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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 250x346, System_Shock_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6200793 No.6200793 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this game so cumbersome and hard to control? It's a chore to play.
>inb4 zoomer!
Fuck off gramps, this isn't 1990 anymore. The standards set back then no longer apply and the products of yesteryear should be judged by modern standards.

>> No.6200806

It's not, you're just shit.

>> No.6200807

I recall one of the developers said, years later, that maybe having each key of the keyboard do something was a pretty bad idea.

Anyway, System Shock isn't supposed to be an FPS, but sorta like a very slow exploration game. That's why you have all those keys to lower your stance and peek around corners. It's a game with a slow approach.

However, that all goes out of the window on Deck 3, where they have infinitely respawning enemies.

>> No.6200813

Cool story zoomie

>> No.6200839

>the products of yesteryear should be judged by modern standards.
maybe if you whine hard enough the controls will modernize themselves on their own

>> No.6200848

Any game that filters low IQ primates like OP is an automatic classic to me.

>> No.6200867

>Why is this game so cumbersome and hard to control? It's a chore to play.
Poor game design. It's a shame because there's a great game hidden below those trash controls. Yet another example of why console games are inherently superior to PC games whose control schemes become outdated.

>> No.6200881

Yet another bad player who couldn't figure out a simple control scheme.

>> No.6200886

Back then when we were introduced to a game with a different and novel control scheme we just learned how to play instead of whining about how it didn't conform to our pre-existing notion of what the 'standard' should be.

>> No.6200898

god forbid a game have more than a handful of buttons. your tiny baby brain might not be able to process it

>> No.6200912

Don't you have to pick up your kids from school?

>> No.6200947

Call the police, this is ableism!

>> No.6200949

I literally fucking hate boomers. WE GET IT. YOU'RE ELDERLY. That's literally nothing to feel superior for, and when your ilk are in the grave as they soon will be where will your superior be?

>> No.6200959

It's not about feeling superior it's about feeling literally fuming angry because of some retard who's shitting on one of the literal best games in the history of video games because he's too fucking thick to figure out something as simple as 'okay in this game the key D rotates you right instead of whatever it does in fucking fortnite'.

>> No.6200961

Thank you that will be all old man. Go die already.

>> No.6200980

>automatic classic
Don't you have to try to play it first, I mean what if it filters you too?

>> No.6200985

standards are the worst thing that happened to games
there were no "standards set back then", that's why it was good

>> No.6201028

And most shooters released in the 2000s, but I guess muh fortnite is the only argument boomers have.

>> No.6201060

Remember that it'll all happen to you too.

>> No.6201062

Game controls have been perfectioned over the past 20 years, whereas System Shock was one of the first person shooters (of sort) and thus sucks at controls.

>> No.6201063

It's partially explained in lore why the controls are fucking weird, your character just woke up from a long stasis and now they have a bunch of cybernetic implants and shit. So both you and the hacker have to adjust.

It's still fucking weird to control though, just adapt rather than complain.

>> No.6201070


>> No.6201165

Threads like this are just depressing. I don't care if it's supposed to be ironic.

>> No.6201180

You'll try explain that to all the Åoomers in 2040's playing their full body motion controlled VR games

>> No.6201380

yikes and cringe

>> No.6201538

just use the mouselook mod

>> No.6201568

Or maybe they shouldn't be judged by modern standards due to limitations. Obviously if they were poor for their time you might have a point but we don't judge classic movies on their lack of CGI.

>> No.6201849

just watch it on youtube

>> No.6202159

Daily reminder that System Shock 1 is better than the second one.

>> No.6202161

I think OP didn't express himself properly. The point is that just because the game is old doesn't mean the controls stop sucking, just like how because a movie is old doesn't mean certain (not all of them) practical effects stop sucking. You can acknowledge something was good for its time while acknowledging it isn't good anymore.

The truth is System Shock's control scheme is clunky, which is why if it had been made in 2000 it would control much nicer, like Deus Ex does. What is achieved in Deus Ex waving your mouse around and using just four arrow keys takes a lot more work in System Shock. Even the "it's meant to shitty because you are a cyborg and shit" is a very flimsy argument, as games like King's Field effectively used a very slow movement and turn speed already without compromising the simplicity of the controls, which would be enough to convey the fact that you are a clumsy cyborg.

Shat standards are set for a reason and people get used to them. It's easy to say this >>6200886 when in 1994 standards had yet to be set and you didn't know any better. Those of us who don't exclusively play games from the 80s and early 90s have FPS standards fixed into our brains and thus expect certain keys to work in a certain way, as opposed to having to click the UI to choose if we want to look up or down, or have to use a key combination to do so.

>> No.6202165

>Fuck off gramps, this isn't 1990 anymore.
Good thing threads permanently expire, because this would not age well.

>> No.6202167

>Those of us who don't exclusively play games from the 80s and early 90s have FPS standards fixed into our brains and thus expect certain keys to work in a certain way
That's entirely your own damn fault for letting fortnite fry your brain.
That's cheating.

>> No.6202175

You should play more games, there are other FPSs other than Fortnite.

>> No.6202181

Fortnite is not an FPS.

>> No.6202182

The real question is why this kind of thread still pops up when there's the Enhanced Edition which effectively fixes the controls issue.

>> No.6202189

Spotted the Fortnite-playing zoomer.

>> No.6202201

Everyone who has actually played both games to completion agrees

>> No.6202204

Literally started this game for the first time yesterday and was surprised that the controls were nowhere near as bad as I thought they'd be. They're not exactly ideal but they very easily playable, you're just bad.

>> No.6202935

I can play the game retard, it's just obtuse and a slog.

>> No.6202945
File: 23 KB, 496x448, 1548577665345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>products of yesteryear should be judged by modern standards.

>> No.6202967

>>products of yesteryear should be judged by modern standards.
yes, hence why old games can age poorly

>> No.6203030

Here you lazy fucking niggers:
>That's cheating.
Not when it's been officially implemented niggerbrain.
It's embarrassing. This shithole of a board is basically where literal underage zoomers congregate when whatever old game they try out doesn't instantly gratify them like modern games. This is exacerbated by the fact that zoomers think the internet is also supposed to instantly feed whatever need they have because taking 5 minutes to download a torrent is too hard.

>> No.6203074

Software to rebind your keys any way you want to has been around for many, many years.
If you are using dosbox to run System Shock, you could use dosbox's own key rebind functions. You can assign prettty much every action to any button you wish. Play with controller, play with mouse, use mods or enhanced edition if it is not enough.
Nobody has to adhere to any standards on a pc. Even doom was modded fairly quickly after release to only accept one mouse axis as input, so it would play better.
If this was a console game, I would sympathise with your lack of options, but whining about controls on a PC game like this is just laziness on your part.
Whether the gameplay and physics are cumbersome or not is another thing. But if you want to judge by modern standards, you at least have to exhaust your modern means first.

>> No.6203171
File: 31 KB, 402x402, AAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you brain-damaged? Just learn how to get mouse aiming on it and it stops being hard to control.
Pull the dick out of your brain and grow some more braincells

>> No.6203194

If we were actually judging by modern, extremely low standards that should only make old games 1000x better

>> No.6203238

Or he could just pirate the ENHANCED EDITION >>6203030
There. No extra configuration needed.

>> No.6203403

Not retro.

>> No.6203827
File: 67 KB, 906x768, 1378077325396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>port of old game
>not retro

>> No.6203836

It's not even that hard, nigger. Just get used to it

>> No.6203860

first i will fuck your cold corpse, retard

>> No.6204165

Plus you had a manual to read.

>> No.6204169

No way man, we'll keep rockin' forever.



>> No.6204170

>The Polito form is dead, insect
I dunno, 2 had its charm.

>> No.6204178

>Remaster of a game from before 2000.
Not retro

>> No.6204181

>Remaster of a game from before 2000.
>Not retro
No, it's only remakes that aren't retro.

>> No.6204197

They've changed the gameplay to something completely different. It's not even the same game.

>> No.6204620

>I have not played the Enhanced Edition
You can switch to the original controls and graphics with the press of a button. It's just a source port.

>> No.6204875

>A source port that looks and sounds just like the original game and can use the original controls if you want
>not retro
What's it like being literally retarded?

>> No.6204904

modern PC gamer syndrome (MPCGS) disallows the user the play anything that isn't the newest and shinest thing. what, it's graphics aren't Uncharted or Overwatch? fuck off,

>> No.6204914

If the OP's gonna play with the original controls he should have no problem playing the original game then

>> No.6204952

>If the OP's gonna play with the original controls

>> No.6204958

>new games bad!
>it's not fair to judge old games by modern standards
Pick a lane, jesus.

>> No.6204984


>> No.6205002
File: 8 KB, 260x194, f7FdEdG_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Assuming furure control schemes will even have buttons is pretty presumptuous. They re an input lag source and not analogous to human motion. They ll be calling us WASaDs or something in a decade...

>> No.6205013

>Fucking WASDards

>> No.6205034
File: 38 KB, 640x353, costs more than the fucking game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought overpriced microtransactions for games (instead of buying a full expansion pack, you get 1 hat)
>the pool of retarded zoomers who buy microtransactions is so large, developers started targeting the sub-retards who will gamble to get 1 hat

>> No.6205047
File: 3.80 MB, 480x270, E3 2030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the future is full body wagglin

>> No.6205251

Overwatch was never about the best graphics, the hell you're talking about?

Also, let's forget about several indie games that sold well and are popular on PC that aren't AAA games too i guess.

I mean, AAA games sell really damn well, but that doesn't mean it's all that modern PC gamers play, at most just those people that literally only play the best selling and mainstream games, but those are also in retro gaming, it's those people that pretty much only play what are considered the classics and the least known games they have played are
something they saw in Hidden Gems lists.

>> No.6205892
File: 56 KB, 198x176, 1442063119191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, that all goes out of the window on Deck 3, where they have infinitely respawning enemies.

They don't actually infinitely respawn. There's just a ton of them. Fuck that whole level though.

>> No.6206359

It's not so bad, but a lot of people here also grew up with old PC games, and they used to have different standards for UI's and controls, usually using more keys and what not, newer gamers can find that more confusing and overwhelming...doesn't mean they are casuals or stupid for not liking the gameplay, just that they are used to something that requires less memorization in terms of controls.

But yeah, there's an updated version that has more modernized controls that is worth picking if this is so problematic, and yes, this can be a problem for gamers, though i notice it seems to be focused only on old PC RPG's, particularly Ultima games, even on RPG boards you find people not liking the UI's and controls, even if the stylized UI's are well liked and better than the generic artless ones used in various games today.

Controls and UI certainly got more streamlined in a way that makes each action faster and easier to do...it means that newer generations find older PC games a tad harder to get into.

>> No.6206987

>"Activision made over $3.3 billion in microtransactions in 2019, representing over half of its total yearly revenues. Activision's latest earnings show a steep $800 million drop in microtransaction earnings, but it still made over $3.3 billion from in-game spending."
This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6206997

>guys please explain why this game has a control scheme typical for its time
>but fuck off if you want to mention the fact that it was typical for its time

>> No.6207031

>You can't judge Fortnite by 1994's standards! It was never meant to compete with games using the advanced technology of 1994!

>> No.6207040

>doesn't mean they are casuals or stupid for not liking the gameplay
It does when they go online and cry that it's "cumbersome and hard" and won't listen to anyone trying to explain that you have to actually learn how to play it.

>> No.6207041

The funniest thing is that if Fortnite was available in 1994, most people would be playing it. Just like how a ridiculous amount of people are playing it right now.

>> No.6207051

Not really funny.

>> No.6207082

I assume you mean the closest translation of gameplay using the technology of the time, because big rigs racing would be a cultural touchstone if it were available in 1994. Of course adjusting for technology of the time, fortnite would just be a more primitive quake.

>> No.6207306

I ordered the physical release of the Enhanced edition from LRG, i hate that it only comes with the game on USB drive and not a game disc, disc still can't be beat for data storage in terms of longevity despite what the video game and digital distribution industries want you to think.
The industry, primarily Valve, had an anti physical, pro digital brainwashing campaign, the brainwashed drone victims still carry it on for them, now some of the very few games to get actual physical releases on PC are coming with the game on a USB drive which uses shitty flash memory and not disc even though the same people releasing them participated in that brainwashing campaign which was partially against optical discs, yet the USB drives they are releasing games on are objectively inferior in terms of lifespan to optical discs.
If movies are released with multiple discs and Steelbook packaging for less than what a download for a lot of games cost, then they should be able to add a game disc to go along with the USB drive.
>but no one has disc drives, most new cases don’t even have a single 5.25 bay
External drives exist and people shouldn’t be buying those cases, I wouldn’t be surprised if the industry paid the case manufacturers not to include 5.25 bays. By getting rid of physical copies they are encouraging less disc drives and more “cloud” aka someone else’s computer so they can continue using the “no one has drives” as a cop out excuse.
The worst part of the move away from physical copies other than it ruining gaming is that innovation and development on optical discs was halted, we would have 10+ TB optical discs available right now if it wasn’t. Tapestry Media holopgraphic disc was able to hold 1.6tb in 2010 and that was with less than barebones funding and a sabotaging CEO that was probably a digital distribution industry plant. The IP for that disc is owned by Apple now, a company that makes a lot of its money from charging for downloads

>> No.6207601

Oh sure, refusing advice is stupid, i just don't mind if someone has some issues starting a game, i don't expect a random kid nowadays to just get into Ultima IV or Wizardry from the very start.

I mean, Wizardry is fine in terms of controls and even UI, but the lack of maps and difficulty would be hard for kids, as long as people aren't refusing advice or just shrugging games because they're old, it's fine to complain a little.

It's another thing coming to a retro board and just doing lame criticisms and refusing any argument against it.