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File: 178 KB, 800x807, 41505-the-curse-of-monkey-island-windows-other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6219060 No.6219060 [Reply] [Original]

I love this game like you wouldn't believe. It's the game that got me into point and click adventure games as I was too young for the first 2 games when they came out. MI2 is an objectively better game in some ways but I have a real soft spot for CMI.

>> No.6219064
File: 19 KB, 624x351, curse of monkey island opening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean yeah it fucked with the lore a little and it wasn't the 3rd Monkey Island game that Ron Gilbert would've made, but it's such a solidly well-made game that you wouldn't have thought the creators were just guys that were fans of the original. Plus, Dominic Armato was cemented as the voice of Guybrush forever with this game.

>> No.6219132

I played the game back in the day and loved almost every minute of it. Probably more than the originals. Then, I became aware of the hate surrounding this game bewteen fans because it wasn't made by Ron or Grossman, but I can't defend that because I believe the game is very good. A shame that after this game we would have the souless 3D Monkey Islands.

>> No.6219156

>MI2 is an objectively better game in some ways
>worse graphics
>worse story
>worse puzzles
>somehow, even a worse ending, which is impressive considering how bad MI3's ending is
>better interactive music
>better UI
Well, technically you are right.
>fucked with the lore a little
How? MI2 ending was ambiguous. MI3 shut down the retarded "it was all imagination" interpretation. MI4 is the one that fucked with the lore.
>souless 3D Monkey Islands
MI4 is hugely underrated. It's the worst of the LucasArts MI games, but it's still better than many popular adventure games, e.g. Grim Fandango.

>> No.6219621

>How? MI2 ending was ambiguous.
Not that part, the part about Big Whoop being retconned into a nexus into hell.

>> No.6219632

I wouldn't say that Escape is soulless. It's more like the devs completely blew their load with Curse, like that was the game they really put their heart and soul into, and then when LucasArts told them to make another one, they were at a loss as to what to do next since Curse ended the story so definitively. Which probably explains the part of the plot about not-Rupert Murdock. I like the stuff about the Ultimate Insult but what were they thinking with Monkey Combat?

>> No.6219648

I was a Sierra guy my whole childhood. I'd occasionally try other p&c games but usually they'd turn out to be turds. The two games that got me to notice Lucasarts were The Dig and this. I played CMI with a friend over a weekend and we were laughing and having a great time. It's one of the most memorable adventure games to me because of it. And just in time. I went on a hunt for the best ones I'd missed. Didn't like MM or DotT, but Full Throttle was awesome and I got Grim Fandango the next year and loved it.

I miss Sierra more but Lucasarts really nailed some. MI 1 and 2 never clicked with me the same way. They're good but it's a different kind of humor.

>> No.6219652

>The Dig
The Dig is a genius piece of storytelling and the horrors of encountering things beyond our comprehension, but FUCK THE SKELETON PUZZLE

>> No.6219848

>MI3 shut down the retarded "it was all imagination" interpretation.
play monkey island 1. it's all foreshadowed.

>> No.6219874

MI4 was amazing for me. I remember setting my... I dunno if it was a geforce or tnt2 at the time but the 3d graphics were simple enough I did like like 640x480 (native res for the backgrounds) and did anti aliasing (the first game I had that handled it well on my system)
And I swear the art direction was so perfect the 3d models looked exactly like the backgrounds.

>> No.6219894

MI1 anachronisms and 4th wall breaking are just humor, not negating the meaning of everything you've done.

>> No.6219923

I love MI1 as well. I thought that the method to get to Monkey Island (cooking a certain recipe) was genius. Also loved how the island itself was almost entirely dense jungle, untouched by civilization.

Overall I am a bit more partial to MI2 though. I'm a huge sucker for the grainy, comfy look of those scanned backgrounds and the music in that game.

>> No.6219928

Escape ran off of Grim Fandango's engine but technology by then had advanced enough that you could use far more polygons per model.

>> No.6219932

the pirate trials in mi1 are literally set up like a theme park scavenger hunt

>> No.6219936

>worse puzzles
You can't judge the entire game by the "if this is 3, what's this" puzzle

>> No.6219949

That's a joke. It's a comedy game. Of course it's possible the MI2 ending was intended all along, and Gilbert pulled the same kind of bullshit in Thimbleweed Park, but it's not obvious from the game itself. Thankfully, CMI was smart enough to present a different interpretation. "It's all a dream/all imagination/all a simulation" is shit-tier writing.

>> No.6220040

Favorite joke/comedy scene from the first 3 games, /vr/?
The idol puzzle because it goes against all logic of adventure games to just pick the thing up and walk to shore.

If you let Guybrush die and then Elaine reminds you that you can't be dead because he's here telling the story

Guybrush's explanation for drinking the spiked drink
>It just occurred to me that mixing medicine and alcohol is a really stupid and possibly lethal thing to do. If I were a real person instead of a loveably inept cartoon character with the potential for a few more sequels... I wouldn't even consider it. Skoal!

>> No.6220050

Why does Guybrush have a sudden phobia of porcelain in this game?

>> No.6220114

it's supposed to be like how indiana jones is afraid of snakes, but it doesn't make a lot of sense even as a joke.

>> No.6220210

Fans spectulated that it's because LeChuck as the sheriff smashed a porcelain vase over his head in the mansion chase in the first game, but the devs said they did it purely because they thought it would be funny for him to be afraid of something that it makes no sense for him to be afraid of. Who's afraid of porcelain?

The joke is entirely that it's nonsensical.

>> No.6222134

>Then, I became aware of the hate surrounding this game bewteen fans because it wasn't made by Ron or Grossman
I wouldn't say "hate" because I've never heard someone say the game is outright bad. It's more like "it's not the MI3 they would've made!"

>> No.6222185

Second adventure game I tried, after Maniac Mansion. Also was too young, since I knew no english what so ever. I thought it was a serious game with serious themes, what with the first island being draped in darkness, and weird people with eyepatches and swords running around and shit.

>> No.6222193

>what with the first island being draped in darkness
That's the 2nd island, Plunder Island is nice and sunny. The first 2 games start at night though.

>> No.6222221

How appropriate, you fight like a cow.

>> No.6222227

Is there a way to play the original 2 games with the voiceover but keep the old graphics?

>> No.6222395
File: 73 KB, 960x720, sunset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first 2 games start at night though.
EGA version of MI1 starts at sunset. Sunset scene was removed for VGA version.

>> No.6222398
File: 58 KB, 960x720, nosunset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunset disappears soon after the game starts.

>> No.6222452

For Secret no, for some reason it's tied to the new graphics. In MI2's remake however the voices will play regardless of what graphics setting you're using.

>> No.6222682

I kinda think the voices don't work as well with 1 & 2. A lot of the jokes were written to be read as text and displayed at a certain pace, so a lot of the jokes fall flat as spoken dialogue.

>> No.6222695
File: 560 KB, 1280x480, Blood_Island_-_Goodsoup_Hotel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the greatest feels, best voice acting, art style and animation. I even remember how they animated flames and water splashes, it was so cool.

>> No.6222851
File: 354 KB, 2099x480, 81fcbadbe44216dc08fc3b416567a79be229c975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love the hand-drawn art for this game.

>> No.6223020

That looks like paradise.

>> No.6223070

Plunder Island is specifically stated to be a resort town for retired pirates. Hence why it has a country club at the beach.

>> No.6223109


>> No.6223115

>but it's still better than many popular adventure games, e.g. Grim Fandango
Grim Fandango is the only lucasarts think n click that still holds up today. Best music, best aesthetic, logical puzzles. You literally can't beat it.

>> No.6223179

>logical puzzles
Grim Fandango is one of the worse LucasArts games. The only reason to play it is because all the non-game elements are so good. The best LucasArts game is Day of the Tentacle.

>> No.6223813
File: 44 KB, 385x347, Screenshot_2020-02-24-22-22-05-312_org.scummvm.scummvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some other good point and click games besides monkey islands? I recently beat Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, and it was alright.

>> No.6223912

Someone mentioned it but The Dig, though that's not a comedic game like other LA games, it's a serious hard sci-fi story. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is good.

>> No.6223918

Oh also, Full Throttle

>> No.6224089

Day of the Tentacle has the same comedic tone, but better pacing and puzzles. It's easily LucasArts' best.

>> No.6224176

Yes. Rebuild the games with these tools.

>> No.6225746


>> No.6226392

Based. I really despise the amount of hate MI4 gets-- aesthetically it's one of the greatest games I've ever played.

>> No.6226398

I love the way they animated the skies in MI3 and MI4. Those clouds are so wonderful and expressive.

>> No.6226535

Agreed. Aesthetic ranking: MI3 > MI4 > MI1 EGA > MI1 VGA > MI2.

But MI4 has:
>annoying timing puzzles that take so long to reset you might as well just reload
>censorship of the word "hell" and general feeling of targeting a younger audience
>insult fighting *again*, except this time all the insults are literally random gibberish (monkey combat)
And the UI, while vastly improved from the disaster that is Grim Fandango's UI, is still the worst of the series.

>> No.6226554

>censoring the word hell

I found the way they used "heck" to be kind of cute, desu. I don't remember it feeling like a deliberate attempt to protect me from offensive words.

>> No.6226593
File: 39 KB, 960x480, hotwindsofhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LeChuck says "hell" in his first line of dialogue. "Heck" sounds wrong.

>> No.6226598

Do they never say "hell" explicitly in MI4? I remember Guybrush and Elaine saying "heck" and finding it pretty amusing.

>> No.6226604

IIRC they say "hell" occasionally, but it's mostly censored.

>> No.6227658

Sadly we'll never see part III as it was supposed to be. Is there an answer for the theme park portal thing?

>> No.6228178

It's just how LeChuck makes his undead army.

>> No.6228336

The artstyle for this one is absolutely gorgeous and hasn't aged even a little bit in all these years.

>> No.6229895

¡Madre de dios... es El Pollo Diablo!

Not really a “joke” per se, just silliness, but it’s the moment the first comes to mind.

>> No.6230013

I've been replaying 1 and 2 these past few days, and I have to ask: was 2 cut short because of deadlines? The story and puzzles go to shit after reaching LeChuck's frotress.

>> No.6230679

The story goes to shit, but that's intentional, and the puzzles don't seem notably worse than the rest of the game. MI3 ending feels more rushed than MI2.