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6162113 No.6162113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Someone recently translated a Goemon game from 25 years ago and there is a huge shitstorm now surrounding it for the way he translated it. Pic related.
https://twitter.com/HG_101/status/1221153751005790210 http://archive.is/jkmfd
>(TW: transphobia) is it too much to ask for right wing fan translators to NOT stick slurs into their work? https://twitter.com/snescentral/status/1221188376335998976?s=21 http://archive.is/Qy2NM
>One of the benefits of doing a fan translation 2020 is the possibility to remove discriminatory language that, while still wrong then, was in common use three decades ago. It is a shame that the authors of this hack decided to mar their hard work by using a slur.

Now I can understand some might disagree with his word choice in this case, but even HG101 here is recommending what is essentially censorship as an alternative.

Should games that have things in them that our current political climate finds offensive even if they weren't when the game was made be censored?

>> No.6162117

>Should games that have things in them that our current political climate finds offensive even if they weren't when the game was made be censored?
Of course. Any intentional deviation is nothing short of historical revisionism. Fuck that HG101 retard, the translator did fine. Fucking manufactured issue.

>> No.6162120

Just realized HG101's suggestion as an alternative way to translate this Japanese slang term "newhalf" wasn't in the pic. "Trans" or "Transgender" was Kurt Kalata's recommendation but both those terms would be anachronistic as they really weren't commonly used, with the term "transsexual" being the common one used

>> No.6162131

>It is a shame that the authors of this hack decided to mar their hard work by using a slur.
these people

>Shame your little fan project had to be so bigoted... I'd hate for anything to happen to it or you. :^)

>> No.6162132

Reject modernity, return to tradition.
I would've used "shemale", that feels appropriately out of vogue

>> No.6162151

I think tranny is about as close as you can get in English, at least in the context of that NPC. There's a lot of nuance and differences in the histories of the two words, but they're similar in a lot of ways. You could put "crossdresser" or "transvestite" for a more polite word, but it doesn't encapsulate the full meaning of newhalf. "Shemale" sounds weird, it's similar in the "half male, half female" meaning of newhalf, but is almost exclusively a porn term and isn't as broad in meaning as newhalf. Tranny can be used by transvestites as well as transsexuals, just like newhalf could be used for crossdressers as well. They're both terms that can be derogatory slurs, but also used by drag queens or transwomen to describe themselves, especially the ones working in entertainment. It's not a perfect fit, the cultural differences are big, but I can't think of anything closer if you're going for a one-to-one translation of the word here. Tranny seems more harsh now than in the 90s or 00s, so maybe it's a bit of a stronger word than newhalf now. Hard to say entirely without knowing more about trans issues in Japan.

Though really, if they're concerned about how PC the word is, you'd think they would be more concerned about the "Should I tell my boyfriend the truth part?"

>> No.6162156
File: 51 KB, 640x480, lnSWuMB_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this twitter drama, let's instead talk about how Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu is getting translated and is already 85%, with a different hacker expressing interest in doing another PSX Goemon as well.

>> No.6162159

That's awesome. The 2 and 3 translations surprised me, and now there's more coming. Good time to be a Goemon fan.

>> No.6162160

The term newhalf isn't particularly severe in conservative Japan, who generally don't recognize transwomen as women. However it is a term that denies womanhood, and explicitly states the target of the description is "not a woman".

So a direct translation, or even using the term newhalf is still extremely offensive to the trans community in North America who demand that self-identification of gender is absolute and must be respected.

The translator didn't do anything wrong and if he had used Ladyboy or Transvestite he still would have been dogpiled.

>> No.6162162

Just use "trap"

>> No.6162163


>> No.6162168

Adding to this, a translator should always strive to accurately convey the meaning of the script; editing it so not to offend modern sensibilities is some commie bullshit.

>> No.6162170

I think trap was used for newhalf in the translation of Akiba's Trip and that got backlash for that too. Seems like any sort of translation that tries to accurately capture the meaning of newhalf would probably going to piss people off regardless because of what >>6162160 was saying.

>> No.6162171
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Oh and I forgot to mention that a a hacker is also working on Shin Sedai Shuumei as well

>> No.6162173

inb4 404

>> No.6162175
File: 218 KB, 384x312, goe_p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystical Ninja starring Goemon has Goemon himself calling one of the villains an "Okama" which is japanese slang for queer.
In Goemon's Great Adventure there's a whole side-quest where some comical crossdresser with beard and a manly face.
I don't understand what the deal is with this one, but maybe, just maybe, it's the fact the translator used the term "tranny"?
Goemon 2 came out 25 years ago, did people really use the term "tranny" back then?
I ask for real because maybe it was a common term and I just didn't know, I only started reading it in the internet a few years ago, I remember when 4chan used the term "trap" more, although I understand it may not be the same.
Anyway, I think the translator could have avoided using "tranny", it was obviously calling for attention, and in this case, it brings a negative light to the Goemon series. Maybe these SJWs will now also start complaining about the "okama" thing, etc.
Hopefully not and maybe this drama will led more people to get into the series, but I doubt it since most of these queers don't play video games.

>> No.6162176

For the love of god, no. Enough history revisionism. If it's bad by today's standards, then that's that, but pretending they didn't happen and trying to overwrite history is flat out worse on the principle of refusing to learn from the past.

>> No.6162180

>Goemon 2 came out 25 years ago, did people really use the term "tranny" back then?
Yeah, the term has been around for a long time. You probably just hear it more now because people are talking about trans stuff in general a lot more now.

>> No.6162186

The period correct terms would have been transvestite or transsexual. "Trans" on it's own is a term less than a decade old in common parlance.

>> No.6162189
File: 18 KB, 600x325, queer patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miguel, come... it's time to kick some pansies in the face

>> No.6162190

So, which is it? Was "tranny" used back in the 90s or not?
Anyway, I'm ESL so maybe I just never heard it before also because I'm not from an english country.

>> No.6162191

>(TW: transphobia) is it too much to ask for right wing fan translators
How does he know if the translator is right-wing in the first place. C'mon Kurt, don't be silly and treat everything you don't like as right-wing.

>> No.6162192

Eventually creators have to shrug the weight of shame and tell these people "fuck off, faggots" in no uncertain terms.

>> No.6162193

Yes, Tranny was used back then.

>> No.6162196

It was definitely used.

Here's some examples, someone wrote this when Rupaul got some heat for using the term back in 2014.

>> No.6162202

This goes to show that localization is always the way to go for translations. In their attempts to be as accurate as possible to the original, the reception of the "accurately translated" work ends up being extremely inaccurate.

>> No.6162206

>Anyway, I think the translator could have avoided using "tranny", it was obviously calling for attention,
Nah, I think it was him being legitimately ignorant about what will trigger these LGBT nutjobs, not him trying to poke the beehive or whatever.

In any event, it's a shame we won't be getting any of the other Goemon games translated now, although the PSX ones aren't that good anyway.

>> No.6162208

of course not. literally apply that argument to any other art form and you'll realize 1) people have been trying to do that through the ages and 2) how dumb that sounds.

>> No.6162209

who cares about a bunch of frothing retards misinterpreting things.

>> No.6162212
File: 9 KB, 256x224, goemon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that goemon 1 re-translation never

>> No.6162214

>it's a shame we won't be getting any of the other Goemon games translated now

>> No.6162215

How dare these stupid faggots politically nitpick such long awaited and technical work given to them for free. Fuck, I'm ready for the plague. I don't care if it takes me too, we need a culling.

>> No.6162219
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Learn Japanese or you're never getting an accurate experience.

>> No.6162223

I told /v/ to stand up for the translator and fight back against Kurt being a fucking bully and all they want to do is just act mad and not do anything. We just lost a translator because of harassment and bullying.

>> No.6162224
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Better yet, just play games for the gameplay and game design, leave reading to the books.

>> No.6162229
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I think the back and forth on both sides with this shit is moronic. Like nobody should be seething about it, period.

The dude should've just used "newhalf", that would've been an actual literal translation. "Tranny" isn't even a literal translation, it's still a form of localization, but it comes off sounding tasteless like an old anime dub or something by an edgier Working Designs. I guarantee had it been newhalf instead the backlash wouldn't have been so severe. It just comes off as the translators trying to stir the pot instead.

>> No.6162234

You're right, leaving newhalf might have worked fine. Seems clear he wasn't trying to stir the pot though, looks like he just chose what he thought fit best.

>> No.6162237

Though most English speakers have no idea what newhalf means. The ones playing a Ganbare Goemon fan-translation might be more likely to know, but it would still confuse some people.

>> No.6162239

No. If a word offends you, then too bad. You are not the spokesperson for X group (no one is), and no one should change anything just to satisfy you. There are plenty of trannies who just wouldn't give a shit. Most of them, probably, as woke faggotry is only really vomited by a loud but tiny minority. Language policing has never worked, and it never will.

>> No.6162240

you make a good point. i didnt even know what the fuck newhalf was until i looked it up after this whole shit.
i know tranny because its been around forever. it wouldnt be a surprise if the translator was thinking the same thing when he chose tranny.

>> No.6162241

Fuck it I'm doing my reps

>> No.6162245

Newhalf isn't an english word, that isn't translation. It's a Japanese slur, it just isn't seen as particularly offensive there because Japanese society mostly doesn't recognize trans women as women.

>> No.6162247

>because Japanese society mostly doesn't recognize trans women as women.
Neither did the west until the past ten years, the slippery slope continues.

>> No.6162249

>SNES Central literally advocates for censoring Buddhist manjis because of the "connotations"
The connotations of what? Wearing orange robes, preaching peace, and discussing philosophy and our place in the universe?

>> No.6162250

I'm just pointing out that people are upset because they see "Tranny" as more severe a slight than "Newhalf".

Both terms specifically deny womanhood, which is a cardinal sin in the west.

>> No.6162251

>So, which is it? Was "tranny" used back in the 90s or not?
The term is ancient, and has always been shorthand for transvestite, meaning a crossdresser.

>> No.6162252

>pedophilia references
Isn't the main character's thing that she is extremely innocent and doesn't see being nude as a sexual thing?

>> No.6162258

Learning japanese was really worth it, much like english.
I can play 99% of games in the original language now.

>> No.6162259

It was used for both transvestites and transsexuals.

>> No.6162262

I don't mind. I've long since stopped caring about what the "accurate experience" is, since it is essentially meaningless.
Agree. You can't just use the word "tranny" and expect no backlash, just like how you can't expect to remove a bottle of "Ogay" from your game and expect rightwingers to start pirating your game because apparently they care more about a fucking bottle of soap than the game they are pirating (the "SJWs" they like to complain about at least genuinely boycott the games they are offended by, not even pirating them or simply refusing to play them in the case of this Goemon translation).

We can all agree "newhalf" is meant to be derogatory and therefore I'm against the text being switched to something else in its entirety. But I believe "tranny" was too much, and this doesn't sound like a clueless mistake (as admitted by the author). Anyone translating these old ass niche games knows what the gaming community is like, and what "tranny" means in context: this thread alone shows what I mean.

"I'm actually a man" would have gotten the meaning across just fine, avoiding unnecessary slurs ("tranny"), unfitting terms ("shemale" is too sexual, "trap" denotes maliciousness) or words that defeat the purpose of the original word ("trans").

Of course the translator could have stood by his decision, but instead he cried like a bitch.

>> No.6162270

I think crossdresser could have worked well, it sounds less "21st centurysty"

>> No.6162271


>> No.6162272

>expect rightwingers to start pirating your game
Opposing censorship by voting with your wallet is not a left or right issue.

>> No.6162278

>Both terms specifically deny womanhood
More like they deny the idea of "gender" meaning the same as "gender identity". Perfectly reasonable.

>> No.6162279

This is really all that needs to be said. If people have a problem it should not be with the translator but with the game’s writers from two decades ago. Getting mad at the translator is just shooting the messenger.

>> No.6162281

If any work of art offends someone, it needs to be altered, period.

>> No.6162282


>> No.6162283

Who the fuck cares about the intent or what he admitted? He gave us a professional grade, fully playable translation of a game you'd never see localized officially, for free. Eat shit.

>> No.6162285

It's real simple:
Fuck their feelings, and no one should capitulate to the mentally ill. And yes, they ARE mentally ill; Debra Soh has destroyed the arguments of all the trans activists, and the arguments of all those spineless turd doctors who've been harassed into submission by the aforementioned frothing at the mouth, autistically screeching activists.

>> No.6162286

If the author's goal was to provide a direct translation, they did not stick any slurs into the game. If anything, they chose to not remove the slurs and represent the game as it was originally released in Japan in 1994.

If the author's goal actually was localization, yes this would be sticking slurs into the game. But I do not believe this is the case based on the general impressions and reactions I'm seeing.

>> No.6162287

>"I'm actually a man" would have gotten the meaning across just fine
No, it would change the meaning completely. FtM trannies aren't men, they wish to be men.

>> No.6162289

Yeah, considering how long people have been waiting for this game to be translated, it sucks that this is overshadowing the fact that it was translated at all.

>> No.6162290

If you say so, you reprehensible authoritarian fuck. You DISGUST me.

>> No.6162295

we don't know if she's actually a tranny. the original term is ambiguous

>> No.6162296

Free publicity. Far more people know about this translation now.

>> No.6162297

In the readme you can often learn how the translator did it. Just go censor it yourself and post it for brownie points with the faggots who suck your dick for being able to follow instructions and then feel good about yourself until you learn that nobody is actually using your edited ROM.

>> No.6162303

True, that's the bright side of it.

>> No.6162305

"I'm glad to have such an accepting boyfriend, I really love him!"

Was that so hard?

>> No.6162306

>tranny uses a much awaited translation to leech attention to itself
Of course.

>> No.6162315

Is it so hard to not to bully the author, and by extension anyone else with the integrity and skill to do this (they usually won't be obsessed with fag politics) away from the ROM hacking scene?

>> No.6162320

Deciding to remove something because you feel like doing so is not censorship.
>Who the fuck cares about the intent or what he admitted?
Because a lot of people act like the guy didn't make a mistake, when he himself admitted it.
>you'd never see localized officially
Who gives a shit about Goemon?

>> No.6162323

Trap is for guys that look like girls so it's not quite the same.

>> No.6162326

>Who gives a shit about Goemon?
Why are you posting in this thread if you don't give a shit about Goemon?

>> No.6162328 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 768x1024, I don't play retro games I just like them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same goes for that piece of shit Kalata.

>> No.6162329 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 470x411, 234908234908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is this game? PS1 goemon is criticized. This was outsourced or made by a lower tier konami team right?

>> No.6162330

No, you can't just "who cares" it when you wrote paragraphs about it before, 'tranny' in a romhack of it created so much drama, and the series is frequently mentioned on here. Lots of normies played Mystical Ninja on SNES or N64 incidentally and liked it. Fuck you.

>> No.6162331

>Deciding to remove something because you feel like doing so is not censorship
But harassing someone into doing so is just fine? Because that's exactly what happened.
>Because a lot of people act like the guy didn't make a mistake, when he himself admitted it
See above.
>Who gives a shit about Goemon?
Obviously not you, so get the fuck out of this thread. You don't have any arguments that can't be easily refuted, so your deviant ass shouldn't be here. Piss off.

>> No.6162332 [DELETED] 

pure pudge, can't open a jar of tomato sauce, bald by 35

>> No.6162334


>> No.6162335

>should i tell my boyfriend I'm a janny

>> No.6162340

This whole discussion is an example of yet another problem obviated by learning Japanese.

>> No.6162350

I totally agree with you, but most people have jobs and other adult obligations that derail such an in-depth, immersion demanding undertaking. Most people don't have the IQ, mental flexibility, and or attention span from age or other factors. Speaking for myself, anyway, but I think it's a safe assumption. Hopefully these translators keep doing this fine work for us dummies and lazies.

>> No.6162368

most tonedeaf thing i've read in a while, learning japanese introduces a whole new set of old problems into your life.

t. braindead weeb

>> No.6162375

>Shoving modern politics and language is an accurate translation.
Just change it to say "I'm actually a guy..." and call it a day.

>> No.6162389
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Because the thread title is
>Should Retro Fan Translations be censored for modern sensibilities?
Can you even read? lmao
No one "harassed" him, what are you even talking about?
The fact is that the only person who can remove it is not the translator, but the hacker. And the hacker is a known rightwinger so it's just not going to happen.

>> No.6162395

'I used to be a man, should I let my boyfriend know?' could work, it brings across the idea and the character is probably just fine with having a 'past identity' seeing as she just blurts it to a rando. But yeah, comedy was fine using 'tranny' until the Woke Generation, just as it was fine for a fighting game character to beat up 'newhalfs' but not women. Times change but history does not - are we going to edit NES and SNES era games with sambo-esque enemies?

>> No.6162396

that's probably how konami would have done it

>> No.6162402

it's a fucking video game, not the bible, where one mistranslated word could mean you're going to hell. As long as you have some vague idea of what's going on who cares.

>> No.6162404

I remember a manga series I used to work on had a godzilla parody in one chapter called "Okamadon" (okama = Drag Queen and don being a cliche thing to end a kaijuu's name with). The joke was that it was a giant dinosaur-like monster who ran around acting as gay as possible. We came SO close to translating that shit to "Trannysaurus". If we had, I'm sure there'd be random people on twitter posting it now (almost 20 years later) screaming transphobia.

>> No.6162408
File: 106 KB, 300x205, mninja64-badguy1-300x205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently these guys were called "okama" instead of "weirdo" originally.

>> No.6162415

>I used to be a man
That's considered horribly offensive too. Nowadays a tranny has always been a woman, even if she did not even realize it!

>> No.6162416

What'd you end up translating it as then?

>> No.6162425

>No one "harassed" him, what are you even talking about?

Hey can I have the password to retrotranslator's inbox please

>> No.6162429

>just as it was fine for a fighting game character to beat up 'newhalfs' but not women
That wasn't okay either. The Final Fight devs made that shit up as a smart-ass response to cultural sensibilities they didn't understand or care about, and Nintendo and Capcom of America were both like, "that's not better." Poison and Roxy were women in the US version, and it was only noticed when someone saw the word newhalf written next to their concept art.

>> No.6162431

You already have it since you are saying he was harassed.

Meanwhile, HG101 has posted a capture of someone claiming he used adblock every time he visited the site and was going to pirate his books as well. He didn't go cry to a corner, however.

>> No.6162451 [DELETED] 

It should be the more offensive word because I want trannys to stay mad. COPE

>> No.6162452

>claiming he used adblock every time he visited the site
damn. That's some Purge day shit right there.

>> No.6162465

A tranny is a tranny. Censorship is always wrong.

>> No.6162476

That particular game is apparently actually pretty good and considered to be the best of the PS1 Goemon games. Kuru Nara Koi is indeed awful garbage, Oedo Daikaten is considered decent but a blatant rehash, Shin Sedai is good in terms of the actual game but the reboot aspect is criticised.

>> No.6162479

No he just has to keep going on about on multiple sites while bringing up the negative response to his behavior as frequently as he can. Totally not milking the attention for faux-righteous retribution at all.

>> No.6162482 [DELETED] 

Tranny is a ring wing slur kek

>> No.6162483

We ultimately opted to just leave it as Okamadon. It had a very, very small appearance earlier in the series and the group who was translating before us left it untranslated. I still regret every time there was a monster with a blatantly stupid name and we had to leave it in Japanese instead of coming up with something that conveyed how stupid the original name was.

>> No.6162486
File: 797 KB, 599x847, BpdFTS4IUAEDBg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was talk about this in another thread, but it's slower here so more likely to get more discussion, would people here be up for making a "Thank You For Translating" card? For those unaware, it's basically that a person get a small image, 250x250 or so, make a nice image or message, and compile them altogether to make a nice card. Dude has translated a bunch of games, and it must suck to get attacked out of the blue by hundreds of people you don't know. Keep in mind this isn't and shouldn't come off as a "fuck you" to the people attacking him like HG101, but genuine support for the people supporting the retro community with stuff like this. If you've played his translations, are a fan of the series hes translated, or just like fan translations in general, it would be nice to support.

If you've played any of his translations, those would be great to work into the card: https://www.romhacking.net/community/1634/

>> No.6162497

The translator would've gotten a brick in his window if he chose "shemale". It's despised because of it exclusive use in pornographic context. It's really strange is how often this is suggested by individuals moralizing or claiming to be offended on their behalf, they don't even know the rules they are enforcing.

>> No.6162504

I'm not that anon, it's just that not being harassed is the extraordinary result if you are declared a moral enemy of resetera

>> No.6162509

he would have still gotten in trouble for saying newhalf, but i agree with you

>> No.6162524

I'd have used shemale too. It doesn't have purely negative connotations, and isn't as stiff as newhalf or transgender.

>> No.6162527

>on multiple sites
You mean his personal Twitter and... his personal ResetEra account. Oh no, the outrage!
Get with the times. Being harassed is par for the course in any political discussion. The only difference is that ResetEra won't pirate your games while claiming they don't want to play them, or send death or rape threats your way, something which is exactly what rightwingers love to do, like we saw with GamerGate or with "shitty SJW games" that were pirated because people didn't like their politics (but like them enough to pirate them and play them, go figure). As it turns out, the fake outrage is that generated by rightwingers who claim to be righteous and yet engage in piracy of games they claim they don't want to play, as well as sending rape and death threats.

And as the old saying goes, I see more people complaining about ResetEra on /v/ and /vr/ than I see ResetEra complaining on /v/ and /vr/ since those people just don't post here.

>> No.6162530

Newhalf is closely associated with porn as well so I don't see the problem. "Tranny" is such an unfitting word because 90% of the time it's used as a slur.

>> No.6162532

We all like Goemon why can't we just be friends

>> No.6162541

They should to be as faithful to the original script as possible and preserve the feel. Just like with old books. Works shouldn't be subjected to any revisionism whatsoever. Basically >>6162117 and >>6162168

>> No.6162550
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>> No.6162551

>hacker is a known right winger
You got a source for that or are you just going by HCG’s tweet aka ‘everyone I don’t like is alt-right’?

>> No.6162559

>Newhalf is closely associated with porn as well so I don't see the problem.

If we're choosing a word based on how not-offensive it is it doesn't matter what the original was.

Also newhalf originated on radio and later emerged in television before pornography. Whereas shemale and ladyboy started in pornography and never left.

>"Tranny" is such an unfitting word because 90% of the time it's used as a slur.

I didn't measure it either but I just don't suspect that's true. I see tranny ubiquitously even if the intent isn't malicious, probably because it's shorter and easier to use. A lot of people surprised about this controversy describe it as shorthand too, even the translator. But I believe you could say 90% of the time a transexual is slurred, tranny is the choice of word.