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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 500x500, sonic adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6158473 No.6158473 [Reply] [Original]

So what is /vr/'s opinion of Sonic Adventure? I've read a few people here say that all 3D Sonic games suck, but I have to admit that I'm enjoying this game.

The voice acting is annoying, to the point where I'd switch to the runes version if only there weren't so many things you had to read to progress, the characters are plain retarded, and the storyline is stupid (but I enjoyed it well enough reading the comics as a child, so maybe for the target audience).

But the gameplay is a lot of fun. The controls take some getting used to, being that I've never played a game quite like this one, but zipping around at breakneck speeds in gaudy neon environments is the main reason I play racing games when I do, and this does that better than most of those

The Sonic fanbase makes me embarrassed to admit that I enjoy one of his games, but I do, even if I'm in the minority on this. (Then again, being in the minority with a fanbase full of autistic furries is hardly a bad thing.)

What's your opinion?

>> No.6158476

I haven't liked a single 3D Sonic game, I was on board with Sonic Lost World until I played the demo.

>> No.6158483
File: 1.40 MB, 1350x1891, alzk6l0q6ye11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tune in that volcano/ancient civilizations burial ground is kickass.

>> No.6158509

>The voice acting is annoying, to the point where I'd switch to the runes version if only there weren't so many things you had to read to progress
I don't know if this is only in the later ports, but you can change the language of voice acting and text separately.

>> No.6158515

I love Adventure 2, but only if I'm high as fuck

>> No.6158528

I don't remember being able to change those in the Dreamcast copy that I have. I think I recall being able to do it on the Steam version though.

>> No.6158546

Upon looking it up it appears the zone is Red Mountain and the tune is Red Hot Skull.

>> No.6158551

I thought it was fucking incredible as a kid. I still think it's the only good 3D sonic game. The loose open world aspect of the hubs really made you feel like you were in control, the powerups/equips were really satisfying to acquire and seeing the storyline from multiple perspectives was really true to S3&K. The only part I hated was that they insisted on calling him "Eggman"

>> No.6158556

Shit isn't retro, don't care what the mods say.

>> No.6158557

>owning physical games
LOL @ your life

>> No.6158561 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 245x315, sonic_getout2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol seethe more old timer, 6th gen soon.

>> No.6158565

Came out in 1998, this one is fine.

>> No.6158571

>The Sonic fanbase makes me embarrassed to admit that I enjoy one of his games
My opinion is that you should fuck off back to /v/

>> No.6158616

It is not a good game
It's a decent 3D engine
There are some good environments within the game
But overall there are some really bad mechanical and artistic choices
Level design in terms of playing the game, as opposed to playing AROUND with the game, is very poor.

>> No.6158665

What don't you like about them?

The Dreamcast version selects language based on region and/or how the BIOS is configured (I'm not sure which; changing both region and language in the emulator settings works - perhaps an anon with a physical console can shed some light).

>posts like these
See why I named this thread /asg/? I knew it was coming.
Also, fuck /v/. I don't think I've made a single post there in the 12 years I've been on this site.

I've only played the first three stages so far, but it seems all right to me. The casino level was especially cool. The controls, or lack thereof, when going especially fast within the action levels themselves can be annoying. YASD is a thing with this game; I just figured it would be get better as my skills improved.
What in particular didn't you like about the mechanical choices?
As far as artistic choices go, it seems to be mostly based on the comic, and the first fight with Chaos at the beginning of the game was pretty cool.

>> No.6158717

>What's your opinion?
That you're another faggot zoomer I don't want to discuss with.

>> No.6158732

Is this anon actually accusing me of being from gen Z, or has this just devolved into a general slur we're using around here now?

>> No.6158738
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x960, ruins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The train leaving for Station Square will be departing soon.

>> No.6158741

I remember getting lost in that stupid jungle as a kid.

>> No.6158745
File: 195 KB, 360x459, MechaSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever disappointed these guys don't activate.

>> No.6158764
File: 970 KB, 1936x1296, DSC_0335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with DC version, here! I come to tell you not only can voices be changed to Japanese,

>> No.6158767
File: 1.02 MB, 1936x1296, DSC_0336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the text language can be changed, too.

>> No.6158771

BIOS Language also affects text language

>> No.6158772

SA1 fans ported the Dreamcast assets to the SADX PC port


>> No.6158775

I have always liked this game.
I'd say that it's more cool or enjoyable than a "good" game: it's full of bugs and cuestionable choices, but the music, the atmosphere, the colors, the stages... the game just oozes charm.

It just a weird game with that mix of surreal Sonic worlds and actual real people, but somehow all that kind of works thanks to the 3D engine not being very advanced, and so not ending up being creepy like those infamous Sonic 2006 intros.

>> No.6158802
File: 1.97 MB, 250x182, 1444342535935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually bother with chao? It annoys me how time in the chao garden doesn't elapse unless you're physically in the chao garden. What could be a cool thing to check out between stages is practically an idle game instead.

>> No.6158876

Sonic playthrough is great, simple but satisfying. Solid 8/10 game. Not having to play other playstyles to get to the next Sonic stage puts it a little above SA2 for me.

>> No.6158884

No wonder my chao never did anything, I thought they grew in the background.
I'd go in for 2 minutes, feed them, and leave.

>> No.6159083

Some levels are good, and some of the music is really good

I like the game a lot but that’s because it can be so strange and wacky, a good instance of Sega’s descent into madness

>> No.6159190


Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are the best 3D Sonic games.

>> No.6159216

i do, usually just use it as a break from the main game, plus i think chaos are cute and the different colors and combos you can get is impressive

>> No.6159243

A lot of people complain about the overabundance of characters and play styles, personally the only one I find borderline unplayable is Big's. That said, most of the characters besides Sonic are pretty lame. I understand the reasoning why they chose this direction, to have a wide cast of characters and playstyles to try and sell the Dreamcast at launch, but I always imagine what Sonic Adventure could be if they instead focused on Sonic's gameplay, adding more speed focused levels, ironing out the bugs, improving the story and dialogue. Maybe have Tails and Knuckles playable ala S3&K. Instead they threw so much shit at the wall at once, as if they thought players would get bored of a Sonic game where all you do is run and jump fast. Almost every 3D Sonic since has seemingly been made with this fear in mind. Really, when viewed in context of the time Sonic Adventure was an experimental game, and it didn't always work. It was pretty amazing when it did work, though.

>> No.6159285

I believe it's been brought up in similar threads, but the game was probably overly ambitious for its time. It was going to be the first real 3D Sonic game by the original team and also the flagship title for the brand new Sega's 128-bits console so they went overboard a bit. Nevertheless, as you said, when that worked, it worked really well. Sonic Team never had the same optimism and energy for a Sonic game anymore.

>> No.6159415

I feel so sad that the only way to modern kids to enjoy sonic is Sonic Mania.

>> No.6159618

the music is good, the voice acting cracks me the fuck up and abusing the bizarre physics to launch yourself into outer space by spindashing is a hoot. I don't think it's a great game at all but it's pretty fun

>> No.6159632

oh also repeatedly throwing Chao into walls to turn them evil is a good source of entertainment for 15 minutes.

>> No.6159818

Only in ports, though.

>> No.6159925

There's about three levels worth playing. I remember my mind being blown when Sonic gets chased by the killer whale. Haven't played it in over 15 years so I imagine it looks like shit now.

>> No.6160025

The graphics look fine, it's the dialogue and story that's cringe worthy.

>> No.6160170

I played it and finished it for the first time recently and think its a bad game. all of the characters levels besides sonic suck, there just not fun and many are recycled sonic stages. And even sonics levels arent that great besides the first level and maybe like three more, there just not built around speed which is the only fucking fun thing to be doing in this game. I just cant imagine how people think this is seriously on the same level as mario 64. its not even in the same league or the same sport, i see more parallels with it and starfox, another arcade style action game that didnt know how to properly flesh it self out and fell to the wayside.

>> No.6160180

I actually really like Sonic Adventure, warts and all. Sonic Adventure 2 is fun as well, though lacks the first game's charm for me.

>> No.6160195

Only playing the first three levels explains why you think the game is good, you haven't even realized yet that the majority of the game is through these secondary characters and they all suck. The first sonic stage in the game is the best after that it goes downhill fast, you only have seven more sonic stages left and i think maybe two are as good as emerald coast

>> No.6160986


>> No.6161146

Fuckin- I remember as a kid I got all panicked thinking the train would leave without me

>> No.6161361


>> No.6163029

I love SA1 and SA2 although they definitely have some flaws; notably that Sonic's levels (and Shadow's in SA2) are miles and miles better than everyone else's.

>> No.6163053

It's good but I prefer SA2
Most people were introduced to 3D sonic by SA2B

>> No.6163068

I can't say I liked Shadow's stages that much either. They were very basic compared to Sonic's stages, and Shadow himself controlled worse than Sonic since he lacked the bounce bracelet.
I'd even go as far as to say Eggman was a more enjoyable character. The mech is clunky as hell but it's still satisfying to link together a ton of big combos, and his stages give you plenty of opportunities to do just that.