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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6197280 No.6197280 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have trouble playing them? I played resident evil and always died the new one is so easy because the tank controls are gone. But the old ones seem fake difficult, like the bad controls were part of it. What games with good tank controls are there? What do you think of them?

>> No.6197283

They made sense for the era in which they were made. I'm actually ok with them, especially on a traditional d-pad. Understandably they're not everyone's cup of tea but it's what I grew up with

>> No.6197298

I think you have a peanut brain.

>> No.6197316

Yes. Everyone in your generation has problems playing "tank controls". They also have trouble understanding how tanks are actually controlled. And many other things.

>> No.6198271

tank controls confirmed infallible pleb-filter

>> No.6198279

I do too. I didn't grow up with any games with tank controls. They were either 2D, or games like OoT and Spyro.
I guess I'm just retarded for thinking that pressing a direction will move the character in that direction.

>> No.6198297

tank controls are actually pretty rad

when your character is a tank

>> No.6198364


Why the fuck did this control method get so heinously misnomered? Who is responsible?

>> No.6198502
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>does anyone else have trouble with them
Yeah, it is quite common actually.

>> No.6198508

Not understanding tank controls is a sign of low IQ.

You press up/down to move forward/backward. Left and right turns you in those directions. It only requires you to look at the character, and then push buttons according to what you see. It is essential for survival horror where each room is a strategical puzzle. The "2D" control scheme was implemented for idiots who barely have a connection between brain and hands. It removes the challenge and the need to think. It also ruins the concept cinematic camera angles.
>durrr I want to be that place on the screen
>I move stick that way durrrrr
>hooray I did it

>> No.6198525

>finally aligns with statue
>holds run button when trying to push statue
>finally stops using run
>releases forward everytime the push works
That shitter is obviously doing it on purpose. If not, they need medication.

>> No.6198572
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actual tank controls are not like what these zoomies mean when they say tank controls

>> No.6198576

>Not understanding tank controls is a sign of low IQ

Don't be a moron. I've never had an issue with tank controls but I wouldn't go that far trying to suck your own dick.

>> No.6198583

>spending your time on games, especially that with tank controls is a sign of high IQ
Imagine this cope.

>> No.6198589

Tank controls are incomprehensible to everybody with double-digit IQ. Game devs ditched them because that's half their market gone.

>> No.6198593

Even as a child I had no trouble with tank controls. If you get confused for a moment it takes a quarter of a second to readjust.

>> No.6198594


Combat on the 2600 had tank controls (for literal tanks), and was 2D. It's an intuitive control scheme for many people, though probably not the most intuitive one.

>> No.6198595
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In old school horror movies, victims always had trouble running away from their excutioner. It drives the expectator insane and It was also part of the experience of enjoying horror movies. So is the tank controls to the horror games.

>> No.6198597


>But the old ones seem fake difficult, like the bad controls were part of it.

There's nothing fake about it. It's just one perfectly decent control scheme that you don't happen to have the appropriate brain for.

>What games with good tank controls are there?

Resident Evil is the main one I know of.

>> No.6198632

I never said that understanding tank controls is a sign of "high IQ". It should really only take a very mediocre IQ, not even average, which makes it that more troubling that some people are too dumb to grasp it.

>> No.6198694
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>> No.6198709

>that total lack of patience and breakdown when they cannot gratify themselves without practicing moderation and preplanning
every time

>> No.6198756

Tank controls provide unique gameplay opportunities. They may be intimidating but there's a sense of satisfaction in mastering them.

Also people who hate them instantly out themselves as turbo-plebs that can't appreciate different things.

>> No.6198792

For me it's not so much about horror presentation but gameplay. tank controls are complicated to process for the brain, many people will do fine until they get startled and panic and then they start running into walls and get stuck in obstacles and it makes them panic even more. The tension comes from fear of ending in this situation and having to get out of it on your own.

>> No.6198827

This is definitely the case. These brainlets would be filtered in Etrian not by the high level JRPG gameplay, but by the fact that pressing up means 'forward' and not necessarily 'north'.

>> No.6198843

Brainlets always accuse you of making yourself out to be a haughty super-genius when you point out their retardation. It's their childish way of 'saving face'.

>> No.6198873

>Does anyone else have trouble playing them?
I don't have trouble with them, but in general I don't enjoy them as they're nonsensical when controlling a human and are typically used as a crutch to create suspense without actually being competent at game design.
>But the old ones seem fake difficult
RE1/2/3/CV are pretty easy unless you're doing hard/challenge modes. The auto-aim does all the heavy lifting, you just need to put yourself in the right position and make sure that the TTK on your weapon vs your target is faster than the target's ability to gap close, and remember that if there's room to maneuver, it's usually optimal to skip the enemy entirely unless you need to hang around in that area for a puzzle.
>What games with good tank controls are there?
RE4 HD is the only RE to get them right. Unlike the originals where the most important skill was one's ability to memorize enemy placement to know exactly where to run the moment you have a scene change to avoid combat, fighting is usually unavoidable and is heavily skill based with the aiming system. It's an absolutely joy to play on professional mode. The tank controls keep you from being too mobile with your newfound aiming ability, but they're responsive enough that dodging attacks and using your knife is one of the most effective strategies in the game.

>> No.6198981

>and are typically used as a crutch to create suspense

It would never even occur to me that any game designer might be trying to do that if I hadn't read it in forums like this one. Where's the suspense? In Mario 64, you tell your character what to do and he does it. In Resident Evil, you tell your character what to do and he/she does it. The details of the control scheme are irrelevant because both control schemes are easy (for me) to use. I'd just never even imagine that anybody had ever thought this deeply affected the mood of the game or even its difficulty.

I mean yeah the characters feel clumsier in Resident Evil than in Mario 64, but whatever, fixed-jump-trajectory Simon Belmont is clumsier than Mario too, and it isn't hard or scary. You just tell him to do what you want and he does it. Everybody's got limitations in these fictional universes; Mario can't teleport or spin-dash or whatever, any more than Simon can dodge in mid-air or Jill can turn instantly. I don't even notice routing my brain-paths around these differences. I don't understand where you people are coming from when you call this some kind of big deal.

>> No.6198993

What a terrible, disingenuous post.

>> No.6199027

I think tank controls were used so you could switch camera angles and keep going in the same direction
All this thing about "bad controls on purpose to create suspense" was made up by forum posters after the fact
nobody back then thought the controls were bad

>> No.6199029

>anon gives you a full two paragraph effortpost
>you don't refute anything in it
Seems like you're the disingenuous one here, Shlomo.

>> No.6199038

>dude you just tell your character what to do and they do it :^)
>i like totally can't even imagine anybody even thought affected the game (even though i just mentioned that i've seen this discussed elsewhere a couple of lines ago, whoops)
There's nothing of substance to refute.

>> No.6199078

I think the problem is, you are not using all mechanics. Did you know you can rotate 180° using 2 buttons?

But sure, tanks controls are the problem

>> No.6199090

There are 0 (zero) issues with tank controls. It's also the perfect low IQ filter. No one with a triple digit IQ should ever have any issues whatsoever with tank controls, which is why we see so many people whining about it nowadays, like clockwork.

>> No.6199163

Yes and no. Imagine this, if there's a zombie apocalypse right now, would you be able to avoid and destroy every zombie that you see? No, it would be something tough. That's one point of the idea of tank controls, that "helpless" feeling, something that newer resident evil games changed with 3rd person camera, because those games needed to fill the screen with enemies all over the place to recreate that "weakness".

>> No.6199164

You're not here to argue in good faith.

>> No.6199165

Do you even know what an IQ test is? You think stephen hawking or einstein would have had no problems with tank controls? What a retarded post.

>> No.6199194

Was a plagiarist kike. Nice try, rabbi.

>> No.6199202

All of this nonsense and yet re4 is by far the easiest of them all

>> No.6199258

Embracing tank controls is a sign of ludditism

>> No.6199281 [DELETED] 

Die, jew.

>> No.6199301

Don't like tank controls because I always want to treat movement of a character on the screen like a mouse cursor. Especially since I use a thumb trackball, the motion is identical and it's tough to get past muscle memory

>> No.6199381

Ah yes, the good faith argument that you can't possible dislike tank controls unless you're retarded. Stunningly good faith.

You're confusing great controls with lack of difficulty. 1/2/3/CV ask little of the player until the inevitable countdown beyond the ability to delay gratification and save your strong weapons for strong enemies. RE4 is more mechanically complex and requires the player to react quickly and precisely under pressure, and prevents you from cheesing the game and skipping 80%+ of the encounters.

>> No.6199385

>fake difficult
Oh god

>> No.6199394

I guess because since the dawn of the 1970s kids have thought tanks were controlled like they are in combat. I'd like to blame muh zoomer bogeyman but I'm a afraid it's a much earlier generation of dumb kids.

>> No.6199465

There is more to challenge and gameplay than simply mechanical depth of the combat. Old RE's combat was more about decision making and positioning yourself, however there are many other facets to its gameplay that are watered down or simply removed from the ots games (mapping out your environment, figuring things out yourself, inventory and resource management). I agree they shouldn't have added an auto-aim function, but iirc the original RE didn't have it.

>> No.6199836

>cheesing the game and skipping 80%+ of the encounters
Dodging an enemy in older RE games is not cheesing or “skipping” the encounter. It is just one solution to the encounter. Your movement has to be precise, which takes skill and practice. If you mess up, you need health resources to alleviate that. If you feel unsure of your movement skills, you can choose to use weapon resources as an alternate strategy. Then you need to balance your use of resources against your willingness/ability to traverse even more rooms and encounters in order to collect more resources.

>> No.6199862

>Ah yes, the good faith argument that you can't possible dislike tank controls unless you're retarded. Stunningly good faith.
Now refute that, or fuck off forever, idiot.

>> No.6199869

Don't know how I managed to use tank controls just fine when I was kid while adults today act like they're the most impossible thing to get used to. Do you all just have the spatial awareness of a woman?
Ever since the popularization of gayming channels like angry nintendo nerd and his "Y ISNT IT LIEK KHANTRA" style of criticism people would rather whine about games rather than get used to them. Everyone thinks they're some kind of amateur game designer

>> No.6199902

>adults today
Yeah, adulthood starts at about 40 these days. Pretty much everyone younger is a soiboi manchild. There are even quite a few 40+ who are.

>> No.6199913

>clockwise and counter-clockwise are hard concepts to understand and require high iq
>grug so smart for knowing how to play japanese console zombie game
I'd like to see you mental midgets try and play Gravitar

>> No.6199926

tank controls difficult? are you people really too fucking stupid to control from the perspective of your character and not from the perspective of observer?

>> No.6199931

ultimate brainlet tier is playing flight games without inverted stick. down is supposed to pull your nose up so you move upwards and vice verse, if you have it set so down moves your plane down you're a fucking retard and were cut from every sports team you ever tried out for so you played jarpigs instead.

>> No.6199960

It's not "inverted" and there is no "down" on a joystick.

>> No.6199967

180 degrees is down you pedantic nigger

>> No.6200253

Hey retard, no one ever claimed that playing with tank controls makes you smart. This post applies to you: >>6198843 Also this: >>6198632

>> No.6200631

>you're a retard if you don't like tank controls
single digit iq
>part of the survival game
>don't mind but they're less fun

>> No.6200661

played a 'tank control' game for the first time in my life last year (RE1) and really didn't understand the big deal about it, it's slightly harder than normal controls but not by much, besides in a survival horror game you want some sort of 'clunkiness' to make the player feel vulnerable anyway

>> No.6200706

Up moves you forward, not "up".

>> No.6200714

Tank controls are why games like the PC version of Indiana Jones are horrible. I never grew up with Tomb Raider or Resident evil so I can't play these games. I need to press the analog stick in the direction I want my character to go, simple as that. Luckily there's a N64 port of the Indiana Jones game that makes the controls usable, and the modern remakes and games of RE and Tomb Raider make those so much easier.

>> No.6200726

It must suck to be just sentient enough to realize how stupid you are, but I commend you for admitting it.

>> No.6200731

Excellent bait

>> No.6200732

>don't mind but they're less fun
negative digit IQ

>> No.6200749
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lol? No, why? Oh my gosh, I can't imagine anyone having difficulty with tank controls, it's like one of the most simple straight forward control scheme's there is. You...You're making a joke thread right? You'd have to be learning-disabled in order to be unable to use tank controls.

>> No.6200754

Why do people act so smart for using tank controls? It's not like people don't understand how it works, it just feels clunky after playing any game since Mario 64.

>> No.6200763

Mario's controls are clunky and imprecise, not sure what you're trying to do with that argument.

>> No.6200770


>> No.6200775

Because Mario 64 has a 3d camera in a 3d world. Resident Evil has painted backgrounds that change position when you move past a screen edge. I tried the new controls in the PC version of REmake, I constantly had to re-adjust with my character spazzing out when there was an angle change.

>> No.6200776

>Everyone thinks they're some kind of amateur game designer
Exactly this, and we all know the kind of game they would design if given the chance: modern indie garbage

>> No.6200782

>Do you all just have the spatial awareness of a woman?

Don't lump women together with these retards, even they have no problem with tank controls:

>> No.6200783

>I tried the new controls in the PC version of REmake, I constantly had to re-adjust with my character spazzing out when there was an angle change.
This is an issue that has been fixed in other games. The character will keep moving in the same direction until you center the stick.

>> No.6200796

>Don't know how I managed to use tank controls just fine when I was kid while adults today act like they're the most impossible thing to get used to.
Kids can get used to literally anything and don't have 20-30 years of muscle memory.

>> No.6200805

>muscle memory

A meme used as an excuse, other-wise playing every single new game would cause you to flip out and scream at the controls.

>> No.6200817


>> No.6200820

Imagine 5-10 years from now, children who grew up with cellphones will be on this site defending touch controls. This is what you sound like.

>> No.6200834

>children who grew up with cellphones will be on this site defending touch controls
They already have, and nobody does.

>this is what you sound like.
No, it's what you sound like, since you're the one saying it.

>> No.6200841

Imagine being retarded enough to think this. How many people here defend the Power Glove?

>> No.6200847

No one here is giving you bits, you worthless whore.

>> No.6200853

>giving you bits

The fuck is a "bit"?

>> No.6200882

180 degrees around which axis?

>> No.6200909

>gdq video
>not a tranny
Wow, I did not see that coming. You should check out their all-women's Femme Fatales and Frost Fatales stream events line-ups. They are exactly how you think they are.

>> No.6200950

Not sure. Is it still the contrarian thing to do? If so then most faggots here.