee nobody would notice that anything is missing in that place, but you would be in charge of scrubbing that jacket down and washing it yourself. (I actually don't know if that's a personal jacket or not)

>> No.6252383
File: 246 KB, 799x1166, 1d820210ec41a6da6fb3b62ee54057dae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an old favorite

>> No.6252391

Deal. I’m still in on the $5 to throw the foam peanuts around, maybe more if I can shred that giant bag of them with a gas-powered weed eater.

>> No.6252414

god why cant I meet a modest and intelligent woman like this?

>> No.6252443

What a retard lmao

>> No.6253701

KEK, good luck, hun.

>> No.6253869

A lot of smaller retailers don’t get that their shelf space should be used to entice sales and not store shit. It’s fine if you can do both at once, but if you have to choose you err on the side of making it easier for people to see what you have over popping down a giant box of shit and expect people to go digging for it.

Doubly so if the same shit is sitting on the shelf for years. The space that crap is taking up could be used to display some cover art, a new product, literally anything else. At some point you have to cover your losses or you’re going to lose all this shit in a fire sale anyway.

>> No.6254925

It's just a proportionate response to people trying to posit as superior online because they paid hundreds for the ROMs that a smart person has on an everdrive or etc

>> No.6254929

Lmao virgin collectard btfo by chad zoomers/lowballers

>> No.6255047

>eye candy
bitch you candy corn at best

>> No.6255230

Maybe anon lives in the US. Trump is the president of the US, y'know.

>> No.6255763 [DELETED] 

>Still finding the people that hire illegals is a glorious idea but you know the Hollywood elite would spend every dime trying to convince people that's wrong it would be fun to see that shit show.
Everyone I know against a wall says we should fine the people hiring illegals.

>> No.6257061

Fine em both massive revenue stream. Come to america wanting free shit and leave with even less, haha

>> No.6258959

Is there a site that compiles these kinds of listings? They're always a treat to look at.

>> No.6259181

At least that shit is some what organized.

>> No.6259195


>> No.6259245

Well this changes it. At least you can see the floor still

>> No.6259253

>photo taken in 2020
>2017 Calendar
Shit like this always creeps me out for some reason.

>> No.6259269
File: 1.96 MB, 2000x3555, 2020-01-27 19.18.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should have taken more pictures.

>> No.6259298 [DELETED] 

cringe, may be with a little cope

>> No.6259303 [DELETED] 

>Be content with no wasting money on dead cabinets and emulate for free
t. seething indebted boomer seller

>> No.6259779

>"Take good care of it, that was Noah's favourite"
Based Jewish granny.

>> No.6259785

They're idiots and you're a thief.

>> No.6259793

>Rescuing shit that would have otherwise rotted away and be forgotten about as the mountainous pile continues to grow and grow along with their debt makes me a thief

>> No.6259794

Just give them $10, you don't have to try for the moral high ground.

>> No.6259910


>> No.6259962
File: 1.05 MB, 911x1329, 82FFFFBB-3A41-43AB-82B6-24D68A0180FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It literally does. You’re stealing from your family.

>> No.6259997 [DELETED] 

A few billion dollars for a barrier at the border is a waste of money? Really, when illegal immigration costs us hundreds of billions every single year? The wall is a tool that will pay for itself thousands of times over. Even funding the shit you're talking about costs far more than the one time cost of constructing a wall. Were you always this terrible at math or is losing basic comprehension of numbers another side effect of TDS?

>> No.6261239 [DELETED] 

boy are you stupid.

1. Tunnels

2. The vast majority of illegals in this country are from overstayed visas. that means they didnt cross the fucking desert, they came in through the fucking border crossing legally, and then just stayed here.

3. If you fucking fine and fucking jail the people who hire illegals they will stop hiring illegals and then illegals wont come here because there will be no fucking jobs for them.

the wall has nothing to do with solving the problem with illegal immigration because trump really doesnt want to solve it. he and his billionaire buddies made a fortune off of the labor of illegals. they built his buildings and staffed his hotels.

>> No.6261420


This anon is right. The correct answer is to offer your cleaning services for a cut of the profit or just give them a few bucks for it. It sounds like they just have more ambition than ability to manage their inventory. Maybe you could be the deciding factor and help them get organized?

>> No.6261450

I genuinely don't think you understand just how filthy that place is. Pictures don't do it any amount of justice whatsoever.

Also, everyone is assuming that I've never helped her with anything. I used to help her list things, and I even helped her clean up her rancid house that smells like a mixture of cigarette smoke and cat urine when my cousin was being threatened by child services when they were about to take her baby away from her for being an awful mother. I, my mother, and my 80+ year old grandpa had to help them clean up their house. Her daughter got to keep her kid, but now that place is back to looking like a bomb blew up in it. My aunt is also the one that takes care of her daughter's son, while leeching off my grandparents as much as possible by getting their vehicles and having them pay for their phone bills. Her husband keeps buying more and more stuff faster than she's able to list it, and it's become a massive issue within our family that even our grandparents house has become messy with it. I have absolutely zero sympathy anymore, but clearly someone outside of all this without a firm grasp on the situation will act as if I'm the bad guy in all of this.

>> No.6261465

There are always exceptions to the rule. I'm not trying to judge you or make you feel one way or another but at the end of they day it is still stealing. To be fairly honest I have a few family members and friends that are dealing with very similar situations and no one would blame them if they were to steal a few video games here and there from the trash heap.

It does sound like they need help and wont accept it.

>> No.6261552


>> No.6261559 [DELETED] 


Illegal immigrants do not cost the country hundreds of billions you loon. A border wall along the US/Mexico border is a childs idea of immigration policy.

>> No.6261571 [DELETED] 


do you ever get tired of this? I genuinely feel sorry for you. No way you're going to last 4 more years, might as well join the 40 percent now. .

>> No.6261572

This. They pay more taxes than Amazon does every year. That's not even a thing you can refute. It's fact.

>> No.6261585

how do they pay taxes when they dont file taxes faggot

>> No.6261629 [DELETED] 

Get a load of this guy.
1. The majority of illegals in the US are here on overstayed visas
2. immigrants are surprisingly faithful to the tax system by filing under the SS of a deceased relative or one sold to them by someone who is leaving the country. You cant be employed without a SS number.
3. Immigration was on a sharp decline over the last 10 years due exclusively to drone surveillance. We have always had an invisible wall. One that employed well trained Americans and cost far less to maintain than a physical wall.

>> No.6262469

I didn't say you were the bad guy, I just said you were a thief and that you should at least give them $10 or so for the games you took.

>> No.6262578 [DELETED] 

lmao your second point is such liberal bullshit, most of them will take below minimum wage to work without a SS and never pay a dime in income tax, fucking retard.

>> No.6262592

>That ad has to be a troll.
if you got past elementary school shit's fucked up

>> No.6262646
File: 188 KB, 317x225, real mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not teaching them about vidya, installing yourself as the repairguy/price evaluator and turning them into your employees hunting shit down for you while you live a comfy vidya life using their money to buy stock and taking a cut. You could easily pivot their business model and position yourself in a comfy ass setup anon.

Not only are you a thief, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6262656 [DELETED] 

Do some rudimentary research bitch, farms get investigated, audited and shut down for employing illegals. Concrete numbers are hard to find but easily over 60% of illegals pay taxes and have kids in the system. They are just as american as you or me.

>> No.6262659


>> No.6262661

>Teaching 60+ people about video games
Not gonna happen.
They're literally the kind of people that scalp for old video games at flea markets and thrift stores, treat them like shit, and then sell them on Ebay for stupid prices.
Also, once again, pretending that I never gave them any money towards them either.
Shut the fuck up and fuck off.

>> No.6262743
File: 2.92 MB, 486x360, 1583613919150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just buy them and sell them for profit
>fuck off

you literally can't make this shit up, you're such a retard for not working this situation to your advantage. I bet your life is real hard and it's everyone elses fault, eh anon? Fuck's sake, stop playing on hard mode and try and DO something.

>> No.6263438

>muh bootstraps
>firm handshake
Am I late for the larp thread?

>> No.6263493

>just posts buzzwords with no argument
Its stealing from someone who paid money for a product and trusted a relative to not take shit without them knowing. He could have helped them turn a profit which would in turn serve both parties if he got a cut for refurbishing them. He didn't even say "Hey can I take this thing that is doing nothing on a shelf?" because he knew damn well if he brought it up they would realize its worth something and sell a thing they bought. Its not a perk, its stealing.
>they're shitty people
Completely irrelevant. Don't be at their house then.

>> No.6263556

Absolutely based
Thanks anon I needed a laugh

>> No.6263560

No but I can easily tell you're a brain dead cocksucker.

>> No.6263564

>the hard drive is at least worth 800 brand new
maybe on the moon, Cletus

>> No.6263962 [DELETED] 


>> No.6264029
File: 83 KB, 235x212, 1584109093513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6264068

>paying taxes makes you American

Oh, boy.

>> No.6264259

>I didn't say you were the bad guy
>I just said you were a thief

>> No.6264398

its part of not living in an unregulated shithole

>> No.6265085 [DELETED] 

so you want me to feel bad for identity thieves using stolen numbers?

>> No.6265439 [DELETED] 

Generally they are human beings trying to escape the cartel death machine and live peacefully in america. Call them whatever you want but I will call them my brothers.

>> No.6265479 [DELETED] 

why don't they stay and fight for their homelands like whites do? Theyre really just running from the problems and eventually those problems come here with them. They flee corrupt governments only to vote for corrupt politicians who promise their minority group free shit and rights they dont deserve, rights they werent willing to fight for in their own country. I call them foreign invaders because that is what they are, they have no intention of being Americans they want to be Mexicans/Guatemalans/Somalians/Lebanese/whatever living in America. Don't you notice how they still refer to their native countries as home even after they have obtained citizenship its because they dont see this place as their home.

>> No.6265495 [DELETED] 

Go die of corona gramps

>> No.6265518

Those things are stupid easy to fix (look up videos on the repairs) You can buy cheap broken ones off eGay and fix them in minutes.
Most aren't even broken and just need a bit of cleaning to work again.

>> No.6265521 [DELETED] 

>trying to escape the cartel death machine
They’re the ones responsible for it existing, and they’ve already brought it with them.

>> No.6265524 [DELETED] 

>Concrete numbers are hard to find but easily over 60% of illegals pay taxes and have kids in the system
Why lie?

>> No.6265540 [DELETED] 

I buy, fix, then sell bicycles on Facebook and Kijiji.
I always meet at a parking lot near my house so I can ride the bike there as proof it works and they can test it out in my view.
I have done this in 3 provinces.
My ads are always listed with the meeting place, the fact I cannot deliver or drive anywhere because all I have are bicycles and my motorcycle.
In Manitoba Almost every person who contacted me would meet and follow through or give a respectful offer that I would almost always accept.
In Alberta 1/5 people would randomly stop responding or block me after a few days of them not responding when I'd ask if they were still interested. Mostly good tho.
In Ontario 7/10 people who message asking if the bicycle is still available never respond after I say it is. When I ask if they are still interested they always block me or ignore me.
Half of the people who actually are interested never show up to the place where we agreed to meet and when I ask what's up they almost always block me. Fuck Ontario

>> No.6265546

This triggers me but only because I know there but for the grace of God go I

>> No.6265551

Oh yeah and they somehow never read the the part about where I live. It's always in capitol letters at the top of the listing.
Somehow even if it's a local group for just the town I'm in I'll get people from fucking halfway across the province messaging me asking if I can deliver.

>> No.6265575
File: 81 KB, 1920x917, fu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell pretty much nothing on Facebook. Kijiji has much better buyers

>> No.6265580

Most people are retarded with livestock-tier IQ and charisma when it comes to buying and selling online. I don't understand what the point of asking is if they have no intent to buy or respond, even if out of courtesy. And the blocking shit makes no sense to me at all.

>> No.6266009

Facebook buyers in general
>Will you swap it for
Had one guy asking if I smoke? And would I swap it for cigarettes.
>Low ballers
Selling something for 40, somebody asked if I would sell for 20.
Also that guy that said. "20 if I pick up, 30 if you drop it off"

>> No.6266019

Get off your high horse.

>> No.6266065

Oh look guys, let's stop telling him the truth or he's going to tell the jannies because someone was mean to him. Cry harder.

>> No.6266214
File: 781 KB, 911x585, 1538664902288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop acting like a bitch and take the advice, you're in a sweet spot to make some cash don't ruin it because of your ego. Report back in a couple months, let us know how your vidya repair business is going!

>> No.6266726

You can white knight for that dudes aunt as much as you want, but that doesn't mean she'll fuck you

>> No.6266902
File: 184 KB, 324x296, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling someone not to steal from his relatives is whiteknighting
whatever helps you sleep at night THIEF.

>> No.6266935

>implying I care about someone's family
You do realize you're on /vr/ don't you? Whatever, keep crying like the little bitch you are.

>> No.6267081

Feels good living in a rural area where there are flea markets run by boomers and old men who sell CRTs for like 20$ or less including trinitrons.

>> No.6267102

How do you find recycling centers where you can buy shit? I'm too retarded.

>> No.6267125

the prices' reasonable except for Spore. no on wants spore.

>> No.6267135

That's actually organised and relatively clean. I would call cops on you for stealing.


>> No.6267137

ok i laffed at the 6-sliced toaster, but you're still a criminal and someone should dox you and email the cops. also not /vr/, >>>/trash/

>> No.6267884

Hey dudes, went to my local arcade repair shop (2hrs drive) and i see this weirdo looking 80s cab out the back off the showroom, and old mate wants $250 for it as it needs work. We agreed on $500 as he will replace the stuffed monitor and fix a few other minor things. He also said he could chuck in a original golden axe pcb for $300 as he believes they are worth around the $400 mark which a quick ebay search confirms (in australia at least). The advantage of using the pcb is it wont have to be rewired to jamma. So thats how a $250 cab turns into a $800 one. Should I go original or go jamma?

>> No.6267923

I mean, he is a thief. If you take shit from people without asking, you're stealing. I don't particularly care that anon is a thief, nor am I saying there aren't justifiable situations to steal (i.e. starving and need food).

>> No.6267950

I'll take that bag of packing peanuts for 10 bucks.