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File: 425 KB, 852x767, ff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6165457 No.6165457 [Reply] [Original]

I give up. Fuck this game.

>normally have to fight 5 of these godforsaken things at a time
>they ambush and cast Fira over and over, crippling or even killing your whole fucking party before you have a chance to cast NulFire
>can't cast Life in battle because lmao git gud fag
>Phoenix Downs? What are those?
>no elemental weaknesses so magic is a waste
>just killing one with physicals takes an entire turn with your physical fighters
>...even though you're level goddamned 19 and have zero issues dealing with any other mobs
>oh boy guess I have to go grind for hours and hours again. I might even earn enough money to buy ONE spell!

You people like to shit on the GBA and PSP versions for "dumbing down the difficulty". But this game simply isn't fucking tolerable otherwise. I would much rather play the cakewalk that is the later variants instead of this unfair abomination. This should never, ever, EVER gotten past playtesting.

>> No.6165462

You sound like a bitch.

>> No.6165465

This is a turn-based RPG designed for literal children.
Unironically get good.

>> No.6165475


I've finished this game a number of times, both as a child and as an adult. I don't have ANY strong memory of those monsters. I mean I recognize them of course, I'm sure I've killed loads of them, but I don't remember them doing anything special.

What I'm saying is that either you suck, or the hacked version you're playing has somehow improved those monsters disproportionately.

>zero issues dealing with any other mobs

There's a reason you have zero issues dealing with mobs: This game does not feature any mobs. The enemies in it all either lack defined locations or are permanently confined to their locations. Thus they are not mobile. Thus they are not mobs.

Maybe you should go back to WoW or wherever else you learned that crap?


A person of culture calls this AFIR, anon. AFIR. Take this opportunity to learn from your betters.

>> No.6165481

>reddit spacing

Both you and OP need to kill yourselves.

>> No.6165487


Correct spacing is correct spacing. It existed before Reddit and will outlive Reddit.

>> No.6165489

>grinding for hours
I take it you never found the peninsula of power, or the ice cave. Protip if the game seems abnormally hard it probably means your bad

>> No.6165509
File: 24 KB, 435x326, 1526566766803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am playing with a patch that fixes all the bugs, and a patch that retranslates the script. That's it. No balance changes, nothing. It's entirely possible you may have only encountered them in groups of 1 or 2 (as this longplay I looked up did) which when it happens makes them fairly tolerable but for me, it's more likely that I get 5 or at least 3. And when ALL of them decide to cast Fira at the same time, I may as well reset my fucking game, because there's absolutely no fucking way I'm bouncing back from that.

>This game does not feature any mobs.
Semantics. You know what I mean. You sound like the kind of jackass who gets upset at apps being called "apps" and not "programs".

As someone who's actually played the game, I can tell you the peninsula of power stops being worth the effort at about level 12. I've never heard of a leveling trick for the ice cave, though.

>> No.6165515

>I am playing with a patch that fixes all the bugs
And you're still complaining? I bet your mod even stops you from targeting dispatched enemies

>> No.6165516

No, because that's not a bug, you retard. I'm actually completely fine with that.

>> No.6165519

>Calling me a retard
>Can't even beat FF1
Glass houses, anon.

>> No.6165748
File: 739 B, 90x96, fuck this piece of shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad, don't ever play the Famicom version of Final Fantasy II. The enemies in the final dungeon are absolute AIDS in every way imaginable. You like enemies that instantly kill you on every single basic attack? Enemies that place a dozen status effects on you and chain confuse you, forcing you to reset the game and start the entire dungeon over? Enemies that are literally impossible to run from? Makes anything from Final Fantasy 1 look like a joke.

>> No.6165836

Not every enemy encounter in FF1 is worth fighting. Making good use of the run command is important if you intend to beat the game without grinding. Yes, sometimes you'll get mangled by ambushes before you can do anything, but you'll have more resources/HP available and be more likely to survive if you pick your battles in the tougher dungeons.

They are actually very strong enemies, but it sounds like OP has had some bad luck with them. They don't appear in such large numbers all that frequently, and they don't have an especially high chance of using fire 2, which is their most dangerous attack by far.

>> No.6165837

>actually getting hit in FF2 at all
serves you right for ignoring evasion

>> No.6165851

retarded fag

>> No.6165998

>paragraphs are ‘Reddit’
You need to actually kill yourself you illiterate fuck

>> No.6166043

git gud, if you can't beat ff1, you're a scrub. that's especially the case when you're using a decent party like in OPs pic; in fact that's one of the better combos which I used to beat the game.

>> No.6166056

Final Fantasy just isn't good.
>it's designed for literal children!
So are kids' toys, which doesn't mean they are fun.

I recommend you either play the PS1 release which added some quality of life improvements when it comes to the UI (gameplay modifications are entirely optional), or the GBA/PSP remakes instead.

Also don't listen to people claiming you suck: the Red Gargoyles are literally broken, and so are the many monsters being able to OHKO your party members or stunlock you to death in the Ice Cave. People of course will say "git gud", when what you actually need is to "git patient", and you don't play videogames to be patient, you play them to have fun.

>> No.6166156

This was before save states and more recent RPGs. People were patient and appreciative back then. They sat down, and stabbed away at the game until they made progress in it. It's supposed to be an arduous, long, quest in a vast world that you can't beat in one or two sittings. If you find yourself unable to proceed in a dungeon because of constant enemy attacks like the kind you mention, you can always wander around the overworld, battle different foes, try things out.

>oh boy guess I have to go grind for hours and hours again. I might even earn enough money to buy ONE spell!

That was fun, back in the day, because again, there's an overworld to explore. Now we're so cynical, we have guides, maps, and more recent RPGs, we realize nothing is really happening in the overworld and towns, and Final Fantasy 1 in particular as a console RPG was very linear compared to the likes of Ultima, but again, back then people used their imagination more. The concept of grinding by walking back and forth in place, while certainly something people did, did not exist in the same way. What I mean is people didn't think of grinding as so tedious, but that naturally, as they wandered around the world if they were stuck, they would get into fights, gain EXP, levels, and gil to help them progress.

>> No.6166172

plebeian post

patrician post

>> No.6166450

git gud, anon, Mt. Gulg is probably the easiest dungeon in the game. Ice Cave is the hardest.

You shouldn't be having any trouble with Mt. Gulg if your party is level 19, what gear do you have?

>> No.6166460

Exactly this, the final dungeon and its bosses including Mateus is an evasion check. Did you spend the game dual-wielding? SUCKS TO BE YOU!

>> No.6166631

Go change your job. get the rat tail and talk to bahumut.

Unless you don't have the airship, then you have to go to the ice cave and find the Levistone. at your level it should be no problem.

But seriously unless you are doing some crazy challenge, changing your job should be a huge help.

>> No.6166658

Git gud zoomer

>> No.6166974

Is the default party (Warrior, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage) solid? Should I swap Black Mage out for Red for a first time run?

>> No.6166990

Not OP, I have beat FF1 but do not enjoy it much whereas FF2 is one of my favorites. The difference is that the amount of difficulty you have to deal with in a given fight rewards you more in 2 than 1. 2NES can still feel grindy at times, but every action you take is important and that makes it far more interesting overall.

FF1 is basically a game that let's you choose the difficulty in the party selection screen and then has you deal with that for your whole run. FF2 forces you to pay more attention but gives you more freedom but that also means you have to be more attentive.

>> No.6166992

Yeah someone who has trouble with that party seriously sucks at games.

>> No.6166994

Thief sucks, is bugged.
Fighter is easiest to play, but don't try to take 4 or you'll be gimped by the lack of 4 sets of superb gear (Dawn of Souls changes the calculations). Black Belt is squishier but a bit better offensively. High-level black magic is less game-changing than high-level white.
Something like Fighter/Fighter/Red/White will make the game pretty easy for you.

>> No.6167001

There is much truth in this. Games were significantly different when it wasn't assumed the player would just look up what to do. It used to be that discovering how a game worked as you played it was the core experience.

>> No.6167003

This basically. I find fighter, black belt, red, white is the most efficient

>> No.6167008

Close, marsh cave is the hardest.

>> No.6167012

>got told to git gud by princess kneesocks of all people

damn OP I bet your cheeks are burning right now

>> No.6167013 [DELETED] 

Not this fucking tripfag tranny again

>> No.6167047 [DELETED] 

>complains about reddit spacing
>reddit spaces himself

I hope you enjoy sucking salty cock.

I hope you get even more triggered.
EDIT: Wow! Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.6167074

There's also that the need for grinding in FF1 is vastly overstated and that classic jRPGs are best enjoyed by pushing the envelope using as many resources as available until you get stuck. People sit on tons of accumulated gold and fail to backtrack for newly unlocked items (like the Silver Key doors in FF1) and then get stuck wiping in dungeons, so they grind instead. But you don't need to.

>> No.6167092

OP is 100% correct and the rest of this thread is a travesty of tryhards

>> No.6167270

>>no elemental weaknesses so magic is a waste
Magic still hits every target, two blasts of a decent spell will kill just about anything. You're a fool if you think weaknesses would be what makes it worth using. You're merely an utter softcock who can't be arsed figuring out the most basic of strategies and that is the root of your problems.

>> No.6167758
File: 35 KB, 469x474, 1580280188015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the ps1 version

>> No.6167783

I am currently playing a game with fighter fighter thief red just so I can have two people who can cast fast. Hopefully it's fun after promotion.

>> No.6167795

>calls it Reddit spacing
>responds with Reddit spacing

See dat? Watch dis, mah s0n.

Woah. Double Reddit.
Fucking Triple Reddit.