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/vr/ - Retro Games

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619602 No.619602 [Reply] [Original]

It's the unknown and uncherished handheld, the Game Gear! But the last love thread was so great, let's do it again. I personally love mine, so here's a couple of pictures from my collection. Some of the games came from other /vr/ users so it's kinda cool feeling the vibe of other collectors.

So, let's talk about
>your favourite GG games
>your hated GG games
>pictuers of your collection
>good deals and recent finds
>GG memories and opinions
>anything GG related!

>> No.619619

shitty master system clone
nah, only joking. I played Sonic on my friends GG. I'm surprised I got to zone 2 with the borked screen on it.

>> No.619631
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This is easily the pride of my Game Gear collection: a CiB copy of Shinig Force: The Sword of Hajya. This game can be quite hard to find in complete, so I'm happy with its condition. There is a rip on the top right though but otherwise it's in pretty good condition with good corners and no dents.

>> No.619640

What are the recommended mods? I know about swapping the backlight with LED's, but I must have missed more.

>> No.619647
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The save battery on Shining Force still works too, which is great. Games with save batteries are few in number for the Game Gear; the only other save battery game I have is also in this picture: The Majors Pro Baseball. It lets you create and save your own team and is necessary if you want to do tournament mode.

>> No.619657
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Password systems seem to only appear on games that came out later in the system. Ecco the Dolphin and Garfield Caught in the Act both came out in 1995 and are the only games I have to employ passwords.

>> No.619674
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The Little Mermaid is clearly the worst game I own. Unfortunately my Sonic Triple Trouble cart is sort of beat up; the label has some damage to it and the screw that's supposed to hold the cart together is strangely absent. In order to get the cart to work I have put it into my Game Gear and then pull on the right side only upwards just a little bit to have it operate.


I don't know anything about mods I'm afraid. I play a standard ol Game Gear. Though I'm interested in buying a second one sometime and trying to mod it to display out to a TV, as per this guide:


Who knows when I'll get around to that though.

>> No.619685
File: 47 KB, 300x292, game gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could never figure out how to use the grappling hook to get past the first level on this piece of shit as a kid
>also never tried to read the manual though

>> No.619687

When I was 11 I was playing Shinobi II on my Game Gear in my parents minivan when some bitch rear ended us while swerving through traffic trying to get ahead. She gave me and my father permanent back injuries. Game gear is awesome! Women shouldn't be allowed to drive!

That's my post.

>> No.619695 [DELETED] 

My deluxe carrying case, Wide Gear and an AC adaptor are the accessories to my collection. I have an official AC adaptor as well, but it's not pictured. This is what it looks like when it's all been combined into one final form.

>> No.619698
File: 483 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20130506_145548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My deluxe carrying case, Wide Gear and an AC adaptor are the accessories to my collection. I have an official AC adaptor as well, but it's not pictured. This is what it looks like when it's all been combined into one final form.


Wow, sorry to hear that. At least Shinobi II is good right? I hope?

>> No.619705

I don't have a GG yet, it's in the mail, but I went and bought a couple games today, because the store near me sells GG games for 2 bucks each (except Wheel of Fortune, which was 6?) I grabbed Sonic 1, Sonic Chaos and Jurassic Park. My friend has Ecco and Sonic 2, I'll get those from him. What other games are considered "essential"?

>> No.619710
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Yeah, Shinobi II is fucking awesome. Pic related, it was the boss I was fighting when we got hit. Is it weird that I remember this so specifically?

>> No.619745

When I was 13, I traded my Game Boy Advance and a copy of Castlevania for a Game Gear and around 10 games, including gems such as Ristar, Ecco the Dolphin, Tail's Adventure, Sonic 2, and Sonic Drift 1 and 2. I wanted it so I could play on the dark bus rides to school. I played the shit out of the Game Gear and loved it's battery eating ass.

>> No.619759


I can't say what's exactly essential but I do review most of my GG games in detail on my hobbyist site: http://2ndhandreviews.weebly.com. I hope to help people find the best GG games for their buck. But off the top of my head the best games I've played are Sonic Triple Trouble, Dragon Crystal and Shining Force.

It's cool you have a store beside your house that sells them for $2 a pop. All of the game stores in my city sell the shittiest GG games for $5 at the lowest, with some of the higher value ones going as high as $30 (looking at you Shining Force). It sucks.

>> No.619769


It's not really weird since that was a traumatic incident. People tend to remember lots of details when something big happens to them.

>> No.619772
File: 34 KB, 256x224, GGMMPR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of those kid who had a game gear instead of a gameboy... I always thought it was a superior handheld.

Power Ranger was a fucking great game if you ask me


>> No.619781


You got Sonic Drift 1? I thought that was Japanese language only. I also really want to play Tail's Adventure and Ristar if I can ever find a copy

>> No.619797


Whoa, this game does look great. I'll need to pick up a copy sometime. That video convinced me when Goldar jumped out of fucking nowhere and started laying down the law, even if it was on easy mode

>> No.619967

Hell yeah
Power Rangers GG was a great game

They just don't make em like this anymore...

>> No.621393

Was the sequel Power Rangers game any good?

>> No.622905
File: 61 KB, 436x640, judge dredd game gear 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Game Gear ads... featuring Judge Dredd!


>> No.622908
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>> No.622913

>TV Tuner built to stand the test of time.

Too bad we switched to digital.

>> No.623003
File: 105 KB, 800x600, GG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some odd reason I never really got into both the Master System and Game Gear. There were games I enjoyed, and I have a sizable SMS and modest GG collections, but never really had an itch to play them.

Here's an odd multicart I have; all SMS games I believe. There's an odd flicker of sorts while playing. Is that a common occurrence when using the Master Gear?

>> No.623108

I'd never even heard of the game gear until I looked up handheld consoles online (years ago). All my friends had gameboys.

What kind of evil parent buys their kid a gamegear?

>> No.623130

Probably europarents seeing that Nintendo and all of its products were largely unknown in Europe until late 90s.

>> No.623251
File: 2.27 MB, 2848x4272, Gamejear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey!

Game Gear thread!

I bought all those games last year

Never had a GG

Still don't have one, but I'm collecting these as fast as I can because they're still cheap as fuck in France and I don't want the retro mania to make them hard/expensive to take

>> No.623262
File: 304 KB, 526x524, 1265432576228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ax Battler
>is clearly wielding a scimitar

>> No.623276

>Eternal Champions

Had no clue that was on the GG. How is it? I actually enjoyed the original on the Genesis a lot despite the bad rep it gets.

>> No.623350

>Game Gear
>it's actually a game console and not a cog to play with

>> No.624458


These ads are pretty sweet. Does anyone have a higher resolution for them?


well what are you waiting for bro? Get a GG already!

>> No.624490

Hell yeah! Power Rangers on GG was the shit, best PR game ever, I wish they could just make newer ones like it.

Its basicaly the same as thenfirst be set during season 2 and the movie, i didnt like it as much as yhe first.

>> No.625173

What's the best GG emulator for Nintendo DS ?

>> No.627459


I see. I might have to look into it too then. If they're both so good that is

>> No.627656

My brother had both a game boy and a game gear. I ended up with a Game Boy Pocket though and so we never got very many GG games.

I was never aware that people had a liking of Game Gear very large. Here's the modest collection my brother left me:

Sonic Chaos
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic 1 GG
Lion King (pretty terrible I think)
Power Rangers GG
World Series Baseball '95

I really am not aware of anything on GG library, so if there's anything I'm missing I'm welcome to hear about it. Just figured it's a no-games system and skipped over most collecting for it.

>> No.627678

How come some GG games have the purple borders and some are a label with 'GAME GEAR' printed on it in one corner? All of my older games have the purple border, but my copy of Sonic 1 GG has the Game Gear logo in the corner and no purple borders anywhere. It looks like the GG Sonic 1 in this picture >>623251

>> No.627713

Why not switch the chips of the Sonic Triple Trouble cart with those of The Little Mermaid?

It is not like you will be playing it ever again

>> No.627721
File: 44 KB, 256x357, tailsadventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.627785

That's almost exactly my collection only replace Lion King with some Bugs Bunny thing and add the Judge Dredd movie game.

>> No.627806

Wow, that nostalgia hits so hard it hurts.
I got the Super Sonic Sports Pack back in the day so seeing Sonic 2 and The Majors Baseball is like --OOF.

>> No.628052

Fuck /vr/... I've been through three game gears. I had two as a kid; both fucked beyond repair and sold as parts. So I bought a second hand one last year, but the capacitors in it are deader than shit...

>> No.628075


Game Gear boxes and cart design went through at least 3 iterations on their design throughout its 1991-1997 lifespan (only talking about NTSC-U here, NTSU-J and PAL had completely different styles). For boxes, the first was a wire-frame blue lines on a grey background. This was used for the titles released in 1991. In 1992-1994 they used a black border on the top and bottom like the wireframe, just a different colour and it didn't cover the whole width of the box. Finally in 1995+ they changed to the purple border on the side/bottom. The game art typically reflects these changes; with the purple labelling being the first time ratings systems are used for Game Gear games. The oldest games, the ones with the wireframe borders, use a great variety of icons on their packaging, especially when conveying you can play with 2 players. They also lack any sort of border at all on them.

So basically the answer is that they had 3 box revisions which is why some carts don't look.

>> No.628080


Because Sonic Triple Trouble is in worse condition than you may think. Even if you switch out the chips and the back, the front label is a lot more damaged than my picture shows. I'd rather just get a better condition one someday though this one is fine for now

>> No.628095


Sorry, the black border version only partially covers the bottom, nothing on top. The grey covers the top and the bottom. The purple version covers the left side only for the boxes but carts have a border on the bottom and the left side.

>> No.628130

I really liked Sonic 1 GG back then, and I remember wanting Sonic 2 so bad. And then when I got the game, I sucked all kinds of dick at it. Couldn't even beat the first boss.

Thank fucking god for Sonic Chaos, though. I had no idea it existed before getting it, and I ended up loving the shit out of that game.

>> No.628141

I just played ten straight hours of Dragon Crystal. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.628147

6 batteries
I got one
it's missing a battery cover and my OCD makes me mad seeing it open

I only had home alone, columns and some F1 game I forgot the name. I will never sell it but tbh I don't think I'll ever use it again

>> No.628290


Absolutely nothing, that game is amazing. I still have yet to beat it; I've died 4 times on that final level. It's just too fucking stacked against you. The snails that drop your HP and levels are the worst; I try to avoid them as much as possible and hope I get lucky with a Cyber book or something so I can get the weapon that does extra damage to the metallic orb enemies to get extra experience.

I'm still trying to beat this.


Sonic 2 is unreasonably hard, especially the first boss, Jesus.

>> No.630507


Sounds like you got the shittiest games on the planet man

>> No.630520

I never understood that GG games were often just cropped Master System games. Sonic2 is one of those cases were the cropping makes it harder.

I had a GG long before I got a Genesis so I also didn't realize that Sonic 2 wasn't the same for both. My brain reeled when I finally played the Genesis one.

>> No.630572


Not all GG games are. Actually Sonic 1 was correctly scaled and so was Sonic Chaos. It was just Sonic 2 that had a really bad screen ratio.

Mega Man for GG had the same problem. The levels were directly ported from MM4 and 5, but instead of making the levels smaller the programmers just made the screen vertically scroll. It makes for a bunch of leap of faith jumps that are impossible to tell if you'll make it or not, just like Sonic 2

>> No.630584

I have a GG with several games, two non-functioning tv tuners, and the Master System Converter. Thing is a beast with MS game in it.

>> No.630590


Non-functioning because they're broken or because analog has stopped being broadcast in your area?

how heavy is a GG with a Master Gear converter?

>> No.630612

Non-functioning because of the analogue switch. To be fair it's not much heavier based on the fact that MSC weighs nothing as does the MS Cartridges.

>> No.630723

A Jungle Book game I had was pretty awesome

>> No.630736


Even though I know the TV tuner is worthless, I kind of want one just for posterity haha. I should save my money though

>> No.630774

Can't imagine they are worth much to be honest. That's why I kept two.
>Captcha ethcIn historical

>> No.630787


uncherished maybe, but it was hardly 'unknown'!!!

>> No.631917

My uncle stole the Game Gear with World Series Baseball package and gave it to me when I was like 4. Even had the AC and Car Adapter and everything. I played the fuck out of that thing.

>> No.632758


You kept two because... they're worth nothing? I don't understand.

>> No.634287

Does anybody know what the difference between Columns and Super Columns is? Just wondering if its even worth getting Columns at all

>> No.635801

I have two Game Gears, an AC adapter, a TV tuner, and a bunch of games leftover from my childhood.

But I can't remember where I put the GGs, adapter, and TV Tuner, and I'm sure I've lost a few games over the years. Still, I fucking loved playing Sonic on that thing.

>> No.638710

God damn you I'm not letting this thread die yet. I've been playing Dragon Crystal again and its just too damn hard. I always end up getting screwed by those sharks