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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6148972 No.6148972 [Reply] [Original]

"Bad" games you unironically like.

>> No.6149267

Mace: The Dark Age

>> No.6149323
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A little bit to do with the potential it could have had, had it had more time in the oven and a little to do with the story of how this game was made.

Summary, it was made in about 30 days. 60 in total with the first version of the game 100% scrapped and started over from scratch.

There was a fantastic YouTube video on the making of this game but it's disappeared off the face of the earth.

>> No.6149350

Is there anyone here who actually enjoys Bubsy 3D?

>> No.6149354

No, but I'll defend Bubsy 1, which is really a perfectly fine game whose one big flaw was the one-hit deaths. Would be remembered as a classic today had it just had a heath bar of some sort.

>> No.6149384

Kabuki Warriors, which was made by the same studio that did Bushido Blade.
It was only recognized as a bad game because at the time the gaming community still had fairly high standards. Retrospectively there was very little wrong with it as a B-tier fighting game.

>> No.6149396

Superman 64

>> No.6149495

I could beat it in one sitting in middle school. It's crazy how the production went, basically they chose to fill the holiday gap between Sonic 3 and S&K with a game they made in a couple weeks and it sold really well.

>> No.6149563

Was this game actually bad? I remember having lots of fun with it.

>> No.6149672

Is there ever a point in unironically/ironiccaly liking something? I mean it still means you like something but for different reasons in a kind of cowarldy way like
>I like this shit hahaha aint I a weirdo?

>> No.6150318
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>> No.6150413
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Mostly for the novelty value, and I actually kinda like the janky driving.
Wrong board.

>> No.6150482

Not a "bad" game so much as disappointing and kiddy-ish, but I fucking love Yoshi's Story. Don't even like Yoshi's Island either.

>> No.6150485
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>> No.6150527
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I know this version wasn't /vr/ but the original Japanese release was

It was a good game, the closest thing to LSD Simulator I played as a child

>> No.6150620

Final Fight Streetwise. You can clearly see that the potential was there and that so much stuff was cut out. I played it out of sadness for what could have been.

>> No.6150639

Quest 64

>> No.6150649

Not /vr/ (yet), but WWE Crush Hour.

>> No.6150663
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>> No.6150747

I love quest 64. It has such a good atmosphere and it's so light hearted.

>> No.6150754

Kind of none, because I am a poorfag and so I used to only buy the 9/10 and 10/10 games. I would get the vidya magazine and only buy something if it was rated REALLY highly because I could only get like 1 game a year, 2, tops.

inb4 muh second hand: 2nd hand wasn't such a thing then as it is now. If a new game was £40 2nd hand stuff was like £35. It wasnt much of a saving and might be faulty. Things are cheaper overall nowadays, in real terms, and things are also more transient and throwaway.

So, I never really bought any ''crap''' throwaway games so I dunno if i unironically like any.

>> No.6150760
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>> No.6150771
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It’s not that bad

>> No.6150783

this one i think just gets a bad rep for some reason. it's a perfectly good platformer with some really unique gameplay ideas.

>> No.6150816

Both Sonic Adventure games. Admittedly, they do play a bit poorly, but I have too many good memories playing them with friends to truly hate them. SA1 is the only one that's the hardest to come back to, I still like playing SA2 every now and then.

>> No.6150923
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what kind of rpg maker 95 pokemon clone shit is this?

>> No.6150927

Hi Chad.

>> No.6151340

I never really thought so but everyone tells me it's terrible.

>> No.6151429
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I dont love it or anything, but I've enjoyed it enough that I'm determined to beat it

>> No.6151496

The gameplay is mediocre, and it aged pretty badly pretty quickly as most of the great SNES platformers would come out after it. But it was one of the few platformers at the time to try telling a story in between levels, and Tim Follin's music and Lyndon Brooke's spritework worked together in a way that few of Follin's soundtracks did.


Not retro, but same. I treated the game's jankiness like just another challenge to get through, and the story has that same level of sheer camp that made Kingdom Hearts so memorable.

>> No.6151501
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Forgot the image.

James Pond 2 is another one. It's a game that sucks in every single way except for the platforming physics, which are some of the best in the genre. It's extremely playable even while you're gouging your eyes out at the Amiga rainbow gradients.

>> No.6151670

OP here, I also love Mace... and Bio Freaks.

>> No.6151708

It was a budget title (I think only about 20 bucks If I remember right) so I think a lot of people just assumed it was crap without actually playing it.

>> No.6151712

Irony is a defense mechanism for people who are afraid to get attached to anything or be perceived as being attached to anything by others. Peak postmodernism.

>> No.6151727
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>> No.6151752
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One of my favorite RPGs.

>> No.6151807
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>> No.6151809

Dick Tracy NES. The actual clue and interrogation thing is pretty rad for its time, rules of engagement, period appropriate tunes. Controls could be improved.

>> No.6151820

Mr. Bones for Saturn. I picked it up as a joke but thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.6151924

This but the first person shooter

>> No.6151930

>pokemon clone
>came out way before it
You do realize Pokemon is a DQ clone, right?

>> No.6152147
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>fantastic boss battles and great level design
I'm 99% sure that people's only gripe with this game is the difficulty and that it is not SotN.

>> No.6153789
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>> No.6153801

Yeah this game is alright. I do like the soundtrack slightly more on the Genesis port though.

>> No.6153847

The Animation Magic Zelda CD-I games. Although the gameplay is kinda horrible, I kinda like it concept-wise and, frankly, the music and in-game artstyle definetly had a certain charm

Still pretty janky though

>> No.6154869
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The Sega Genesis version of Wolverine Adamantium Rage. I used a Game Genie to beat it.

>> No.6156786

It really is incredibly janky, but I had a great time with it and aesthetically its miles above any other post-Richter CV. Everything in it just looks so fucking cool.
Also the demon shopkeeper who turns into a secret boss fight was a really cool idea, even though his moveset was basically just a warmup version of Fake Dracula.

>> No.6156872
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I don't know if is considered a bad game but always only heard complaints about spelunker controls and mechanics. I personally liked
I also like the snes Doom port I know is the worst but still

>> No.6157323

Fighting Force comes to mind. Now I can see its big flaws.
>shit camera
>controls like mud
>load times
But it was so fun to play back in the day. Used to play Co op with my brother. So it has a lot of sentimental value. Didn't find out till later that is was going to be a 3d Streets of Rage game.

>> No.6157345
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If anyone says this is a good game, you're clearly wrong. Very repetitive and the models were shit.

Still, I have a lot of nostalgia for it and still play it sometimes.

>> No.6157447

a link to the past

>> No.6157452

geez, this giga autist really vanished didn't he?

>> No.6157474

Not him but it was basically a Famicom-developed game rebaked as a SFC project. Not the worst thing that could happen...

>> No.6157508

Unless you bought it quite a while ago it's a pretty expensive joke

>> No.6157786
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>> No.6157834
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That’s not a bad game. This is a bad game (that’s great)

>> No.6157835


>> No.6157838

40 USD at a flea market for a Saturn game in decent condition isn't what I would call expensive these days. It's not Panzer Dragoon Saga.

>> No.6157848
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Very mediocre minigame compilation w/ very frustrating and badly coded AI, but i genuinely like the music and some of the set pieces (specially the warp rooms as a whole), and the few minigames that aren't shit (like the pogo ones) are actually fun to play through all the challenges.

>> No.6157862
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It's a simple as fuck game that has pretty much zero actual depth. It's easy to win every single map by just rushing.

>> No.6157864

hit submit too soon. I would say I still like it because if you play and build the mechanics are ok, and the art and sound are pretty nice. It's also just nice to have a new game for old systems. But if you're someone who likes a challenge and to get better there's really nothing for you. It's pretty much a tech demo unless you intentionally play dumb/slow.

>> No.6158550

you're wrong but I'm too tired to explain

>> No.6158563
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I actually couldn't beat it as a kid. Got stuck at the running block guy.

>> No.6158573

I do.

>> No.6159119

I liked it as a kid, but in retrospect it was the kind of game that was built for a rental market.

>> No.6159368
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so much

>> No.6159374
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>> No.6159387
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I love that one and I feel the Saturn game definitely qualifies as well. I don't think I have seen anyone discuss it here before.

>> No.6159429

I still don't understand why this is a beloved game in Japan despite being kusoge, it is even on the Famicom Mini/Classic. It's genuinely horrible.

>> No.6160562

I love this game, but it's too easy to lose so much progress because there's not enough save points and you can die so easily.

>> No.6160593
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>> No.6160672

Is Plok really bad, though? It could fuck off with the anti-rental difficulty (can be mitigated with an infinite lives cheat), but it was mechanically solid enough, had an interesting look, and the music was fantastic.

>> No.6160681
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I absolutely adore this game and all the mods it's had.

>> No.6160689
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Dr. Chaos on the NES. I like the weird music, vibe, creepy title and intro sequence and it was fun exploring the house to me. I still need to get around to watching House, some shitty 80s horror movie it ripped off, so they say.

>> No.6160698
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It hurts my soul that so many people on the internet think Metroid II: Return of Samus is a bad Metroid game. It's my personal favorite and always will be. (Pic not related)

>> No.6160720
File: 136 KB, 699x1000, House_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, what?! Dude. First off, House is not a shitty 80s horror movie. It is a weird as hell, sometimes deliberately hokey late 70s Japanese horror film that has a couple of genuinely disturbing moments and shots of naked Japanese teen girls. It's hard to describe, you just have to experience it for yourself. At any rate, it's one of my all-time favorite movies, and by sheer cosmic coincidence I used to read about Dr. Chaos in a book of game strategies I owned when I was a kid, and I always thought it sounded so cool and weird, and I always wanted to play it. So if you're telling me that Dr. Chaos was inspired by House, I take that at as a sign that nearly 30 years later it's time I finally play it.

Without realizing it, you've just made my night!

>> No.6161114

I love House. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.

>> No.6161496

I remember hating this game every time I played it and STILL playing it.

>> No.6161526
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I personally don't think this game is bad, just very short and easy for a run and gun.
Most people online seem to think it's complete shit tough so I guess it belongs here. I had hours and hours of fun playing through it on repeat as a kid so it holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.6161586
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>> No.6161601

>First off, House is not a shitty 80s horror movie.
The American one is, and HG101 says that's the one that the game copied. Sorry. Dr Chaos is kinda interesting though.

>> No.6161727
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I really like it. Different beast from U7 and the U6 engine games. Still like it. Great atmosphere. Great music. Playable with the jumping patch. I still like it.

>> No.6162845

Enter the Matrix.

What happens onscreen is usually too ridiculous to ever be truly boring. Also best cheat system in gaming.

>> No.6162848

Yeah, even when I saw the nerd play it I was like "There's something strangely endearing about this"

>> No.6162854

Was this the closest Consoles came to Daggerfall?

>> No.6162859

>Dr. Chaos
Wow this actually looks pretty cool from gameplay

>> No.6162861

Speaking of which, this was pretty great. Basically the people they hired (who are nice dudes) made fun of them to their faces and they still published this.


>> No.6163336

>there are two people that would give busby the Golden X award

>> No.6163353
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im da bes.

>> No.6163778
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I'm seeing a connection...

>> No.6164020
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I'm a sucker for hybrid genres such as FPS/RTS or RPG/FPS, but the gameplay in this one is so clunky. You spend a substantial part of the game literally and unironically shooting at the ground. Still a good game tho.