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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 624x512, Sea_of_No_Return.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6182610 No.6182610 [Reply] [Original]

The final dungeon of Oracle of Ages is one of my favorite moments of the 2D Zelda games.

>Need one last Essence to complete your quest and save Labrynna.
>Hear about a location from long ago in the past. The Sea of No Return.
>A labyrinth on an island. A longtime blank on your map, it's isolated from the rest of the world. A mysterious force confuses the Maku Tree and blocks your attempts to time travel there, always sending you back to the present.
>No way there except to somehow swim ashore, past all the violent waves and whirpools on the sea.
>Still, you reach the island. A triumphant theme plays as you fight your way into a maze, full of fierce Lynels and dangerous Darknuts.
>An entrance on the north side of the maze draws you into the darkness below.
>A dirge plays as you enter The Ancient Tomb, as if the structure itself was now aware of you intrusion.
>You find yourself in a pyramid, stories of brick and stone dug deep below the surface. Each floor larger than the last as you descend.
>Its catacombs are filled with traps and ghosts, possible remains of the builders. Halfway through, you go sword-against-scythe with a hooded skull-faced spectre before continuing on.
>The final remnant of the unkown, ancient constructors waits for you and guards the final Essence. A floating, stone machine. It uses its megaton fists and arsenal of beams in an attempt to make you the newest resident of the tomb. But you deflect its attacks and strike back with bombs and shots from your seed shooter, leaving it in pieces as you claim your prize of the Essence of Time.
>Returning to the present, you wonder about the fate of the tomb, and realize that it lay in the exact same spot as the Spirt's Grave in Yoll Graveyard. A possible collapse leaving the floors mashed together or it was rebuilt entirely. You will never know for sure.

>> No.6182879

Could never get past the ugly graphics

>> No.6182886

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6182893

His mother sucks cocks for money, let the poor sod be.

>> No.6182920

This was my first Zelda game lol.

I remember reading the back of it on the ride home from Kmart. I was telling my mom about it as she drove us home and how excited I was.

It also introduced me to GameFAQs a while later when I got stuck on Tokay Island. Didn’t have a computer at home so I had to go to the local library. Haha. Good times.

>inb4 nice blog faggot

>> No.6183618

I never got to play oracle of ages as a kid, but I imagine it would be a struggle.

>> No.6183656

ages and seasons were both great. din was hot as fuck. the only thing i knew before these was Ocarina of Time and links awakening

>> No.6183920

Holy fuck. Why do these games have such poor music. You'd thing after 10 years they'd have the chip figured out.

>> No.6185108


>> No.6185118

The chip is still garbage no matter how you try to work with it.

>> No.6186670

Din’s theme is great

>> No.6186685

I wish I could see the appeal of link's awakening.
It's a good game, and I like it. But when people say it's one of the best games in the franchise, I just don't understand.

>> No.6186697

Shit taste

>> No.6186729

Why do people on 4chan always post youtube videos with just music? Why didn't you just post someone playing the fucking dungeon? The music would be there.

>> No.6186789

are you retarded?

>> No.6187489

>nice blog fag
I got this as a kid too and could not fucken do music puzzle some kid named dan helped me fuck out at school thank fuck

>> No.6187513

Because none of them really care about gameplay. You are in fact one of the smarter ones on this website for noticing this and calling it out.

You will 95% of the time see praise be accompanied by a music track rather than somebody else playing the game because 1) /vx/ doesn't understand gameplay very well---and 2) almost cannot fathom people watching gameplay online for anything other than streams

It's jarring, but you get used to it and learn to not take them as seriously as you'd like to.

>> No.6187629

>I wish I could see the appeal of link's awakening.
Nostalgia. Luckily, the remake made some people realize it's a fairly average game.

>> No.6187732

Thank you for answering me honestly. It's so jarring how prevalent it is. Just post the fucking game. Why a youtube video with a static picture?

I like watching gameplay right before I start a game before I buy for instance. No commentary of course. I don't understand just statically watching music.

>> No.6187745

Or maybe someone just likes a particular music track.

>> No.6187760

thing is they'll post music even when by their very own post a walkthrough chapter would be more relevant content to share
not even including that much---just the song and that's it

>> No.6188293

If someone literally one desires to post the music, why would they post gameplay?
OP, in his wall of text, was posting music in hopes of creating or recreating the atmosphere of the game. If he wanted to just post footage of the game, he would have just posted footage, rather than writing all that out.

>> No.6189257
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1440, shitty guides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get stuck on one of those "step on each tile only once" rooms when first playing
>look at a guide
>"oh yeah once you do it you'll get the item"
i was mad back then and i'm still mad now

>> No.6189416

The graphics were kind of trashy. It was a cheap imitation of golden era handheld zelda.

>> No.6189424

>OP, in his wall of text, was posting music in hopes of creating or recreating the atmosphere of the game

You know what creates an atmosphere? Posting a fucking clip of the dungeon actually being experienced. That's like if I just posted a webm of the fucking dungeon with no sound. Don't strip away elements because you think it somehow adds "atmosphere".

>> No.6189425

There was literally only one handheld Zelda before the Oracle games.

>> No.6189428

Hence it being a golden era. And there were two. Dx version added color and don't sit your fat ass down there and tell me that didn't add something to the experience of playing it on a game boy.

>> No.6189482

You are actually stupid.

>> No.6189876

This whole thread is fucking retarded.
It's half aspies complaining about posting music.

>> No.6190306

i hope in the course of your life you'll eventually figure out that there are some things worth getting upset about and some that are not

>> No.6190687

I'm playing A Link to The Past for the first time,it started out pretty mediocre,but once you start the crystal dungeons it gets really good

>> No.6190976

>Halfway through, you go sword-against-scythe with a hooded skull-faced spectre

and its just another stupid dead mans volley tennis match

>> No.6191092

>The chip is still garbage
No it isn't, the GBC has a great soundchip.

>> No.6191128

Delivering a "lol u mad" response doesn't change what I said. It's jarring to consistently post music instead of the complete experience of actually seeing the game play. Because you know. It's a fucking game. I'm happy as shit eating my breakfast. I'm not mad I just don't get the thought process of posting a youtube video of music with a static picture.

>> No.6191142

Play the game yourself, nigger.
People post music to remind themselves and others of whatever they personally experienced.
If you want to watch a full play-through of super mario bros everytime someone talks about the music that's your own fucking autism.

>> No.6193357

I'm going to say what is definitively wrong with Ocarina of Time: It exhausted it's genius exactly after the completion of Dodongo's Cavern. If it could exist as a stand-alone creation without the hype, without the fan expectation, the pressure to release a big mega adventure to make the greedy consumers satisfied, without trying to be a movie inside a video game. It would be perfect. Just a little adventure that takes about 30 minutes to beat. Awesome tight combat and movement. And basically stretch out the content for a smoother pacing but still match the length of the adventure between the deku tree and dodongo's cavern. It would be amazing. Adult Link gameplay is awful compared to young link gameplay. It has everything to do with his size, and range of motion, and speed of movement with the sword.

>> No.6193610

Interesting input, anon.
I would have never considered ocarina of time a bad game until you pointed out that adult link is taller than young link.

>> No.6193614

I have played the game. How and why do you think that changes my point? Are you brain dead?

>> No.6193616

>If you want to watch a full play-through of super mario bros everytime someone talks about the music that's your own fucking autism

He. Wasn't. Talking. About. Music. He mentioned a theme once. Posting the actual gameplay and victory would have been way more impactful. Because you know. It's a fucking GAME.

Is that clear enough for you?

>> No.6193736

You’ve made your point abundantly clear throughout. Next to noone agrees, autismo.