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6162485 No.6162485 [Reply] [Original]

>terrible controls
>bland, shitty graphics
>half assed attempt at dungeon adventure game
>boring story
>meh music

Am i missing something? All I've heard if how incredible this game and franchise is. Do you have to play 2 or Tron Bonne to get it?

>> No.6162492

Hi, Bunnyhop.

>> No.6162493
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If you don't "get it" 2+ hours into 1, you never will. The sequels are just more of the same.

>> No.6162521


>> No.6162528

The graphics, music, and story are cute as hell
Agree the controls are shit but you get used to them quick

>> No.6162535

People just like it because of the decent polygonal anime presentation it had for the time, and because they want to fuck Roll and Tron. It's a pretty terrible game otherwise.

>> No.6162556


The game was released just before Ocarina of Time, which is one of the first 3D action-adventure games that plays half decently. It's easy to say "this is how 3D games should be" in 2020 but way harder in 1997 when they were charting unknown territories. I know that 3D had been around in gaming since like 1992, with it coming to consoles in earnest around 1994.

In that context, it play well with good controls for the time. If the Legends series had advanced through the 2000's the controls would have improved.

>> No.6162594

Does 2 control any better?

>> No.6162598
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Because I want to Tron Bone her if you know what I mean.

>> No.6162602

If I recall correctly it controls a lot better. Can't remember if it was dual shock support or just better bindings though it has been a while.

>> No.6162604

Considering how absolutely vomitrocious 3D textures looked across the 5th gen, it almost seems visionary to take the easy way and stick with solid and simple.

>> No.6162809

A lot better actually. The overall game is more of the same though.

>> No.6162871

Fuck you I liked it

>> No.6162898

>it's easy to say "this is how 3D games should be" in 2020 but way harder in 1997 when they were charting unknown territories
There were already far superior third person shooter games like Star Wars Shadows of The Empire, Dark Forces 2, and MDK before this game was released. Megaman Legends was the one of the most sluggish, bland, and terrible to control 3rd person shooters of that era. People liked it for the open world RPG elements though, and above all, of course because it's got the anime privilege, unlike its american counterparts. The story was terrible and megaman volnutt is bland as a generic anime protagonist can be. The only reason to play this game is for the underage lolis like Roll Caskett and Tron Bonne, OP.

>> No.6162965

>Shadows of The Empire, and MDK

Those games are super jank though, and far uglier, and worse than MM Legends.

>> No.6162979

Nah I like Megaman Legends but Shadows of The Empire is dank

>> No.6162989

>super jank
As janky as MM legends' controls? Not even true.

>far uglier
You could say so for MDK but it had gargantuan levels, ran 60 fps (with some minor slowdowns on ps1) and could handle far more enemies on screen at once. I don't remember Shadows of Empire being uglier than MM Legends.

Gameplay wise they're definitely better.

>> No.6163059

>>bland, shitty graphics

>> No.6163061

Neither of them are lolis, mong.

>> No.6163124
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>> No.6163143

The graphics are great, you are a shitter

>> No.6163181

>far uglier
Did you play PSX version or something? It looked great on PC.

>> No.6163183

If you had the hardware to run it at its highest fidelity, which most people didn’t.

>> No.6163194

Cool bait thread.

>> No.6163197

I had Pentium 133 and Riva TNT. Not sure if it's highest fidelity, but it still was really good.

>> No.6163264

>Am i missing something?
intellect and taste

>> No.6163274

Imagine being so desperate for replies that you start a thread like that

>> No.6163476

This. Legends doesn’t get enough credit for going with the less is more approach at a time when everyone was going overboard with details.

>> No.6163497

It had twin stick FPS controls taken straight from Medal of Honor. Pretty much no different from modern console fps except the firing animation was still as slow as MML 1.

The girl characters definitely looked cute but the environment and everything else looked pretty washed out and bland.

>> No.6163504
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Is megaman supposed to be a human kid or a robot? Why does he have normal human arms here? I thought he had a removable arm and a mechanical hands that can transform into a blaster?

>underdeveloped body
>not lolis

>> No.6163515

It's a post apocalyptic world, they're all synthetic humans

>> No.6164012


Have you actually ever played this game. OPs assertions are dead on. The only reason this game has any kind of legacy (no pun intended) is because it belongs to the Mega Man franchise and because it has an anime aesthetic when that was still relatively uncommon in the west. Otherwise it's a mediocre game at best, even for the time it came out.

>> No.6164018

Except it's basic, boring art style does nothing to enhance this game in anyway. Your statement would be true for a game like Portal, but Legends comes across as a game with a very limited budget and development timeframe. it's about as exciting as watching paint dry when back tracking from one part of the island to the other.

>> No.6164037

Yet it's better than OoT and that gets heaps of praise for no good reason.

>> No.6164047
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>better than OoT

Please explain this one, I beg you! I want to see the delusion and mental gymnastics required to have this opinion.

>> No.6164049

No need to post the selfie, just stating a objective fact.

>> No.6164105

Cute opinion.

>> No.6164112
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He's right, combat being much better is the big one.

>> No.6164126


/vr/ the most autistic place on the web ladies and gentlemen! Pretty much every metric says you faggots are wrong, but keep deluding yourself.

>> No.6164129


>> No.6164140

You'll have to explain what's so good about OoT first.
I kinda get MM, but OoT wasn't that good.

>> No.6164149

MM was worse than OOT except for the graphics, art direction, and writing.

>> No.6164161

>except for the graphics, art direction, and writing
Are there any other reasons to care about N64 Zelda games?

>> No.6164162

You're missing taste. Also you're probably an assblasted nintenfat who has it out for the series entirely because the nshitty4 got a horrendous port of Legends 1 and completely missed out on 2 and Tron entirely.

>> No.6164191

If you want spoilers in his current iteration, he's a synthetic human like all carbons. The last remaining human was "The Master" in Elysium, and in Legends 2 you see him fucking die so humans are extinct. Megaman Volnutt was originally a guardian robot for "The Master" though, with that personality being transferred and reborn in babby Rock Volnutt for reasons, and the memories were storied seperately inside of Data.

>> No.6164204

and combat, exploration, side quests, NPCs, framerate, customization, weapon variety...

>> No.6164213

>side quests, NPCs
Pretty sure that it falls under writing.

>> No.6164228

Same shit really.
More like more shitty puzzles and more annoying water levels.
>side quests
Epona riding and shooting baloon monsters with that shitty analog stick don't count as good side quests.
>weapon variety
Everything in your inventory disappears when you reset the time so fuck that shit, its ruined.

>> No.6164314

can you please just say android instead of something as insufferable as "synthetic human"

>> No.6164349
File: 126 KB, 830x453, MMLvOoT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reddit is looking for a group of autistic contrarians. Have you seen them?

>> No.6164382

Anon I hope you do realize that the job of game reviewers is to sell videogames and that's why they get copies of games and get paid to publish magazines about them.

OoT doesn't even have a jump button.

>> No.6164387

tell that to the games they shit on in their reviews, or give mediocre scores to like Legends. Really makes you want to drop $50 in late 90s money on a bland, mediocre game doesn't it?

Try again brainlet.

>> No.6164398

they have to give preferential treatment to the developers that give them preferential payment, but consider that Legends was actually still featured in the magazines and ask yourself whether anyone needed to look at the scores in 1998 to know that they wanted to play a megaman game that looks like anime and has sky pirates and an airship with kawaii sisterfu roll in an aviator jacket

anime used to be suppressed in the western market

>> No.6164490

>anime used to be suppressed in the western market
Things were so much better back then.

>> No.6164493

When I played Megaman Legends, it was what I sort of "felt" a 3D Zelda game was going to be. Exploring a world, being a hero who explored mysterious ancient ruins just because he was an adventurer, a world where I felt I was really having an impact on the people there, underground dungeons full of enemies who were a threat, no puzzles...

OoT played better, yeah, but Megaman Legends was the 3D Zelda I wanted.

>> No.6164501

You wanted forgettable basic hallway levels instead of actual dungeons like in OoT?

>> No.6164552

The dungeons of Legends connect together in a natural way that really felt like it rewarded exploring. Far more engaging than some boring "light the torches" puzzles.

>> No.6164557

Walking through hallways and fighting easy enemies is not more engaging than the dungeons in Zelda. The underground areas in Legends are boring both visually and in terms of layout.

>> No.6164559

OK Aonuma.

>> No.6164568

I can't remember, do you have to go through loading screens when you're traveling between areas underground?

there's honestly something weird about traveling through those impossibly elaborate dungeons that seem like they were created for no reason other than the legendary hero to solve their trial exactly one time

which is not to say that MML's labyrinth passageways of extremely questionable purpose are better, but that game at least maintains the puzzle of mapping the area and figuring out how to progress and fills the place up with good RPG shit

in which case maybe the spiritual successor to megaman legends is actually kingdom hearts, an idea that makes me sort of queasy

>> No.6164579

Legends is actually absent of true loading screens overall. There's a slow fade when you go from something like a main dungeon to a side ruin, but the only time you really get hit with a "Now loading" is funny enough after the Capcom logo when you turn on the game. It's no Crash 2 but from what I remember MML always felt pretty optimized as far as PSX titles went.

>> No.6164584

how fast was the transition when you exited from the strip mall to the inner city for example?

>> No.6164603

Checking video on youtube, I'd say from the transition start to the next screen, about 5 seconds.

>> No.6164629

das what i mean, did the underground have gate transitions with actual black screens?

>> No.6164641

why does this get reposted every single time?

>> No.6164647

Legends series is one of my favorites from childhood. It's not amazing but it has nice art and it's very cute please don't bully it.

>> No.6164652

>Terrible graphics
I only disagree with this.

>> No.6164668

I'm a faggot and don't want to fuck animu, and I played the game for the first time in like 2007 or something. game still was real good despite these two facts. also the use of Bach's little fugue in the final boss fight ruled.

>> No.6164880

I honestly cannot fathom how someone couldn't fall in love with MML. It has this air of innocence about it that is sublime in execution.

The gameplay is mediocre, but it's functional and even engaging at times. What really makes it shine is the aesthetic.

>> No.6164885
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>when Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon is better than both and came out first

>> No.6164892
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Based and Goepilled.

>> No.6164949

>this air of innocence about it
You mean the smell of so'y?

>> No.6164996

>terrible controls

if they changed the camera controls then the game would be just fine

>> No.6165005

>walks in on the hot girl he lives with when she's naked
>promptly congratulates himself with body language that denotes the word "SCORE!"

No, anon. That's not what I mean.

>> No.6165014

Post the JP version where he kicks the dog like a football.

>> No.6165038

Roll is gay for Tron though, not Megaman.

>> No.6165042



i will never get that tin can sound when your buster hits a robot out of my head

very memorable sound design

>> No.6165045

Mario 64 did it just fine and manages to not suck

>> No.6165448


>> No.6165803

It's got an amazing atmosphere.
I can work around the controls and everything else purely because of it's charm.
Considering when it came out, I think the graphics are amazing. Very smart with the limitations they had.
Great cutscenes that didn't have to rely on FMV, so they could fit a lot in, and being in game, it wasn't jarring.

Sorry you don't like it. For me, it's incredibly nostalgic. From a time before I really knew what anime was, but was sort of aware of some of its conventions.

>> No.6166132

Android normally implies robot, though. When I say synthetic human, I really mean human but technically not since carbons were artificially created.

>> No.6166136
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>OoT played better

>> No.6166148

Tron Bonne is so based
There's lots more Megaman games OP, not everyone is into Legends

>> No.6166160

2 is better.

At the time the game was a lot of fun by incorporating RPG elements into a 3rd person shooter in a semi-open world. 20 years later the gameplay just doesnt hold up, but if you were there at release it was something different and engaging at that time

>> No.6166268

I have a hard time definitively saying which game is better, because they both have aspects they do better than the other. 2's controls are much better but I actually think I liked the encounters better in 1, 1 was far more memorable in terms of characters and story, but 2's environments especially the digs were a huge improvement over the first game's very samey digs. Then on the other hand you had that water dungeon where the whole game played at half speed AND half framerate, which definitely pulls it down.

>> No.6166576

You know, I won't deny this game is a mediocre TPS with poor controls and bland dungeons that nostalgiafags and graphics whores hail as the Second Coming, but even I will defend the look of it, it's far and away one of the most aesthetic 3D games of its time (its only redeeming quality) and it still holds up fairly well today. I would complain that either your eyesight or bait are terrible, but judging by the amount of responses, I would be wrong in at least one of them...