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6183732 No.6183732 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

Sonic 2 was literally perfect (but too easy)

Sonic 3 literally a broken mess.

>> No.6183739

The project got too big and they split it into 2 games. Which is kinda bad but not really because they could sell 2 separate games.

>> No.6183743

Sonic 3 really just continues where Sonic 2 left off level design-wise. Sonic 2 gets worse with every level, remember? Starting with Metropolis zone, it's already a mess on the level of Sonic 3.
The entire fucking series peaks with Casino Night Zone, has a denouement in Mystical Cave Zone, and then immediately goes to shit forever and irrecoverably.

>> No.6183862

too much automated level design and gimmicky setpieces, stages are too bloated and drawn out, music and aesthetics are inferior to 1/2

>> No.6183937

>What went wrong?
they wanted to sell 2 separate games.

>> No.6183945

>when all of the board's contrarians come together to shit on an objective masterpiece

>> No.6183971

A number of overhyped sequels are much shittier than previous games in the series. Super Castlevania IV is another example of a game that people uncritically praise because a commercial in the 90s told them it's the bee's knees. Bloodlines too. These games aren't even remotely as good as the other games in the series, and the same is true for S3&K. I mean, nobody is confused about games like Sonic Adventure or Final Fantasy VII anymore and hasn't been for over a decade, but some games are still not talked about enough and fuckwits confuse nostalgia with quality design.

>> No.6183974

is this really the best bait you can come up with? Try a little harder

>> No.6183975

stupid, sexy Tails

>> No.6183982

There's nothing even remotely sexy about the cartoon goddamn fox. Not that I wouldn't fuck it, but it's just a cartoon fucking animal.

>> No.6184005

>Sonic Adventure

>> No.6184012

what the fuck are you talking about?
Sonic 2 is trash. Even Sonic 1 is better, but both pale in comparison to S3K.

CD < power gap < 2 < 1 <<<<< and entire world full of dog shit < S3K

>> No.6184020

My only problem is how Metropolis Zone-ish some of the levels are. Narrow hallways with platforms that can crush you are awful the first time and just boring after you've learned them. Not all of the levels are like that, but it does end up dragging for me.

>> No.6184062

How is mystical cave a denouement?

>> No.6184096

Casino Night Zone is great and Mystical Cave entertainingly pleasant. Then, right there in the middle of Sonic 2 itself, the entire fucking series jumps the fucking shark and never fucking recovers.

>> No.6184192

3 is better than 2.
Carnival Night sucks but oil Ocean sucks more.
Marble Garden is meh but hilltop zone is also meh.
Sky Chase is annoying on replays, same with mania.
Launch Base is better than Sky Fortress.
Angel Island is better than Emerald Hill.
Ice Cap is better than Aquatic Ruin
Hydrocity is better than Chemical Plant.
Blue Sphere is better than half pipe bullshit.
Save System
Mini bosses
Gumball machine
Knuckles paths
Buddy carry.

>> No.6184207
File: 15 KB, 480x360, kinovania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Castlevania IV is another example of a game that people uncritically praise because a commercial in the 90s told them it's the bee's knees

I grew up in the 90's and I remember a lot of commercials for Sonic but don't think I ever saw one for Castlevania VI.

People praise it because it's a great looking game with maybe the best soundtrack in the series and not everybody thinks enhanced controls and responsiveness are a downgrade. Yes, IV is easier than III. That's an improvement. III's difficulty was set to "assrape"

>> No.6184239

you have to go back.

>> No.6184254

I could understand preferring 1, or 2 to 3 only, but this is a really weak bait.
The only bad zone in 3&k is carnival night and mostly because of the barrel.

>> No.6184259

Whats so bad about oil ocean? I would say the drop off starts with metropolis zone with the last few levels being downright bad. Hilltop zone was forgettable but not terrible.

>> No.6184269

spent more time signing a pedophile than they did on the game

>> No.6184284

>tfw sonic 2 was my first game and I still prefer s3&k despite playing it years after

>> No.6184286

the instrument samples were low res, so all the music sounds fuzzy and soft compared to the crispt tones of Sonic 2

>> No.6184291

>The entire fucking series peaks with Casino Night Zone, has a denouement in Mystical Cave Zone, and then immediately goes to shit forever and irrecoverably
You're overexagerating. Back then, the final stages (Sky Chase, Wing Fortress & Final Egg) were awesome and made the game look like an animated film. The entire ending was epic for a 16-bits platformer and nobody had never seen something like that before.

And Oil Ocean Zone was not so bad. Even Sonic Mania rehused it. I never knew it was so hated until a few years ago reading soem message board, but never knew anybody who thought that back in the day.

>> No.6184323

Angel Island: 10/10
Hydrocity: 10/10
Marble Garden: 3/10
Carnival Night: 4/10
Ice Cap: 8/10
Launch Base: 5/10
Mushroom Hill: 8/10
Flying Battery: 10/10
Sandopolis: 3/10
Lava Reef: 10/10
Hidden Palace+Sky Sanctuary: 7/10
Death Egg: 9/10

The mean level is 7.2/10, median is 8/10 and mode is 10/10, don't really see that as a game that is a broken mess that went wrong.

>> No.6184385

>literally perfect
>literally a broken mess
If only people knew how the overuse of that word hurts their credibility.

>> No.6184390

>uses literally more than one time
Obvious bait

>> No.6184547

I never cared much for Marble Garden either.

>> No.6184568

Yeah dude, a vast zone with plenty of routes to explore with Tails and Knuckles, lots of slopes to run fast on, and tons of hidden giant rings? Just awful.

/vr/ is a breeding ground for terrible opinions

>> No.6184604

>Just awful.
Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.6184615

>hating on marble garden
Plebs, that zone is amazing.
I bet you also hate labyrinth.

>> No.6184624
File: 32 KB, 340x336, Sonic_3_Happy_Meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went wrong?
Promotional fast food tie-ins requiring you to release something with the name "Sonic 3" by February of 1994

>> No.6184650

>Obvious repurposed toys from what would have been tie-ins to one of the Sonic cartoons at the time (barring Knuckles as a new one)
I can believe it.

>> No.6184672


>> No.6184693

Why 3 below 2? 2 is shite.

>> No.6184734

Nintendo fanboy begone! Sonic 1, 2 and 3 complete are all fantastic games. What a baited post OP.

>> No.6184741


>> No.6184772

>except this
that's not what the word means nigger, stop saying it

>> No.6184869

So you're saying S1 is worse than dog shit?
Do tell.

>> No.6184873

Hill Top is the worst. There, I said it.

>> No.6184886

>Hill Top
>Oil Ocean
>Mystic Caves
>Sky Chase
So many shit zones... why is S2 held in such high regard?

>> No.6184964

>it's "autist uses his arbitrary statistics to prove a point" episode

>> No.6185070

The only problem with Sonic 3 is that it's too short, a problem remedied with & Knuckles.
>all this Oil Ocean/Metropolis/Sky Chase/Wing Fortress/Death Egg hate
Holy fucking shit you guys, just git gud already! Sonic 2 is easy as piss, you must be very inexperienced or young to be having trouble with this game.

>> No.6185075

>*outruns camera*
>*clips into loop de loop*
> *endures metropolis zone*
>"lol sonic 3 is broken"

>> No.6185107 [DELETED] 

I hated Marble Garden when I was a kid, but it's grown on me. The tops are annoying, but once you've figured out what to do it's not so bad. The boss fight in Act 2 is so good, too. And the music! Listen to these beats
Carnival Night is actually the worst zone in Sonic 3. The music sucks, and I know I'll get shit for that because of "muh Michael Jackson", but come on. It sounds like it's ripping off a song so old it's no longer copyrighted. The mechanics of the level suck, need we bring up the fucking barrel again? Fucking balloons and nonsensical water suddenly out of nowhere? Knuckles shows up to turn off the lights. The fuck was the point of that? The bosses are ok I guess. The point is that Carnival Night sucks and is literally a Bubsy level, Marble Garden is way cooler

>> No.6185113

I hated Marble Garden when I was a kid, but it's grown on me. The tops are annoying, but once you've figured out what to do it's not so bad. The boss fight in Act 2 is so good, too. And the music! Listen to these beats
Carnival Night is actually the worst zone in Sonic 3

>> No.6185164

Ugh ugh no worky barrel ugh ugh gamey based.

>> No.6185215

The joke was that he's sticking his butt out like Ned Flanders was in the classic Simpsons line, "Stupid sexy Flanders." Now you understand what an underaged buffoon you look like.

>> No.6185236

>Holy fucking shit you guys, just git gud already! Sonic 2 is easy as piss, you must be very inexperienced or young to be having trouble with this game.
No one aged in the double digits as trouble with Sonic 2, you fucking mongoloid. Their complaint is that those zones are unpleasant to play.

>> No.6185260

Code for too hard, Sonic 2 is the kind of game that is easy to play and hard to master. If you'd just git gud you'd have a better time

>> No.6185265

No, it means that the zones have shit aesthetics and are boring to play. You literally can't have difficulty in a game where your health just pops out of you to be immediately recollected. It's the easiest series next to Kirby.

>> No.6185308

Never said any of those levels were hard. The only one I dislike is metropolis and it had nothing to do with difficulty.

>> No.6186960

Only retards struggle with the barrel.

>> No.6186987

It's not a struggle, but it does break the game's flow badly.

>> No.6188726

You're giving Flying Battery 10/10? Seriously? It's a 5 at best. It's the worst part of S&K.

>> No.6188732

>Angel Island: 4/5
>Hydrocity: 4/5
>Marble Garden: 2/5
>Carnival Night: 1.5/5
>Ice Cap: 3/5
>Launch Base: 4/5
>Mushroom Hill: 3.5/5
>Flying Battery: 4/5
>Sandopolis: 2/5
>Lava Reef: 4/5
>Hidden Palace+Sky Sanctuary: 3/5
>Death Egg: 2/5

That said,
>Green Hill Zone: 5/5
>Marble Zone: 5/5
>Spring Yard Zone: 5/5
>Labyrinth Zone: 5/5
>Star Light Zone: 5/5
>Scrap Brain Zone: 5/5

>> No.6188805

Got too caught up in making shitty gimmick stages rather than designing fun and fast levels. Only half of the zones are passable and the game is insanely short. Thankfully someone remembered why people liked Sonic 2 partway into S&K's development and mostly saved that game. The gimmicks were still there but in a far less intrusive manner.

>> No.6188896

>The Simpsons
Ok boomer

>> No.6188903

I always get bored halfway through the first level. The game just feels slow and clunky compared to Sonic 2.

>> No.6190169

Fuck off to >>>/b/

>> No.6190350

>What went wrong?
>Sonic 2
Sonic 2 stands as the most disappointing sequel of all time. Thats what went wrong.

>> No.6190357
File: 16 KB, 320x224, Sanic3Complete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone took the time to fix it.