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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6211162 No.6211162 [Reply] [Original]

What do you feel bad about retro gaming in your life, /vr/?
For me, I loved Super Metroid and Final Fantasy 6, but never had the desire to go through them a full time again.

>> No.6211230

That's nothing to feel bad about? I've got 100% on some titles and I'll never do that again.

>> No.6211267
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I feel like I need more N64 controllers. Also need more cowbell.

>> No.6211268

I never finished FF6. I got to Kefka's Tower, and I couldn't understand how to do it.

>> No.6211284

Are you retarded ?

>> No.6211286

>buy a full set of controllers for every console
>no one to play with

>> No.6211305

I mean I was 6

>> No.6211315

I almost exclusively only care about Nintendo games. Not for a lack of trying though. There are a scant few popular games from other companies that I have tried and enjoyed. I've branched out more as I got older but I still only really play the popular stuff. I never played a doom game until 2018.

>> No.6211320

Not really anything. I guess maybe I’m like >>6211315 in that I mostly play Nintendo. I think I've played just about all the BIG DEAL /vr/ games at some point though. Off the top of my head Deus Ex is the only heavy hitting classic left, though I’m certain there’s more I’m forgetting.

Old CRPGs are just something I’ll never get into because the UI is always too much of a chore. Like, I respect Ultima a ton but no way am I ever playing one of those for longer than 30 minutes before running out of patience.

>> No.6211352

>forgets his frog pic

>> No.6211357

Not spending nearly as much time as I want actually ~playing~ retro games. A lot of it is spent on research, watching reviews and podcasts related to retro gaming. But hey, at least I don't console-war on here like a child or make threads like "so Uhm, like, what liek is even the point of real hardware anymore now that emulation exists?"

>> No.6211392

The only piece of /vr/ hardware I actually own is a gameboy color that hasn't been used in years.

>> No.6211397
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I think Super Metroid, FF7 and Majoras Mask are boring shit
I think most retro games aren't worth revisiting

>> No.6211421

I loved FF6 too but I haven't touched it in like 10 years and I honestly don't feel like doing so. I replay Super Metroid almost yearly though.

>> No.6212820

I always hated FF7. Turned me off on Square ever since then.

>> No.6212826

I love JRPGs a lot because I grew up with them and they're some of my best childhood memories, but nowadays when I want to game I tend to just pop in an action-platformer or run-n-gun

>> No.6212860

I sold many bitcoins a couple years ago to buy $3000 worth of low-latency arcade sticks on ebay.

>> No.6212870

me too
It was my favorite genre as a kid but I haven't played a jar pig in 20 years actually

>> No.6212918

Ive never done even 5% of Super Metroid, everything I know about it is from watching youtube videos. Ive finished FF6 four times.
The only official content Ive played of Doom is E1 form the original shareware as a kid and the first 3 levels from Doom 2 when I was older. Every other time Ive played Doom it was a player made wad like Sythe. However I have never finished a single one of these player wads.
I beat Starcraft using cheats for the entire zerg and protoss campaigns and Ive never played Brood War.

>> No.6212936

I'm backwards from that. I played the shit out of action platformers and run-n-guns and shooters when I was a kid, but I didn't have the patience to do an RPG. Now that I'm older, I prefer RPGs because they serve as a nice adventure with a fun sense of progression that I can sit down and play for a couple of hours after dinner every night, and I also tend to get a bit more emotionally invested in them which is kind of fun.

I feel like I don't play other kinds of games enough, now. I still have all of my favorites like Turtles in Time and Mega Man X and whatnot, but I feel like I've played the shit out of those games and my precious free time would be better spent going on an adventure I've never experienced before, and there are literally tons of critically acclaimed JRPGs that I've never touched, so it's easy as fuck to pick one and go.

>> No.6212939

>What do you feel bad about retro gaming in your life, /vr/?
When I was a kid, I hated JRPGs, but now I love them and I wish I had paid them more attention as a kid, because had I gotten past the whole "picking attacks from a menu" thing that triggered me so hard, it would have opened a whole new world of gaming to me.

>> No.6213619

I really didn't like FFVII. I just read about this game for years, heard stellar reviews, had a friend in high school who loved it and would keep telling me about how I had to "sit down and play through the whole thing". Fast-forward to second year university when high school friend becomes my roommate and I have access to his Playstation. I finally had a chance to sit down and play through it. By the end, I thought it was thoroughly mediocre.

There were plot holes everywhere, the whole amnesia thing is really cliche, the love triangle was simultaneously pedestrian and nonsensical, fucking Chocobos, it just all seemed so suboptimal. Especially after hearing about how good it was for years. Maybe my expectations were too high, I don't know. But I just remember being really let down.

>> No.6213662

I had an obsession with Nintendo Power and player's guides as a kid. As a result, I'll never experience a full-blind playthrough of Mario 64 or OoT in my life. It's a shame and a disappointment that weighs down on me to this day.

>> No.6213686

I have several consoles and plenty of games for each, but they stay boxed up in the closet and I emulate on my psp.

>> No.6213739

I have spent years on and off attempting to complete Robot Odyssey. I know I will never be able to do it and will die unfulfilled. I have considered hiring an electrical engineer as a freelance consultant but that would be cheating.

>> No.6214780

I bought EarthBound months before it went on virtual console. Even then, I cannot fathom why younger me didn't just pirate the damn thing, the developers sure as hell wouldn't have gotten their cut of the $170 or so I dropped on the game or even the $10 on VC.

Hey, at least they're low latency. I'm stuck with a shitty original RAP 4 Kai PCB. Even bothered switching out the sticks and buttons before I realized what kind of mistake I had made.
I could potentially sell off the RAP4 and repurpose the replacement parts for a different, low-lag PCB at some point, but I don't know anything that's good but cheap. I dunno, I don't really even like using stick that much.

>> No.6214808

Chrono Cross' battle system was so boring I couldn't stand it about 15% of the way through the game and got bored. I think this killed JRPGs for me.

>> No.6214810

rent free

>> No.6214876

I'm almost the opposite of this.

>> No.6214884

>I think most retro games aren't worth revisiting
but modern games are?

>> No.6215225

Not him but it's probably a similar ratio both old and new. Most games don't age well, it's what makes the ones that do seem so special.

>> No.6215235

The only retro RPG I've ever actually finished is Pokemon Red.

>> No.6216082
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If I can't start with the very first entry in a series I simply won't give the series a chance. I'm fine skipping other games in the series, but not the first one. I also won't try other games in the series if I don't enjoy the first one. And this probably does cause me problems since I'm too brainlet to emulate gen 5 and never owned a playstation, so i'm sure i'm missing out on a dozen good series.

>> No.6216085

Doom sucks compared to other retro fps games.

>> No.6216110

That's not a confession, that's an unpopular ( rightly so ) opinion. Confessions are supposed to be things you do that are bad and you know are bad.

>> No.6217551

$170 for EarthBound a decade ago was legitimately not too bad a price. I mean, at the time it seemed ridiculous, but with copies going for $500+ now, it seems way less ridiculous.

>> No.6218936

>copies going for $500+
Woah, really? I only have a loose cart, and looking at recently ended listings I see them hover around the $150 mark or so, give or take a few tens.

>> No.6218951

My only retro regret so to speak was being laser focused on Sonic and playing literally nothing else on genesis.

>> No.6219107

>Woah, really?
No. He's just a dumb bullshitting zoomer.

>> No.6219117

I got a bootleg of it for 5
Played the game all the way thru

>> No.6219326

thats nothing to feel bad about though. especially if youre like me who has a backlog of hundreds of games. aint nobody got time to repeat

>> No.6219342

I despise Mario and Nintendo game design philosophy in general. I'm a sonic/sega guy. Nintendo games are boring.

>> No.6219351

I only got to play my first Game Cube game a couple days ago through emulation. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II or some such. Was impressed that the GC had decent graphics. Felt terrible the entire series is garbage and every game and stuff that came before the Disney garbage is garbage now.

>> No.6219354

duuuude both those games are better than 90% of games coming out today.

6 year olds are generally idiots, so you're forgiven.

i never beat super mario bros 1 as a kid. i never knew what to do on 8-4. but now it's the first pipe right after you see lava. i didn't get nintendo power as a kid.

>> No.6219591

I don't like Yoshi's Island. I do really like Yoshi's Story.

>> No.6219650

I couldn't get into any big name PS1 platformers, even though I love 2nd tier ones like Glover and Chameleon Twist.

>> No.6219993

I'm pretty much the same anon, I'll force myself through a series just so I can see what the first game was like and then the second, third etc.

Even for games that aren't joined and have no reason to, I just WANT TO. I feel like I'll miss out if I don't.

>> No.6220191

I've got a very good CRT tv, and more than enough disposable income to buy original systems and flashcarts for them to play the way the devs intended

I still play everything on emulators except PS2 stuff

I'm really bad at controlling 2d platformers for some reason, even on the original hardware

>> No.6220206

Now that my 3 year old has been getting into playing a bunch of games and keeps popping into the Nintendo Switch Online NES and SNES library it's really made me realize I fucking hate playing anything at all from the NES except for Super Mario Bros 1-3.

>> No.6220991

I traded a copy of Toejam and Earl: Panic on Funkotron for Awesome Possum. Not directly, but still.