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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6224896 No.6224896 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop hoarders from sucking up all the rare Japanese games?

>> No.6224897

u become the hoarder

>> No.6224901

Who cares if chinless mouthbreathers blow their mother's money on games? As long as they don't have anything that isn't already dumped.

>> No.6224916

I remember that kisaku guy posting on Assemblergames. Don't really recall him actively collecting prototypes, though, so most of what he hoarded probably isn't at risk of being lost to time.

>> No.6224920


Who cares

>> No.6224937

Easy, reproduction cartridges and dumping roms. This is the only way to do it.

>> No.6224940

Look at his youtube banner... he is proud of hoarding this game. probably Many others like it...

>> No.6224947

Who gives a shit about some anime mahjong game

>> No.6224960 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 1639x1323, 1566091540264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those creepy fingers. Classic signs of an incel.

>> No.6224963

Someone, somewhere is hoarding a SMB3 proto or a prototype of a third Zelda game for NES, and this makes me seethe uncontrollably.

>> No.6224968

And the 3rd Zelda game doesn't work due to corrosion caused by a leaking barrel battery.

>> No.6225159
File: 20 KB, 400x397, slowsonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. Thousands of us are already hoarding volumes of shit you couldn't even imagine. There's a reason flea markets and second hand shops are no longer overflowing with cheap shit. We bought it all long ago.

>> No.6225268

Method 1: Become a billionaire, bribe Congress to pass a law

Method 2: Track down the hoarder, break into their house, murder them and take all their stuff.

>> No.6225536

>you don't you just cry about it and fantasize

>> No.6225549

>isn't at risk of being lost to time.

Everything will be lost to time. You think in the year 3200 people will give half a damn about SMB anymore? No one will even remember it just like we don't remember nor care about whatever games people played in the year 900.

>> No.6225583

yes they will, you are understimating the power of internet, we dont know shit from the past because a bunch of shit was never really archived but today you can download and watch movies from the 30s or read shit from 1800s within 3 clicks.

>> No.6225592

This. Holders only keep shit that nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.6225596
File: 208 KB, 339x527, 1581742917841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one Japanese guy who spent his life savings to prevent a group of American preservationists from buying and dumping an obscure cartridge

y tho

>> No.6225626

>life savings
He was probably just a 6 figure salaryman who works so much that he doesn't get to use his money.

>> No.6225631
File: 863 KB, 1454x2001, 1431261953439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely doubt the internet will exist in a thousand years. Bluray as a medium has already come and gone in under two decades. Even if it is still around as generations go by less and less people are going to care about "great grandpa's old game" because kids will have their own new things they will get interested in and grow up cherishing. Like how often do you see Spike Marlin comics get brought up and discussed? Sure they're archived for now, but few people really know or care about him, and that's only because we still have some people alive today that read him as kids. You think the modern kid born in 2020 is going to give half a shit about Spike when they grow up, let alone want to save his comics and preserve them? Hell no, just like in 200 years no kid will give half a shit about SMB1 because more advanced things will capture their attention.

>> No.6225649

>Bluray as a medium has already come and gone in under two decades
This means nothing. You are literally comparing discs that will eventually rot to a thing that doesn't physically exist/can't be touched

>> No.6225653

I think the difference is that video games are much easier to collect and store. You can have every NES game ever made and it would only take around 200 MB of data, an amount of space that becomes more and more trivial every year. Unlike some obscure comic book, there's a very clear set of parameters for "every NES game ever made" that makes preserving them as a collective easier.

Arcade games, however, are at much bigger risk of being lost for the same reason. Due to the wide array of hardware they ran on (some of which can't be emulated through normal means), there's no "every arcade game ever" folder that just needs to be passed around to make sure they're all preserved.

>> No.6225657

>discs that will eventually rot
The absolute STATE of /vr/.

>> No.6225658

the average kid will not give a fuck, normal people only care for shit released on the past 5 years max but i think there will always be a niche of people who likes or at least have some interest for old shit.

>> No.6225659

I think you're missing context. That anon was responding to a post about blu ray discs

>> No.6225660

>just like we don't remember nor care about whatever games people played in the year 900.

Like chess and dominoes?

>> No.6225664

SMB1 at least will always be remembered by people trying to see the "historically significant" games. The average person 1000 years from now probably wouldn't care, but assuming society hasn't totally collapsed and there's still video games, some people will want to see the early stages of it. I think the big /vr/ games will actually have a better chance of being remembered than some awesome game that gets released in 2350.

>> No.6225669

there won't be games 100 years from now. Normie internet keeps little kids satisfied enough. Only manchildren play games now, and soon they will die off (probably 20 years from now from all the cholesterol)

>> No.6225674

>what is fortnite?

>> No.6225675

Sure those are the popular ones that endured. What kind of card games were they playing? Probably ones we have no record of anymore.

>> No.6225680

That's the big difference here, I think. People are much more diligent about record keeping and preserving those records now.

>> No.6225681

I think he has a point though using Spike Marlin as an example though. I think in the distant future people will have way more classics to try, so the niche that really delves into any particular era will grow smaller. It's more likely people will go back and try some established classics than the "hidden gems." Like if people are curious about old pulp fiction now, they might read something like Conan and a few others, rather than seeking out all the stories people liked.

>> No.6225683

Yeah, I mean even people nowadays don't really give a shit about random Atari 2600 games. They're still preserved on the off chance anyone is curious enough to check them out, though.

>> No.6225924

If by "we" you mean zoomers like you, sure. Adults who aren't stupid faggots do. I play games that are thousands of years old all the time.

>> No.6225926


>> No.6225937

As long as the dumps are not nuked idgaf.

>> No.6226029

Our gaps in historical knowledge often stem from the impermanence of recording devices rather than pure disinterest. Historians care about literally everything that happened in the past so if some autist in the year 900 wrote down the rules and conventions for every popular card game of the era someone would give a shit about it today and maybe even recreate those games. The problem is that anything written on paper is going to decay or burn over the course of 1000 years or become so old that merely unfurling the paper will destroy it. And it's not just insignificant stuff that we lose, writings from Roman emporers and all the original works by Aristotle have been lost due to this as well.
All this is to say, we can make steps to ensure that people in the future will have records through good practices. Making tons of backups and wide distribution is something possible in the digital age that only helps to preserve these games. Assuming civilization doesn't completely collapse and electricity along with it. Digital archives should prove to be much better for preservation than physical media. Although making a few discs couldn't hurt.

>> No.6226041

Preserving these seemingly insignificant works can still be very useful for historical purposes. One day all of us are going to die and our perspectives on how we lived and what we thought of things, even simple things like videogame releases, is going to go with us. To better understand the past people in the future are going to want every scrap of media they can find in order to build a narrative. The journal of the most boring and insignificant man in Rome would still be fascinating due to just how distant we are from him.
One day, in the far future, a copy of titty mahjong pc-98 or some dire piece of shit Atari port of an arcade game might provoke similar interest.

>> No.6226060

I definitely agree with this.

>> No.6226254

single digit IQ post

>> No.6226331

The only people who want to stop "the hoarders" are unsuccessful hoarders.

>> No.6226335

What? All you have to do to insure is show the cost to replace these items. 10k in insurance costs less than $11 per month in my state.

>> No.6226353

The only time I can see getting upset about someone hoarding something is if the data is unique and hasn't been preserved, but even then if you make a strong enough offer or trade proposition, you can probably at least get them to share the data. Even then most people aren't willing to make the sacrifice needed to get the funds needed to obtain the data, so they just complain. While I enjoy some of his content, I've heard Pat The NES Punk complain about prototype hoarders, but if he really, truly cared, he'd sell some of his thousands and thousands of dollars worth of games in order to buy prototypes and dump and share them himself.

>> No.6226362

Because fuck you. Spite is quite a motivator, people just do not like to admit it.

>> No.6226364

Tell Japs not to sell to gaijin.

>> No.6226389

Cost to replace does get fucked when you have only 1 of 3 Nintendo Playstations known to exist.(Only using it as an example, so save the sperg out)
Really you cannot put a price on it. The hardware could never be replaced.
The Mona Lisa is insured for $837m. Fuck knows the premium per month on that.
I do think some Jap pachinko game that only sold 4 copy's is not worth the plastic and chips it is on.
Something with big gaming historical value like the Nintendo Playstation, would be hard for an insurance company to even cover.
With game's it is even worse, as by their standard they were mass produced and the true rare ones only have limited copy's.
Quite a funny thing when you think about it. Action 52 is worth more than Legend of Zelda.

>> No.6226394
File: 118 KB, 480x480, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoarder dies
>has no family (of course)
>collection ends up in landfill

>> No.6226405

>"This game is an important page in the history of the Famicom, so I wanted to make sure it never falls into the hands of those who would copy and sell it for profit. So to all those who truly love games, rest assured. I swear to protect it as a treasure of Japan."

gaijin piggus BTFO

>> No.6226413

I bet this happens all the time. Go dumpster diving and find a /vr/ speds collection.

>> No.6226417

So he's intent on preserving the game out of love for the medium but refuses to dump it so anyone else can play it? lol what strange reasoning.

>> No.6226423

>but refuses to dump it so anyone else can play it?
The question is why would you want to play it in the first place?

>> No.6226434

This is literally how 95% of japs think. They are strongly against piracy in any form simply because their mentality is unquestioning obedience.

>> No.6226437

They say that to keep up appearances. Plenty of Jap IPs show up on Nyaa for anime.

>> No.6226448

Plain curiosity is good enough justification. But the bigger problem is that he refuses to dump it anywhere. Even a private archive hosted somewhere else, to be released sometime in the future, like after his death, wouldn't be that objectionable. But if a fire happens or he gets burgled then he'll have fucked up the very purpose of him buying the game in the first place.

>> No.6226490

You ever think of not caring any more? You see he is only doing it because it makes you seeth with autistic anger. If you could convince everyone to stop giving the faggot attention you would get your dump eventually. He will crave the e fame and dump it. People like that are easy to read and you can predict what he wants.
I said early in the thread that spite is a great motivator. Well he is doing it out of spite because he enjoys you all drooling at his posts about it like a fucking love sick puppy.

>> No.6226514

You're reading a lot of fucking weird emotions into my post. This bothers me in a purely intellectual way strictly from the perspective of game preservation. I'm going to forget about this before I go to bed tonight. Get a grip, dude. If his motivation is truly just to rile people up then he's a fucking moron. This is a very expensive way to aggravate a very small group of people, most of whom only speak English lol. I'll take his word for it, he thinks dumping the game would be cheapening it in someway and also has a sense of Japanese pride in the game remaining in Japanese hands.

>> No.6226527

>This is a very expensive way to aggravate a very small group of people, most of whom only speak English lol.
I have seen humans do even worse petty things man. He may be a nip, but i bet he like tormenting people over small shit more than you think. I can think of many examples. (Bin blocking a backyard gate door caused a £3000 lawsuit.)
>This bothers me in a purely intellectual way
Cut the reddit intellectual act here buddy. I don't give a fuck about your "totally not mad as fuck reason as to why".
I just gave you a reason as to why he like dangling this shit out, it is because he like getting (You's) from autistic faggots and watching them cry about it.
>He is a jap so he cannot use spite MUH DISSOHHARUBLEE CONDUCTU

>> No.6226539

I meant intellectual as in not relating to any deep conviction of mine, I just think we should preserve games. I doubt you're as correct about this as you think you are. If spite's involved here it's a private spite. He's anonymous and the auction happened almost a year ago. I doubt he's trawling English forums looking for outrage. He's just an exceptionally weird guy with a shaky justification for his purchase.

>> No.6226546

> I doubt he's trawling English forums looking for outrage
He does not have to, plenty of faggots go to him. Do something to piss off somebody and times that by hyper game collecting autism and you have faggots flooding the jap net with broken moonspeak crying.

>> No.6226626

Let the man enjoy his hobby, you envious little faggot.

>> No.6226630

lmao @ people here thinking we'll still have internet in the year 3000. By then we'll be blasting around in starships conquering the galaxy. No one's going to give a rat's ass about /vr/ roms then LOL

>> No.6226665

>he'll have fucked up the very purpose of him buying the game in the first place.
>taking that "treasure of Japan" nonsense seriously
Dude just bought it because he could. He was either a collector himself who was planning to snipe it either way, someone who saw it was going for a ridiculous amount and decided to flaunt his wealth, or maybe just someone with a grudge against US software pirates for some reason. Probably some combination of all three.

>> No.6226706

By not giving a shit what people do with their dumb copy of some awful pre-release pachinko game on the TG16 that was only included in some seaweed flavored box of Japanese cereal for two weeks. If the games people "hoard" were any fucking good they wouldn't be rare in the first place.

>> No.6226764

Physical games will be worthless in the future. Sooner or later we will find out how to make 1:1 copies of physical items. Which will be indistiguishable from the original items. Until then we only need hoarders to preserve these items.

>> No.6226853

There's very little stopping anyone from making a 1:1 reproduction of an NES cart other than the effort it would take to match the materials. They're not particularly complex.

>> No.6227003

Low IQ zoomers like you aren't going to figure out anything other than new ways to off yourself on youtube

>> No.6227006

Based space ace

>> No.6227009


>> No.6227010

Is there any way to make 1:1 copies of N64 carts? What kind of circuit board goes inside and how do you flash a ROM to the board?

>> No.6227426

An actual "1:1 reproduction" of most carts is impossible without first reproducing old tools that no longer exist. Anon is just a zoomer who's too stupid to tell a bootleg from an original or uses the term "1:1 reproduction" because it means something different to him than a reasonable person would say it does.
N64 would be particularly hard because the technology was short lived and much less popular than what everything else used. I could probably find someone willing/able to make accurate forgeries of NES MROMS. I wouldn't even know where to start looking for Rambus shit. I guess at Rambus.

>> No.6227558

Yeah that's why they sold R4s inside vending machines, along side soiled panties and had to pass a law banning both.

>> No.6227567

worst offender is this mother fuck who has a mass of FIRST PARTY NINTENDO PROTOTYPES INCLUDING SUPER MARIO FUCKING WORLD but refuses to share any

>> No.6227586

>mario world proto
If it does not have turtle yoshi or racoon mario, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6227657

These cock suckers need their heads smashed in

>> No.6227664

If the main "interesting" point he makes about it is that some of the levels crash when you enter them, there's probably nothing of note on the cart. It's a very, VERY late build.

>> No.6227668

If I had a fuck ton of money I would use it to buy a licence to publish more copies.
At somepoint, that's got to be the better deal, right?

>> No.6227696

If *I* had a fuck ton of money I would buy some rare consoyshit and smash it with a hammer on camera. Good thing I don't have a fuck ton of money.

>> No.6227772

go search the net for cartridge board schematics.

as far as the components go you could probably find modern hardware that can reproduce the functionality of the original. most of the stuff that goes into these things tends to be fairly off-the-shelf.

>> No.6227807

>just like we don't remember nor care about whatever games people played in the year 900.
the entire foundation of our gaming system is to this day built on concepts take from the games passed down from thousands of years ago. at the very least the games of today will still be learned about in a historical context several thousand years from now, probably as a basis for whatever their level of technology is. we absolutely know about widespread games from thousands of years ago that were preserved, but we don't know about some woodcarver who made or hoarded his own game in his own house then died with it, and we won't have any knowledge in the future of these prototypes being hoarded today.

>> No.6227824

From what I recall, the date written on the EPROM is after the manufacturing date on one of the runs of Japanese retail MASK ROMs. This would mean the build on there would almost assuredly post-date Japanese retail (not a 100% guarantee since they could've burned an earlier build on the EPROM). Most likely it is either Japanese retail with debug enabled or the early stages of US localization.

>> No.6227849

Yeah, creating an N64 cart with modern parts isn't horribly difficult. Trying to create exact forgeries of the original parts is another matter. It can theoretically be done for primitive consoles, but the N64 is well past that point.

>> No.6227917

I have a hell of a collection that I add to almost weekly...you'll never get me to stop "hoarding" and if I can make supplies of certain items impossible to get, i will. Tough shit if you're too poor or too slow to get to them first.

>> No.6228296

Wow what a loser you are ha ha ha

>> No.6229151

>i have no idea but i'm going to reply anyway

>> No.6229236

Not worth the effort.
Everything worth playing has already been dumped.

>> No.6229265

Not even close. There are literally millions of buggy prototypes that are identical to the release except for the bugs or missing stuff. If you haven't played them all on a cycle accurate emulator you can't really say you've played the game.

>> No.6229278

>age of cheap, accessible & accurate emulation
>dealing with trotters
if ur so autistic about physical just make/buy repos/boxes

>> No.6229283

then nobody have really played any game ever

>> No.6230830

>If you haven't played the version of super metroid that immediately crashes the game upon any controller input, you can't really say you've played the game.

>> No.6231592

t. Jew wanting to make sure his filthy Torah is the only thing that survives Over 9000 years

>> No.6231604

More or less.

>> No.6231609

>No one will even remember it just like we don't remember nor care about whatever games people played in the year 900

You mean like CHESS? Or, BACKGAMMON?

>> No.6231690

By doing this

>> No.6231907

I downloaded some porn of those girls. I think I came out ahead.

>> No.6232002

>You think in the year 3200 people will give half a damn about SMB anymore?

>just like we don't remember nor care about whatever games people played in the year 900.
but we do care about games, literature, and other forms of culture from centuries and even millennia ago. there's no reason not to preserve information and keep it redundant. we must all battle against entropy.

>> No.6232036

When did /vr/ turn into /v/? How disappointing.

>> No.6232101

>then nobody have really speaked any engrish ever
Not in your favela

Microsoft Metroid was made to be played with a Microsoft mouse, dumbass

>> No.6232103

Long before you got here /v/baby

>> No.6232140

>respond to every poster faggot
>complains about /v/
Oh, the sweet ironing.

>> No.6232147

Break in and steal.

>> No.6232150

>Microsoft Metroid was made to be played with a Microsoft mouse, dumbass
The fuck are you talking about? I was simply making an example of "not experiencing arbitrary broken game without polish == not experiencing the game" to make fun of this dumbass >>6229265

>> No.6232181

>be retro game collector / hoarder
>live in apartment building
you are just asking for trouble

lemme share a story of what happened to a former co worker
>collects for SNES and N64
>has all the high price desired games
>cib with manuals
>boxes in excellent shape
>around thanksgiving time
>person one floor down and two rooms over is making the holiday turkey
>catches fire
>entire building goes up in flames
>my co worker loses his entire collection
>up in flames just like that
>nothing saveable
when you live in an apartment building all your possessions are at the mercy of the other tenants, so if you have any smokers or retards who can’t operate an oven without everything bursting in flames, or any disgusting fucks with roach infestation so the roaches eventually make it into your room and lay eggs inside your consoles, your collection/hoard is in serious jeopardy, all it takes is one idiot, and people are dumb as hell

>> No.6232780

>I was simply being retarded
And that's why everyone who's not cringing is laughing

>> No.6234056

>Likes received
Jesus fuck... Luckily I only post in here.