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/vr/ - Retro Games

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621365 No.621365 [Reply] [Original]

Burnt-Out Gamer General.

I've been pretty unable to finish or even feel excited about games lately. I made a custom character on 3D DOT GAME HEROES and I got to the third shrine but I'm just not feeling it. I still have yet to beat Front Mission 3 or Arc The Lad 2 despite putting more than one attempt into both of them, and my last Chrono Cross playthrough ended short of the chapters where you play as Lynx.

I used to be really into RPGs and adventure/action games like Dark Souls, Front Mission, Final Fantasy Tactics, Armored Core, Seiken Densetsu 3, Dark Cloud, etc. There were even times when I'd just grind out teams on SaGa Frontier or explore the vast wilderness on Shadow of the Colossus. Nowadays, it feels like a chore to play games, or like I've played everything worth playing. Where I used to boot up HoMM3 just to play a medium/large map on solo for fun, now it just feels like an inevitable quest to hit midgame and a boring downhill steamroll.

So, /v/, recommend me something to ignite that spark again?

>> No.621384

Maybe you're just too old? That's what happened with me. The only stuff I care about these days is fast paced arcade stuff for a quick play in between times. Maybe you should also try it.

>> No.621390

Like what sorts of stuff?
I mean, I doubt it's my age, but I could see that maybe being a factor. I just enjoyed the PS1 and SNES so much, it feels awkward not enjoying games as much as I did before.

>> No.621391
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, 117638_Perfect_dark_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't played Perfect Dark, have you?

Play it, and experience glorious salvation.

>> No.621392

Play some GameDev Tycoon

>> No.621397

What's Perfect Dark like?
I'm not a big fan of shooters, so I guess I always avoided it assuming it was one.

I played lots of Counterstrike as a teen, and like Bioshock 1 and 2 when they came out. More recently, I really enjoyed Deus Ex; Human Revolution.

>> No.621404

I took a break from games for about 4 years once. Now i'm back and discovering that I'm into all sorts of new shit i wasn't before. Maybe try a break.

>> No.621414

pick up a new hobbie

>> No.621430

Natural part of growing up. You're slowly realizing video games are nothing but a total waste of time.

From now on, you'll only be able to enjoy two types of games:

- Multiplayer games. They are not so much "video games" as they are a means for competition. They will simply always be more rewarding in a way single player games cannot hope to be.
- Story driven games. Since you've finally learned that gameplay for gameplay's sake is barely a step above masturbation, the only thing that can motivate you is as well executed narrative. Unfortunately for you, you can count the number of well written video games using just your fingers. From one hand.

>> No.621424

>Words with Friends

>> No.621431

It's hard to explain. Technically, it's an FPS. But it was made by a team who really had no history making FPS games. Some of them had only worked on Goldeneye before. So it plays very differently to other games in the genre. It's less about shooting and more about tactics.

The XBLA version is pretty good.


>> No.621441

I guess I've gone backwards, not op

I just play singleplayer games now, but not necessarily story driven at all, and most of the time I don't care about the story.

I do appreciate a good one though.

>> No.621453

What work'd for me was digging into the really obscure and old. Right now I have a few "modern" games im playing but most of my games apps and projects are retro.

Basically I went to




and started downloading disk drive dumps and cd shareware uploads and files that sounded interesting. Right now I have a huge collection of old dos and amiga demos and musiczines. Been going thru that stuff just enjoying the moment.

Game wise I dug into the Amstrad cpc which I know absolutely zero about and after reading the guide for the difference in keyboard started playing games without looking up anything on the games before hand. I found quite a few games I was enjoying playing without knowing it's past.

Another system I dug deep into was the sega cd/32x/saturn/3do those being my most advance systems im playing <thru emulation til I can aquire systems and games at the local video game weekends at the flea market> and those are great for my 32bit gen.

apart from the amstrad cpc ive been putting time into the ti994a and the micro bbc and msdos using dos box. tho ive mostly been using it for old dos apps and demos and musiczines. Even got into telnet so I could partake of the bbs scene a lil bit again. It's semi active depending on the bbs and that lets me find more games and various old relics to explore into. Even been enjoying door games like clans and usurper and lord with some igm's.

Im not sure what kinds of games will do it for you but ive been enjoying platformers again and rpgs... playing thru albert odyssy for saturn and luiciene quest on the 3do and both of those are keeping me entertain'd. Im playing thru a mystery on the amstad cpc but the name slips my mind atm.

Last but not least get into the amiga and atari st and dig thru the web for old file archives. tons of homebrew and pd

>> No.621450

PD manages to be both casual and hardcore at the same time.

>Anon plays PD.
>Pfft, this shit is easy. Console FPS is lame.
>Two hours later.

And the multiplayer bot AI is horrifyingly good. It's the sort of game you can play for years and still find new aspects to explore. The missions change depending on the difficulty, for example.

>> No.621463

I actually grew out of enjoying multiplayer games. I'd prefer to play a platformer taking turns with a friend. I also got tired of stories in games. I'd rather read a good book. I prefer a game with good gameplay that is a bit challenging.

>> No.621475
File: 32 KB, 554x426, who-is-awesome[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way you think.

Right now I'm playing through old school first person shooters, and I've digging around to find the more obscure ones.

I'm also on a weird collecting spree of console action rpg's, looking for the gems of that genre as well. (Think kingdom hearts, tales of phantasia, star ocean etc)

That's how I got back into gaming.

>> No.621490


Perfect Dark is a shooter, but it's the best damn shooter I've ever played on console or PC. It's got a ton of fucking content, from a badass campaign, to all sorts of training, to combat challenges vs. bots, to tons of unlockable cheats and tiny secrets hidden in levels. There's a huge text briefing that goes with every level to flesh out the backstory, as well as badass cutscenes and little biographies on a computer in the Carrington Institute.

Playing through different levels on different difficulty levels can add a new objective, or sometimes significantly change the way the level behaves. (Play Carrington Villa on Special Agent, then Perfect Agent. Shit gets real.)

If I had to sum it up, I'd say it's the only way Nintendo could have an exclusive first-person shooter. It's got classic videogame elements like secret levels, bonus items and multiplayer, but it's also got some of the best parts of modern shooters like amazing graphics (for the time) and slick cutscenes with full voice acting. Even if you don't like shooters, you're missing out if you don't honestly give it a try at least once.

>> No.621505

I'd say you've been spot on with all your posts, it's a fantastic game. Superior to goldeneye. Had a lot of fun playing it with friends back then.

It's in my backlog, but I plan to finally play through the campaign. I do remember playing lots of those challenges vs bots, those were enjoyable.

And the nights when I wasn't at my friends, I'd just have matches vs bots, and still had a blast.

Lots of content in that game, it was truly a labor of love if I had to guess.

>> No.621513

Check out Shogo if you haven't already. One of my favorite games as a kid.

>> No.621514

IMO, it's the shooter for people who don't really like shooters. I spent half the game stealing weapons and shooting out lights. It's very sandboxy. I really wish Microsoft would stop being asshats and authorize a native PC port, because it's frankly one of the greatest videogames ever made.

>> No.621515

>Like what sorts of stuff?

Mostly STGs and fighters. Over the years I realized how much the whole story and cut scene overkill of modern games were tiring me out. That shit doesn't happen with arcade titles, it's pure gameplay.

It was a big surprise after I found out that games can actually still stress me.

>> No.621518


The campaign is pretty damn cool. There are some levels that seem unfair at first, but when you figure it out and beat them it's so satisfying.

There's one bad thing about the campaign though: escort missions. You will shoot your companions in the head on accident more often than the enemy will on purpose.

>> No.621529

Hahaha, this brought back memories. I do recall playing the campaign a bit, but probably didn't get very far. I seem to remember being annoyed with this.

To be fair, escort missions suck in any game, and I can't think of any game that as ever done it right. The whole concept is just awful.

>> No.621527


I shit bricks the first time I played Sinistar.


>> No.621537

My advice would be to disable auto aim.

>> No.621539


I'd say Resident Evil 4 did it right, but that's because you had a fair amount of control over Ashley and could upgrade her health. But we're getting off of /vr/ territory there.

>> No.621557


There's also that neat moment where you've got an energy shield and you're actually using your own body to shield a gay British AI, Elvis the alien, and the President, off the top of my head. So they're not all bad, you just have to make your own fun with them.

>> No.621560

Anyone else been playing vidya since they were like 3 without any intentions of ever stopping?

Fuck yeah. You niggas are weak. I am strong.

>> No.621572

Play games for systems you never had growing up. thats how i started having fun again. im having a blast discovering all these old neogeo and turbografx 16 games i had never heard of growing up

theres a whole world out there bro

>> No.621581

It's over.. I have this feeling too towards most single player games, new or old.

Nowadays I can just stand online multiplayer games, mostly first person shooters, and preferably leaning towards the absurd than realism.

Last games I managed and liked to play from start to end were God Hand and God of War. The current generation of video games I didn't even bother buying.

>> No.621586
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H-H-He's not gay.

>Beta subtitles from (E) region rom dump.
>I don't believe it, those vandals have been rearranging my circuitry. I feel cheapened... used! I'm a tart!

Not gay at all.

BTW, the best thing to do is stop him getting in elevators with you. It'll take him a few minutes to catch up. (PD's AI is designed to navigate the entire map, so you can never truly lose him.)

>> No.621610

Well thanks. I was just in a huge rut and thought back to when I was having my best times in life computer wise... the 90s and paraking of the coding and phrak scene and bbs'n all over. So digging thru old dos apps and partaking of the amiga <friends had it and we used it a ton> and old dos game and programs along with various demos and music demos and zines... well add in a ton of emulators and it's the 80s and 90s all over again. Even been jamming out to nothing but 90s and earlier music only like I would have done. Add in all those mods/s3m/xm/etc and midi and other old formats of music and art im having a blast again. Digging thru old rip art and ansi and messing with neopaint again. man im loving it. im excited again since alot of this stuff I missed out on or briefly saw and checked out. Finding tons of games i never heard of to track down and playing alot of these homebrew and public domain games and amiga shareware games ive never heard of. it's just what I needed.

>> No.621627

Stop worrying and play what you love. No one is keeping score. Massage your partner.

>> No.621635
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I always binge and purge on genres or games. Sometimes I feel like playing games for hours, other times I just don't want to play any video games for a week. Sometimes I cannot tolerate RPG's while all I do is play FPS.

I just go with the flow.

>> No.621663

oh man I know that feeling, last time I went around the bend I started hunting down games produced in the middle-east. I ended up playing a Syrian game called Under Ash 2, a fps where you play as a palestinian shooting at IDF (not retro)

>> No.622113
File: 322 KB, 1440x900, 1359994774703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I do as well. Dont have a backlog or anything either, just kinda play whatever I want.

>> No.622192

>Anonymous 05/07/13(Tue)01:13 No.622113
Ive been playing fps a bit more lately too., just spent an hour or so playing some medal of honor allied assult online with him and whoever join'd in a bunch of free for alls. good times had.

>> No.622280

Stop playing such simple games.

Jrrpgs and no-skill aciton games like sd3 are games the sort of game you just play to relax when you are half alsleep. Its like only watching disney movies and never seeing a good drama.

Play something that requires you to really get into the game in order to master it: ninja gaiden (the beat em up or the platformer), shmups, competative fighting games, etc.

The satisfaction from mastering a difficult, face paced game is much different than the satisfaction you get from doing simple party strategies or mindleslly grinding

>> No.622309

I've been burnt out for nearly 3 years now. The last game I marathon'd the shit out of was DKC Returns.

I still pick up games every few months, but I hardly ever finish any.

>> No.622326

Play some Nes games such as Crystalis. Sometimes just the simple controls of a nes game, great music, and the raw difficulty always gets me back into playing games.


>> No.622361

>recommend me something to ignite that spark again

F-Zero for the Super Nintendo

>> No.622461

just take a break, op. Due to some extenuating circumstances, I recently went a whole semester with just a kindle + library card, my instrument, and my dick (no computer except for the library, etc; didn't even have a phone for a bit.) when I came back to vidya after that it seemed like the coolest shit ever. No need to go to that extreme, but fuck around with something else for a bit and come back; you'll be ready to marathon CX in between DQ playthroughs whilst playing ikaruga with your feet in no time.

>> No.622556


While not /vr/ it sound a lot like Timesplitters 2, which is some of the most fun I've had in a while when I uncovered the NGC disc recently.

Personally I only played Perfect Dark at a friends house, but in an extremely specific bout of retardation, we could never figure out how to access the single player.

>> No.624535

I think it's safe to say OP left

Anyone else having these problems? I find it's a decent topic for some since i know burn out happens.

>> No.624736

I've been feeling like that lately, although the only older games I've been playing are Bionic Commando and Donkey Kong, both for the original Game boy. Non /vr/ related, I think almost 200 hours in the first two EO games and 40-50 or more in Infinite Space might just have made me this way, not sure. It's almost like I just lost patience for difficult games.

>> No.625674
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I'm having issues with it. I have a pretty short attention span to begin with so I found myself having issues with long games or games that require a lot of focus. I found the best thing is just not to force it, maybe even find another hobby to take a break from video games.

I'm beating a lot less games than I used to but I think to begin with the pursuit of beating more and more games is one of the things that made me burn-out.
Also, another thing that might help is playing a portable. Seriously, disconnecting yourself from the internet and from this life-sucking machine called 4chan might help you. When you focus on the game instead of always checking for new threads or replies on 4chan you might enjoy games more.