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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6156013 No.6156013 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend complains when I play retro games. She says she "hates" video games. What are some feminine games I can make her play so she likes retro games? Pic related? I know some people will say I should keep my hobby to myself but she's adamant that we should share each other's hobbies yet refuses to take interest in my games despite me having a real SNES, Mega Drive, and PS1.

>> No.6156015

She doesn’t even like earthbound? Bitches love earthbound
Also if she won’t let you game is she really someone you want to be with? Games are just the start, what else is she gonna say you can’t do next?

>> No.6156018

get a better girlfriend instead

>> No.6156027


>> No.6156028

You both have a desire to change the other, and this ultimately will doom your relationship. Rather than see each other as mutual partners, you both look towards each other as a work in progress to make more in line with what they want. Talk with her and ask find out what it is about video games that make her "hate" them so much that she cannot accept them as a hobby you have, as well as explain to hear why you enjoy them.

>> No.6156034

Thanks bros I'm starting to realize that having a girlfriend is extremely cucked in general. She's young and good looking but there are so many girls out there and the last thing I want is to be stuck with someone forever and still posting on this board as an escape. I think I need variety and one girl isn't enough for me.

>> No.6156035

Get Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for PS1. Chicks love Harvest Moon games.

>> No.6156037

>more than one girl is the key
This is like the opposite of what everyone here was telling you. We're not saying you shouldn't have a girlfriend, just not one that wants to control your hobbies.

>> No.6156046

I guess it's not even about having more than one girl, it's about not sacrificing my free time to create more free time for her or eventual kids. It feels like a cult, and people in relationships try to convince me to stay in one in order to cope because they're in one.

>> No.6156059

Zelda. All plebs and women like it.

>> No.6156075

Good thinking. When you're dating someone, you often have to give up your free time to spend it with them doing shit you don't want to do. But if you get a girlfriend that does like retro games, you don't have to give up any of your free time that you would want spend on these games.

Try Dr. Mario, Yoshi's Cookie, Game & Watch Gallery, Sim City (SNES).

>> No.6156082

take the gaypill

>> No.6156086

>she's adamant that we should share each other's hobbies yet refuses to take interest in my games despite me having a real SNES, Mega Drive, and PS1.

I think you misunderstand. What she means is that you should share her hobbies, not that she should share yours. You need to either pick up whatever dumb hobby she has or find a gf who doesn't shit on you for doing what you like.

I don't think it's at all necessary for a relationship that you have all the same interests but if your s/o tells you they 'hate' it when you do what you enjoy there's probably something wrong. Like, mine also doesn't enjoy all the games I play so when I play them she starts crocheting or something, a hobby I would never pick up myself but I also don't shit on her for enjoying it because it gives me time to play games she doesn't like.

Find a common interest but don't share all your interests and also don't criticize each other for your interests.

>> No.6156089

How about stop being autistic and let her do whatever she likes.

And also >>6156018 if she has to shit on your preferences you don't want to put a ring on it.

>> No.6156228

>RYB color scheme
That's the most feminine, gayest thing ever

>> No.6156272

Frogger ps1.

>> No.6156289

Stop being cucked and get a gamer girlfriend.

>> No.6156308


>> No.6156331

>forcing people to like what they don't like
Maybe you should ask her why she feels like you should share each others' hobbies.

>What are some feminine games I can make her play so she likes retro games?
Aesthetics are just secondary to gameplay. Most girls like casual puzzle and card related games. Also most of them don't care if the game is feminine or not, I mean my sister may be an outlier but she likes Quake, Soldier of Fortune, and Blood. She's not a tomboy, she only likes fast paced FPS games. Only little girls like feminine games with cute visuals, adult women care more about the gameplay and prefer mostly puzzle games.

>> No.6156337


>> No.6156343

>implying that have a gf will be so easy

>> No.6156353

I didn't even know there was another Milon game beyond Milon's Secret Castle

>> No.6156373

Never change yourself for a bitch, nigga. She WILL leave you, and you'll be left wondering why you even bothered in the first place.

>> No.6156457

Play a vs puzzle game like Dr Mario with her and let her just barely win about 85% of the time. Act like you can't believe how good she is. Trust me, I'm a professional.

>> No.6156469

>adult women care more about the gameplay

I don't think that's true, adult women care a lot about aesthetic. It doesn't necessarily have to be feminine but games like Legend of Zelda and Ni No Kuni are really popular with girls even though they aren't 'girly'.

>and prefer mostly puzzle games.

Probably only true if you talk only to girls who play casual smartphone games exclusively but but it may be different where you come from.

>> No.6156472

It's better to be single than have a girl you're this incompatible with, bro.

>> No.6156483

I have never met a girl that didn't enjoy SMB1 unless she had abysmal reflexes or was already a gamer into other shit.

>> No.6156493

>games like Legend of Zelda and Ni No Kuni are really popular with girls even though they aren't 'girly'.
They're only popular with fujos and traps.

>Probably only true if you talk only to girls who play casual smartphone games
Most girls only play phone games and those who don't aren't much different from guys, they play the same games. I think they're a bit more inclined to JRPG and less violent games.

>> No.6156520

I guess it depends on what kind of 'gamer' you're interested in. Girls do like certain JRPGs but they can't be too technical. Again, Ni No Kuni is a good example.

LoZ is absolutely popular with even the most normie 'geek girls'. It's like Doctor Who or Harry Potter.

>> No.6156659

I give this advice all the time, because I had the same experience, down to the crocheting.

>> No.6156687

Do you live with her? Break up with her. It's fucked, mate. If you don't, just fuck her once or twice a week, watch some shitty normie shit or play a newer couch co-op/cinematic game. You can't really turn women on to this shit.

>> No.6156693

I would also recommend sticking with some of the well known, mainstream games. Mario and Zelda. Nintendo stuff. That's a safe bet to start with and then from there maybe you can branch into lesser known games.

Co-op games can be alot of fun.

>> No.6156715

Can confirm. The missus was absolutely addicted to the GBC game. She also loved Doshin the Giant.

>> No.6156716

It wasn't romantic, but I recently had a gaming buddy that I played a bunch of games with. They grew up with N64 and Banjo Kazooie was one of their childhood favorites, I had never played that before, so we fired up an emulator and played through it together, passing the controller back and forth. We also did some co-op games.. old school in nature but not technically retro, Rayman Legends, Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Yoshi's Woolly World. If she enjoys those, or is receptive, then they could serve as gateway games that lead to older games.

If you want to stick with strictly retro, there's Bubble Bobble, Secret of Mana.

>> No.6156735

God, women are boring post orgasm.

>> No.6156748

How do you even hold the controller when your right hand says it hates video games?

>> No.6156752

Hook-up culture is a cult. Either get married with a non-slut and have kids is what nature intended. I'm not saying that you're wrong about your potentially retarded and gross girlfriend, but that your conclusions about your endgoals in your life are wrong.

>> No.6156779

t. Christlarper who will eventually backslide out of boredom. Also, not everyone wants or should have kids.

>> No.6156791

Kids and marriage are no guarantee you will be loved throughout your life, or will be visited in your final days (which will be suffering regardless). Your endgoals are what you make them, faggot, and living on through your kids is bullshit.

>> No.6156807

>adult women care more about aesthetics

Mate my wife was just a combination of having a blast and screaming at the T.V. last night because her tank wasn’t activating his enmity stance in FFXIV and her favorite game is Sly Cooper. All of those games rely heavily on solid game mechanics and I haven’t seen her touch a mobile game in her life, except like a visual novel the the once. It turns out people are just different and you need someone you’re compatible with.

>> No.6156852

Buddy, your big mistake here was coming onto 4chan looking for relationships advice. Any game recommendations are going to get drowned out by awful rants about women.

>> No.6156923

>what nature intended
Nature intended you to live in a cave and die in your 30s.

>> No.6156936

based and redpilled

>> No.6156939

in every sense of the terms
how do i give reddit gold to this guy

>> No.6156949

>nature intended
That's what culture intended, not nature.
Put your name back on gramps. Anyone can marry a young dumb girl with no experience. Just because you did and now realize it's unfulfilling doesn't mean you should try and convince others to.

>> No.6157028
File: 215 KB, 800x819, 259830-twinkle-star-sprites-neo-geo-cd-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twinkle Star Sprites.

>> No.6157079 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 774x1032, f66e88fd4033d975c64f03f6346446d05ac9b8c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some feminine games I can make her play so she likes retro games?
...Make her?

It sounds like you both have some control issues. Talk to a therapist, or break up with her. Or both. Actually yeah, do both.

>> No.6157095

Dude, chill. A poor choice of words, that I doubt he put much thought into. I get the impression that this guy genuinely wants to share his hobby with his girlfriend, not that he wants to put a gun to her head and force her to enjoy games with him. That's demented and sick. And if that's how your interpreting his comments, that says more about you than him (that you're demented and sick). Maybe you need to go see a therapist?

>> No.6157096


>> No.6157138

Unironically this, a lot of bitches like carmageddon

>> No.6157184

She'll leave you before that happens, mate.

>> No.6157214


My girlfriend likes Katamari. That's the only game she's ever asked to play again.

She likes it partially because the control scheme is really simple. People who have never been into video games are dogshit at anything that requires knowing more than 2 buttons to press, or that requires any kind of fast reflexes or active thinking, so fighters, shooters, driving games, etc of any kind are all out the window.

Which then leaves you with the question - Why would I try to pressure someone with zero skills at a given hobby into doing something they're terrible at and will never pursue individually? It's not really fun to do something you suck at unless you want to eventually be competent enough to where it's fun and you're in control of the experience. For some reason it seems to be a lot more important for gamers than other hobbyists to try to "convert" people and it really seems pointless. If someone loves playing guitar, you don't see nearly as many gay threads online being like "What are some girl friendly songs to learn to get my girlfriend into playing guitar?"

To summarize: Stop being an idiot, and probably you should break up with this girl

>> No.6157525

>It sounds like you both have some control issues. Talk to a therapist,
That seems excessive since the only problem OP mentioned is that his gf doesn't like video games. Go back to r e ddit with your overreacting bullshit, my guy.

>> No.6157538

>Maybe you need to go see a therapist
Waaayyy ahead of you.

>> No.6157692

>My girlfriend complains when I play retro games.
Either ignore her, start complaining about her hobbies (assuming she has any) or dump her.

>> No.6157724

If she complains and bitches because of your hobby, she's not worth it, dude

>> No.6157725


>> No.6157792

A million Taito, Sega, and Capcom platformers from the 80's and 90's looked just like that.

>> No.6157814

>She's young and good looking but there are so many girls out there
Instead of a younger girl, why not an older man. ;)

>> No.6157902


>> No.6157924

>not everyone wants or should have kids
I didn't say the opposite, retard. I said his conclusions were wrong. Read my last sentence.

>Your endgoals are what you make them
True, you can be an anti-science moron about them like the guy I originally replied to.

Reproducing is what nature intended, moron. Living without both your parents is what fucked you and most of this generation up. I never said to randomly marry someone, learn to fucking read. Also, gramps is a literal faggot.

>> No.6158858

Hate opinionated tripfags as much as the next anon, but these posts really do betray an abusive and sexist temperament.

>Sevenleaf: Hey I think you should treat your partner with more respect

>> No.6158868

Beat her over the head with a shovel, like shoveldog, and bury her in the back yard. You can call it IRL Dig Dug.

>> No.6158869

>My girlfriend complains when I play retro games.
I don't believe you have a girlfriend. Enjoy being alone.

>> No.6158872


>> No.6158957

no one cares

>> No.6159536

This is >>6157095 and what the hell are you talking about? I just reread what I wrote, not really seeing where you're getting the hate speech from. Is this because I wrote "dude, chill?" I was commenting on what I thought was a wildly absurd take on the OP's post, but your comment is several orders of magnitude more insane. If you find my post offensive, I suggested disconnecting from the internet, going into a dark room somewhere and never interacting with anyone ever again. Geez.

>> No.6159683

>whiteknighting for tranny cancer
wew lad

>> No.6159970

that simple reply made me laugh. good one, sir

>> No.6161971

>Reproducing is what nature intended, moron.
I can always have a kid if I want. I don't want to now though, that seems like a huge waste of time and money and would be only to please the woman.
Well bros I broke up with her. Feels good. She still comes over to fuck when I text her, and I have another fuckbuddy now too.
Don't get caught in the relationship trap.

>> No.6161975

Look at this poster and be instantly happier with your life knowing you're not him.

>> No.6162974

Most biological girls actually like being told what to do and enjoy the feeling of complete submission.

>> No.6163021

Yeah, that's fine if you don't want kids right now or ever. I think you got the context to my original reply to you, so that's good.

>> No.6163295

>Yeah, that's fine if you don't want kids right now
Obviously. Why would I want kids? Are you seriously coping this hard?
>or ever.
I could have kids whenever I want. I don't think I ever will, but I can always change my mind. Unlike you, you're stuck with the kids meme and can't change your mind and get rid of them. Lol! That fucking sucks, dumbass! You got memed hard. Let me guess, you also have a tiny BVM in a cuckshed and buy third party controllers.
>I think you got the context to my original reply to you, so that's good.
Put your name back on gramps, samefagging is getting really bad for your mental health.

>> No.6163321

Piss off, nigger. You're raging here at me because you dumped your girlfriend to be a manchild, you fucking idiot. I was trying to be nice, too. Fuck gramps and go fuck yourself, girlfriend-less faggot lol.

>> No.6163427

>I could have kids whenever I want.
Luring someone elses kids into an ice cream truck doesn't make them yours incel

>> No.6163456

Did you tried getting her onto 80's-90's arcade games?

>> No.6163565

you need to find a girl that at least likes video games enough to at least understand your hobby. trust me i’ve been married over a decade and if my wife didn’t play games and didn’t get it we’d be divorced by now. also two tvs set up next to each other is ideal. you never argue over what to do and you can still watch tv together and hop on a game if the movie bores you but your partner is feeling it. if she doesn’t play games that aren’t on her phone dump her unless this hobby isn’t that important to you. i need to game to unwind from work. i need games when injured from skateboarding i need games when life is rough and i don’t want to drink.

tldr if she doesn’t play games dump her

>> No.6163576

no he has a point about kids. i wrote the post above this. i’m the guy that’s been married for a decade and it works because me and my wife don’t have kids. i left that out. if you really want to have a kid that’s gonna need a relationship with a woman you can’t evaluate based on does she like games or not. if you want kids choose the girl who’ll make the best mom fuck the games. i’m happy with my cats and monitors but i don’t want kids. and if i had done it i would have done it young

>> No.6163582

She sounds like a dumb thot. Dump her OP

>> No.6163608

>telling op to find a woman who enjoys vidya
The crossover between women who are emotionally stable and don't behave like autistic children the moment things don't go their way, and those that like vidya is in the fraction of a of a fraction of a fraction of a percent territory. We're at least four decimal points out, don't waste your time chasing that dream, it's never going to happen.

What you need is a woman who will let you cum in or on her, and then leave you alone. That's it.

>> No.6163721

depends which country or area you live in. where you at?

>> No.6164081

Age of Empires

>> No.6164090

Puyo Puyo, Columns, Tetris
>I have never met a girl
It shows.

>> No.6164761

The fuck is this garbage thread? Did I click on /v/ by accident?

>> No.6164782

Probably been said a bunch of times in this thread, but I could never see myself having a girlfriend who "hates" video games.

>> No.6164784

In my experience, bitches love Mario. Oh course the women I personally found this out with were around my age and grew up on it too so they were always up for playing some Super Mario Bros. 3 or World or even 64.

If you're a zoomer then I don't know... everyone loves Mario man. If she doesn't even like that then you may just need to trade her in for a new one or just keep your hobby to yourself.

My wife will play Mario with me sometimes but I mostly gave up on sharing my hobby with her years ago.

>> No.6165730

Are you an insecure teenager?
Don't have a girlfriend at all, unless you're a bluepilled cuck.

>> No.6165768

>Probably been said a bunch of times in this thread, but I could never see myself having a girlfriend
That's all you needed to say. And you didn't even need to say it.

>> No.6167554

What's with the extreme butthurt? Are you trapped in a relationship and jealous or something? You need to get laid man.

>> No.6167581

What's with the projection? Did she make you return to the cuckshed or something?

>> No.6167605

>My girlfriend complains when I play retro games. She says she "hates" video games.
Do not allow her to dictate the relationship on video games. If she does not like it follow another girl who is open to what you do. I can tell you this, if she does not like what you like, you will not have much conversations, you will not have much values, and you will only be with her due to looks. Do not be stupid.
>What are some feminine games I can make her play so she likes retro games?
You cant make women like something. They are brought up to like things or they are not. Its not like men who are able to be convinced of something or to at least try something before they knock it.
Agreed. I know some girls that like to play Yakuza(females like drama),Katamari,Puyo Puyo Tetris etc. And various other types. I am going to place bets she is there for resources and not to be interested in what you are in.
>She's young and good looking
While i understand anon. Go for someone who shares your hobbies or is more open to your beliefs. Be who you are and if she stays she accepts you. If she does not she was never worth it.
>I think I need variety and one girl isn't enough for me.
No anon stay loyal to the one girl because at some point being a player gets you nowhere. You can have sex, but what is it really if you have no one to spend the rest of your life with.

>> No.6167616

>what is it really if you have no one to spend the rest of your life with.
That's what friends are for.
"staying loyal to the one girl" sounds like desperation. Maybe it just depends on the person but for me that sounds like a sad life. I want to experience new things and new people. I'll have my lifelong friends male and female.

>> No.6167623

>That's what friends are for.
Anon i can tell you are young. When you have a wife and children. You are not going to have much time for friends and the world.
>"staying loyal to the one girl" sounds like desperation. Maybe it just depends on the person but for me that sounds like a sad life. I want to experience new things and new people. I'll have my lifelong friends male and female.
If you are looking for hookups, short relationships sure. But if you want to have a family its not. I can understand at younger 20's but when you reach your 30's you will be seeing it different.

>> No.6167631

>When you have a wife and children
Personally, I'm not interested. I can always change my mind. But I think having children is a huge meme and I value nothing more than my free time and spare money. I can always change my mind. People with children cannot change their mind and go back to my lifestyle.
When I tell people I'm not planning to have kids they always try to debate with me, with reassures my viewpoint. If they were confident in their choice, they wouldn't feel the need to try and change my mind.
>i can tell you are young
>when you reach your 30's you will be seeing it different
I'm 33 so not that young but I know our brains change as we get older.

>> No.6168379

there's more talking about having a girl than dropping games, dafuk

>> No.6168398

Tell her to either get into the games you like or fuck off and do her own thing. If she wants to get into your hobby, then she has to get into it. Why are you with someone that isn't into games in the first place?

>> No.6168406

Just because you're in a dead end marriage raising some niggas kids doesn't mean you have to drag the rest of us down with you. I'm perfectly happy having 100% of my time as my own to do whatever I please with it. If I get horny, the internet is full of porn and when I'm done, I don't need it anymore and can go do other things.

>> No.6168447

It’s not a good fucking sign for a relationship when the girlfriend brazenly says she “hates” something you do, when she knows you enjoy it. She obviously wants to hurt you. It sounds like something else is wrong. Like she is trying to make a point, a desperate measure to force a change.

Maybe OP doesn’t take her out, or he doesn’t listen to her random thoughts and feelings. A woman takes great offense to being told “no, I don’t want to go out, X place is shit anyway, etc.” and then seeing her boyfriend playing some retarded video game instead. Like he doesn’t have time to enjoy life with his GF, but he will gladly spend hours playing some childish nonsense in his own little bubble.

I’ve seen friends ruin their relationships right in front of me, just because they would rather play Assasins Creed or some shit. They never went out with their girlfriends, they barely went to the store together. “No we can’t go to the café and drink gay tea, but look honey, there’s two other people on my public Ark server!”

>> No.6168593


>> No.6170075

I did, see my update here >>6161971
It triggered someone trying to tell me I'll never have kids now lol

>> No.6170087

Do whatever you want, but hook-up culture is still a cult.

>> No.6170090

That's not what I said, but nice that I'm living rent-free in your head.

>> No.6170113

So we can all chuckle, what were you trying to communicate mongrel?

>> No.6170116

Learn to read, double-digit.

>> No.6170132

You tried to throw a label "hook-up culture" on people living the dream who you're jealous of and now you're seething out the asshole. Sorry you got meme'd into disregarding a variety of women for one butterface.

>> No.6170136

Barbie games :^)))))))

>> No.6170143

And here I am confused and slightly annoyed at how my last thread had a much more interesting topic and it died with 20 posts...

>> No.6170145

You got it, big brain! :)
Keep replying :))

>> No.6172582

it's one of the best snes platformers along with super bonk 2, also published by hudson and import only

>> No.6172837

>d-don't you want to get married?

>> No.6172858

The sex game

>> No.6172941

You still can't stop thinking about me? This is sad. To clarify, because you're too retarded and enraged to read, I said here >>6163021 that it's fine if you don't have kids or want to have kids, it's your choice and you are free to live as you want. You mistook that as a personal attack, though, because you're extremely insecure about the cuckoldry you're suffering from.

>> No.6172982

>if you don't cuck yourself into committing to one girl right now like i did, you can never have kids

>> No.6173013

I never said you're bad a person if you don't have kids or that you should/shouldn't have kids. That's, again, the opposite of what I said. I said it was fine if you don't want to have kids or right now, and it's also fine if you potentially don't ever want to have kids, either. Why does this still make you so mad?

>> No.6173015

*if you don't want to have kids right now, or

>> No.6173039

Where did I say anything about kids schizo? I can have kids whenever I want, without giving up hookups. This makes you seethe.

>> No.6173054

Here >>6161971
>I can always have kids if I want

Again, why can't you stop dwelling on this?

>> No.6173147

I was responding to your comment about kids, a topic you brought up.
Face it, you messed up. You got trapped into an old fashioned meme. You can't go back and relive your 30s and 40s how you should have, but it doesn't mean you should encourage others to make the same mistake out of bitterness and jealousy. Just let go and don't reply or come back to the thread.

>> No.6173442

>I-I didn't say anything about kids, you did
>okay, I actually did...b-but you brought it up so I was just responding to you!
No, you brought it up here >>6156046 you fucking loon cuckold. I was responding to your coping ass-pull statements here >>6156752
and here >>6157924. Again, go fuck yourself, as you clearly need to fuck something and you've got no female to atm.

>You got trapped into an old fashioned meme. You can't go back and relive your 30s and 40s how you should have, but it doesn't mean you should encourage others to make the same mistake out of bitterness and jealousy. Just let go and don't reply or come back to the thread.
I'm in my 20s and you rageplying to me kek. Seethe, old cuck.

>> No.6173768

>all that cope
Pretty sure you have low sperm count and mental issues that preclude making babies or adoption. If you want kids you're going to have to invest in an ice cream truck.

>> No.6174252

>you fucking loon cuckold
>you clearly need to fuck something
Projection: the post.

>> No.6174298

> [my partner] is adamant that we should share each other's hobbies yet refuses to take interest [in mine]
I'll tell you what I'd tell you a woman saying this on r/relationships: Dump your partner that belittles you like that.

>> No.6174318

>I'll tell you what I'd tell you a woman saying this on r/relationships: im a cuck

>> No.6174331

Don't EVER discuss video games with bitches. Keep it to yourself.

The problem here though is that she sounds like one of "those" bitches that tries to "change" a dude. IF that's the case then get out before you get attached.

>> No.6174334

First, you shouldn't give a shit about what your gf says. Make that bitch learn her place.

Second, playing videogames may be detrimental for you. Maybe you should consider not playing videogames for your own sake. That's a consideration that is up to you to make. This is a suggestion.

>> No.6174623

It's not even about finding a gamer gf but finding someone who is ok with you having hobbies and doesn't try to force you to like hers.

>> No.6174932

>taking relationship-advice from anybody on 4chan(nel)

>> No.6174960

That's probably good advice. Don't assume that her opinions are genuine as opposed to power pays to get more control over you. Games could be something she sees as a weak point; it costs her nothing to act like a hobby of yours which in no way harms her is in some way bad or shameful.

>> No.6174967

My gf thinks video games or anything that doesn't directly produce money is "gay as shit".

>> No.6174990

Games my wife likes (as in, like, not mobileshit):

The Sims
Harvest Moon

Games other women I know like:

Mario Party

So, I think it's safe to say that women like games that kind of have a realistic "point" to them where you build something up, but with no true end objective. They're not typically goal-oriented in this way, and they're not super into hard fantasy. If there's a collaborative element it's fine, though.

Sometimes women will like a cool game like Chrono Trigger, but I find that they usually only like that one single game for some nostalgic reason and didn't use it as a springboard for getting into other games, nor are they interested in doing so. Mothers (Gen X or younger) of boys sometimes turn into semi-legitimate gamers though not to the point where they'll deep-dive into niche genres or anything.

>> No.6175041

What did I project? OP said he was getting cucked, tried coping hard, and then began lashing out when he got mocked.

>> No.6175116

Cool story, you sound like an insecure faggot.

>> No.6175152

kek my gf learned very quickly if she tries to tell me what I can and cant do in my life she'll get replaced. So if she wants to bitch about my retro games I just bitch about that weight she's been putting on or her sag in her chest and suddenly she shuts the ffuck up and stops saying shit to me about my hobbies. you sound like a beta boy that doesnt know how to keep his ho in check

>> No.6175176

this is so based

>> No.6175179

maybe the dumb cunt shouldnt be trying to be such a social slut and learn to enjoy staying in more and not wasting money and trying to impress the jones. stupid bitches

>> No.6175206
File: 253 KB, 450x282, mwnLRwM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps consider adventure games? Like, sometimes when a person thinks they hate "video games", it turns out what they REALLY hate is runny-twitchy-mashbutton-shootbangs, and they'd actually be way into a slower, more thoughtful experience with a bit of a story in it. I dunno, try her on like some Grim Fandango or Monkey Island or something, if that don't work I'm outta ideas.

>> No.6175213

Break up

>> No.6175421

Man your post was some food for thought.

I do kind of envy how the internet has developed,,, just slightly after I could have taken advantage of it, into economies of creator-driven stuff like streaming and paid mods. All kinds of stuff I was doing as a fucking cool guy nerd on the internet that you can now get paid for, or make a living off if you're half as popular as I was in my cool guy days.

But you got me thinking.
If you're part of this generation and get caught up in it, like if you actually did get paying the bills that way into your head...
How much would it suck to just... play a game for fun and feel like you need to be recording it. Or to have sex with your camwhore girlfriend, like an occasion of amazing sex, and instead of just being able to appreciate the moment feeling like you just lost something because you didn't have a camera running.
Or maybe worse, be unable to ever engage in those things and appreciate them in and of themselves without needing to turn a camera on first.

>> No.6175769

your gf sounds like a resource wanting cunt that doesnt give a shit about you and what you enjoy and the quicker you kick her in the cunt every time she opens her cock sucking hole (which she should be doing daily) about her hatred of things you enjoy the better

>> No.6176025

Okay, OP.

>> No.6176341

>I'm starting to realize that having a girlfriend is extremely cucked in general
You're fucking retarded and you can't be saved.

>> No.6177992

I was limiting myself for no good reason. Now I'm free.

>> No.6178025

you sound like a desperate simp faggot that still worships pussy

>> No.6178359


>> No.6178667

>The Sims
Came to post this. Bitches love The Sims, even those who usually don't play games. Try it OP.

>> No.6178727

women don’t like games dude, making her play some old ass antique isn’t gonna change her mind

>> No.6178732


>> No.6178796

>listen to her random thoughts and feelings
>listen to random
And this is why you are a submissive boy who will never accomplish anything or become a man and fuck beautiful women.

>> No.6181560

>Literally the primary colors
o b s e s s e d

>> No.6181562

why did they make him so cute?
literally shota material

>> No.6181585

>cntrl F
>Animal Crossing
>0 results found
Animal Crossing is the game that literally every girl I've ever met that claims she's into games has played. It's almost as if it's made for women with zero gaming skills.

>> No.6181618

Firstly that has nothing to do with this thread
Secondly lol that you carry this animal crossing specific axe around to grind it in random threads whenever someone mentions "girl"

Thirdly that's a dumb statement
>literally every girl I've ever met that claims she's into games
>has played
I've played it too. Sounds like you have also. Why is it weird that someone who claims they're into games has played one of the most popular franchises ever?

I mean, AC kinda sucks and girls are awful, but you're a pathetic dumbfuck of a joke

>> No.6181667

Sounds like you have zero reading comprehension there, bud. OP asked for feminine games and Animal Crossing doesn't get more fuckin' fruity.
The only people that play it are penis poppers, women or otherwise.

>> No.6181695

Not him but you're an IRL beta faggot who really wants to not be one.

>> No.6181802

>assmad that I BTFO'd his shit argument and resorts to namecalling
Stay mad, faggot.

>> No.6181808

my gf is really interested in vidya and actually bought her first video game console because of me but she cant bring herself to bear most older vidya due to it looking outdated. she loves stuff ive introduced to her from the past 15 years including indie pixelshit like celeste but she just cant do retro stuff for some reason.
for example, i tried to introduce her to ff7 because she wanted a popular game with a grand story and she couldnt play more than an hour of it because the character models were terrible and actively irritated her. she had the same irritation with super mario 64's graphics.
does anyone have any suggestions for retro games with art styles that aged pretty well? i have a hard time determining them because i like retro styles. her favorite so far is yoshis island.

>> No.6181834

Most of these are weeaboos, i.e. like female neckbeards.

>> No.6181875

9/10 bait, should've added in something like the Sega System to get even more (YOU)'s.

>> No.6181889

Yes an old one in her 50s