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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.52 MB, 426x360, Light gun_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6175392 No.6175392 [Reply] [Original]

>He didn't buy a VR device to replay Retro games in VR

>> No.6175401

In what way is that superior to RR?

>> No.6175403

Other options are to hunt down an actual cabinet or emulate it with a mouse.

>> No.6175523
File: 962 KB, 171x172, 1541009667621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck

>> No.6175531
File: 3.00 MB, 620x465, quake vr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rabbit hole goes deaper

>> No.6175549

>he waste money in any kind of videogames instead of lift and improve to get all the whores he want

>> No.6175556

I do lift faggot. How does VR prevent that?

>> No.6175576

Could you imagine Goldeneye with your friends on that? Amazing.

>> No.6175585

emuvr is literally the worst way to emulate

>> No.6175624
File: 606 KB, 1920x1920, 6ba830b3971a03519b5a6a3aba5279a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get all the whores he want
We have evolved beyond the need for whores anon

>> No.6175719

>hunt down
No, I own them because I bought them at the time they came out. There are a number of other "options" as well.

>> No.6175787

>he didn't read the rules and underageposted

>> No.6176030

There's the remake of goldeneye on source that I have a sneaking suspicion that it can be played on vr.

>> No.6176450
File: 2.92 MB, 854x720, 1572647029007.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.6176463

>Having access to literally any setup via VR
>Connects via composite

>> No.6176467


>> No.6176470

The only thing that would make be buy VR if I had money and space. I like the fact that EmuVR can emulate the aperture grille and might be one of the few things to preserve crt effects in the far future. Until they get proper multiplayer and avatar stuff in this is nothing more than a novelty emulator.

>> No.6176478

> use motherfucking virtual reality to accurately simulate playing video games in the 90s
> not using composite
Next you're saying they should have widescreen LCD TVs too.

>> No.6176489
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x720, 1481237445060.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing them pixels in actual VR is trippy af.

>> No.6176860

Once I am able to do this with a wireless headset that doesn't have shit resolution I'm all for it.

>> No.6176873

I looked into this for the purpose of light gun games, but I found 3D bedroom environment and detailed TV screens to be nothing more than a novelty distraction.

I just want to stand in a black abyss with the game on an untextured, 2D plane infront of me.

That's ALL I fucking want.

>> No.6176881

I think you can do that in 3DSen, but only for duck hunt and that cowboy shootin' game
Also not sure if you can turn off the 3D effect

>> No.6176883

Nice pipe dream anon

>> No.6176891


Gotta see those 320x240 games in 4k per eye, huh?

>> No.6176892

Why not go bitch at the EmuVR devs, they might even implement the suggestion, seeing as it's just turning off a model

>> No.6177127

>obnoxious, constantly wobbling, random, "artistic" perspectives
>"better than the original camera"
Ah, so he's retarded. Got it.

>> No.6177143

>constantly wobbling, random
confirmed for only having seen vr in 2d youtube recordings
it feels rock solid in the headset because it's synchronised with your head movements. the "wobble" you see is the player's head moving he doesn't even notice it

>> No.6177179

>confirmed for only having seen vr in 2d youtube recordings
Imagine being enough of a pleb to actually try it, holy shit,.

>> No.6177181

thats making me tear up. i want to live in a vr 90s world NOW

>> No.6177202

is there a decent virtual boy option yet?

>> No.6177216

>Super Mario 64 cartridge is inserted into the console
>plays Super Smash Bros. on the TV

>> No.6177334

> Not owning 2-in-1 Super Mario 64 + Super Smash Bros cartridge back in the day
It's OK bro, at least you can emulate not being poor anymore now.

>> No.6177356

You dont notice the wobble in VR because its attached to your head. Your head wobbles a lot in real life but you're very use to it and your eyes adjust.

>> No.6177370

VR tec is going to destroy mankind.

>> No.6177614

ok 00mer

>> No.6177863

VR tec is a little late to the party then.

>> No.6178130
File: 55 KB, 800x450, fyzfsoird4iscvqjebca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCVR: https://github.com/braindx/vbjin-ovr
Quest: https://github.com/CidVonHighwind/VirtualBoyGo

>> No.6178138

vbjin came out years ago and works perfectly fine?

>> No.6178141

This happened in 2018. Sounds like poor talk, you fucking poor person.

>> No.6178168

Oculus Quest + Virtual Desktop streaming
Wireless with fucking nice resolution

>> No.6178186
File: 1.56 MB, 853x480, 15385936948861.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/VR/ thread?

>> No.6178224

>go to grindr boy's house
>see this

Um... hey I think I left something in my car, I'll be right back...

>> No.6178245
File: 2.94 MB, 624x1232, ShNhyEBqJaDpD-x2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6178326

better be #Reload

>> No.6178403

This looks sick af will check it out, thx anon

>> No.6178515

I thought for sure you'd be an ugly transbian.

>> No.6178661

Now this is gaming.

>> No.6178745

Asking seriously. What's wrong with it?

>> No.6178765

"How are you gonna pay for dinners and buy presents to your lady? What about our rent? Are you a manchild? Do you still play video games? Sell all that until next Sunday or I'm leaving."

>> No.6178783

i could buy every light gun i want for less than a VR headset.

>> No.6178792

Can you also buy every console and light gun game then play them like this though >>6176450

>> No.6178798

no, but i don't want to play multiple of them at once, i have the consoles already, and i can pirate the games.

>> No.6178817

cool, but this isn't retro.

>> No.6178824

recently decided an oculus quest is the ideal way to play virtual boy games emulated

since it creates the same effect without needing to balance the headset and isn't painful to keep focusing on

>> No.6178940

>VHF knob numbered 2-12
>UHF knob numbered 12-44
Immersion destroyed.

>> No.6179002


>> No.6179004

Garry's Mod got a VR mod so it's not out of the question

>> No.6179013

To be honest this one looks really interesting.

>> No.6179080

Don't respond to trannies anon.

>> No.6179426
File: 1.35 MB, 3218x1798, EmuVR_Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is comfy as fuck.

>> No.6179535

I had an Oculus Rift S for about 2 weeks. The motion sickness is unreal, and it doesn't get better with time. Playing retro vidya IRL is infinitely better.

>> No.6179657

How are the controls? I'd been putting off setting EmuVR up because of that, but at least light gun stuff would probably be okay.

>> No.6179826

You play with Xbox controllers.
VR controllers work too, but depending on the console you could have less buttons to use.
Oculus Touch controllers have twin analogs and buttons, but Vive controllers are utter shit for playing the games.
You can swap between Xbox and VR controllers seamlessly.

>> No.6179880

I'm on Index now, so I've got as many buttons as the Touch. If I bother with anything other than light gun stuff, I'll probably just use an Xbox controller or DS4 though. Not being able to look down and see a controller with your hands on it would be a little disappointing, but I guess I'd rather have the better controls. Attaching a Vive tracker to a controller could be interesting if they ever support that though.

>> No.6179903

I'm sure I had some fantasy about this as a kid

>> No.6180124
File: 3.37 MB, 1372x1564, daynight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6180134

>Yeah baby
Thumbs up.

>> No.6180154

This looks to me like some antidepressant horrortrip dream.
How is your dreaming after spending some hours in a VR room playing games you remember playing for real? I don't want to test it ...
But I sure will try when I have the money for a VR set.

>> No.6180327

For the money you could just buy the real thing and more.

>> No.6180329

you can't buy immersion

>> No.6180382

> $500 PC (which you already have) + $400 HMD (and also being able to play lots of good VR games)
> buying every console and game ever, plus light guns and CRTs
> still not feeling like you're back in the 90s

>> No.6181035
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, mrrrhchrimmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6182637

Why did kids in the 90s have like 8 TVs in their rooms?

>> No.6182694

You wouldn't understand, kid.

>> No.6182795

Any way I can download this game without having to join some private shitcord?

>> No.6182810

VR isn't retro so it's not /vr/. Take it to /v/.

>> No.6182815

This counts under the same rule as remakes being counted.

>> No.6182817

It counts even as fucking emulation.

>> No.6182820

That's actually pretty fucking cool. As a webm. But the amount of setup and cost is bullshit. I'll wait.

>> No.6182823

Remakes are not counted. The resident evil remake on gamecube is 6 gen. No 6 gen. Keep that in /v/.

>> No.6182826


>> No.6182832

Why in the world would I invest in VR to do THIS of all things?

>> No.6182840

Go ahead and make a gamecube game remake thread then. See where that gets you. No 6 gen. Take it to /v/.

>> No.6182841

Why would I make a thread about shitty games

>> No.6182856

I don't ask why a dumbass eats garbage. Why you do the stupid things you do is none of my concern. No 6 gen. Take it to /v/.

>> No.6182860

it's probably some tranny mad because he can't discuss his favorite zoom zoom games on this board so he acts like an extremist to piss people off. He's been doing this in multiple threads today.

>> No.6182870


>> No.6182880
File: 369 KB, 1920x1000, VRS-Virtuality-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VR isn't retro
Anon, the board is literally called /VR/

>> No.6182894
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6182902
File: 129 KB, 1500x1050, virtuality-Olin-skeet-shooter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6182909

billowy 90s clothes were so comfy, at least it's sort of coming back now with stretch jeans and sportswear

>> No.6182913

id like to see video of this in action

>> No.6182918

i remember there being setups of them in a few high foot traffic malls

>> No.6183043
