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File: 233 KB, 1500x1289, 81OLPU-aAML._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6170740 No.6170740 [Reply] [Original]

But at least Squall was never a crossdressing fag.

>> No.6170742

>Squall was never a crossdressing fag

>> No.6170743

Um, hate speech much?

>> No.6171032

on screen anyway

>> No.6171034

Spotted the tranny

>> No.6171742


>> No.6172030

Shiva was my childhood wank of choice in this game.

>> No.6172043

Both of you shut the fuck up, I'm so sick of this, I left /v/ to avoid identity politics BS.

>> No.6172057

We don't do that here.

>> No.6172058

Squall was the original based and red pilled motherfucker

>> No.6172303

best soundtrack

some of the best versions of summons

best bestiary with the least amount of monster recycling where you get the same monsters re-colored again and again

the comfiest JRPG towns

some of the best sidequests such as triple triad

Fuck off.

>> No.6172350

>based and redpilled
>simps for the absolute worst, most insufferable girl in the entire series
Triple Triad is surprisingly good, but the rest of the game isn't.

>> No.6172383

>We don't do that here.
This...so much this.

>> No.6172408
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He passed this up for the girl dumb enough to date Seifer.

>> No.6172452

Yeah, he's just a regular fag instead.
just like OP

>> No.6172454

Seethe and dilate.

>> No.6172580

>Cloud was willing to get FAT BALD UGLY dick up his ass to save Tifa's life
>Squall couldn't even find Rinoa a rope

>> No.6172628
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>> No.6173237
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exquisite taste
i was a Siren guy myself

>> No.6173368

He just wants hotdogs

>> No.6173372
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>> No.6174328
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>> No.6174336

Damn, it is the dream of many a student to fuck the most attractive teacher in the school, and this faggot passes his chance to mull about himself.

>> No.6174825

>Take care of the junior classmen

>> No.6174828

>take care of the junior classmen
The "ice him" of Final Fantasy 8.

>> No.6174898


>> No.6176249

he wears too much fur for a straight guy

>> No.6176532

Worst but also youngest in the crew. He's just finishing what his father started and tapping that Julia genes.

>> No.6176686

Never understood the hate this game gets.

>> No.6177750

Zoomers got memed by some youtuber to hate it a decade ago. Jokes on him though, he's suicidaly depressed, broke as fuck and about to be evicted.

>> No.6177797

Who's the youtuber?

>> No.6177818

I wanna say spoony, but im no youtube expert

>> No.6178060
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Shiva guy also but that is retro-hot.

>> No.6178156
File: 11 KB, 300x395, noahantwiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicidally depressed
>broke as fuck, about to be evicted

Yup, that's Spoony.

>> No.6178158

The junction system is genuinely bad and needlessly grindy. So were many parts of FF8. FF8 also had a fuckton of permamissables. I still liked it a lot but that's just being objective about it.

>> No.6178218

same, I always imagined how it would be to fuck her

>> No.6178405

The GFs are the only ones you can miss, iirc. Junction system breaks the game with no need to grind if you have higher than normal room temperature IQ.

You'd probably lose a few bits due to frost bite.

>> No.6178430

the orphanage plot twist might be the most retarded thing i've seen in a video game

>> No.6178487

Those spacesuits looked so cool, a full on sci-fi space opera FF game would've been perfect for 90s or even early 2000s aesthetics.

>> No.6178520

I think it's the beginning.
VIII's combat has a bit more going on than VII, and unlike VII it's not something you can understand easily by just messing around with the menus or playing the game.
VII really guides you through materia use, but VIII's method of explaining things wasn't as comprehensive.
I remember that there were some computer terminals you had to read through to get a better understanding of the junction system, but most players probably missed those.

>> No.6178523
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>> No.6178631

>You'd probably lose a few bits due to frost bite
don't care, had sex with a beautiful blue alien

>> No.6178642

GFs aren't aliens though, right? Didn't they come originally from Dyne, the OG sorceress? Are they from a different dimension? I thought they were like faeries. Just really old spirits.

>> No.6180045


It's not grindy at all, you don't even need to grind or draw magic in the entire game to trivialize every battle if you refine 3 or 4 cards that are very easy to get.


You can miss some GFs like Tomberry or Cactilion, but you can draw the rest from the bosses in Ultimecia Castle if you did miss them before. There is still a shiton of stuff you can miss but I think you can get it before entering Lunatic Pandora and fighting Adel (point of no return).


Quistis explain everything to you at the beginning of the game, we were just dumb kids that skipped everything, but you can actually understand it very quickly. You just equip magic to stats to raise them instead of equiping armors and accesories. You even have an auto-junction button for the 3 main roles (warrior - sorcerer - tank).

>> No.6180087

>You can miss some GFs like Tomberry or Cactilion
You can get both in the last disc, just go to one of the Chocobo forests through the portals, travel with the Chocobo where the Ragnarok is and with that you can both go to the Cactuar island and the Centra ruins.

>> No.6180089

>You just equip magic to stats to raise them instead of equipping armors and accessories.
When you put it that way FFVIII's system makes a lot more sense.

>> No.6180105

>There is still a shiton of stuff you can miss but I think you can get it before entering Lunatic Pandora and fighting Adel
Like? I always thought the point of no return was the orphanage in the compressed time. You can even still travel at disc 4 and challenge the card queen. Oh shit, yeah the card chucklefucks that populate Ragnarok if you defeat them. I remembering having 100 Holy War because I kept refining Gilgamesh over and over and just getting a new copy of him through one of the SeeDs in Ragnarok.

>> No.6180114

>but VIII's method of explaining things wasn't as comprehensive
Lad, the fucking tutorials of this game went on and on. What are you talking about?

>> No.6180386


Kek I thought Centra would be "closed" like the rest of towns and Cactilion wouldn't appear.


Yeah. Just delete Elem-Attack from all your GFs so auto-junctioning doesn't fuck with you and you're good.


Do they appear if you haven't completed the card gang sidequest before?

>> No.6180401

>Yeah. Just delete Elem-Attack from all your GFs so auto-junctioning doesn't fuck with you and you're good.
You've been playing this game wrong.

>> No.6180754

>Do they appear
I don't think so.

I think he's trolling but I used to do a Perma-GF run where each character gets their own GFs and autistically build them and I'd delete some redundant skills often.

>> No.6180781

It was pretty hated before that my man

>> No.6180791

FF8 has been extremely popular since its release, it being the worst FF is largely a meme in the English-speaking Internet communities, although I don't know what caused it.

>> No.6181075

Cloud had sex at the end of Final Fantasy 7, with a big breasted white woman. He's not a fag.

>> No.6181082

Yeah the consensus among people I knew who played the game when it came out was that 8 was one of the best while most of them hated 7.

>> No.6181412

I think it's unrealistic to think that Squall wasn't ever going to be able to tap Rinoa considering how much of a slut she was.

>> No.6181415

But at least FF7 is a good game.

>> No.6182009


Not trolling, I just hate everytime I auto-junction I have to manually correct the elem-Attack junction cause the game just choose the one that gives more % of that element, even if that means if you encounter a fire enemy for example, there is a chance you'd heal it out of the blue. Status-attack on the other hand is super useful.

>> No.6183550

I remember playing the game while drinking and coming across the train sequence. Laughed my ass off, this game is so bad.

All I ever did was GF attack for every single enemy and boss in the game, Those painful 30 seconds just crawled

>> No.6183883

Zidane is the most based and redpilled. He knew nothing about his past but instead of being a sad sack of shit like Cloud or Squall he fucked his way around Lindblum. What a lad.

>> No.6183886

It's not just the card game and you have to play the shit main game to advance the actual fun part.

>> No.6183890

>The GFs are the only ones you can miss, iirc
Did you have a pocket station? If not you missed a whole bunch of shit.

>> No.6183970

I tried speedrunning this and got 15hrs. Not even close to the leader boards. The annoying part is Disk 3 which is like an hour and a half of cutscenes.
I mean, when you're speedrunning the whole thing feels like one long cutscene and you're just moving the character from screen to screen. But disk 3 cutscenes are more body animations to play out and pauses for dramatic effect.

>> No.6183987

Because after the Sorceress War everyone was an orphan. The white SeeDs that take Ellone were also raised by Edea. Being nameless NPCs doesn't change that fact that Squall and company could have had basketball court moment with most of Balamb Garden.

>> No.6183991

Everything is absolutely terrible about it except for music and graphics. The characters are insufferable, gameplay is too easy to mean anything, the story seems dumb until you understand what's going on and then it's so bad it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.6183993

I understand that you're too young to have been around when the game came out, but everyone hated it on release and the press shat on it unceasingly too. Even my local Playstation Magazine gave it like a 8.0 which is almost as low as they'd ever go.

>> No.6184275

It wasn't VII.

>> No.6184287

I will never understand why would anyone try to speedrun a fucking final fantasy game to begin with.

>> No.6184330

fuck off nigger kike tranny fuck. 41% 41% 41%

>> No.6184352


Lol no, everybody was impressed and obsessed with it at the time.

>> No.6184376

>a whole bunch of shit
You only miss out on MiniMog. You can acquire Moomba item in other ways. I know because I didn't have one and I had a couple of that silly Moomba summon item. Also, modern version have the pocketstation game built-in.

>> No.6184398

I played this at release and everyone with a ps1 in my school loved the game. It's half the reason why my playthrough was almost 100% (but at 900 hours). We were sharing how to do stuff with the underclassmen all the time. Pre-schoolers were doing GF attacks in the damn hallway. I don't know about the rest of the world, but as far as I'm concerned it was well-loved.

>> No.6184441

Worth it.

>> No.6184576
File: 157 KB, 300x246, José Rabadán Squall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It inspired some parricide in Spain

>> No.6184602

he cute

>> No.6184628
File: 87 KB, 992x558, The best looking guy here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


best lookin' guy here desu

>> No.6184629


Yeah, I played a hacked version where you can get those PocketStation related items and it was not even worth it

>> No.6184950

>the story of Jose Rabadan, who murdered his parents and sister. He is rehabilitated now, and is a member of an evangelical church. “Showing that there is hope is part of the reintegration”. Today, at the age of 34, he is married, the father of a girl, a broker in the Stock Exchange and a member of an evangelical church.

>> No.6184959

grrr i am very upset at this not at all completely obvious 2013 tumblr baitpost reee tranny something something

>> No.6185042

See I don't neccesarily disagree. The junction system is easy manipulate and if you're the type to enjoy replays, it can be fun to play around with.

If one is looking for a perfectly balanced system however...

>> No.6185049

Seems like you hanged arround with a bunch of shit taste contrarians.

>> No.6185123


The consensus in my country was that VII and VIII were fantastic

and that IX didn't existed. I love it tho

>> No.6185261

Just because your sibling is mentally retarded, or grandparents have dementia, doesn't means you should neglect them. You play cards with them because you love them.

>> No.6185274
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>> No.6185291

You can skip them if you open your PS1's disc lid.

>> No.6185371

You're thinking of FMVs

>> No.6185423

Oh, he meant the talky bits?

>> No.6185821

I wanna replay final fantsy 7 8 or 9 but i cant decide which one. Please help me out anons and tell me which one and why

>> No.6185854

Yes. Those scenes that cut away from gameplay. Cutscenes.

>> No.6186364

>murdered his parents and sister
>Today, at the age of 34, he is married, the father of a girl, a broker in the Stock Exchange and a member of an evangelical church.

>> No.6186371

Name a FF with better summons than FF8. I'll wait.

>> No.6186416


They are so different that it doesn't matter wich order you choose, so pick whatever you feel like to play right now (or the one you remember the less).

A good choice could be starting with IX (the most classic) and finishing with VIII (the craziest).

>> No.6186419


There isn't a single game in the world with better summons. The only game I can think that comes close is Golden Sun 2 and that game seems so inspired by FF VIII to me in many aspects.

>> No.6186508

Better in what way? Cinematics? The ability mechanics? Or aesthetic?

>> No.6186990


>> No.6188241
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>> No.6188275

But I think FF8 popularized Carbuncle. And Diabolos. and Odin.
FF9 did Alexander and Atomos.

Ifrit and Shiva are staples of the franchise but they're not used as dramatic characters. They're like glorified Fire & Ice spells.

Ifrit, Diablos, Odin, Bahamut, and Gilgamesh have minor speaking roles in FF8. Tiamat's scan description says it's a G.F. too.
But I wish they had more to say. If G.F.s cause memory loss, what do the G.F.s have to say about that? What do they think of Sorceresses? How does Time Compression effect them?

>> No.6188298

The summons in FF8 are pretty useless, I only ever use Cerberus for free Triple spells, and Shiva at the very beginning of the game.

>> No.6188837

Can't disagree with that, despite my hate for FF VIII.

>> No.6188983
File: 970 KB, 1364x952, Tomb_of_the_Unknown_King_from_FFVIII_Remastered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the Brother's G.F.

I always wondered. Did we do the right thing?

>> No.6188987

quality troll post. But you're still a fucking nigger faggot

>> No.6188995
File: 111 KB, 640x480, 39-FFVIII_16750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never noticed the ghost was in armor. Was he the real sorceress' knight that Laguna played in that movie?

Wait. The guy guarding the Caraway Mansion said the Gunblade near the entrance belonged to a student. Could it have been...

>> No.6188996
File: 18 KB, 210x240, ultimecia-dissidia-final-fantasy-9.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent played the game in years but did they ever explain why Ultimecia was such a raging cunt in the first place? She not get hugged enough as a child?

>> No.6189004

They literally never did. This game has one of the most retarded story ever made.

>> No.6189007

Imagine unironically not wanting to fuck your wife while wearing panties

>> No.6189140

Jesus what a pile of fucking garbage. I will never play the remastered version.

Why do you do that to yourself?

>> No.6189172

Considering they have such an important role in the story and gameplay they have very little to say. Just another gripe to add to the list of why the story is bad.

>> No.6189190

They literally explained it retard.

She was persecuted because she was a witch and it fucked with her head.

>> No.6189194

That's not an explanation. That's a cop-out.

>> No.6189221
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>Why are evil people evil?

>> No.6189263

I actually like that explanation. Also witch huntings were of course an actual thing in real life.

>> No.6189280
File: 28 KB, 480x480, NORG_FFVIII_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Raine. She became a sorceress. Dropped Squall and Ellone off at Edea's. But Edea's White SEEDs attacked her, and she time traveled to the future with the castle ground near the Orphanage.


>On the world map near the orphanage, Squall observes that there used to be something there.

>Laguna, Dr.Odine, and Edea know that Ultimecia is in the future. And that she wants to Compress time. Because there is a version of her in the past.

>When you travel to Ultimecia's Castle, you see a glimpse of the white SEEDS from the past when Ultimecia first traveled to the future.

>As time decompresses, Squall and Ultimecia end up at the orphanage. For Ultimecia to be there means she was there before.

>In the final cutscene, Raine's grave has no dates.
>It's engaved in english, and barely readable even in the HD remaster but beneath her name looks like "MOKG - MOLY"
Possibly meant to romanize as Noki Mori, like her name wasn't Raine it was Rim, as in rain gutter.
Or it was trying to say NORG was her father. Connecting how Laguna transfered from the Shumi Village to Windhill under Raine's care. Why NORG funded the Gardens. and how Squall ended up with the "Leonhart" name. Moomba's are one of the Shumi's possible "transformations"
Just conjecture, Norg's Leviathan G.F. could also be connected to the Rain-Mori-water name scheme.
Windhill is protect by Balamb Drop-outs hired by a secret benefactor - Most people assume this is Laguna. But it could also be NORG. Mori from Bombyx Mori the scientific name of a silk worm. - If you've ever wondered what other creature the Shumi could transform into - they're very fuzzy and come out of round cocoons like Norg's. Windhill is full of flowers, the monsters are Bug bites and Caterpillars. And of course Norg thinks Garden and SeeD are his.
I can't help but think they were channeling "lunar moths" and carried that motif over to FF13. Where the moon was Cocoon. But I digress.

>> No.6189282
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>> No.6189287

holy shit you are autistic

>> No.6189298
File: 134 KB, 1330x698, EEPoy8vU4AIhbJa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a Butterfly beats it's wings in Trabia it creates a Squall in Galbadia.
Isn't that how the saying goes?

>> No.6189320
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Shumi is spelled in Japanese translates to Chemise, a silk garment like what Rinoa wears.

>> No.6189442
File: 100 KB, 750x1600, ff8-ellone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got Elnoyle and Elvoret
from "aile noire" "aile violette" aka Black and Purple Wings

So Linen wings would be Ellone. Who carries a shawl. Like the tennyo use to fly in Japanese folklore. Equivalent to Swan Maidens aka Loons. But these come down from the moon and then firshmen steal their shawl so they can't fly away.

Why did Dr. Odine keep little Ellone at Lunatic Pandora? Coincidence or dropped plot line?

>> No.6189457

That's some sick stream of consciousness nonsense, holy shit. Good to know your brain is still capable of pattern-finding even where there are none, but don't ascribe any of that to the actual game. FFVIII is a wasteland in terms of meaning. Rather than having hidden meanings, it's painfully obvious and insultingly blatant with all of its themes and subplots. If the script doesn't say it a million times in circular dialogue, it's not there.

>> No.6189846

I really, really advise that schizo anon to take his meds.

Altough I also kind of envy him for this creativity. He could literally play pacman and think it is a deep work full of philosophy.

>> No.6189914

One thing that always bothered me was the timeline of Laguna's adventures. He gets injured in the second dream sequence which takes place at the Lunatic Pandora excavation site, then somehow floats across the ocean and is nursed back to health in Winhill. I always assumed the excavation site is the big meteorite crater near Trabia. Kiros calls the event their "grand escape from Centra" though.

Fast forward a while and Laguna gets badly injured again during his rescue mission and gets treated in Shumi Village. How did he get injured that time? The Ruby Dragon sequence would fit, but then where did Kiros and Ward go while he was laying around playing with moombas?

Although when did he leave the army? He wasn't still enlisted when he was practically dead in Winhill, right?

>> No.6189916

>Why did Dr. Odine keep little Ellone at Lunatic Pandora?
Ellone was kept at his lab in the city. Lunatic Pandora was at the research facility which is way far away.

>> No.6190824


>> No.6190874

Why are 8tards so bitter and insecure?

>> No.6190885

Gameplay is sorta dumb
Characters are VERY bad and forgettable outside of Squall and Rinoa.
Story is a fucking mess and filled with a bunch of dumb shit.

It's not really that complex. It has some neat stuff but the people who think it's not the worst of the ps1 era are retarded / have shit taste.

>> No.6190910

This game isnt even close to the worst. You must haven't played many ps1 games

>> No.6190920

I meant of the FF games aka 7-9

>> No.6190923

>worst of the ps1 era
The story of FF7 is dumber than 8 and the only good characters are the side characters. The gameplay is basically non-existent due to the enemies being very weak, it's literally press X to win, at least FF8 is somewhat challenging the first time you play it as long as you're not using guides, and the minigame is actually fun.

>> No.6190926

Pretty much all of this is wrong but I don't feel like debating you since every FF8 retard I've ever talked to are delusional as fuck. So all I'll say is nah.

>> No.6190939

Oh okay, that makes a little more sense

>> No.6190942

I dunno, I think 7, 8. and 9 were all good but for different reasons.

>> No.6191007
File: 19 KB, 350x448, vrefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both of you shut the fuck up, I'm so sick of this, I left /v/ to avoid identity politics BS.

>> No.6191593

Playing Final Fantasy 1 on NES, am I going to run into trouble if I grind early? I'd love to grind and just blast through everything

>> No.6191596

How were sidequests in this? I completed it like, 15 years ago, but I don't think I really did any side stuff. Been considering picking up the remaster for PS4 lately.

>> No.6191598

Squall only started caring for Rinoa romantically after he suffered from the existential crisis. I give their relationship six months.

>> No.6191605

Grind for the Marsh cave and buy lots of antidotes and potions for the long road once inside.

>> No.6191687

Ff8 has some crazy challenges. I know a girl who put tons of hours trying to beat bosses with all sorts of low level limitations.

>> No.6191690

Gameplay is fine, just a bit unusual.
Characters are standard.

And who plays rpgs for story? Most stories are forgettable what matters is set pieces, plot twists and cool boss encounters.

>> No.6191702


>> No.6191823
File: 53 KB, 1200x511, Dlw138OWsAU1rNc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Timber Maniacs and Selphie's Sir Laguna's Page represent the chronology of his adventures I think.

He starts in Timber as a solider. The orders he receives when with Julia to go to Centra. This is where the Crystal Pillar is being excavated. They started in a forest, exist at the sea. They sail north to Winhil. Laguna stays for a while.

After shooting the movie with the Ruby Dragon, the see Esthar Testing the now complete Lunatic Pandora, Creating the Tribia Crater.

The fuzzy part is at what point does Ellone get capture by Esthar?
And what part of history did Ellone think she could change?
If you really read into things, one of the first things she tries is get Laguna to stay with Julia so he'd never meet her or Raine and Squall would never have been born. Uh- what?

>> No.6191824
File: 168 KB, 915x505, Excavation to Winhill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6191980

when will he hook up with Nomura-san? he's literally his idol

>> No.6191986

irony, one of the Takahashi brothers were ex-DQ developers

>> No.6192035

>After shooting the movie with the Ruby Dragon, the see Esthar Testing the now complete Lunatic Pandora, Creating the Tribia Crater.

Makes sense. I always forget exactly where the crater is in relation to the dragon place. I know you can enter it later but not get through it, and Laguna didn't get through it either. I just assumed Lunatic Pandora was sat outside the research facility on the Esthar side of the mountain range.

My understanding of the Ellone saga:
>Ellone lives in Winhill with her parents
>Esthar finds out about her abilities "somehow"
>maybe Ultemecia is involved at this point, maybe not
>Esthar soldiers try to kidnap Ellone and end up killing her parents
>somehow she stays or ends up back in Winhill
>Laguna arrives
>Laguna disappears for a while
>Esthar soldiers manage to kidnap Ellone when he isn't there
>Laguna leaves Winhill to rescue Ellone
>Raine tries to find Laguna and dies

Ellone said she wanted to make Laguna stay with Raine instead. Think it's mentioned just after the dream sequence the start of disc3. That might be the dragon one again, in fact.

I need to play the game again and collect all those damn magazines.

>> No.6194086
File: 50 KB, 600x697, Tifa_pic195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no girl in FF8 compares to Tifa? Where did it go so wrong?

>> No.6194115
File: 43 KB, 200x319, Untitled (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was legitimately one of the most moving things I've ever seen, it made such an impression on me as a kid. I barely felt a thing playing FF7 meanwhile. It's insane to me that people even compare them, you can tell Square learned so much making 7 and 8 is the fruit of their labor, it's so much more polished, the characters are actual characters.

>> No.6194121

>This was legitimately one of the most moving things I've ever seen, it made such an impression on me as a kid. I barely felt a thing playing FF7 meanwhile

>> No.6194718

>jumping into black void of space to rescue the woman you love against all reason and odds for little more than so you can die together
>dude I'm crazy lmao, stop enabling me bigtits
>dude nvm I'm not crazy lmao, keep enabling me bigtits

>> No.6194727

I like your totally unbiased and mature interpretation of FF7.

>> No.6194741

Just because it is hyperbolic doesn't mean it isn't true.

>> No.6194807

okay try that again but without the retardation

>> No.6195003

ff8 was a flop then and still is a flop

>> No.6195023

>no equipment to wear
>one or two weapons are worth getting and the rest is useless
>using GFs is waste of time
>using spells is waste of time
>even normally attacking is waste of time
>because you can just spam limits endlessly
>monster/boss hp and stats scale with your levels and they always getting bigger boosts per level up so with each level up, you're actually actually weaker
>yeah but triple triad is kinda fun

i finished the game sometime back for the first time ever and i'm glad i did because it wasn't all that bad but it's still the worst ff game i've played with all that retarded shit

>> No.6195050

>profit is a measure of quality
imagine being this retarded
doubly so considering FF8 was a massive success

>> No.6195052

>so with each level up, you're actually actually weaker
...and idiot identified. Great, now I can discard the entirety of your post. Phew, that was a close one.

>> No.6195059

Sounds like you just don't like JRPGs, half of that list is true of just about every FF game, and the other half is plain false. Were you one of those people who actually spent 10 minutes watching your Bahamaut summons in FF7 when just attacking did more damage and took less time or something?

>> No.6195112


>> No.6195132


i mean i've only played FF games and the junction/scaling enemies in VIII just wasn't that fun or interesting

and in VII the best fun i had was was doing challenge runs like LLNM and LLNMIENA

>> No.6196710

Pretty sure circumstances of Raines death were
>Laguna saves Ellone sends her back to winhill
>Raine dies during childbirth
>Ellone and Squall are sent to Edea's orphanage

>> No.6197517

If Raine died giving birth, does that mean Edea breastfed baby Squall, or did Robin Williams pull a Family Guy?

>> No.6198272 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6198481

VIII is to wine as VII is to grape juice. People drink both, but for different reasons.

>> No.6198486

maybe he's just not into blondes

>> No.6198932

Viii confirmed for giving you fetal alcohol syndrome and killing your liver.

>> No.6199235

>one of the first things she tries is get Laguna to stay with Julia
Did she, really? They're all just seemed to be along for the ride. Ellone wasn't a master time traveler yet. She's throwing them back with barely any control. The thing is, she couldn't change the past if she tried because it's her shenanigans that gave Laguna the GF powers that catapulted him to his adventures to begin with.

>> No.6199238

Zell is best girl.

>> No.6199240

It sold millions. What are you on about?

>> No.6199339

That's not enough, it's the most hated ff ever

>> No.6199360

This zoomer meme won't catch on to people who actually played the game.

>> No.6201557

He has abandonment issues retard.
No way he is going to get attached to a girl (which happens during sex, whether you like it or not) only to get abandoned again.

>> No.6202046

fuck off spoony

>> No.6202095

Squall is based of Gackt, and Rinoa and Quistis look like Mana from Malice Mizer have fun.

>> No.6202103

Fruity very fruity. Taste the rainbow.

>> No.6202396


>> No.6203050
File: 162 KB, 480x720, prez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pretty much confirms the circumstances of Raine's death.

I don't remember seeing it this playthrough, but I'm like 90% sure there's a line from Ellone somewhere that goes something like "Raine wanted to show Laguna her new baby".

I probably skipped it blindly, but whatever.

>> No.6203632


>> No.6203774

most people had FF7 as their first FF. so they went mad when FF8 wasnt FF7-2

>> No.6204474

kind of a non sequitur. You just needed to call someone a retard.

>> No.6204479


Gameplay? Honestly I thought it was fine but the devs rushed this game out because everyone was still on the FF7 hype train and as a result the system isn't as polished as it should be. I mean, technically, non of the FF games are but you could really crack this one wide open, which certainly didn't help.

But mostly, the plot is to blame.

The Dollet raid sequence was great, but FF8 does NOT know how to tell its own fucking story and this is quickly apparent. Here's a free bit of advice: If you're going to have Seifer, Squall and Rinoa be in a love triangle, you know what you do? You have them in the same fucking room at least ONCE and create some fucking conflict over it. Seifer himself is just a fucking mess of the game telling you things that don't hold up upon scrutiny. What the fuck kind of school makes a loose cannon jackass who assaults other students and never obeys orders a disciplinarian?

And that's barely just scratching the surface; the devs purposely hid most of the world setting information in the game so you had to go out and find it. Which certainly works within the context of uncovering stuff about Laguna's adventures, but there should have been alot more forthcoming info regarding the main story: about how/why the Moon barfs monsters onto the world's surface and why the Sorceresses are such a bad thing, where Ellone's powers come from, the time compression stuff is just tossed in, etc. etc.. Dumb as shit plot twists like Edea's whole deal and GFs cause memory loss with no follow up questions/revelations about how this is totally a great way to indoctrinate child soldiers or have more than a couple lines of the PCs getting over it. The convoluted plot progression even gets you shit to where people can find compelling theories like like Squall is dead or Rinoa is Ultemecia within what's present in the game and the devs get mad over it.

Also, Squall and his dad are the only two memorable characters.