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File: 16 KB, 320x224, 320px-Master_System_3_Tectoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6173559 No.6173559 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Brazil still loves classic sega?

>> No.6173567

Hue here, sort of. Those MS consoles officially licensed are still made here as far as I know, but people don't care about it in 2020.

>> No.6173574

Tectoy has been a joke since the death of the dreamcast and is now just a brazilian AT Games that muricans like to build a fancy mythos around.

>> No.6173775

>Is it true that Brazil still can't afford anything past 3rd gen

>> No.6174047

You're on /vr/. We all love classic sega.

>> No.6174063

Brazilians are so disgusting. Their Portuguese dialect sounds like literal shit spewing from ones mouth.

>> No.6174085

Calma lá, gajo. Seu país é irrelevante.

>> No.6174138

If they still released the classic consoles and carts on a better price, I'd be all over it. Kinda wanna get that classic looking Mega Drive that reads roms at least.

>> No.6174253

Your translation for huenees to english was very well but soul and brain was not found

>> No.6174267

So the Tectoy-made Brazillian Master Systems and Mega Drives don't take actual carts right?

The console is one thing, I can't imagine you can still find carts on a store shelf over there.

>> No.6174280

The ones made today don't take carts, the old ones are literally regular consoles. Tectoy was the official manufacturer and distributor for Sega in Brazil from the MS to the Dreamcast. They started doing these weird licensed bootlegs only after Sega left the hardware market.

>> No.6174289

>So I say stupid stuff, right?

>> No.6174391

About 90% untrue. You've probably heard about how in Hueland the Master System was far more popular than the NES and how the Mega Drive is still being produced and selling 30 years later, but it's more complicated than that. The MS was more popular because it released in the 80s and was produced for many years, while the NES only came out in 93 (same year as the SNES). It's tough to measure something like this, but I'd say the MD was a little less popular than the SNES during the 90s (like most of the world), and only later did Tectoy started making those versions with built-in games, which were popular with poor people who could only afford shitty clone consoles (might as well get something "official").
So no, Sega is not particularly popular in Brazil, not as much as Nintendo, at least, and it annoys me seeing burgers claiming that because they read it on Wikipedia or some shit, but it does make me wonder how often reports are far from the reality of situations...

>> No.6174582
File: 1.32 MB, 1884x2048, sms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brazilian kids nowadays don't even know what a cartridge, it's cheaper to play in a mobile phone than buying any Genesis/Master System rerererelease Tec Toy is shitting nowadays. But funny enough my brother gave me this plug and play SMS yesterday, sound emulation is far from being good but it actually works ok in a crt so I can fix my craving for Alex Kidd with that. thx bro

>> No.6174584

>I can't imagine you can still find carts on a store shelf over there.
Unfortunately, not. Even the new Mega Drive is usually sold online. Closest thing to buying new carts for anything these days is finding famiclone carts on flea markets.

>> No.6174592

Aw how sweet. D-pad looks like a nightmare, though.
>About 90% untrue. You've probably heard about how in Hueland the Master System was far more popular than the NES and how the Mega Drive is still being produced and selling 30 years later
I totally fell for this idea when I learned a little about it, but I think it's because I wanted to. The concept of some kind of Land Time Forgot scenario with videogames is fun and appealing, hence probably it still gets spread around.

>> No.6174598

yeah, d-pad is horrible as you can easily hit the diagonals when trying to go left or right

>> No.6174625

No. It's literal stockholm syndrome cause to get anything more modern costs miles above what the average hue makes due to insane import taxes. Sega managed to get a foothold by licensing their console and games to a Brazilian company to get around it.

>> No.6174650

>anything more modern
a PS2 cost almost the same or even less than those store tectoy consoles, nobody buys this shit.

>> No.6174673

They're still pumping them out, so somebody must be buying them.

>> No.6174678
File: 102 KB, 505x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves sega!

>> No.6174874

>a PS2 cost almost the same or even less
PSX and PS2, and they cost less than a Mega Drive. You also get to buy pirated PS2 discs, which is kind of a big deal.
Master System is cheaper though.

>> No.6175038

I think Brazilians mostly play F2P PC games.

>> No.6175175

Not really, PS1 and PS2 were way more popular here.

>> No.6175236

that's a hasty generalization, Genesis and SMS were madly popular here at their times. Hell, even the NES which took almost a full decade to be officially released was really famous thanks to Dynacom and their famiclones. If you think in 2020 only, then I can give you that and say the PS2 still very popular, but I'm thinking in /vr/ terms

>> No.6176727

>Hell, even the NES which took almost a full decade to be officially released was really famous thanks to Dynacom and their famiclones.
Also, CCE, and I think Gradiente(?) with Phantom System.

>> No.6176753

I find markets like this really cool, as a reminder that games don't actually instantly lose their value in the way that pricing in western markets tends to suggest, even if it's hardly the 'actually kids in 2008 were playing SMS Sonic instead of Call of Duty' people make it out to be.
I think you can blame it on confusion about those plug-and-plays being even a slight market presence, since that's so unusual to a lot of people. Weird projects like the Duke and Mortal Kombat ports probably doesn't help matters.

>> No.6176898

>Is it true that Brazil still loves classic sega?
No. I still love SEGA though.

>> No.6176926

I honestly do, Hokuto no Ken (Black Belt) and the arcade Shinobi port are some of my all time favourites.

>> No.6178048

BR here
Not really.
The whole thing about BR loving sega was because it was more accessible/advertised here. There's no magic behind it.

>> No.6178117

Russia is definitely the country where Genesis was more popular than SNES back in the day, because NES was the first console released here after the fall of USSR and Genesis was the second

>> No.6178305

>The whole thing about BR loving sega was because it was more accessible/advertised here. There's no magic behind it.

TECTOY did a wonderful job in selling and promoting SEGA to the Brazilian public.

>> No.6178321

Is this why all your gurls have dicks?

>> No.6178394

I wish.

>> No.6178868
File: 99 KB, 528x960, 1580055618403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So no, Sega is not particularly popular in Brazil, not as much as Nintendo, at least, and it annoys me seeing burgers claiming that

What a stupid thing to get worked up over.

>> No.6178869
File: 47 KB, 900x669, atma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish every game would restrict Brazilians to their own servers.

>> No.6179184

You're not satisfied with the actual reason they all have dicks?

>> No.6181034

Yeah man, it's not annoying at all having foreigners spreading misinformation about you country
I'd never play a multiplayer game ever again lol

>> No.6181038


>> No.6182012

>6 button master system
>modern sonic decal
How utterly anachronistic.

>> No.6184026

Not true. This place is full of nintendrones who think Sega was a nigger console.

>> No.6184041

I have a Mega SG but I unironically want to get a Megadrive Mini just because it looks cool. I’d never use it but I have the disposable income. In Japan they have a 32X+Sonic & Knuckles fake adapter you can get too.

>> No.6184043
File: 414 KB, 1125x2436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the mini tower

>> No.6184091

No, the majority of people here has moved on from Sega, the only ones that are buying those TecToy abominations are retarded 30 year old normies who just want to remember their childhood

>> No.6184095

Can you buy multiple knuckles carts to continue the tower?

>> No.6184179

aluguel grátis

>> No.6184185

do the plug and plays that they sell now still use orginal hardware or is it all emulation?

>> No.6184193

Who doesn't like classic sega? SNES+Genesis was the best gen for gaming and most games aged quite well.

>> No.6184428
