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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6242061 No.6242061 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell? Why is it so good?

I was resisting RetroArch for as long as I could, prefering the cleanness of standalone emulators, but Beetle HW with dynarec is just way too good for PS1 emulation.

Previously I used a mix of ePSXe and XEBRA (for 3D games my weak laptop couldn't full speed in ePSXe), but guess what? I tried RetroArch and Beetle HW with dynarec runs without FPS drops and with perspective correction to boot.

Guess I'm now a RetroArch fan.

>> No.6242204

Why not try talking about games themselves for once?

>> No.6242241
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>> No.6242341

New RetroArch thread: Here comes another worthless shouting match!

>> No.6242357

Have the random glitches erasing settings been fixed?

>> No.6242605

What !?

>> No.6242634

Can you post some screenshots?

>> No.6242663

>nooooo not retroarch!!!!!! you must use original hardware or very outdated emulators reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6242673
File: 1.10 MB, 1317x1080, amazon_diet_EN-200118-204603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you get around the dumb xmb interface retroarch is great, yeah, hell, i'm even starting to like the interface now i'm used to it

>> No.6242693

It's a little clumsy to use with all the cores you can install (some of which work well for some games but not for others) but it works amazingly as a one-stop shop yeah. I have it on my phone and desu I don't see why you'd ever download any other emulator. Doesn't even have ads.

For PC I'd rather use seperate emulators though. Easier to tweak specific settings.

>> No.6242704

t. Daniel De Matteis

>> No.6242712

>very outdated emulators
You mean the very same emulators RetroArch takes the source code from and turn into cores? They don't do jack shit, it's only a frontend.

>> No.6242739

but op is being kinda specific about psx tho

>> No.6242764

>noooo i swear zsnes and epsxe are not outdated reeeeeeee

>> No.6242767

Something something diagonals

>> No.6242789
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are you actually retarded?

>> No.6242809

Beetle HW is just a core of the standalone Mednafen PS1 emulator.

>> No.6242821

My biggest problem with Retro Arch is what a pain button mapping is.

>> No.6242824

You don't have to use XMB. Ozone is better.

>> No.6242828

The whole UI is pain inducing. They should stop making cores for every single emulator out there and focus on the god awful UI for a second.

>> No.6242829
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Some of my issues with it are that after exiting a game it doesn't save the key I bound to translate using AI, and playlists only scrub for specific roms and isos. Runahead is great, but for me, some systems are janky with slowdown and sound issues (PC Engine CD and Sega CD games specifically). Despite all that it's fine if you do your homework and configure it the way you want. It's probably the best free solution for PCs, phones, etc.

>> No.6242831

It's basically the same thing in a different layout tho, but I agree.

>> No.6242840

yeah ok i know that but still is pretty different with retroarch
mednafen is not as immediate as like bsnes or snes9x let's say

>> No.6242846

>but still is pretty different with retroarch
Its not. Its literally the exact same thing.

>> No.6242851

this sounds kinda autistic lol i'm out of this discussion

>> No.6242860

Its literally not bro

>> No.6242994

how would i get romhacks to work on this?

>> No.6243017

im new to retroarch as a whole. set up the beetle saturn core and loaded bulk slash but it keeps failing to load. i also don't get sound out of any other games.

>> No.6243039

You're probably missing BIOS files or have a bad dump of the game. Get CUE/BIN.

Originally yes. But now it has tons of enhancements, you know like rendering on the GPU (Beetle HW) and perspective correction.

>> No.6243042

Normally? Apply them to the game and run it?

Only subhumans like you use the shitty machine translation.

>> No.6243053

Aaand it's already a shitshow. God, I hate you faggots sometimes.

>> No.6243061 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 267x200, 1440557863411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /vr/
>people shit on retroarch
>go to /vg/
>people shit on retroarch
>go to a random video games forum
>people shit on retroarch
>go to retroarch forums
>people shit on retroarch
>go to retroarch issues tracker
>people shit on retroarch
>go to fucking google play store
>people shit on retroarch
will they ever get their shit together

>> No.6243079

It's literally not. There's a lot of under the hood changes to make the hacks work (increased IR, for example) that mean backporting fixes from upstream takes way longer than it otherwise would, and is why it can take several months for a minor bug fix in mednafen to make it into beetle.

>> No.6243081

no but you are to think you have the same experience and options using retroarch or the standalone emulator.

>> No.6243093
File: 259 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nzpypbKwrt1rnuya0o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it so good?
Because its a group effort with lots of dedicated talent behind it and a community of enthusiasts that understand emulation is the only way to ensure retro gaming will survive past the current gaming environment if things keep going down the same path.

>But now it has tons of enhancements
"Now with 100% more HERESY!"

I would bet most people dislike it because of emulator PTSD so I understand peoples aversion to emulation in general considering it had such a rocky start. After keeping a close eye on the development of retroarch I can say I am fully on board as a side project. I still have trouble taking a chance on certain troublesome titles from the past because of the inherent frustrations of a first time configuration but thankfully the developers have made an effort to keep this as painless as possible.

>original Nestopia
>game would erase your controller config if you started up the game with no controller present

>get halfway through
>corrupted sprites
>wait years for an update/new rom dump
>Breaks different games

>same problems as Zsnes
>extremely hardware dependent
>update PC
>runs terribly
>the "fix" is rolling back drivers
>wait years for update
>rinse and repeat

The list fucking goes on. I still cross my fingers when testing out a new game because its just how shit is sometimes. To be honest of all free software I use, retorarch is easily in the top ten. I donate a grand total of $3 a month to patreon and one of those dollars goes to retroarch. Its not going to change the world or anything but i feel its quite justified considering how much I use it.

>> No.6243101
File: 977 KB, 1024x768, Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back (USA)-200305-073843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I posted and went to sleep. Turns out you autists are at it like always.

Anyway, this is Crash 2, the first level, 2x intenal resolution, dithering set at internal resolution. This rain effect was causing serious FPS drops with ePSXe (2.0.5, internal OpenGL2 core based on Pete's OpenGL2 core 2.0.9, 2x internal resolution, standard framebuffer drawing). And voila, Beetle HW with the same 2x internal resolution, perfectly stable FPS, with perspective correction on top.

So as far as I'm concerned RetroArch's Beetle HW is perfect for I want. You autists can now go back to arguing about frivolous shit like nomenclature.

Here, bro.

>> No.6243113

Yeah, with RetroArch turning as good as it did, even on my weak laptop, I'm pretty much ready to leave ePSXe behind.

>> No.6243124

>tfw MAME keeps breaking RA legs
>tfw Dolphin on RA is a joke compared to standalone
>tfw RA will never get Project64 and PCSX2 because PJ64 can't run on loonix and PSCSX2 because it's too complex for them
based as fuck if you ask me

>> No.6243128

I don’t know why anyone would use PJ64 over Parallel and Mupen

>> No.6243150

Parallel is only useful if you want the most accurate N64 emulation available, which is still pretty meh but necessary for some games to not look like shit. Mupen is just poor man's Project64, only relevant because it's on RA and is multiplatform.

>> No.6243205

they are regular rom files that can be read on any other emu except not here

>> No.6243206

i have cue/bin but it may be a bad dump anyway? i don't know why i would be missing the bios exactly if presumably all i needed was to download any saturn core.

>> No.6243209

What game, what romhack, what core?

Because, you damn Redditor, you need to supply the BIOS.

>> No.6243219

all of the romhacks i put in to sample with like the seiken densetsu 3 translation, vldc9 (smw), parallel worlds (alttp) they won't show up in the menu to select from

>> No.6243223

forgot to mention just regular bsnes for the core

>> No.6243247 [DELETED] 


Tried Seiken Densetsu translation. Loads normally, except it's fucked up. I presume this is because of bsnes itself.

>> No.6243253 [DELETED] 
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6243267
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Scratch my previous posts. The problem was my ROM. I downloaded a prepatched one and it works perfect.

Anyway, your problem is on your end then.

>> No.6243281
File: 435 KB, 1366x742, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Zelda Parallel Worlds. Again, no problems.

>> No.6243329

"Only subhumans like you use the shitty machine translation."
>playing games for the story

>> No.6244182

>bilinear vaseline

>> No.6244348
File: 2.24 MB, 1589x1107, 68688632-4BF6-4833-8FE6-6AC34933DAA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh I just use LaunchBox for all the front end stuff

>> No.6244351
File: 61 KB, 480x331, 1567163966417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great and all, but I'm surprised it can't do disc switching. Had to look up some weird ghetto way of making it work for Lunar on the PS1, but it did work in the end.

>> No.6244612

>it can't do disc switching
wait what?

>> No.6244636

It can and you can hotkey the disk switch

>> No.6244646

Because it looks more organic and faithful to the developers intention. They wanted a coherent image that resembled a cartoon, not pixel vomit.

>> No.6244653

You do know bilinear filter is just used when you scale incorrectly so the pixels are uneven

>> No.6244656


>> No.6244657

I tried putting this thing on my 3ds
Didnt work
I didnt try very hard
Retroarch sucks

>> No.6244658

That's the exact opposite of a coherent image. It just looks like you smeared grease all over your screen, and is nothing like what the game looks like on a consumer sd crt.

>> No.6244724

I have to agree that retroarch has gotten better.
Before it kept crashing like a drunk teenager driving a car, now the crashes are much limited.
Although it could be better, like throwing a fucking error instead of killing the whole application.
For some reason it doesn't handle the wireless DS4 directly on dinput, but I run it through ds4windows anyway.

The last "stable" I tried recently was less stable than nightly tho.
Stable had some retarded issue where one of my dinput devices would stop working the moment I set the L2 or R2 trigger, and even more absurdly it would resume working while keeping them pressed (if they were set).

Ozone is a step up in usability.

Also fuck Mame and that fucking START+SELECT go-to-mame-menu sneaky keybind, killed my playthrougyh when I was close to the end of a game.

Thanks for reminding me I have launchbox, I should bother myself to set it up properly one of these days.
Beats navigating retroarch's painful menus

>> No.6244737
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I don't see the appeal besides shaders and runahead. Personally I hate the UI. If you want an actually clean all in one emulator look to OpenEmu for Macs.

>> No.6244753

Launchbox takes no time at all to set up now, it’s really just import roms/ISO’s and choose emulator, it should auto scan for images and shit

>> No.6244780

Okay clobber.

>> No.6244785

I'll say. That's one of the easiest platforms to install it to.

>> No.6244790

PS3 is easier. Last time I tried RA on 3DS some cores were crashing for some reason.

>> No.6244804


it can but it kinda sucks and involves manual labor
you create a file using a text editor, put the disks in order like so
save file as game.m3u
that part isn't so bad.
then you have to manually edit the associated console playlist file to add your .m3u , there are tools to help you do this but it's not hard
then if you started playing the game before realizing the disk swapping feature sucks you have to rename your save file from game-cd1.srm to game.srm
now you can swap disks in the xmb ui
the shitty part is it will not remember what disk you were on the last time you played, it loads cd1 regardless

>> No.6244862

Afaik they smoothed that out earlier this year. PSX, and GBA game me quite a lot of trouble in the past.

>> No.6244870

That's a crazy amount of work compared to just menu > disk control > disk image append > pick disk. If you're using shared memory cards, and you should be, you'll never have to worry about renaming them either.

>> No.6244879

has no idea you could do that

>> No.6244886

Retroarch in a nutshell. They really need to find a interface designer to fix their mess.

>> No.6244890
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>Mac only

>> No.6244931

The interface is designed for gamepad use, and it's great with that. If you're new to RA, most everything you'd want to know is in the docs. For those unwilling to read the manual, who're easily frustrated, and get overwhelmed when there's a ton of options, save yourself the headache and stick to standalone emulators.

>> No.6244945

but it's not though?
He's literally right.

>> No.6244965

I've been using retroarch for years, I THINK I know where everything is and all It can do, but the fact that someone that never used it would need a fucking manual to do basic stuff should be an obvious warning of stupid gui design.

>> No.6244978

>it is and he's literally me

>> No.6245047

The interface is terrible regardless of input, all the shit you'd care about is buried beneath un-intuitive menus. Like if you want to button remapings (and you will, since the default is fucking stupid) you can't do it from the quick menu if you haven't checked a box in settings.

>> No.6245050

It's not the gui that makes it incompatible with zoomers, but the fact that there's a shit load of relevant options that need to be configured for an optimal experience. You can't just gate it all behind the advanced tab, or you're throwing out all of the benefits of using RA over standalone emulators. You can't autoconfig it either, because these options are specific to the end user's hardware setup.

You actually can just download it, plug in a controller, navigate to the core downloader and get your cores, load up content, and play with no further setup. Obviously then you're missing all of the benefits that make RA worth using outside of DRC, so how would you recommend making those features accessible to tech illiterate users when setting them up to match your hardware specifically requires an understanding of how they work?

It's GIMP or Photoshop vs Paint. Anyone who has only used the latter will immediately be overwhelmed with options when using the former, but those options are the reason you'd want to use them in the first place. You're either going to have to play around with everything, watch a tutorial, or read up on it. Do you have a realistic alternative to that?

>> No.6245065

>Like if you want to button remapings (and you will, since the default is fucking stupid)
Unless you're using some obscure third party controller, it's going to have an autoconfig that correctly maps your buttons to mirror as closely as possible whatever system you're emulating. For everything else, the home button opens the quick menu and gives you access to anything you'd need for normal gameplay.

>> No.6245073

I know about autoconfig, it'd be hard not to notice the little popup.

If I'm using a xbox controller (the most popular gamepad for pc according to steam's data collection) I want the A button to be A, not B, that's stupid. Why force SNES layout on everything?

And I also know you can access button remapping from the quick menu and set it as a core or game default, but again, it doesn't do shit if you haven't enabled button remapping in settings (and the quick menu doesn't tell you this).

>> No.6245081

>Why force SNES layout on everything?
It's not, it's matching the button physical button locations on your controller to the physical button locations on the controller you're emulating. It seems strange that you'd be hung up on the button names themselves rather than their proper placement. Do you also have an issue with circle, square, and triangle when emulating the playstation because your controller doesn't even have those labels on the buttons?

>> No.6245125
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That just furthers proves my point, even the PS controller is mapped according to SNES standards. In any multiplat game cross on a dualshock would do the same as the A button on an xbox controller, circle would be B, square would be X and triangle would be Y.

>> No.6245134

I honestly can't tell if you're just fucking with me, or if you truly don't understand why you'd want to map buttons based on their physical location, rather than arbitrary label.

>> No.6245158

I'm not fucking with you, I just showed you how retroarch's default button layouts are based on SNES. The face buttons on the the dualshock are functionally identical in use *and* location to the xbox's, yet the default is laid out like a SNES controller for no reason at all.

>> No.6245198
File: 121 KB, 1251x300, retropad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, pretend for a moment that none of the controllers have any labels on the buttons, they're completely blank. The button on the bottom of your controller is bound to the button on the bottom of the emulated system's controller. The button on the left is bound to the button on the left. The button on the right is bound to the button on the right. And of course, the button on the top is bound to the button on the top.
>I just showed you how retroarch's default button layouts are based on SNES
I think you're getting confused by the retropad abstraction. It's position based, and shows as much in the menu.

>> No.6245237

Why do you even bother? We know who theses whiners are. Just move on. You are wasting your time...

>> No.6245296

Yes, a proper gui design. Bizhawk and Higan are both "multi-system emulators" and they aren't disgusting as retroarch. I know they want to make everything accessible through a controller, but they are doing it the stupidest way possible, just cramming shit all under tons of random menus and calling it a day. I've never seen a "fullscreens UI" worse than retroarch's in my whole life.

>> No.6245302

When there's no pushback, the disinfo becomes the narrative.
>I've never seen a "fullscreens UI" worse than retroarch's in my whole life
Would you be able to provide an example of one that can be entirely navigated via a controller and has an equivalent amount of options available?

>> No.6245309

One? Sure, Kodi.

>> No.6245314

>complains about shit being crammed under tons of random menus
>uses kodi as an example of not doing that
>it does exactly that
Okay then.

>> No.6245405

You need to dilate.

>> No.6245412

At least you don't need a manual to use Kodi, everything is intuitively placed.

>> No.6245457

>playing arcade games
>defaults suck so I need to remap for each game
>instead of just being able to go to menu -> controls, I have to go to the menu, then back out of the menu, then navigate to the input controls section
>then I need to go back to the first menu to actually save the configuration
>if I start the game and find the control scheme is uncomfortable, I have to go through the whole process again
There's no reason for this nonsense when it could all be in one section of the default menu.

>> No.6245462

Buy a fightstick and play the games as they were meant to be played.

>> No.6245468

>what are pre-JAMMA games?

>> No.6245479

You've still got to remap those for most games that weren't made with Japanese candy cabs in mind.

>> No.6245512

If you're willing to put up with old shit games made long before vidya got good, surely you can put up with a few button presses to get to the bind menu.

>> No.6245518

There's no reason for "bind inputs" and "save/load input bind" to be in completely different menus in the first place. That's nonsense.

>> No.6245541

They aren't. Load up the game you want to set the binds for, open the quick menu and navigate to controls, scroll down, bind your keys, and in that same menu, you can save or load said binds.

>> No.6245582
File: 208 KB, 895x663, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to push a specific button to remap or something here? I can only find the option to rebind under "Inputs".

>> No.6245597

There's been several releases with major changes since 1.7.0, time to update anon.

>> No.6245598

Oh, is that what it is? I downloaded it like a year and a half ago and rarely touched it because of what a pain in the ass it was to figure out how to change the input, so I never felt the need to bother updating it.

>> No.6245602

Even as far back as 1.7.7 (we're on 1.8.4), you can bind from the menu you posted.

>> No.6245608

>May 2019
It really took them that long to think of doing it? Well whatever. I'll update next time I need to use it.

>> No.6245625

>'it sucks because it doesn't have x'
>adds x
>'wowwwww took you long enough'
Some people will never be satisfied. It's FOSS, as always, if there's a missing feature and you feel like you can do better, do it and submit a pull request. Be honest, did you even do the bare minimum and spend two minutes writing a feature request issue on the libretro github to notify the team? Or did you just bitch about it on the internet a full year later without even checking to see if it's still an issue?

>> No.6245639


>> No.6245653

It is also used to retain image fidelity.

No, it is coherent. The pixels blend where they’re supposed to. It doesn’t look like the image a consumer set would produce, but it achieves the same effect:

>> No.6245661
File: 1.34 MB, 1460x1080, alttp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use a simple shader. Bilinear is universally disgusting.

>> No.6245718


>> No.6245892

That doesn’t look anything like a CRT tho.

>> No.6245929

You can literally go into quick menu and bind buttons specifically for that game or core in the input menu, why are you lying?

>> No.6245938

Agreed but there are shaders that do, like the xm29 one or the 256px presets

>> No.6245950

He was running an older version where you couldn't.

>> No.6245962
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, Absweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retroarch wont work for me with ps1 games despite downloading the bios to the proper folder.. I guess ePSXe. :/

>> No.6246007

Consider using the premade BIOS pack linked in this thread.

If it still doesn't work, I suggest buying a PS4 or something.

>> No.6246039

How are people being filtered this hard by such a simple program?
I guess that’s why a lot of people prefer real hardware

>> No.6246042

>Parallel is only useful if you want the most accurate N64 emulation available
Why the fuck would you want anything else

>> No.6246068 [DELETED] 

My guess he doesn't actually have the right BIOS files, since Mednafen (Beetle PSX) asks for free specific ones with specific names. Or doesn't have proper BIN/CUE rips.

His failure is the inability to read the fucking manual. On more general level, it's the lack of inquisitiveness about how to make something work and the will to make it work. To extrapolate one level above, his lacks the ability to take control the things around him, to live his life, so to speak.

This is of course a common symptom among console gamers. To use a meme term, they are NPCs. I dunno though if it's inborn, that is if NPC seek out consoles, or learned, that is playing on consoles makes you a NPC.

I am also wary of Steam and other shitty services that automate, that is consolize the act of making PC games run. Anothing shit for NPCs with no inner self.

>> No.6246072

My guess he doesn't actually have the right BIOS files, since Mednafen (Beetle PSX) asks for three specific ones with specific filenames. Or doesn't have the proper BIN/CUE rips.

His failure is the inability to read the fucking manual. On a more general level, it's the lack of inquisitiveness about how to make something work and the will to make it work. To extrapolate one level above, his lacks the ability to take control the things around him, to live his life actively, so to speak.

This is of course a common symptom among console gamers. To use a meme term, they are NPCs. I dunno though if it's inborn, that is if NPCs seek out consoles, or learned, that is playing on consoles makes you a NPC.

I am also wary of Steam and other shitty services that automate, that is consolize, the act of making PC games run. Another shit for NPCs with no inner self.

>> No.6246105

Because n64 had terrible frame rate on a lot of games, why wouldn’t you want to play with improvements?

>> No.6246152


>> No.6246271

Just look up a youtube tutorial, I couldn't get Retroarch to work before I just watched someone tell me what to fucking do, now it works a charm and I've never had a problem with it.

>> No.6246462
File: 133 KB, 960x960, 6x8ifv8gqh801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That doesn’t look anything like a CRT
It actually does, a 20M2MDU specifically, at normal viewing distances, albeit with a more crisp image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed8av1uC19c

It doesn't look anything like a CONSUMER crt, but it's not meant to. I have plenty of other presets for that, and all of them are far, far better than the classic bilinear shitsmear.
Why do you 60iq phoneposting niggers insist on spamming this every thread?

>> No.6246737
File: 388 KB, 1236x1080, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bilinear is universally disgusting
Feels fine and comfy to me, adding some glowing and scanlines doesn't really make it that better, at least in this case, i mean, it's an emulator on pc after all.
Besides you might want to tweak the aspect ratio for games like zelda and ct, right?

>> No.6246764

>Feels fine and comfy to me
If that's what you've habituated yourself to, causing the visual equivalence of nose blindness, hey, you do you. Typically that severe level of blur is associated with improperly upscaling an image or video, not seen as a desired outcome.
>Besides you might want to tweak the aspect ratio for games like zelda and ct, right?
8:7 vs 4:3 is a tough one. Both CT and ALttP feature scenes where the art was deliberately squished to compensate for the 4:3 stretch, meaning they were aware of how the games were going to be displayed on consumer tv. Other games have no instances of correction, so in that case, 8:7 would match the developer's vision.

>> No.6248358
File: 918 KB, 1899x2183, 67246639_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you tried installing android on PC and see if retroarch runs better on android than PC?

>> No.6248359


this guy only does retroarch test vids. huge amount of pgxp test vids.


>> No.6248381

I have. What's the weather like in Brazil?

>> No.6248461

4:3 is outright the only option unless you’re playing something from close to launch title

>> No.6248483

What results did you get?

>> No.6248613 [DELETED] 
File: 568 KB, 1235x1080, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps i'm wrong, i mean, i don't really know shit, i'm ignorant, anyway i think they use some blur as well along with those scanlines glowing and stuff when they make this filters, am i right?

>> No.6248615
File: 568 KB, 1235x1080, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps i'm wrong, i mean, i don't really know shit, i'm ignorant, anyway i think they use some blur as well along with scanlines glowing and stuff when making these filters, am i right?

>> No.6248617
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1440, 1569197993705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6248682

Retroarch was shit on both

>> No.6249048

It's more broken on Android and cores are of course slower compared to a PC with a i5, at least on a 2018 flagship.

>> No.6249086

It's good because it's the logical conclusion for emulation and good developers are working on it.

Contrarians who oppose anything people tell them is popular memed anons on /vr/ into thinking retroarch sucks

>> No.6249109

There's nothing good about RetroArche. The UI is a mess.

>> No.6249135

like mednafen is better

>> No.6249195

The only thing that sucks about retroarch is setting control mappings. Why do I have to scroll left and right through all the buttons instead of just selecting an input and pressing the button I want to set it?

>> No.6249225

Many bios packs on the internet are not correctly dumped. Download a few and compare the checksum to the one from the emulator core wiki.

>> No.6249234

Don't you have to be one BIOS for each region due mednafen retardness or something like that? Just download a pack with known good dumps and put it on the folder.

>> No.6249241

I never used mednafen. I only use stand alone emulators.

>> No.6249242

From the analog shader pack? Do you where I can disable the occasional brightness flicker that is probably meant to replicate the s-video experience? I just cannot find a setting in the shader config that fixes this. I also have this issue with the Commodore monitor shaders and CRT royal. I'm can't even ruled out that it isn't just a bug, but it looks genuinely analog and deliberately placed.

>> No.6249245

*Ignore autocorrect shenanigans

>> No.6249250

I should be able to load FM Towns games in MAME/MESS without the fucking thing crashing. Why can I play CD-I games (sort of) on RA but no FM Towns!?

>> No.6249254

Can you share this shader with us please? It looks really good.

>> No.6249276

With PSX, you can just use PBPs and switch the disc from the Retroarch menu without renaming the saves.
Use something like PSX2PSP to make the PBPs.

>> No.6249280

You don't need to do any of that retarded shit, just enable shared memory cards so it functions like a normal playstation.

>> No.6249375

Looks nice, which shader is it?

>> No.6249419

Royale+image adjustment. Similar settings to kurozumi, but without the desaturation.

>> No.6249446
File: 2.80 MB, 854x480, RetroArch 2019.03.30 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6249657

Does it have them?

>> No.6249667

Can you now delete shitty cores you tried but they were shitty?

>> No.6249668

You've always been able to delete them, they're in your cores folder.

>> No.6249674

and where is that on android? : (

>> No.6249678

I dunno, faggot, where does your shitty phone store data? Connect it to PC and search.

>> No.6249681

Assuming there's a folder structure similar to windows, it would in theory be retroarch\cores, but I don't emulate on mobile.

>> No.6249683

Legit question hes got there. It's not in the retroarch folder on your phones root folder, nor in the obb or data folders. I've got tons of cores I don't want shitting up my phone.

>> No.6249685

I dunno. As a smart person, I don't use emulators on a phone, nor play any gacha games for that matter.

>> No.6249686

all android apps are supposed to store data in their respective com. subfolder in the android folder. for retroarch, the com.retroarch folder's data folder has no cores in it so idfk where tf it stores them

>> No.6249687

as a smarter person, i have an android phone with physical keys in order to emulate on the go

>> No.6249690

Very Reddit.

>> No.6249693

If you open RA, load the core, and then go to core information, does it give you the option to remove it?

>> No.6249701

What an obnoxious solution. Thanks for the info though. This is gonna take awhile.
I'm not sure what makes you smart for not having a portable system with Games from Atari to Arcarde to GCN. Attach a controller and it's by the the best.

>> No.6249702

wouldn't know. never been there

>> No.6249704

i don't think it does, no. lemme check

>> No.6249713

The exact procedure, if RA android supports it, would be load core > (pick core you wish to delete) > information > core information > scroll to the bottom and select delete core.

>> No.6249724
File: 450 KB, 297x213, 1574265332082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have it as a preset file? Or mind sharing your settings? I really like that style.

>> No.6249728

You can't, manually that is, unless you have root. Same goes for manually editing .cfg files, since they are stored on /data/data/com.retroarch. But I learned some time ago that you can delete cores using the interface itself, it's located in a extremely retarded place, just like everything else. You have to load the core, then in the main menu go to Information, Core Information, scroll to bottom and there will be a Delete core option. Yeah, they really need a UX designer on their team.

>> No.6249732


>> No.6249737

Thanks man

>> No.6249745

Sorry it's not slang for the based vulkan renderer, but I haven't ported over all of my presets yet.

>> No.6249752

well that's a really rather roundabout way, but it works so danke mein freund.
now... about that damnable lack of diagonals...

>> No.6249756

You should be able to get a bluetooth controller working with your phone/tablet, but that might defeat the purpose of mobile for you.

>> No.6249781

thanks for the suggestion, anyway, as well as understanding that it wouldn't be the best for me.
all the best to you, friend-o

>> No.6249847

PBPs are cleaner and smaller though. 1 compressed file instead of 8 BINs and CUEs.

>> No.6249850

They can't be decompressed back into a proper format that matches the CRC of the original, meaning they're anything but clean. I wouldn't worry about the quantity of files in your folder since they'll be a single entry on your playlist either way.

>> No.6249880

There's a button that shows up on the screen when there's a content running that allows you to choose between a digital dpad or a analog, if that's what you mean.

>> No.6249892

Do you have a source on that?
Personally I've uncompressed PBPs, and patched them with linear formats like IPS with no problems. So if we're talking about a few bytes in dummy files, I couldn't care less.

>> No.6249925

Brightness flicker?
How do you mean?
Also make sure it’s integer scaled and bilinear is off

>> No.6250159

If it can't be decompressed back to an exact copy of what it was compressed from, it's not archive worthy. CHD has the same issue.

>> No.6250193

This belief is theoretically correct, but functionally stupid

>> No.6250198

Depends on your stance on preservation.

>> No.6250608

Yeah, thank you!

>> No.6250665

It sort of looks like an unshielded cable. Happens about every 10 frames. Hard to describe, I'll make a video.

>> No.6250730

Is this a frame rate issue? Maybe check the fps setting

>> No.6250747
File: 444 KB, 820x616, 2020-03-08 11-21-04.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really noticeable during gameplay, but this one really brings it out. The WebM compression further ampliflies the effect. Analogue Shader Pack btw.

>> No.6250749 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1440x1080, GussunParadise-200307-203146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shader during gameplay. Just a screenshot though. I can't see the flicker anymore.

>> No.6250761

Oops, had integer scaling turned off but the flicker is still there I guess.

>> No.6250764

Couldn’t tell you anon sorry, I just use the default slang shaders

>> No.6250784

I'm not the person who asking about being able to turn it off. But I don't know the answer either. Like I said, I don't notice it during gameplay. I'm not even sure what I showed in the WebM is what was meant.

>> No.6250829

This shit almost hurts my eyes, too much glowing.

This is nice.

>> No.6250836

Yeah the xm29 filter is actually nice

>> No.6250838
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1440, B6C7D056-FD95-46EE-A0A9-2380E648C634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6250839

Really nice.
In that one even the scanlines feel too aggressive.

>> No.6250845

Hey there, i'm curious, can you make a comparison with bilinear filter please?

>> No.6250846
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1440, 147E3D12-CF6B-42FD-A4CB-CD5D05ADEE79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is with good filters like this, the scan lines disappear at a certain distance

>> No.6250847
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1440, 4106C635-9C08-4E49-88B0-C847C9BC9A5E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I’m just reposting stuff I already had

>> No.6250857
File: 98 KB, 436x377, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nevermind

Is this stuff like artifact or it's just alright?

>> No.6250867
File: 145 KB, 558x504, nwnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice it happens on the dark spots of the picture like blacks weird contrast are too high or something idk

>> No.6250878

It's like the black zones are off, they are not used.

>> No.6250882
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1440, A61FB903-A563-4DAF-9F81-52199A5AE2BD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite sure what you’re seeing there but those pixels are on the non filtered image too, I think the hue is supposed to be like how the xm29 looks and can be altered in the parameters

>> No.6250893

It's like you get borders between the glowing zones and the black zones, however i'm brutally ignorant, I guess it's the only way to get such sophisticated picture.

>> No.6250906

For me, settings don't save if RetroArch isn't shut down normally.

>> No.6250908
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1440, DE73CF75-3FEC-4445-BDF5-0251E02682F7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno mate, it’s probably the best it can look at the moment in my opinion, looks great in motion and creates the same effect where the lines disappear at a bit of distance

>> No.6250910

Isn’t there a setting called save on exit?
Pretty sure if you change that, saves are instant

>> No.6250914

Yeah it doesn't matter it's cool, still i'd like to see a comparison with bilinear.

>> No.6250924

Fucking THIS. I've had it with Retro Arch threads and CRT threads.

>> No.6250935

There are plenty, having one thread for emulation and one for crt at one time annoys you?

>> No.6251018

Your screen's brightness is cranked too high. Darkened room, 6500k LED bias lighting behind the screen, and screen brightness at 40% or lower. That's the optimal viewing experience.

>> No.6251727

what shader is this

>> No.6251769

Yeah that's it. Sometimes it's flickering in slightly longer intervals, which makes it so organic. But this has to be an issue on my end. Probably outdated GPU drivers or some obscure setting within Retroarch. Thanks for posting the webm.

>> No.6252895

CRT Royale preset xm29

>> No.6253158
File: 936 KB, 640x634, xm29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks super red compared to a real xm29.

>> No.6253179

>posts a blue game
If you’re gonna do a comparison to prove a point at least post something comparable

>> No.6253181

This is a slang shader that requires you to be able to use the Vulkan renderer, correct? I couldn't even find the shader in my list. Does it come stock? I'm on 1.7.7 right now. Maybe I should update.

>> No.6253184

Give it two chances and it was shit twice

>> No.6253186

Yeah it is and check in the folder called presets

>> No.6253190

Look at rayman's face around his nose and eyes. Note the phosphor locations (red top, green mid, blue bottom). Now zoom in on the XM29 shader and note the blue and reds are flipped. He might have done the offsets backwards, I'll examine the preset later and see if it's easily fixable.

>> No.6253196

Pretty sure you can adjust the hue, I just uploaded pics I had from a previous thread

>> No.6253265
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, xm29 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked the preset, the Y offsets are flipped, looks like a small oversight.
>convergence_offset_y_b = "-0.200000" to convergence_offset_y_b = "0.200000"
>convergence_offset_y_r = "0.200000" to convergence_offset_y_r = "-0.200000"
That'll flip the red and blue and put them where you'd see them on a real xm29, pic related.

>> No.6253554

send a pull request to RA

>> No.6254068

Well, I just installed the latest nightly build and downloaded the latest core version and Mednafen Beetle PSX HW is giving me some issues. It's missing graphics layers in 2D games like Yoyo's Puzzle Park (aka Gussun Paradise). Noticed it when loading from the memory card, there's supposed to be a girl there that sends you on your adventure and saves your game - she's missing. That screen has varying issues depending on the renderer chosen. Switched out the core for my older one and everything is back to normal. Keep your old installs for a while people after you update.

>> No.6254071

>Mednafen Beetle PSX HW
Use the software renderer. The hardware renderer has always been a mess of hacks designed to cater to the low IQ epsxe audience. That's been SP's stated goal with that, and why he was beating the dynarec drum for years.

>> No.6254089

Happens with the software renderer as well. Which is what I have been using anyway. My GPU is too old to have reliable Vulkan support.

Been wondering if using Nightly pushes different core updates your way compared to stable. I think I read something like that once but it's probably just that you see more cores listed. Anyway I'm using the older core for now - AND keeping all my other ones too.

>> No.6254092

Check to see if it works on standalone mednafen. If it does, it's yet another regression.

>> No.6254128
File: 33 KB, 1172x960, Gussun Paradise (Japan)-200309-182148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6254245

Yeah, that's the screen. Honestly I don't want to get into it any further because it kind of fixed itself now. It did happen several times though with different renderers. No idea what was causing it. Let's just chalk it up to user error. Thanks for checking it out though.

>> No.6254409

You're just too stupid to read documentation, we know.

At least you're honest enough to admit you're stupid. Next time don't be a console gamer and use this thing called SETTINGS from the get go.

>> No.6254437

I don't know why it's such a point of contention on this board. The interface is absolutely putrid dogshit, that I agree with, but for the cores it provides it's much more convenient than manually operating each emulator.

>> No.6254442

Many people here are console gamers with autism.

>> No.6254450

If your software need documentation for people to do simple shit they are used to do in multiple other places with absolutely no trouble, then maybe you are the problem. I just learned to cope with their God awful UI, but at least I don't try to blame it on user error.

>> No.6254458

I can understand your point, but at the same time, RTFM used to be the standard.

>> No.6254463

>user error
I assumed as much, the screenshot I took
here >>6254128 is using the software renderer as of yesterday. All's well that ends well though.
Don't bully the poor anons that actually admit when they're wrong. Bully the niggers that refuse to admit that they're the problem.

>> No.6254469

See >>6246072
Your inability and/or unwillingness to learn to control the things around you makes you a defective human.

>> No.6254471

Sprites can shit themselves if you have pgxp enabled or have the texture filter ing too high, you should only have them on 3D games

>> No.6254487

It's still justifiable when your software does things that aren't common or just impossible to be understood without previous knowledge, like something operated by a terminal.

Looks like you are the "defective human" or as I like to call, a "retard", since you can't read. I use retroarch and I know how to work with it, but I don't blame others that think it's a mess, because it really is.