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6232650 No.6232650 [Reply] [Original]

What if we got this instead of The Great Escape?

>> No.6232657

It wouldn’t have been as well remembered but would’ve still been a solid entry. The great escape is a really good fucking game that despite being released on everything known to man still sells well.

>> No.6232669

If it's anywhere near as bullshit as the first game, no thanks.

TGE was actually a fun game, one of my favorite 3D scotformers, unlike 1, which gets way too tedious after band land (not to mention you have to find every prison cell in the game to reach the ending).

>> No.6232679

About 70% of the game is actually completed.

>> No.6234395

>If it's anywhere near as bullshit as the first game, no thanks.

desu the only reason the first game is so brutally hard is the limited number of lives available in save mode, and the inability to stockpile lives in password mode.

>> No.6234408
File: 235 KB, 1200x630, ff9 pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rayman 1 worth playing? I want to get into the series.

>> No.6234430

Absolutely worth it. Just be warned that it gets very hard very fast due to the woefully insufficient, finite number of lives available to you.

Emulate the PS1 version and use gameshark codes for infinite lives, or you'll suffering game over loading screens for hours on end.

>> No.6234478

Rayman has consistently been the most underrated platformer franchise I've ever seen. When is he going to get his big break lads?

>> No.6234487

Friendly reminder that despite being released first, the N64 version of Rayman 2 is just a port, inferior to the original PC version.

>> No.6234512

If it was going to happen it would have happened already.
Look at Origins. Played great, reviewed well, made a profit, had good music, gorgeous visuals, and cute fairies, and still the Rabbids drew all the dimes.

>> No.6234537

All console games are just ports of PC games since they're developed on computers before being released.

>> No.6234656

Rayman 2 is like the #1 game where I don't understand why people go ape over it. It's playable, but it doesn't have any of the characteristics that made the first game unique. Rayman 1 feels like a 2D platformer that offers things other 2D plats don't -- the various stage hazards, the unique combinations of swinging and hovering, the momentum when you slide around in Band Land, the variable-speed Moskito stages. Rayman 2 is just your average 3D platformer. And the lore was downgraded for no reason; all of Rayman's friends and enemies were generic-ified and then treated like they were there the whole time.

>> No.6234659

There's also a cheat code for 99 lives you can do whenever the game is paused...

>> No.6234779

Rayman 2 arguably does the same thing for 3d platformers. Hovering and actually being able to jump out of a fucking ledge grab was lifted by the likes of Mario Sunshine and Ratchet & Clank.

Iconic mechanics from the first game were updated with different contexts in Rayman 2 as well. The shells are autoscrollers, the band land momentum is put into the slide segments, and the plums are nearly identical in both games. As far as iconography goes, the biggest thing that's missing is Rayman actually shooting his hands.

Rayman 2 having downgraded lore is 150% subjective, at most I would just say that they're extremely different. Both games are dreamlike, but Rayman 1 is surreal, goofy, and absurd, whereas Rayman 2 is serene, fantastical, and meditative.

>> No.6235428

>Finite number of lives
You get a life every 100 blue orbs. Stop being shit

>> No.6235440

Are people really this bad at games? I beat Rayman 1 when I was in elementary school with no help at all, 100%.

>> No.6235503

I think Rayman may be the only platforming mascot with any amount of lasting popularity where I just don't understand what the appeal is.

>> No.6235510

the virgin rayman
the chad plok

>> No.6235514

Does he have any lasting appeal? I remember reading a lot of ads for 2 in magazines, so I remember the character, but I've never heard a real person talk about Rayman ever.

>> No.6235536

I guess Smash Bros sperging doesn't count but when people talk about "platforming legends" they speak of Rayman like he's part of some legendary triangle of Mario, Sonic, and Rayman. Feels like more people are on Rayman's dick than they are actual platforming legends like Crash Bandicoot.

>> No.6235560

>Crash Bandicoot
Rayman games aren't great, but they're a fuckload better than the dire Crash series

>> No.6235632

No zoomer, console games that are intended for a console are developed primarily with software for that console's hardware and are optimized for the console in various ways, despite the artwork and mechanics being designed on a PC. With Rayman 2, it was developed as a PC game before it was ported as a console game.

>> No.6235642

Okay, but Crash is still a million times more popular with the general public than Rayman so that's a moot point.

>> No.6235660 [DELETED] 

>Rayman 1 feels like a 2D platformer that offers things other 2D plats don't

Which would be?

>> No.6235669

I have a question, why are you pretending that Rayman 1 was some grand magnum opus of the series when it's often looked at as the most awkward and frustrating entry in the series?

> the various stage hazards, the unique combinations of swinging and hovering, the momentum when you slide around in Band Land, the variable-speed Moskito stages.
How do other games not offer that? Earthworm Jim had nearly all of that and more.

The things that made Rayman stand out in Rayman 1 were the quality of its animation, the originality of its style and design, and its soundtrack. Outside of that it was "good" platformer, not revolutionary.

The complex level design and stylish 3D art design of Rayman 2 blew Mario 64 out of the fucking water and made Nintendo look borderline incompetent.

>> No.6235671

Rayman 1 - 8/10
Rayman 2 - 10/10
Rayman 3 - 7.5/10
Rayman Origins - 10/10
Rayman Legends - 10/10

Where the fuck do you get the idea that Rayman games aren't great?

>> No.6235698

>Rayman 2 - 10/10
>Rayman Origins - 10/10
>Rayman Legends - 10/10
Big yikes.

>> No.6237050

Rayman was on his way to become the face of platformers in early 2000s after critically acclaimed Great Escape and commercially successful Hoodlum Havoc. Being early on java phone game bandwagon didn't hurt either.
Then Rabbids happened.

>> No.6237164

Can anyone explain why they literally abandoned Rayman in favour of those cretinous creatures?

And also, what is with the modern public and their obsession with miniature, annoying, gibberish-speaking mischievous entities? Minions comes to mind.

>> No.6237254


>> No.6237426

Man, I really don't give a shit about Rayman at all, I just can't seem to find the appeal, but it still chaps my ass that the poor dude had his franchise stolen from him by the proto-minions.

At least he seems to be doing well with legends. At least I assume they're doing well since they seem to get ported to everything.

>> No.6237429

So is Tonic Trouble related to this shit or what?

>> No.6237638

From playing them

>> No.6237643

Do you understand the guidelines of capitalism?

>> No.6237647

Tonic Trouble is literally a Rayman 2 engine proto.
Now the weird thing is, there's an even older Tonic Trouble engine proto flying around on the net that has tank controls and fixed camera and plays better than the finished release.

>> No.6238417

You have to remember that Smash fans aren't people

>> No.6238427

>when it's often looked at as the most awkward and frustrating entry in the series?

Hack yourself infinite lives and its instantly the best game in the series.

That arcade holdover is literally its only flaw. Everything else about it is perfect.

>> No.6238513

>That arcade holdover is literally its only flaw.
It has plenty of flaws, but this isn't one of them

>> No.6238552

The lives system is absolute trash, you can still farm lives anyway it just takes hours,