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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6203245 No.6203245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6203246

advertising is against the rules

>> No.6203740

I was curious if anyone here would post about this. I really liked it, the parts with the kids were kinda strange but including them added an interesting touch. Really looking forward to the rest of the serious.

>> No.6203816

God I want a gb a consoleizer. I wish the analogue to make a gb gbc gba adapter for the super nt.

>> No.6203946
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That was pretty good, MLiG are some of the very few gaming youtubers I actually like.

>> No.6203961

>britbong tranny with brain problems explains that original hardware is better because you won't want to play the games if you haven't spent money on them
How will emufriends ever recover?

>> No.6203983

She's not exactly wrong.
Do you think most people who download entire game libraries from their local rom site to load in whatever popular emulator actually play more than a few games from it before abandoning the set?
Do you feel any attachment towards your pirated copy of whatever AAA title pooped out last year?

If you want to play a game on a real genesis on a crt nowadays, you have to REALLY want to.

>> No.6203998

Frank Cifaldi's a useless cunt. He shouldn't have been included with the other people who actually contribute something of value

>> No.6204035

You don't need post-purchase rationalization to motivate you to play through great games that you genuinely enjoy. If sunk cost is on your mind when you're playing through something, that's a good sign that you should be playing something else instead.
>Do you think most people who download entire game libraries from their local rom site to load in whatever popular emulator actually play more than a few games from it before abandoning the set?
I don't know why someone would "abandon" a complete nointro/redump romset, but to answer the first part, I'd say that sheer numbers wise, most games for any given console are going to be bad, and that most people probably aren't going to play through an entire library. You don't download a complete set to play through the entire library, however, you download it because it's a monolithic download of verified good dumps for any game on a system you would ever want to play that will always be available.
>Do you feel any attachment towards your pirated copy of whatever AAA title pooped out last year?
Attachment is an odd phrase to use. If a game is great, I appreciate it in the same way that I would a great TV show, regardless of whether or not I've spent money on it.

>> No.6204135 [DELETED] 
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You know I had to sage and report it to em.

>> No.6204398

The Analogue Pocket will do what you're asking, but you'll be paying out your nose for the privilege to do so.

>> No.6204598

Yeah and chick that. I bought a super nt. They have the cores and the hacked nes one had them. I'll pay $100 for an adapter even. I don't want that pocket thing plus a dock. Looks ugly.

>> No.6204604

Don't know how fuck autocorrect to chick

>> No.6204609


>> No.6204617

I'm pretty sure she's not a tranny, she's just British.

>> No.6204623

This was well made. I feel like this is something that you could show someone that doesn't know anything about retro gaming and it would help them understand some of the hobby and the appeal. Whether or not people here would care about that is another matter. But I think that's the main goal of video and probably the rest of the series.

>> No.6204637

If there is any suspicion, call them the thing they wouldn't want to be called. That's my motto.

>> No.6204739

Kevtris sold his soul to the devil. He was originally all about making an all-in-one FPGA gaming system (the Zimba 3000), but he let Analogue's $$$ turn him into a multi-console producing whore.

>> No.6204743

I can't blame him. Wasn't he a cryogenics engineer before Analogue bought him? Now he gets to fuck around and still make enough money to feed his retro gaming habit.

>> No.6204759

>Kevtris sold his soul to the devil.
gotta pay the bills somehow.

>> No.6204772

One of the segments in this series is suppose to be entirely about Kevtris.

>> No.6204890
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I thought it was interesting but I also think it's funny how these MLiG guys' entire livelihood rely on these people making new stuff for them to show off, as they have no real technical ability of their own.
I'm not really a fan of this self-flagulating le epic retro gamer shit though. They forgot that the only people watching their stuff are people who already like old video games so spending more than 5 minutes trying to explain the concept of it is kind of silly. The interview with the kids was neat, however.

>> No.6204896


>> No.6204903
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I thought that meant sucking your own dick. Apparently it means whipping yourself.
Circle-jerk would be the correct phrase.

>> No.6205230

>MLiG guys' entire livelihood
They have day jobs. Pretty nice guys too met them at a retro gaming con where they did a couple panels.

>> No.6205393

That was great. And those kids had more interesting things to say than 90% of people on this board.

>> No.6206112

retrorgb lol please no!

>> No.6206128

The part about the kids could've definitely been made shorter

>> No.6206134
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I would love to both flagellate and suck MLiG. My gaydar/feel for this tells me that Coury is the seme and Marc/Try is the uke.

>> No.6206139

>these MLiG guys' entire livelihood rely on these people making new stuff for them to show off, as they have no real technical ability of their own
They both do video editing for a living outside their channel.

>> No.6206782
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I can't blame him. Seems like a really sweet gig. I just want to pay to use the cores on the super nt and an adapter.

>> No.6206786

nah he didnt even finish college

>> No.6206787

That was the best part though. It was cool to see retro games from a kids perspective in 2019/2020.

>> No.6207218

reviewtechusa is youtube cancer personified. I'm convinced his fanbase are mostly obese like him with nothing much else going on in life.

>> No.6207317


Or you can not be a dumb cunt?

>> No.6207321


Why do you keep posting this? Nobody is going to watch the video

>> No.6207502 [DELETED] 

Ah, John Hand-cock, wish I could put my hand on his cock and show him my hidden gem.

>> No.6207570

Astro boy omega factor on the big screen...

>> No.6207572

i did:
>john hancock is a scammer
>bob from retrorgb is an internet tough guy
>rich from reviewtechusa is still a fat fuck

>> No.6207789

>Analogue Pocket
What's the chances the secondary FPGA supports SNES titles?

>> No.6207805


>> No.6208029
File: 2.40 MB, 854x480, watchv=f0AOzKwStM0-[42.15.400-42.27.934].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers know what's up

>> No.6208057

>nah he didnt even finish college
That wasn't the question, dummy

>> No.6208063

Yes. GameSack and MLiG are pretry much the best retro game oriented YT channels. Most others are shit.

>> No.6208092

>when Joe sent that random guy into an absolutely seething tizzy when he commented how he thinks a Shinobi PCB has better sound than running it in MAME

>> No.6208134
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you forgot the one for fans of conjunctive adverbs

>> No.6208136
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>> No.6208137

I thought jannie faggots were deleting all eceleb vids?

>> No.6208147

Homie you just got dabbed upon.

>> No.6208171

The best /vr/ YouTube channel is clearly Console Wars.

>> No.6208203

I would say very good. It will likely get Mister core ports.

>> No.6208220

>you can't fap to porn if you haven't paid for it

this is how you (and that eceleb) sound

>> No.6208227

Just because one person has a misguided opinion and reasons why they like hardware it doesn't mean there are no real valid reasons why it's better. Keep seething, emufriend..

>> No.6208602


I hate how this person looks.

>> No.6208625

very nice vid.
Showed it to my gf (she plays everything I tell her to play and likes to watch but doesn't really care for games as she never sets out to find stuff herself) and she enjoyed it as well. A very good look into the retro gaming world, the British bitch was annoying though, she should've been asked to repeat her sentences once they had been formulated.

>> No.6208629

that's fake news. The secondary fpga cores will be used for music production.

>> No.6208826

>Pocket is designed for development. We added a second dedicated just for developers to develop & port their own cores.

>> No.6208838

and you think that thing will run MiSTer cores.
Who's the moron again?
Do you know how much FPGAs cost. This one comes with two. No way the secondary one is more powerful than the first one and will magically run SNES/SMD/TGFX16. Use your brain

>> No.6208865

There’s value in the experience of going to your shelf, grabbing your copy of the game, and sticking it in an actual console. Seeing the box art, having the instructions on hand, it’s just a more analog experience compared to navigating to a file structure.

I mean emulators try and emulate that more and more, but I’d say that speaks to the visceral experience of having it on hand.

>> No.6209067

>buying anything analogue after the game-gear-adapter-fiasco

>> No.6209069

Don't shill youtube videos here. Fuck off.

>> No.6209072

No advertising bitch tits.

>> No.6209075
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While I like the idea of the Analouge Pocket, I feel iffy about handing them my money after the card adapter shit and apparently leaving their older systems out to dry regarding firmware updates every time a new one gets released. And I'm still somewhat bitter over Kevtris selling out when we could've gotten the Zimba 3000 instead. I understand why he did it, guy's gotta eat, but still...

>> No.6209084

they're upfront about it and working rather quickly on getting replacements into their customer's hands, which is nice.

>> No.6209236

There's a difference?

>> No.6209419

He has such an massive head and tiny frame.

>> No.6209423

The funny thing is how people underestimate the overlap between ROM dumpers/emulator people and collectors. As far as I know, byuu has a CIB Super Famicom full set, and you'd be deluded to think that many prototype dumpers don't keep most of the original discs and carts that they dump for their own personal collections. I know drx is one of the more well known names, and he clearly has a collection of physical discs and carts. Basically people who actually contribute to the ROM scene beyond simply downloading stuff aren't going to be the ones mocking the idea of physical media, the ones who mock are probably the ones who don't actually contribute anything.

>> No.6210849

Does it count when you use other people's money to fund your "preservation effort" (private collection) and then refuse to publicly release the dumps?

>> No.6211046

Nothing weird about that. Standard baby proportions

>> No.6211085

oh please.

>> No.6211167
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>> No.6212404

The way he talks is creepy.
>So for truth the bland visuals are quite very rather vibrant indeed. Glorious bliss.

>> No.6212406

The funny thing is how terribly low that would be on the totem for almost all western gamers. It isn't even an unreleased pachinko game, it's a post-retail revision of a pachinko game, and probably a revision that fixes some obscure bug that most people wouldn't be able to find if they tried.

>> No.6212547

Did that british lady have like 5 strokes or something?

>> No.6212682

Hey Sevenleaf, real glad you dropped the trip. Have fun posting anonymously! As you should.

>> No.6212684

>Hana posting in /vr/
Beyond based. See you in a Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 thread sometime, anon!

>> No.6213013

Not anymore i think, at least not Try if i remember correctly, they now a days are full time My Life in Gaming, and that is the channel plus their documentary making gig (like the M2 one and others).
And they are really good at the documentary stuff wish they could make more but that really take a LOT of time.
Also yep they're really chill good people, i want to see Cory and Chris Alaimo do a podcast together, that would be the most chill, down to earth conversation ever had.

>> No.6213316

45 minutes is too long for a commercial to be effective

>> No.6213339

I love the final message, "It doesn't matter if you play on emulator or console, at the end of the day we're all gonna die" very based desu.

>> No.6213349

But if you use emulators, you go to retro hell.

>> No.6213352


>> No.6213363

I was at the panel Chris and Coury did for this video.

>> No.6213394

And if you use savestates and smoothing shaders, you go to hell before you die.

>> No.6213691

I saw it, i hate that they were rushed to finish it, that's why i mention something like a podcast, were they could go ham on their own minds.
The CGQ+ streams that have Coury in there are insanely comfy. Really fell good stuff.

>> No.6213998

MLiG, Digital Foundry, and RetroRGB does great things for the retro hobbyist community with their information

>> No.6214018


>> No.6214060


>> No.6215704

That's the same as /vr/ now or are you not allowed to be near a school?

>> No.6215994

She actually is a female. We know this since her marriage almost fell apart because get this- her husband came out as a tranny and it delayed orders and restock for cables while they worked things out. Can't make this shit up. The cables were fucking great when I got them

>> No.6216030


Underage retard

>> No.6216123

I want an Analogue NT

>> No.6218023

Every host on this channel looks deformed or mentally ill

>> No.6218708

speaking of MLIG

>> No.6218721

There are only two, but you're not wrong

>> No.6218728

>hurr there's more value and time investment into playing physical copies than downloaded roms
>when collectors themselves will admit to buying games and having them sit on their shelf for long stretches of time before actually playing them
Unironically kill yourselves. The abstraction of of large rom sets doesn't hinder time investment or value in a game; having a big ass collection of shit with too many things to choose from does.

>> No.6218739
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>interviewing scam artist cuck Jeremy Parish again
>over selling the importance of his shitty podcast that's contributed more disinformation about old games along with his even shittier faggot co-hosts
That's a no from me OP

>> No.6218749

>having a big ass collection of shit with too many things to choose from does.
if that's the problem then you never wanted to play anything in the first place so just go do something else.

>> No.6218752

Joe's our guy. Willing to bet that he actively posts on here.

>> No.6218756
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Likewise. Sell your big ass collection and use the money to buy something actually useful. You're never going to finish those shelves of unopened games, and on the rare chance you invite a guest to your home once every 5 years, they're just going to think you're an underdeveloped manchild with a hobby that indicates you'll never grow up.

>> No.6220425

I actually don't think you've ever had a big ass collection to understand the difference in all honesty. I've always been a hardware only kind of guy except for translation patches on emulator. But a couple months ago I picked up an everdrive for my N64 to save money, I've never owned any N64 games before. Everything available at once kills drive for some people because they float around game to game. It's a baffling thing that made no sense to me at first, but acquiring one or a handful of games a time makes each one feel more special and personal.

>> No.6220516

you cant really be an engineer without finishing college babe

>> No.6220520

link me plz

>> No.6220547

>looks like an autist
>PVM, has to sit up close to even see it
>sega nomad
it all adds up

>> No.6220553

I actually like owning things so no

>> No.6220628

joe pops up in in MLiG livestreams all the time

>> No.6221078

You forgot
>never seen any other level than first
Autism sure is hell

>> No.6221820

>I actually don't think you've ever had a big ass collection to understand the difference in all honesty
I have, and I've had games sit unplayed for months if not years at a time. And other collector cucks have said the same thing.
Nice rationalization for your placebo effect.
>downloading roms and backing them up on multiple hard drives
>not owning them
cope with a touch of seethe.

>> No.6221849

wrong, kyootie, especially back in grandpa kevin's relatively meritocratic era

>> No.6221862

>>downloading roms and backing them up on multiple hard drives
almost as much of an overreaction as your post

>> No.6221869

>I have, and I've had games sit unplayed for months if not years at a time
There's nothing wrong with that. I rotate through my games, but I'll always come back to them eventually. I also don't think you understand the meaning of placebo effect.

>> No.6221969


>By day Horton, 43, is an engineer at a cryogenics company (he's worked at the same company since high school).

>> No.6222314

How much money did Nicholas Deleon ask for to give kevtris head like that?

>> No.6222651

huh? I thought he was a fulltime analog employee? Does cryogenics not pay much?

>> No.6222770

i don't like having everything that I've ever owned on a few digital storage devices.

>> No.6222771

>on a few digital storage devices.
then buy more

>> No.6223678

Retro-coder by day, Mr Freeze by night.

>> No.6225892

He works at a job he's been doing forever so it's a safe bet to assume he enjoys it and he's getting paid by Analogue to do what he would already be doing in his free time outside of work. I doubt money is an issue for him

>> No.6226001

doesn't he always complain about being overworked?

>> No.6227616

I'll watch it.

>> No.6227879

>There's nothing wrong with that. I rotate through my games, but I'll always come back to them eventually.
So you've got commitment problems like emufags have.
>attaches some percieved feeling of playing physical games as being genuine
>not a placebo effect
Not an argument.
>collectorfag thinks exclusively playing his shelves of barely touched games is more rational than compact collection of barely played games