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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 358x500, animal_crossing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6213390 No.6213390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the comfiest retro game of all time?

>> No.6213395
File: 313 KB, 1280x1024, 1422172360877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 people get mad and start reporting the thread as not-retro because OP used a picture of the Gamecube port.
but yes, it is the comfiest retro game, and non of its non-retro sequels reached the same levels of comfiness.

>> No.6213397

>wanting to talk about 6th gen this badly
Just go to >>>/v/ faggot.

>> No.6213402

Animal Crossing is 5th gen, retard.

>> No.6213661

>retards don't know you can talk about remakes on /vr/
Whats it like living with an extra chromosome anon's

>> No.6213664

AC is 5th gen. thats like getting mad at an OP for posting OOT Master Quest Cover

>> No.6213668

>PSone which was discontinued in 2006 and has games from 2005 is retro

>> No.6213678

kek. i always love the REEEEEE MODS NOT RETRO NOT RETROOOOOOOO. you old fucks shouldn't be whining so much, haven't you grown up?

>> No.6213682

Yeah I'm inclined to agree. By adding features they complicated the formula and reduced the sort of easy-going, nowhere to be nothing to do feel of the original game. The sequels are better time-sinks, more engaging. But at the risk of being pretentious they sort of lost the vision.

>> No.6213698

Has Animal Forest on N64 been fully translated? I know a lot of work into it recently.

>> No.6213712

Is comfy girl code for boring in this case?

>> No.6213875

While I am on the fence about 6th gen being retro, maybe you should not be an ungrateful little nigger and try to change things that you know nothing about so that they conform to your tastes. You are the absolute worst kind of person.
>I'm new here and don't know the rules so you guys should change the rules to make this place more to my liking
I want to tell you to kill yourself, but that's too predictable.

>> No.6213878

Is it fun for you to continually make this thread for this exact purpose? Because you sure as hell aren't here to actually talk about the N64 version of Animal Crossing.

>> No.6213879

>I am on da fence!!!

Gamecube, as in, the fucking 6th gen console, was discontinued in 2007.

PS1, as in, the 5th gen console, was discontinued in 2006.

>> No.6213884

The Famicom was discontinued in 2003.
What matters, as far as /vr/'s rules go, is the release date of the system, not the discontinuation date.

>> No.6213885

Seems so

>> No.6213886


>> No.6213894

>to some anon who doesn't even know /vr/'s rules
Come on anon, you can do better.

>> No.6213897

and famicom is retro

>> No.6213907

All systems from before 2000 are, according to /vr/'s rules.
I'd personally make the cutoff in 1993, but that's just me.

>> No.6213908
File: 33 KB, 380x298, 4848fb9e0c1f8da17e4c64509597f437--make-you-feel-fragile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really loved Animal Crossing. My girlfriend I was with at the time and I got quite addicted to it and would play it together all day long. My sisters liked to come over and play our games and stuff, so they got really into it too. Now fast forward maybe 15 years and I'm considering buying the new one, but I haven't played an Animal Crossing game, since and I'm extremely alone now, so I'm worried not having anyone to play it with, send letters to, and all that stuff will just make it more depressing than it is fun. Not too sure what I should do.

>> No.6213912

playing AC with a gf is maximum comfimus

>> No.6213915

>All systems from before 2000 are, according to /vr/'s rules.
Console hardware is retro, yes.
But no console game can be retro.

>> No.6213923

It really is... I'd love to play it again, but I don't wanna play it alone. This sucks :/

>> No.6213949

we all know what op had in mind when he chose the gamecube cover

>> No.6213952

Love all the autists getting triggered in this thread. Stay salty

>> No.6213973

Die, commie.

>> No.6213979

Eat shit faggot. ;)

>> No.6213990

I seriously consider buying a GameCube just so I can experience animal crossing, Kirby air ride, and other comfy goodness you never got if you had an Xbox

>> No.6213994

You would make a dead board

>> No.6214006

Let's agree /vr/'s current rules are retarded and that all games made in 2004 and earlier should be deemed retro now.

>> No.6214007

Why? plenty of games released from 1993 and before. Just between NES, Genesis and SNES you have a lifetime supply.

>> No.6214008

Die in hell, commie. :)

>> No.6214009

Let's disagree. Not even 5th gen is retro.

>> No.6214013

I like /vr/'s holier-than-thou attitude when it comes to old consoles and what constitutes old. Well, here's a hot take: The entirety of Gen 5 will never be "retro", and especially the Dreamcast.

>> No.6214014

Drink up! That diarrhea ain't gonna drink itself.

>> No.6214017

Die, commie.

>> No.6214019

Why do you guys insist on discussing the hopeless argument about 6th gen being included here?
Animal Crossing/Forest is a Nintendo 64 game. The GC version is just a port.

>> No.6214020

Eat shit and die, faggot. =)

>> No.6214023

Die, commie.

>> No.6214027

6th gen faggot.

>> No.6214028
File: 673 KB, 240x257, 1545110828553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss his horn hat

>going on /v/

>> No.6214045

Eat shit and die, faggot. =)

>> No.6214050

Die, commie.

>> No.6214053

Eat shit and die, faggot. =)

>> No.6214061

Die, commie.

>> No.6214065

Eat shit and die, faggot. =)

>> No.6214070
File: 499 KB, 1000x1333, 8FE08892-B769-440E-A3E7-C3FB3030B255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at you all. So afraid of 6th gen you become the very monsterous shitposters you sought to fend off. Ironic and disappointing.

>> No.6214073
File: 134 KB, 670x1024, 1557302541077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die, jew.

>> No.6214079

Exactly. /vr/ is filled with hopeless autists who are easy to bait.

>> No.6214082

Die, jew.

>> No.6214085 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.6214089


>> No.6214090

Die, jew. Admit that you've lost.

>> No.6214091

Kill yourself retard

>> No.6214092

Die, jew. Feel the pain that you have inflicted upon the goyim.

>> No.6214093

Kill yourself retard. You're the one who's lost. Ports are allowed to be discussed on /vr/

>> No.6214097

Kill yourself retard. You contribute nothing to this world and everyone would be happier and better off without your worthless ass.

>> No.6214098

You're dead, jew. Even the French have done this, and they're being censored by your media. You're hated literally everywhere.

>> No.6214102


This is 100% a leftist

>> No.6214103

Die, jew.

>> No.6214104

Kill yourself retard

>> No.6214106

>hate jews
You have an extremely retarded understanding of what a 'leftist' is.

>> No.6214107

Yeah, identity politics are an easy way to determine if someone's a leftist.

Kill yourself retard

>> No.6214112

Leftists are unironically more racist and anti-semetic.

>> No.6214113

>Kill yourself retard
You're dead, jew. Enjoy Israel, because every first world nation wants you fucking dead or emigrated.

>> No.6214117

Kill yourself retard

>> No.6214121

I know exactly what leftists love to do.

You are one of those onions drinking lefties that Don a swastika t shirt and go to trump rallies and yell Jew all day. No one on the right does this. You are a Jussie smollet. A larp.

>> No.6214125

Scared jew.

>> No.6214127

Dumbass faggot. I'm not a Jew. But keep up the projections! You must feel insecure and envious of Jews because they're far more intelligent than you.

>> No.6214128

Scared jew.

>> No.6214132 [DELETED] 

Dumbass faggot.

>> No.6214135

Dumbass faggot.

>> No.6214137

Scared jew.

>> No.6214140

Dumbass faggot.

>> No.6214143

Scared jew.

>> No.6214147

Dumbass faggot.

>> No.6214148

Scared jew.

>> No.6214149

Ohhhh I get it

This is how you remove a thread you don’t like. You spam it so many times a mod eventually deletes it. Clever.

>> No.6214151

Dumbass faggot.

>> No.6214152

Thanks jews.

>> No.6214154

Some anti-semetic autist simply can't let it go and take the L. It's quite funny.

>> No.6214157

You're a jew.

>> No.6214158

Please kill yourself

>> No.6214161

ITT commie open sores anon who got BTFO in other thread false flags and calls other posters commies

>> No.6214163

You first, Shmuel.

>> No.6214164

No. This is some anti 6th gen autist with a vpn spamming the thread enough times to warrant a deletion. Keep it page 1 long enough. Get enough reports. This is how you do it.

>> No.6214169

>Get enough reports
You're a commie.

>> No.6214170

Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. I should probably stop responding to the retard.

>> No.6214171

This game is retro though, it's for Nintendo 64.
OP is likely a pro-6th gen guy who is mad about what he perceives to be "loopholes" in the rules of the board
>waaaa why can they discuss a 6th gen game just because it's actually a 5th gen game! not fair! I want to discuss my 6th gen games!

>> No.6214172

my bad, I didn't meant OP, but the guy who's saying this game is 6th gen.

>> No.6214173

That would be for the best. Stupid people are a net negative on any given discussion.

>> No.6214204

Only thing I agree with is that you're retarded.

>> No.6214214

>Let me take a stick and hit this hornet's nest

>> No.6214218

Commies are fucking retarded. They'll never learn until their heads are being kicked on the concrete.

>> No.6214224

a false equivalence

>> No.6214227

Kill yourself retard

>> No.6214238

You're one scared commie.

>> No.6214240

You're one pathetic autist.

>> No.6214241

>Go somewhere and do something that goes against the area
>Retaliation in return to let person know to stop
No it isn't. When in Rome do what the Roman's do.

>> No.6214242

I will kick your head when you fall before me.

>> No.6214245

"hewo l-lets habe discussion on comfy game pwease??"


yes. a false equivalence.

>> No.6214253

>Hello let's intrude and force ourselves into somewhere that we don't belong even though we have our own place
People like you are why there are no hard set over arching rules because faggots like you like to skirt them and abuse not breaking anything.

>> No.6214257

guy its a fucking video game
ooooo wow this particular port was made a whopping year after the cutoff date made 7 years ago. thats AN INTRUSION. AN ATTACK, WITH A STICK. lmaoooo

>> No.6214259

lol no. You're weak as shit.

>> No.6214262

It doesn't take a lot of effort to kick you in the head, when you already fell down.

>> No.6214267

It's not even breaking any rules. Ports of old games are allowed to be discussed on /vr/. It's simply militant autists chimping out and trying to brute force their extremist views with shitposting.

>> No.6214269

There will never be an opportunity for you to do that.

>> No.6214270

Right, which is why we should be constantly vigilant about jewish subversion. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.6214271

this board is serious business
cant have no animal crossing, the popular port was released in 6th gen, BUT YOOOOO THAT PSP THREAD IS POPPIN RIGHT NOW SON

>> No.6214274

Die, jew.

>> No.6214280

save your arguments for when it matters. there is no jewish subversion on a retro video game board. theres jewish subversion in your airline ads, your razors, your tv shows and your news articles. fight it there. if you care at all. or how about stop posting and get on the streets. talk about the boogaboogabooga but stay glued to a seat. pathetic.

>> No.6214282

No one in this thread is talking about Jews or commies (which have absolutely nothing to do with video games) except you. Please seek professional help and counseling immediately for your paranoid schizophrenia and general stupidity.

>> No.6214287

Punished Animal Crossing

>> No.6214294

Get ready to die, jew.

>> No.6214295

Die, commie.

>> No.6214297 [DELETED] 

im waiting. waiting patiently.
its getting late, shouldnt you be getting sleep to be ready for your 9-5? whats your iphone charge at? hey try out that new starbuck flavor and like and subscribe for more.

>> No.6214303

Dolphin runs on even complete toasters, at least give it a chance.

>> No.6214304

I don't live 9-5, nor do I own an (((iPhone))). You're dead, jew.

>> No.6214310

You're nothing more than a mindless fear-mongering drone without a shred of self-awareness or individual thought.

>> No.6214312
File: 27 KB, 600x418, 1579637478251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 posters (+1)
>116 replies (+1)

>> No.6214314

Scared jew.

>> No.6214317

weak dumbass

>> No.6214319


>> No.6214320

Lots of great games do what >>6214303
Said and go to vimmslair for ISOs

>> No.6214323


>> No.6214325 [DELETED] 

you may not. but enough do to drown you out.
your subversion happened long before you figured it out. the only way to stop it is incidentally the only thing your weak people aren't willing to do.

>> No.6214326

You're a jew.

>> No.6214331 [DELETED] 

and you?
my cattle :)
your sister's brown children will make good slaves for me.

>> No.6214332

Tried running animal crossing today on my dogshit laptop and the game kept slowing to a crawl every few seconds until eventually it was just sputtering along with fucked up and distorted sound at less than half speed. Guess not every toaster.

>> No.6214335

So I want you to die. Did you have any other reason for posting this, jew?

>> No.6214337

Don't know why you tagged me when I just defended Animal Crossing as being 5th gen, little faggot. And it's a port of the N64 version, not a remake.

>> No.6214339 [DELETED] 

He tried to get you on his side, goy.

>> No.6214341 [DELETED] 

so i can get my check from goldman sachs at the end of this week

>> No.6214346

No we don't, but if he had posted some dumb non-retro shit, I would've called him out for it.

>> No.6214348 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, jew.

>> No.6214350

How? And how am I on his side?

>> No.6214352 [DELETED] 

lmao, fucking jew

>> No.6214354 [DELETED] 

As you say, rabbi.

>> No.6214358 [DELETED] 

lmao, fucking jew

>> No.6214359 [DELETED] 


>> No.6214374

what is this an animal crossing or a bloddy islam thread

>> No.6214376

animal crossing is BIG in iraq

>> No.6214391


>> No.6214413

This is why Animal Crossing games aren't as comfy any more. The animals aren't fun to talk to. They used to run up to you and trade, or play a game, or sometimes even pull a prank on you. Then they'd have these weird, little human moments like in the pic that are kind of played straight, but is still funny because a purple squirrel says it.

>> No.6214429

You're a jewish agent.