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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 46 KB, 320x256, 20080711-magical-drop-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
620080 No.620080 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite vs. puzzle games!

I've been playing Magical Drop 3 lately, and it's a pretty awesome game. I'm hoping that we will eventually get to play Puyo Puyo Tsu on GGPO, that's a good one too.

>> No.620089

As much as I like pantsless women, I'm gonna have to go with Panel de Pon.

>> No.620373

Panel de Pon here.

Puyo Puyo is very frustrating to me. I hate when I'm working on a combo and the enemy drops garbage on me and ruins it. It sounds like an annoying little niggle, but it happens CONSTANTLY, and it completely ruins my enjoyment of the game.

Panel de Pon's garbage doesn't completely fuck over whatever you were doing.

>> No.620378

Tetris Attack / Panel De Pon.

The music is great.

>> No.620383

>I hate when I'm working on a combo and the enemy drops garbage on me and ruins it.

That's why it's great.

You have to formulate a strategy around whether you want to go for big chains in a single sweep, or build up annoyances to stop your opponent's chains little by little.

>> No.620429


I can't honestly fathom how you're supposed to recover from Puyo Pop garbage once it drops.

>> No.620496

Oh no, I definitely appreciate Puyo Puyo's tactical depth. But it's not a skill thing, it's an emotional thing. I get annoyed a little each time my opponent ruins the combo I'm working on, and after a few matches I am an incarnation of rage and hatred. Panel de Pon DOESN'T make me constantly angry the whole time I'm playing it.

>> No.620514

That fucking girl. Who else had childhood boners from her GIF animations?

>> No.620516
File: 213 KB, 640x448, columns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simplicity is beauty.

>> No.620527

Columns 3 is so fucking short.

>> No.620534
File: 130 KB, 472x472, 1352677040041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anger is what fuels the competitive base. And I enjoy it.

>> No.620551


I stink at Columns, but I got decent at Panel de Pon so I guess practice would make me like Columns more.

>> No.620569

I'm not that type of person, I guess.

It's funny, though, because I usually don't get mad at games. I don't get mad when I get killed by stupid bullshit in platformers or anything like that. Puyo Puyo is one of the only games that does it to me.

>> No.620614

Oh man, THAT'S what that .gif is from? I saw that shit posted everywhere back in the mid-2000s and I assumed it was from a porn game or something.

>> No.620634


I was just about to post this. That shit used to be all over the place ten years ago.

>> No.620626
File: 261 KB, 200x308, fairy_bounce01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight from newgrounds '04

>> No.620631


With her third eye carefully covered, I notice.

>> No.620650

It's also the weakest in the series, imo.

>> No.620665

It has cool music though. Do the others have cool music?

>> No.620668

I'm the opposite I guess.

I can do any falling block puzzler like it's my second nature, but the switching around games like PdP and Meteos always confuse the hell out of me.

>> No.620671

It's odd how on higher levels, the garbage in Panel de Pon is huge, but it takes enough time to break that you can easily set up vertical chains to continue the combo. Meanwhile, in the easier settings, the garbage is so small that it's harder to set something up.

>> No.620680

And now, for the first time, I'm noticing the extremely poor job someone did of editing out the third eye.

>> No.620685

Funny, I think it has the weakest music as well.

Columns 1 has great music. Really classic, classy stuff. Fits the atmosphere and aesthetic to a T.

>> No.620687

To be fair, at that age you probably weren't looking at her forehead.

>> No.620702

I qould masturbate furiously to this 3 eyed woman.

>> No.620839

I wonder if there's a good way to make a vs. puzzle game that doesn't involve falling or matching gems or bricks of some kind.

>> No.620928
File: 125 KB, 640x480, chuchu-rocket-dc-title-45217[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.621082

I've noticed I've come to enjoy Panel de Pon more once I knew how to play it. I believe once you get over the initial skill hurdle of a game like this, your enjoyment of the game multiplies several fold. The trick is, how to reliably get over that skill hurdle?

>> No.621152

Play through the single player campaign. If you don't enjoy the game by the end of it, or you don't like the game enough to finish the single player campaign, then there you go.

>> No.621252

Super Columns on the Game Gear was quite possibly the most rage inducing vs puzzle game I have ever played. The computer straight up cheats like no tomorrow.

>> No.621658

I also like Tetris, but have yet to find a good versus mode to satisfy me.

>> No.621698

I've noticed that you never seem to find anyone with your own skill level irl. You're always wrecking someone's shit or getting wrecked, there's no medium. Maybe I just don't know any puzzler-liking people.

>> No.621726

This is how I am with RTS's.
I used to play Total Annihilation and Starcraft with friends all the time, and I was the skilled gamer of the group. I could wreck all their shit without even trying, but with other "skilled" folks, I got my ass fried all the time. It was an awkward medium, and I've never found somebody who comes close to being about even with my skill level. They either get demolished or stomp my shit.

>> No.621730

...But in a good way.

>> No.621793


Another reason why I like scalable computer opponents. At least, until you get so good that you swamp them.

>> No.623323
File: 31 KB, 111x171, jump1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.623364

PDP's single player vs. mode doesn't offer a challenge until about halfway through vhard, at which point it ramps up so considerably that anyone just playing the game straight through may actually just give up.

...Not that the AI is hard, mind you, but that the curve doesn't exactly make it easy.

>> No.623409

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo.


>> No.623442

Is it just me, or is the Panel De Pon AI much harder than the Tetris Attack AI?

>> No.623463


People play that?

>> No.623791

I didn't even know that was from an actual game. Huh.

>> No.623797


There is even a GGPO room for it.

>> No.624320

That game's okay. I hate the "bomb" mechanic though. The garbage is far less annoying than in Puyo Puyo, though.

>> No.624389

Already posted this in the PdP thread but still, I love Nintendo Puzzle Collection for the 4 player vs. modes.


>> No.624450

Tetris Attack

>> No.624467

You've already posted it, OP.

The amount of hours I've spent on the entire Magical Drop franchise is insane. Third one is the best of the series.