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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6176242 No.6176242 [Reply] [Original]

*casts FREEZE 3*

>> No.6176247

fucking brick wall that nig was.

>> No.6176368

>getting filtered by the Marionette
>not by going full retard by trying to bumrush the Laser Eye like a real Chad

>> No.6176445

absolute bastard

>> No.6177932


>> No.6179274

Why Archers are unpopular when they are so OP?
Is it just because of retards rushing promotions?

>> No.6179689

I don't know anon, they do tend to be weaker but thats why you only use 1 or 2. I suppose mages are more powerful but with archers you don't have to worry about mana.

>> No.6179695
File: 53 KB, 474x474, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is the only Shining thread on the board, what's your favorite game in the series /vr/?
I've only played the Saturn ones but I liked The Holy Ark's first person dungeon crawling a lot.

>> No.6179728

I just started playing Shining Force CD. So far I really like it.

>> No.6179763

Shining Force II

>> No.6179778

Is there a particular order to play these games? I just started Shining Force CD on a whim and decided to stick with it. Do I need to play the Genesis games before this one? What about other games in the series? Or is it like Final Fantasy where each game is it's own thing.

>> No.6179894
File: 440 KB, 1024x768, sfwallpaper01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 and 2 are loosely linked, like in Shining Force 2, a guy in Hassan talks about Max passing through years ago, but they're self contained for the most part. CD on the other hand is a direct sequel to 1, with members of the old force and their kids being the characters you'll get. You don't HAVE to have played 1 for it all to make sense, it's just name dropping for the most part really.

>> No.6181098

While I acknowledge the 2nd game as superior, the first Shining Force is still my favorite. The charm, music, characters, storybook style. Love it.

I wish there were easier ways to play CD or III nowadays. Even pirating is a bitch.

>> No.6181139

Finished Shining Force 2 last night for the first time.

Peter died early on to an unlucky double+crit. But the rest of the force, all lower than level30 promoted, survived. Zeon is a bitch once you take out all of the lackeys. Secret battle was more fun.

Also, princess a thot with big tits. Sarah is the real deal, and a master monk hot bitch.

>> No.6181429

CD's OST is criminally underrated and is the best to me.
It's a damn shame that SEGA can't be arsed to let M2 or Camelot at least port the damn game to SOMETHING before it's lost to time forever.

>> No.6181492
File: 22 KB, 1280x960, Faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was this boss the only one of its kind? He regains health and nobody else does that. No one in 1,2,3, and CD.

>> No.6182297
File: 90 KB, 1223x809, 1577817658068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it turns out the Battery in my V.2 Mega EverDrive died and so I lost my progress in S.F. CD. I think I'll try Shining Force 1 Since I actually own that game.

I was really looking forward to continuing my progress in CD too. Well another time I guess. Thanks China. Now I'll have to source a Japanese made battery that will fit it.

>> No.6183285

Pretty sure the Marionette (OP pic) and Mishaela both regen health.

>> No.6183406

Ah looked at that photo and realized you were replying to OP.

I suck cocks. But yea, fuck that. Mishaela does too.

>> No.6183553

I think Elliot does too.

>> No.6183563

Yes. And Kain.