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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6221220 No.6221220 [Reply] [Original]

Post educational games you played as a kid

>> No.6221221
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>> No.6221225

Oh tuck I loved this. I didn’t think anyone had any record of it.

>> No.6221226
File: 58 KB, 646x492, amazon-trail-3rd-edition_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it in a cereal box as a kid, one of the only games I finished back then. Always felt bad about tricking the Spaniard into eating some poisoned food, it just didn't seem very heroic regardless of how the ominous cat-god praised me.

>> No.6221251
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I didn't learn a thing but it was fun.

>> No.6221332

Oh holy shit, this ruled

The 3D Body Adventure had a video simulating a heart attack from the inside that scarred me as a kid

>> No.6221339

Are you me? Because that totally freaked me the fuck out. If I was a little older maybe it wouldn't have but I was like "what the FUCK is the human body"

>> No.6221342
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>> No.6221346
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>> No.6221365
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hell yeah

>> No.6221369
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>> No.6221403

One of the first girls to show me her vagina when I was a kid used to play this.
The 3D parts blew my mind. The dinosaur game was pretty cool too.

>> No.6221404
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>> No.6221440
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>> No.6221494
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Trying to remember the exact version of Crosscountry Canada we played at school. It was on a Mac but it was a newer version than the original game. UI looked similar to Crosscountry Canada USA but it was definitely the Canadian version of the game. Pic related was what it looked like but I don't think it was Crosscountry Canada 2.

>> No.6221548
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Hm there are lots of young people on this board I guess.

>> No.6221554
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Anybody Lego Loco here?

>> No.6221559
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Helped me learn a lot about like five or six specific countries. There was also another one called Hocus Pocus Pink which I've been wanting to replay because it had some cool bits about Komodo dragons and Greek mythology but can't get to work anymore.

>> No.6221721
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Played the fuck outta this, though I've only beaten it like twice. Too many damn robots to save for my third grade attention span.

>> No.6221724

Custer's Revenge

>> No.6221739


>> No.6221793

Fucking loved this game. 3-D Dinosaur Adventure if I remember correctly. Also had an Undersea Adventure that was just as good as well.

>> No.6221809
File: 84 KB, 640x400, odell-down-under_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odell Down Under.

I never managed to become a shark.

>> No.6221819
File: 4 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undersea adventure
That has been bothering me my whole life and now I finally found it. I never knew it was part of the same series of games
I will never forget the picture of the great white shark jumping out of the water towards the camera

>> No.6221908

Glad I could help. There was a few that company made. My dad loved all of them back in the day so we had most, if not all of them. I believe there was also a Zoo Adventure and USA Adventure as well. But if I remember correctly, those last two were nowhere near as good as thr others.

>> No.6221962
File: 25 KB, 220x256, 220px-Where_in_Time_is_Carmen_Sandiego__1997_Cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one for me

>> No.6222520
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Also these

>> No.6222548
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The king.

>> No.6222550

I don't remember the name but it was a math game where you built cars. Like Gizmos and Gadgets or something

>> No.6222557

Well now that song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the night

>> No.6222565

There was a zoo game with different animals and one where you had eagle vision.

>> No.6222568
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>> No.6222623


>> No.6223919

i watched this one like a 1000 times when i was young


>> No.6224025


In a just world, the majority of boy bands would have been like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTCy28W-wdI

>> No.6224156
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This was such horror as a kid too, so me three. I hated the weird 3d surgery minigame where you could fry someone's brain from the inside, one of my earliest vidya NOPE moments.

On the flipside, maximum comfy for me was Thinkin' Things - which seemed to have a few editions with different minigames. Was one with bouncing balls/moving shapes that made music on collision to create total audio ASMR.

Also never forget that the Fripple Shop is here for all your Fripple needs. https://youtu.be/Xl3o2VuU5QY

>> No.6224256
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>> No.6224351
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Such a neat game, cemented my interest in dinos as a kid

>> No.6224494
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>> No.6224501
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>> No.6224516
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>> No.6224519
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>> No.6224521
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>> No.6224526

Our grade school classes had this, Math Blasters, and Oregon Trail. Also Putt-Putt Joins the Parade, but that one wasn't really educational.

>> No.6224618

Tink Tonk and the Buddy Bots by Mercer Meyer on C64

>> No.6224973
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>> No.6225015
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Coin Critters was great

>> No.6225364
