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6165227 No.6165227 [Reply] [Original]

Which version do you prefer, and why? I've never played the Saturn version but based entirely on looks and sound I think I prefer the Genesis one, I love Jacques' work (especially in Sonic R) but overall the Genesis version isn't washed out and "realistic" like the Saturn one and I like Senoue's soundtrack a little bit more

>> No.6165551

Genesis with the director's cut patch, it has various bug fixes, new content and other stuff left in by the original developer
But overall DX>>Saturn>>Vanilla

>> No.6165707

Saturn has the best special stages.

>> No.6165821

The Saturn version (in terms of the main levels) is a 1:1 conversion of the Mega Drive/Genesis version. In one of the Gamehut videos, Jon says that the team responsible for the Saturn port literally made a program(I think that's the term anyway) that would turn the Motorola 68k code into C, and then they compiled that. All the special effects on the Saturn were added on top.
So in terms of gameplay, they mostly play the game. Saturn has different special stages and music, and of course uses more colour.
Honestly it doesn't make a huge difference

>> No.6165864

Having never played the Saturn version, I really don't mind the Genesis special stages. They're piss-easy which is nice because I've never been huge on Sonic special stages to begin with. They're usually a bit of a chore considering they take you away from the main game and feature gameplay that's almost always less fun. The only games I ever bother with them in upon replaying are S3&K, Knuckles Chaotix, and 3D Blast since you need them to get to the final boss in each one. Blue Sphere is fine if a little tedious to seek out 14 whole special stage rings, Chaotix has one of the least fun special stages in the series, and 3D Blast requires almost no effort to win so I don't really mind sitting through them. Sonic 1 offers almost literally no reward, and I don't really care to be Super Sonic in Sonic 2. CD has other ways to get the good ending that I find to make the game a much more interesting experience.

>> No.6165926

saturn with genesis music

>> No.6166046

You should at least try them.
At the time saturn special stage was pretty cool to look at, featuring for the first time the 3d models for Sonic and Tails used in Jam.

>> No.6166070

Yeah, I plan on it eventually. I feel like the game gets a lot more hate than it deserves. I've got the PC version on disc, but my computer doesn't have a disc drive and I wanna wait to get the Saturn version with its effects that the PC lacks and play it on the actual console.

>> No.6166128

Saturn, including the music. I like the Mega Drive OST but the Saturn one is really good, reminds me of the Sonic CD J/E OST.

>> No.6166272

Neither. Sonic 3D Blast was the worst Sonic game ever made(during the retro era of video games anyways).

>> No.6166326

saturm looks like shit

>> No.6166331

I remember playing it a bit at a game store, and it was definitely then that I felt I was done with Sonic.
I'm sure there's a group of people who like isometric games, but I was sick of them (didn't like stuff like Cool Spot goest to hollywood either), Sonic 3D Blast was just everything I didn't want from a Sonic game.
I'm sure it has redeming qualities and I know it has good music , but yeah back in retro times I was like "no thanks"

>> No.6166338

Same. Sonic was my jam and I said no thanks to that 3d shit

>> No.6166343
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>> No.6166423

I prefer not playing this awful game

>> No.6167207

I would prefer to not play the game, but instead listen to both sides' amazing OST.
The Saturn version has no business being that fucking amazing in terms of its OST.

>> No.6167269

>worst Sonic game ever made
Nah. Even if we're keeping it pre-Adventure, Sonic Labyrinth exists. So does Sonic Blast, the GG/MS game. Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic R, and Tails Skypatrol aren't too great either, even if I do personally enjoy Chaotix and R.

>> No.6167548

I don't count Game Gear or Master System Sonic games.

>> No.6167718 [DELETED] 

Sonic R and Knuckles Chaotix aren't Master System or Game Gear regardless.

>> No.6167725

Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic R aren't Master System or Game Gear games.

>> No.6167728

Genesis because I haven't played the Saturn version, and from what I've heard the Saturn OST pales in comparison to the Genesis OST. This is a really controversial stance but I think Genesis 3D Blast has the best OST of any Sonic game on the console. I said it.

>> No.6167760

soul vs soulless

>> No.6167772

That's too bad. Sonic 1 Master System is better than any of the Megadrive games.

>> No.6168412

Sonic R isn't a bad game. Knuckles Chaotix isn't bad, but not good either.

I disagree. I love the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive versions over 8 bit Sonic(MS/GG).

>> No.6168472

Saturn special stages are cooler and the visuals are nicer, but the Mega Drive version soundtrack is much better overall. I prefer the 16-bit version, though I have both.

>> No.6168478

>Sonic 3D Blast was the worst Sonic game ever made(during the retro era of video games anyways).
Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic R are way, way worse.

>> No.6168491


>> No.6168514

>Sonic CD is worse
pleb filtered

>> No.6168531

Hating on 3D Blast is brainlet tier, like quitting RE because you can't comprehend that up is forward. CD is just bad level design.

>> No.6168537

I only ever had the genesis game as a kid, I didn't have a saturn and didn't even know a saturn version of the game existed.
From hearing ost differences though I prefer genesis.
The saturn cd quality music is alright, but the genesis soundtrack sounds like something that actually belongs in a video game.

>> No.6168546

>CD is just bad level design
again, you are a pleb that got filtered
I bet you prefer Sonic 2, you casual

>> No.6168556

That's subjective. There aren't any objective reasons Sonic 3D is worse than R or Chaotix. Honestly 3D is a more fully-realized game than Chaotix ever was, it knew what it was trying to be and wasn't just a concept idea slapped together into a half-baked game

>> No.6168569

It's not even a sonic game. Traveler's Tales made it.

>> No.6169496
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I hate this level.

>> No.6169525


>> No.6169542


>> No.6169548

when they play that much better than the original, they are.

>> No.6169569

Sonic CD isn't even a Sonic game, STI made it.

>> No.6169652

When they are made by the developers or with their permission, yes

>> No.6169750

Normally I'd agree with you, but this one in particular was actually made by the developer.

>> No.6170718

Saturn because Richard Jaques OST

>> No.6170760

The DX cut version is even available on Steam Workshop, further legitimising it.

>> No.6170771

that's unfair. The genesis version has soul because it was the one programmed first. Honestly I feel like they should've just made a good 2D sonic game with a 3D hub world

>> No.6170814

I'm >>6168478
Sonic 2 is the worst of the first main 3 games for me.
And Sonic CD is shit no matter how hard you hipsters try to make it look good. I finished the game and I wouldn't wish Wacky Workbench on my worst enemy.

>> No.6170931

I'd argue 3D Blast itself isn't canon to start with.

>> No.6170954

Everything wrong about 3D Blast is due to it being isometric. It is a solid game but has the common flaws of an isometric action game.

>> No.6171324

>Steam Workshop
wew lad

>> No.6171662

What was even the point of the Director's Cut adding Super Sonic? The stages are too empty and lacking in any actual threats for Super Sonic to be useful. Plus, just recoloring Sonic yellow does not a Super Sonic make.

>> No.6172735

super sonic is superficial and broken in every retro sonic game he's in. it's still better than no reward for getting all the emeralds

>> No.6172741

I disagree, I think the problem is moreso that there are no true analog controls. So you are in a 3D space but stuck with 8 way digital movement, it feels awful.

>> No.6172771

I only played the PC port as a kid, how does it compare to the console ports? Does that one isometric Sonic game on Game Gear get any attention at all anymore?

>> No.6173087

You got an extra boss stage for all the Emeralds in 3D Blast. That's reward enough.

>> No.6175137

Saturn easily.
That Richard Jacques soundtrack.

>> No.6175145

>Sonic CD
Fuck off you pretentious tryhard

>> No.6175150

CD's level design is bad...but also weird. They didn't have Yasuhara as the level designer since he was working on Sonic 2.
3K > 1 > 2 > CD

Still CD is a good game.

>> No.6175964
File: 571 KB, 573x462, convenientlycutbyyoutubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience of the Saturn version can be fully summed up by the following pic.
Why the FUCK isn't there a hack yet that just plays all the Special Stages?

>> No.6176026

Can't think of many Saturn romhacks.

>> No.6176039

Come back to yell when rom hacks aren't fun.

>> No.6176157

That's because they're not roms they're images. Get with the time gramp.

>> No.6176340

For fun. Do you have autism?

>> No.6176506

They're CD-ROMs, zoomer.

>> No.6176683

Genesis. The Director's Cut is the definitive version. Really liked this game as a kid, more than the other Sonic games honestly. Always kind of wished this game was more like SatAM and had like Sally and other characters like that in it.

>> No.6176694

Labyrinth is good, though. Gitgud.

>> No.6177047

LMAO. Rom are literally dump of crisp from a cartridge ya dumb geezer. No one cares what some ancient 18+ wants to call them. How dare you. The future is underage entitled brats. Deal with it gramps.

>> No.6177061

Lol, no fuckin' way. Sonic 3D Blast is a perfectly fine game. The only reason people shit on it is because it's a 16-bit Sonic game with a dramatically different style of gameplay than people expected. If 3D Blast had starred some literal who instead of Sonic, I can almost guarantee the game would be one of those hard-to-find, late releases that every youtuber calls a "hidden gem". The gameplay is solid, the controls are tight, and most of the music is pretty great, to boot.

>> No.6177705

>Jon says that the team responsible for the Saturn port literally made a program(I think that's the term anyway) that would turn the Motorola 68k code into C, and then they compiled that. All the special effects on the Saturn were added on top.

Even Travelers Tales lesser Saturn games are still technically impressive in their own right. They flawlessly converted the Mega Drive game over to the Saturn with no compromises, and enhanced it. Technically it is the best version of Sonic 3D Blast. It does have updated graphics, more detail to the tiles and sprites (though sometimes it is a bit overdone), a better bonus stage that was apparently made by Sonic Team. The only thing I don't care for much is the soundtrack. I prefer the Genesis chip tunes more than Richard Jacques soundtrack. Though this is very subjective, as many people do like Richard Jacques work. A lot of people like his Sonic R soundtrack. I do like his Shinobi X soundtrack. I would like to see the Saturn version get patched with the Directors Cut ROM. But that would probably take some work.

>> No.6177715


Always liked Rusty Ruin act 1 and act 2 :



The Saturn versions aren't bad either


>> No.6177748

3D Blast is really a mix between Sonic Labyrinth and the Flicky arcade game.

>> No.6177775

>a better bonus stage that was apparently made by Sonic Team

The PC port is good too. But the Saturn has the best bonus stages.

Genesis/ Mega Drive:

Sega Saturn:

Windows PC:

The Genesis bonus stages are pretty cool on a technical level, they are alright and quite challenging. The Sega Saturn port has new stages made by Sonic Team. It uses their engine. Pretty cool seeing a fully polygonal Sonic, the stages have some nice lighting effects too. The PC port special stages are based on Sonic 2's. Sonic has a pre-rendered sprite, the stages have fairly long draw distances, but they are quite a bit more simplified than the Saturn spacial stages.

>> No.6178540

>The Genesis bonus stages are pretty cool on a technical level, they are alright and quite challenging.
Either you've never actually played the game or you have the least video game skill of anyone in the entire world.

>> No.6179887

amazing looking water in this game

>> No.6179928

>Either you've never actually played the game or you have the least video game skill of anyone in the entire world.

Nah, I just kind of suck at those types of bonus stages. But they are some of the easiest bonus stages in a 16bit Sonic game. In 3D Blast, they don't really get much harder until the halfway point. The 'Directors Cut' patch does address the easy bonus stages by making sure you can only get one chaos emerald per stage, so you have to work harder to collect rings in the later stages.

>> No.6180783

PC special stage looks like some oldass click'n'play shit lmao

>> No.6181539

Lies, lies, such great lies! Folks, nobody has it worse than I do right now, believe me.

>> No.6182474

Japanese version has VERY SLIGHTLY improved load times..at the cost of the debug/level code, so, pick your poison.

>> No.6182645
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nice water

>> No.6183060

i would pay so much money for someone to recreate City Escape in a 3D Blast DX romhack

>> No.6183068

Sonic Blast had kickass boss design and ost

>> No.6184338

OG Genesis / Mega Drive is still the best version.
>Finally play the Saturn port after hearing all these years that it's so much better.
>Holy Hell these load times are attrocious.
>Actually worse than Sonic 06 because at least that game restarted right away when the player lost a life.
>Press onward because of the prettier graphics.
>OK that Special Stage was actually pretty good too, felt like it was what Sonic 2 was trying to do except with a few more gimmicks.
>I can't wait to get play the Tails Special Stage and get the Chaos Emeralds out of the way!
>Turns out that Knuckles and Tails share the same Special Stage lineup in this version, and thus you can't get two Chaos Emeralds in the same act anymore unlike the original, you get some disposable life or continue or something.
>I forget where all the Tails and Knuckles locations are.
>Barely manage to collect all Chaos Emeralds in Volcano Valley, realize the Special Stages themselves are underwhelmingly unchallenging.
>Look at the time.
>I could have beat the game twice over by now if I was paying the original.
Yeah even with the soundtrack aside (which is a mixed bag in my opinion) it's still not good, if you feel you're missing out on the music then just go to YouTube. Special Stages are the only thing you're missimg, and even then I still say Genesis wins out on originality (and challenge, if you're playimg the Tails stages I think). PC version is better load-wise but loses a lot of Saturn-exclusive graphical effects, has the ugliest Special Stages, and has a glitched save system. Director's Cut felt like an earnest effort, but bafflingly takes a page from the Saturn version and goes a step further - instead of collecting one emerald per act, it's now one emerald per ZONE. Overall stick to cartridge, at least it's technically impressive for the hardware and has a lot of little touches like additional cutscenes and another boss theme.

>> No.6184347
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>rom: read-only memory
cds-rom: compact disc-read only memory

>> No.6184370

It's been a while since I played the Saturn version, but I think the speed and invincibility themes were recorded at the wrong length. In fact, I distinctly recall dying one or few times because of it. That alone should tell you how last-minute the Saturn version was. And the fact that we lost not only the Saturn version but also the PC version of Sonic Xtreme to it didn't do it any favors.

>> No.6184384

>but bafflingly takes a page from the Saturn version and goes a step further - instead of collecting one emerald per act, it's now one emerald per ZONE.
What's so bad about this?

>> No.6184418

Director's Cut lets you play the original unaltered game with zero changes as an option, so I would still consider it the preferred version.

>> No.6184534

It removes the freedom of getting the Special Stages out of the way early, which is something most Sonic games allowed you to do. That, and Super Sonic (ie. speed+invincibility) was added, so on top of the artificial pacing you unlock it so late in the game it doesn't even matter. At least lock Super Sonic behind both sets of Special Stages if you're worried of it breaking the game too soon, that's all that was needed to be done really.