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File: 134 KB, 648x431, Heavy_Tank_FF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6189174 No.6189174 [Reply] [Original]

Just started playing FF7 again after 15 years. I don't remember much but I do know I need to get Aqualung and a few other abilities.

Who do I make my main magic user? Right now I'm using Red, Cloud, and Barett, and Red has Enemy Skill Materia and the most +MP stuff on. Should I swap him with Aeris? Or Do Cloud Aeris Red?

Also FF7 thread I guess

>> No.6189179

Any character can be a magic user, that’s the point of materia. Also FF7’s biggest flaw.

>> No.6189189

Characters are mostly blank slates. Aerith is a walking MP pool, Barret a HP one, Tifa has high DEX, but none of this really matters. The only thing that you should remember is that summons are easy mode and that most enemy skills are missable (though half of them are also useless).

>> No.6189203

using morph on heavy tank will give you a power source

>> No.6189215

Why would you waste time training Aeris?

>> No.6190267

Most monsters on the Glenika will give you various sources when morphed also. Conformer is great for that.

>> No.6190450

Game's piss easy anyway so it really doesnt matter anyway

>> No.6190502

What do you mean?

>> No.6190523

OP here

Yeah I'm noticing it's pretty damn easy but I'm only on disc 1. So I assume some bosses are a bit more difficult.

For something considered the greatest game of all time there's a lot of just, walking and very basic fighting so far.

>> No.6190536

>So I assume some bosses are a bit more difficult.
You're assuming wrong.

>> No.6190545

She gets outclassed by everyone, even her limits suck dick and the one good one isn't worth getting, nor is it worth spending a turn on.

>> No.6190548

FF7 set itself aside as being one of the most ambitious presentations of JRPGs in history. It's a bit stale these days but still a good game overall.

>> No.6190556

I vaguely remember a few bosses needing some particular combo of attacks or moves, and I remember cosmo canyon getting kind of interesting

>> No.6190617

The game is so easy none of that actually matters.

>> No.6190626

Remember that rpgs were somewhat niche until FF7 and it was marketed like crazy so a lot of it's positive reception was people playing a game of this sort.

The only really "hard" things in the game are the optional bosses, but they're not even that hard you just need to know the gimmick to beat them. My second playthrough of the game I made Cloud way too strong and spent the whole final boss battle throwing megalixers at the enemy to keep him alive long enough to use his big move.

Enjoy the ride, it has some good bits but deffinitely don't be expected to be blown away. final fantasy 7 is the game that made me realize hype can ruin something.