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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6243334 No.6243334 [Reply] [Original]

What retro PC games should I play on my newly built '90s-style computer which has a Pentium III, GeForce 256, and Windows 98, /vr/?

>> No.6243339 [DELETED] 

gta 3
max payne
serious sam

>> No.6243341

I dunno, some rts or fps

>> No.6243356

Do those games actually run on 90s hardware? What model of motherboard, CPU and RAM?

>> No.6243378

Fallout 1 & 2.

>> No.6243384

Shit you could have played on a modern computer

>> No.6243386

Also what's the point of building a period accurate computer if you have no idea what to do with it

>> No.6243464

Obvious troll is obvious, naturally. This is a stealth thread about the rules.

>> No.6243472 [DELETED] 

So do PC games go by release date or if they can run on '90s PC parts?

>> No.6243498 [DELETED] 

Rogue Squadron, NFS3, Max Payne, System Shock 2, Half Life, Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, Worms Armageddon, AoE 2, and motherfucking Captain Claw. Have fun.

>> No.6243519
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are you ok janny?

>> No.6243530

Seems like mods are ok with PC games from the year 2000 but not 2001 and later.

>> No.6243541

>game lists Windows 98 as system requirement
>asks for Windows 98 era hardware
>not retro because released in 2001
That's fucking retarded. I guess Driver 2 and Mega Man X5 aren't retro either.

>> No.6243553

MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries was a favorite of that era, see if it works. Take no Prisoners is also a hidden gem, reminds me of Escape from New York.

>> No.6243561

Try U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project if you can find it, it's a pretty unknown indie game that I had tons of fun with

>> No.6243589
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Yeah because the mods are fucking retards and can't read what the rules say. It will never change though because that's the nature of 4chan.

>> No.6243607
File: 3.06 MB, 2000x1345, Halo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's gotta be Halo CE.

>> No.6243621

Mods, quit being niggers. He listed one post 2000 game in a list of ones that fit the rules. If Deus Ex threads are allowed then this post is fine >>6243519

Anyway OP, I suggest
>Sim City 2000: Special Edition and 3000
>Civilization II and Alpha Centauri
>Mechwarrior 3
>MDK 1 direct X version
There's still tons of Win 98 games that are a pain in the dick to run on modern hardware. Mech 3 for instance requires jumping through a ton of hoops to work on modern hardware.

>> No.6243621,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh look, mods went full OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN again over a perfectly legal PC gaming thread.

>> No.6243621,2 [INTERNAL] 

They are clearly some neckbeards stuck on their childhood memories and don't want to see anything that goes out their comfort zone. Just look at how many thread were deleted today, and I'm not even talking about the "rule bending" ones. This board is reaching reddit circlejerk levels of moderation.