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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6214989 No.6214989 [Reply] [Original]

Final Fantasy 1 = Best Final Fantasy

>> No.6215008

This, but unironically.

>> No.6215054


>> No.6215059

This, but ironically

>> No.6215064

Unironically, but ironically, this.

>> No.6215072

Ironically, but this.

>> No.6215078

>naming a character bob

>> No.6215139

>Drink command


>> No.6215352

Yes. If jrpg combat wasn't so bad I'd still replay it. I wonder when someone will turn it into an action RPG game.

>> No.6215538

Only if it‘s the GBA version

>> No.6215668

I don't disagree.

Assuming you aren't trolling, how are the extra bonus dungeons in FF1DOS?

>> No.6215842

Why should i troll? I just like the GBA version thats it also what do you mean by DOS?

>> No.6215886

Dawn Of Souls.

>> No.6215934

The white mage always looked like a boy to me. Especially the white wizard sprite which looks to have a pretty severe brow and broad shoulders.

>> No.6216148

look at me look at meLOOK ATME

>> No.6216584

They are okay. You get a 4th Ribbon, extra bosses from previous FFGames, and extra powerful gear.

>> No.6216627

This but the gba port

>> No.6217339

You can't port soul off the NES, it's inherent to the hardware.

>> No.6219830
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I always thought the black wizard looked so cool after his class change, like he got a mohawk and some frickin badass shades. Disappointed all the remakes kept the little hatted goblin appearance for all forms.

>> No.6221885

what did they mean by this, /vr/?

>> No.6221934

FF1 is the best FF if you don't like FF, because FF1 reminds you of things that are not FF.
>not naming your dudes Dune, Spud, JoJo and Leo

>> No.6221941

Those are fucking stupid names

>> No.6221948

probably the one i enjoyed the most

>> No.6221957
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Idk sometimes I feel like the only person who likes FFV the best

>> No.6222331
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>>6221957 I too love FFV, i played a lot of the gba version growing up. The job system is probably my favorite part, next to Gilgamesh.

>> No.6222780
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Would a game as primitive as FF1 through FF5 sell these days? I imagine it's not too difficult to make such a game to begin with.

>> No.6223163

FTL is roughly as simplistic as FF1 and it's one of the best indie titles desu

>> No.6223170

I don't doubt it, there's plenty of simplistic indie titles that seem to sell well enough. Something like FF5 in particular should be fine, people love job customization.

>> No.6223238

As a person who loves FF3 the most, this is not a feeling, but a reality.
There's just something that FF5 couldn't deliver like FF3 did, maybe its the simplicity and atmosphere.

>> No.6223257

Playing through it right now for the first time. I'll be honest, the game is just now beginning to pick up. The Elf section dragged on and on and the Marsh Cave was a terrible dungeon. In the Earth Cave now and the game is a lot better

>> No.6223268

the marsh and ice cave are the only bad parts of the game

>> No.6223318

when youre not grinding your ass off, its lots of fun. But when you hit those walls where youre forced to grind, it's boring and frustrating

>> No.6223402

Just spend 20 minutes grinding the eye in ice cave and you can run through the rest of the game.

>> No.6223494

ff2 on the famicom is the best though

>> No.6223502

That's not FFIII

The real III, not VI

>> No.6223850

*sigh* Seems like I'm the only one who prefers 20th Anniversary Edition.

>> No.6223851

Nothing wrong with the GBA port, unless you like grinding that is.

>> No.6223908
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Primitive? Yes.
Many popular 2D games these days are not more mechanically complex than simple NES games. Most just up the GFX, since its not longer a constraint for 2D.

But that isn't the issue. The key issue is that early NES games has far less polish than what you can do with modern games.
FF1 would fly just fine, so long its a smooth ride. Its arguably a smooth ride on the NES, aiming for a large enough scope to be amazing.
If in doubt: remember that FF1 is contemporary with DragonQuest1

>> No.6224160

FF1 is not only the best FF but also the only one worth playing at all

>> No.6224572


>> No.6224824

This (different anon).

>> No.6224825


>> No.6227582

I've found it too grind.

>> No.6227589

What's the best version of FF1?

>> No.6228338
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muh dragons tail nga

>> No.6228353

PS1 or WSC.

>> No.6228368

>no red mage
why do this

>> No.6228384
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These were a gift. I used a lot of different line ups over the years that has included the red mage.
>Red Mage best mage

>> No.6228529


>no flare
>no holy

>> No.6228545

Can she cast Harm?

>> No.6228598

I'm with you anon. The job system is also better than 3

>> No.6228656
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Red magepill me on mod of balance

>> No.6228658

but you're never forced to grind in FF1

>> No.6228660

counter argument: pimp hat and swords

>> No.6228685

>Not naming all characters Bob

>> No.6228774


>> No.6228779
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>> No.6228814

>I wonder when someone will turn it into an action RPG game.
for some reason this sounds like an interesting idea to me

>> No.6228824


go play Radia Senki

>> No.6228927

Square have already modernized the FFV formula with games like Bravely Default.

FFV is still fun to play on its own merits though. It flows well, has amazing graphics and sound, and has loads of replayability.

>> No.6228963

I like FF1 because it's like Dragon Quest.

>> No.6229058

No girls allowed in the FF1 club. The white mage is a MAN, baby. Remakefags don't get to argue.

>> No.6229068

I'm playing the gba version on my PSP right now, it's super comfy

>> No.6229232

We were discussing the red mage. I'm aware that the white mage is a boy/man. I was under the impression that the red mage was female. If I am wrong there then I stand corrected
>Remake fags don't get to argue
I can assure you anon I'm not one of those guys. I'm not arguing. It's FF1 not nuclear missiles.

>> No.6229293

I think he looks like a drooling retard, with the top-right black pixel on the face being the eye. and the line below the mouth with some spit hanging out.

>> No.6229301

The most FUN* parts you mean. Marsh is a monster, and Ice is only a little better by virtue of you being a higher level.

>> No.6229438
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Top kek

>> No.6229442

>the top-right black pixel on the face being the eye. and the line below the mouth with some spit hanging out.
kek, I see it

>> No.6229461

Shame half of the spells don't work.
It's a wonder it took off like it did.
But it's fun to mess around with the remakes.
Black mage is big trash in this game though.
The only black magic that matters after fire 2 are temper and haste, all you need is a red mage for that.

And for once the jack of all trades is truly the master. He can buff your party, help with heals, and buff himself as the 3rd mos damaging party member after knight and ninja.
Also nice that ninja can learn temper. The fighter is on item buffing duty for the beginning of the battle though.

>> No.6229489

White Mage > Level 4 Harm 2x > Chaos was kill

>> No.6229882

The GBA battle theme is more soulful than any of the other versions.

>> No.6229885

Octopath Traveler barely didn't make the cut. So no.

>> No.6229887

Duane & Brando are tears in the rain.

>> No.6229890

Because you have a black mage and a white mage to use instead. Apathy is death.

>> No.6229891

it pains me that modern versions of it went with mp for magic, completely gutting the balance and strategic consideration of the game.

>> No.6229915

I'm currently with a party composed of a Thief and a Red Mage. Wanted to increase the difficulty a little.

>> No.6229937

Octopath Traveler is not "as primitive as FFV". It has a very complex, modern combat system. It also unfortunately has modern pacing.

>> No.6230475

Red Mage
Red Mage

Best party hands down.

>> No.6230489

If in doubt: remember that FF1 is contemporary with Dragon Quest 3

>> No.6230490

based Red Death

>> No.6231243
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he reminds me of those future dudes from Bill & Ted

>> No.6231419

Literally the only "grinding" you have to do is spending maybe 15-20 minutes killing imps and grimps outside of Corneria to get started, and I think that was more for spell money than levels

>> No.6231462

Not sure why you think the RM is a girl, I don't think anybody has ever made that assumption before.

>> No.6231463

HARM works on Chaos? He's undead?

>> No.6231468

Yeah nah. You start with enough money to fully outfit your party and get enough spells for your mages. On top of that, Garland is easily beatable at level 1. If you're ever going to grind in FF1, at the start is not the place.

>> No.6231491

Being a Demonic Monster, I think he qualifies as undead. Garland was possessed, ultimately becoming Chaos. At any Rate, the spell Diaja, HRM on the NES, and Dia on the PSX, has a range applicable to all enemies. It is however specifically effective against undead. Typically ranging from 80-320 damage when used against undead.

For whatever reason, Chaos is weak against HRM4. First cast, if hits, typically ranges from 900-1800 damage. Coupled with Knight wielding Excalibur, and if you actually have to hit him again with HRM4, if he hasn't killed your white mage by that point, the second cast usually averages 1200-2000 damage.

I typically level grind though. That makes a huge difference.

>> No.6231501

It's FADE I'm talking about. I'm retarded. I don't know how I got FADE and HRM confused. He is undead technically though. But if not advantageous, I don't know why you'd cast it against him.

>> No.6231550

I'm pretty sure they're all dudes, dude.

>> No.6232601
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Based Light Warrior Dudes

>> No.6233213
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>> No.6233296

Just finished the PS1 version for the first time and I didn't really enjoy it all that much. X and 7 are my favorites.

>> No.6233318

>I typically level grind though. That makes a huge difference.
Not to spell damage.

>> No.6233334

I still see the black belt's chin line as a big goofy smile.

>> No.6233353

>four warriors will come
>12 characters

>> No.6235187

this isn't real.

>> No.6235976
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>RPGs will ever feature a group of young adventurers featuring the virtues of heroes solving everybody's issues in a race against the impersonal evil.
Why live

>> No.6236049

>Shame half of the spells don't work.


>> No.6236057


Modern versions of it don't exist. Those are just different games that happen to have a similar name. Why would you even think about them? The original is the only important one. Versions of the original with fixed bugs or improved translation or whatever are also fine of course. All others are just bland repetition that discard historical value while still being held back by history, and they would all be better replaced with fresh games from their respective times.

Video game remakes are usually downgrades, and in the Final Fantasy series, they are always downgrades.

>> No.6236062



is a great party too. Assuming you have enough heal staffs and Zeus gauntlets and such for everybody.

>> No.6236680

You're not! It's my favorite as well. The job system is a delight.

>> No.6237670
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agreed. hatless > hat

>> No.6237684

I blame FFIX for erasing the proper Black Wizard and just turning them into Vivi/Black Waltz lookalikes instead.

>> No.6237769

8 bit theater will forever be the real caricature of those 4 (5)

>> No.6237876

Painting is

>> No.6237879

It cannot be unseen

>> No.6237890
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>> No.6237932

Since this seems to be the closest thing /vr/ has to a JRPG general, I'm considering playing Breath of Fire. Is there anything I should know before I jump in?

>> No.6237950

>Since this seems to be the closest thing /vr/ has to a JRPG general
We should start one on the regular?

I can't help you with breath of fire. I think it's a platformer JRPG hybrid. Unless I'm getting BOF confused with ActRaiser.

>> No.6237962

I'm thinking about procuring a Treasure of the Rudras reproduction. Translated. No NTSC release

>> No.6237968

Final Fantasy 1 = first final fantasy prove me wrong

>> No.6237976
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>> No.6237984
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Final Fantasy
>Best Fantasy

>> No.6237992
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I did not clarify that level grinding would be beneficial only to weapon based attacks. Spell damage being predicated upon the level of spell I believe, and it's intended range, hit or miss.

>> No.6238000
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>> No.6238047

not really, it blows the other games out the water, hard

>> No.6238703
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>prove me wrong

>> No.6238714

>popcorn ceilings
Enjoy asbestos

>> No.6238790

>Mesothelioma flaring up again Nancy

>> No.6239050

fuck geists

>> No.6239062
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And fuck Mancats in the Castle of Ordeal, on the second floor. Bastard cunts casting FIR2 hitting me for 458 damage my ass

>> No.6239140

do you guys think incorporating row mechanics into my FF1 game betrays its FF1ness?

>> No.6239161

>Play RPG
>stats are required
Shit game would refund tbqh

>> No.6239176

the PSP version isn't the same in terms of balance as the GBA version in many things.

>> No.6239382

he's probably emulating it numbnuts

>> No.6239386


It's a based action RPG sort of akin to the Mana series but on NES.

>> No.6239389
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Retarded zoomer detected

>> No.6239391

Oh hey FF thread. I’m currently playing 6 and grinding out spells before I go to the floating continent. I forgot to grab Mog a while back. Is it worth recruiting him now or should I opt for the hairpin?

>> No.6239402

this is cursed

>> No.6239405

Do you want the Water Rondo dances? Are you playing the SNES version and not the GBA port? If yes to both, get him now and take him to the trench.

>> No.6239470

I’m playing snes, but I thought you could get water rondo in Ruin

>> No.6239474

Only in the GBA version, which adds an underwater fight with Leviathan (new boss/Esper). In the SNES version, if you don't get Water Rondo before WoB ends, you miss it.

>> No.6239589
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answer me people

>> No.6239636

I mean, if you want it to play like FF1 specifically then it sort of does. But it's clearly a very different game already if you've got ninjas, mega men and links in it, so adding that tiny bit of tactical depth can't hurt.