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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6198768 No.6198768 [Reply] [Original]

Why were mmos so vibrant and alive in the 80s and 90s compared to now?

>> No.6198983
File: 74 KB, 400x320, merid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6199005
File: 193 KB, 1020x799, tibia-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6199008
File: 130 KB, 1024x707, tibia-game-alternatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6199013


> Tibia
I bloody hate the lag you get in that game from the gold bots, but it's rad regardless.

>> No.6199018
File: 199 KB, 627x470, 6455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6199024

Haven't played it for more than a decade...

>> No.6199512

Niche made by nerds for nerds compared to billion dollar business made by focus testers for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.6199519

This is the answer to why all forms of entertainment have gone to shit over the past 4 decades

>> No.6199532


>> No.6199613

other places to socialize now

>> No.6199634

Second Life doesn't count.

>> No.6199653

You just hit me hard in my nostalgia gut. I loved that simplistic bitch of a game so much.

>> No.6199656

They had way fewer users. They feel more alive because you were more likely to run into people outside of cities because most areas were not instanced away into private sessions like everything is now. Modern MMOs are just fancy lobby games.

>> No.6199680

pretty well said

>> No.6199712
File: 26 KB, 600x315, 8nrZRgE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"QOL" stuff. This guy was 100% correct, but in the opposite direction. QOL things, especially stuff that makes solo play and avoiding interaction with other people easier, have ruined MMOs and turned them into ultra-optimized grinding sims.

>> No.6200159

And then, when modern games try to go the sandbox route, they go at the other extreme and its all about griefing, so no community is ever built, and nothing ever lasts.

>> No.6202339


>> No.6202346

>caring about """""""""community""""""""
>not just having fun ganking
Weaklings like you are the reason why MMO's will never be good.

>> No.6202835

You're the reason why ASheron's Call shut down.

>> No.6203147

>being a literal bully because you can't pick on players your own level is fun.
not really.

if i wanted power fantasy wank i'd something like a bethesda RPG or a GTA game.

>> No.6203169

Everquest! EQ reached a million subscribers and everyone started taking notes. Every MMO before EQ was a shot in the dark crazy ass experiment on how to adapt the MUD framework to a game with graphics. EQ was a similar experiment, and a bolder one than some of its competition, but it was too successful and accessible and just fucking printing money with that monthly sub that every company interesting in making money had to get involved.
Even the games that went in a more sandbox route obviously lifted ideas from EQ in their presentation. WoW is often assigned most of the blame here but really some developer would have taken the obviously addictive aspects of EQ's design and streamlined them at some point. Blizzard was just the best streamliner of them all at that point in time.
Ultima Online was a bit of a different beast because Richard Garriott is an exceptionally weird guy who wasn't as interested in fully fleshing out the tabletop/MUD experience. Opting for something more narrative and based around player competition. If Origin hadn't bungled it maybe we'd have more games like that today but as it stands I think EVE Online is the only game really like it on the market today. In terms of the appeal of the game being player interaction and impact on the gameworld rather than gear treadmills, PVE grouping, and defined class roles.

>> No.6203210

> EQ and WoW
I feel like it was when companies started cloning those with the massive wave of Korean clone mmos that were just reskinned WoW like 4Story, 2Moons, 9 Dragons, Knight Online ect. granted WoW still had a lot of depth in your classes and skills the questing itself made exploration so mindless when all you had to do for anything was a million gathering quests in comparison to analyzing what an NPC is asking and delivering the left big toe of some succubus with no quest log.

>> No.6205446

To be fair some of my best MMO experiences are seeing the stupid stuff people do in OSRS. Like I continuously see people just gathering and acting like they're in a cult, or selling ash at the GR as Cocaine.

>> No.6205976

> be 2002
> is 7
> make character
> looked like tree
> kek
> spend hours fighting spiders in lumdrige with shitty bronze axe
> don't know shit about gear or leveling up
> have an inventory of logs and 300 gold
> someone tells me have to go into desert if I want to get better gear so goblins dont kill me
> follow guy through front door of desert
> dude kills me and steals shit
> cry
> tell mom there's a bad person stealing shit
> mom starts playing my character to type in general chat looking for thief
> they say they find him
> mom follows guy into desert
> guy kills her
> feelsbadman.ini

>> No.6206004

They were the facebook/IG/etc of the times.

>> No.6206190

>EVE Online
Lol, no, fuck that game. Maybe it would be worth it if you had a time machine so you could go back1 17 years or they ever did resets. As is, it's just a Ponzi scheme; as a new player now you exist soley as "content" for people that have been playing for a decade or more and p2w hyper whales so they don't get bored and leave.
And you will never ever ever catch up and play on anything resembling level ground.

>> No.6206248

Oversaturation of the market, hundreds/thousands of f2p games, half a dozen platforms with internet, and demographics with different kinds of commitment than previous ones. People don't seem to stick to the same game as long unless it's a "popular" one that their friends play.