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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6226349 No.6226349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you fags even into retro PC vidya

>> No.6226406

PC games can run on modern hardware, and thus are not retro.

>> No.6226408

I thought /vr/ had rules against shitposting.

>> No.6226415

if the trannyjannies actually enforced the rules here then 90% of the board would be deleted

>> No.6226432

Finally, no more PC neckbeard faggots on /vr/.
Can we delete that shitty Doom general now?

>> No.6226435

>you can emulate, therefore
Okay, retard.
>he doesn't even realize you need dosbox because OS dos emulation is so dead

>> No.6226439

I have a retro PC built on a P4SCA but I don't use it. I have more fun looking through the Internet archive's vintage shareware CD collection day-sue

>> No.6226445

You can easily install FreeDOS on the shiniest, newest, RGB-est zoomer gaming PC. Now that you've been owned:

>> No.6226460

Okay, so you're saying FPGAs make all retro gaming playable on modern hardware.

>> No.6226463

delicious PCuck cope

>> No.6226468

you can EMULATE dos on current hardware. modern hardware emulates x86 environment.

>> No.6226470
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>shit he got me
ok reddit
this. freedos is literally an emulation OS

>> No.6226473

Backwards compatibility =/= emulation.

>> No.6226474

>you can install lakka on the shiniest zoomerest pc
>and emulate games on it

>> No.6226476
File: 92 KB, 581x767, 1547313306036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally doesn't understand that x64 is emulating x86
>he literally called it "backwards compatible"

>> No.6226478

it would be an improvement

>> No.6226480

Zoom zoom zoom!

>> No.6226484

right, that's what you were just told. modern pc emulates an x86 environment for dos to run in on its x64 processor. derpass shitposting moron
You have google?
but since you're too lazy, hey, i get it. maybe learn the actual notation for htat
>lol im so dumb
>lol im fucked

>> No.6226486
File: 29 KB, 138x125, 1554248773688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice argument, bud.

>> No.6226497

What are some of the best DOS ROMs?

>> No.6226502

You did. Word for word.

>> No.6226505

Stop it.

>> No.6226509

D&D gold box games. Just buy them on GOG so you get a good copy of the books and shit, to be desu.

>> No.6226515

which emulates a bunch of hardware because modern pcs aren't 35yo. what's your graphics card's IRQ, double nigger?

>> No.6226518

Don't you mean IBM Compatible
The rules about PC games are based on year of release not platform.

>> No.6226524


>> No.6226525

From the sticky
> Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>> No.6226526

when does flash games is retro

>> No.6226532

>computer games
>arcade games (including pinball)
>and any other forms of video games on platforms
>launched in 1999 and earlier.
>>>/v/, ESL.

>> No.6226537

What are some flash game hidden gems?

>> No.6226541

If modern hardware is contiguous with DOS hardware as you claim then modern games are retro as they run on a platform launched before 1999, dipweasel. go ask /g/ how you run x86 programs on a 64 bit processor

>> No.6226545

plus you got your meme particles all fucked up dude
>and any other forms of video games
>on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
>on platforms
that's how you do that dipshit. lurk moar.

>> No.6226552

Wrong. A lot of PC games can't run on modern hardware without emulation or virtualization.
OSs like 98 are not retro because they can run on modern hardware, but DOS/95/98 games that can't run on modern hardware are retro

>> No.6226571

Is FreeDOS even viable for gaming? I tried playing Doom in FreeDOS and it crashed after a few seconds. It could run Commander Keen okay though...

>> No.6226573

honestly it's about shockwave games imo. anyone got that descent ripoff from the toonami website?
>winter bells
>bowmaster prelude
just worth playing
>achievement unlocked
>shit from neopets
>alien hominid
>shit from newgrounds.com
>every tower defense game

>> No.6226576

> Windows 98
> Running on modern hardware
good luck getting drivers for modern hardware on Windows 98.

>> No.6226581

That's fuckin retarded. Any software/games that's before the cutoff should be allowed, whether it can run on new hardware or not.

>> No.6226589

And the PC Games that are on GoG.com and run on modern hardware use emulation wrappers and 3rd party patches.

>> No.6226592

Or source ports.

>> No.6226594

Can you reading comprehension? No one, nowhere in the thread said that games before the cuttoff shouldn't be allowed.
Newfag detected.
No one asked you how GoG.com games worked.

>> No.6226602

>7th guest
>11th hour
>every scumm game but mostly
>Monkey Island shit
>D&D gold box
>Star Wars shit

>> No.6226603

I'm building a retro computer for win 95/98 shit, should I use an ati rage 128, tnt2 or voodoo3 card

>> No.6226608

How about you show me an example of a windows 9x system running natively on new hardware

>> No.6226636

halo runs good on my retro pc

>> No.6226637

glide master race

>> No.6226669
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>> No.6226729

Yes and no.
It will work fine with 99% of DOS games, and the vast majority of TSRs will work just fine as well.
You won't get 100% compatibility like real deal MS-DOS. Even CTMouse it self does not have the same compatibility as MS's mouse.com does.
Not sure why Doom was crashing for you, I've ran it on Freedos fine. What hardware were you using?

>> No.6227000
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>is there 2000 or later hardware running Windows 98?

>> No.6227051


>> No.6227061

geforce 256
outperforms all three of them