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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6147095 No.6147095 [Reply] [Original]

The best games are those that make you feel like a bad-ass, require practice and technique, and memorization.

Feeling like a bad-ass is that which makes you feel alive. Your fuel for gaming.
A level of excitement, something that gets you out of the bed.
Practice and technique is your potential to exert your will upon the game-world in various ways.
Memorization is an interpretative framework that informs you of a proper way to do a thing.

JRPGs, adventure games/visual novels, walking simulators, games without difficulty, "metroidvanias" (i.e., Symphony of the Night), games trying to be "art", and overly linear games are an anathema. They do not contain the aforementioned precepts. I doubt the creators of these games could even beat games with those precepts, let alone master or even code one.

>> No.6147128


>> No.6147136
File: 38 KB, 297x450, edgyteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're the average doom retard
I see

>> No.6147137

Spending tens of hours of your life replaying a shitty game to stick it to it is a pretty hollow victory.

>> No.6147139

Memorization is the antithesis of good gameplay.

>> No.6147140

This guy must love the second level of The Lion King.

>> No.6147147
File: 75 KB, 620x400, Pinnacle of game design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt the creators of these games could even beat games with those precepts, let alone master or even code one.
This is what shmuptrannies tell themselves while throwing money away for pic related quality "game design". Thankfully all the gook devs moved on to gacha because their breed died out, and so mankind can move on from credit-based retardation made to exploit morons.

>> No.6147156
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>> No.6147160
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>> No.6147162

The game you chose for your example is exceptionally poor. Beating this requires nothing more than rote memorization. It's like entering an extended cheat code. Players have done it blindfolded.

>> No.6147164 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6147175

Not hard enough. You can still see the player.

>> No.6147363
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Some memorization can be fine but of it's the main gameplay feature, then yes. Playing a piece on the piano is a skill to learn but not really a game.

>> No.6147383 [DELETED] 

Lol you got the jarpig trannies really mad OP, but youre right. Games are supposed to be games, theyre about rules and mastery not some retarded story shit for gay babies. These guys know they are playing lesser vidya deep down, and so they seethe

>> No.6147391 [DELETED] 

Thats because piano playing has no objective rules and goals other than what you set for yourself, add a scoring system that grades performance and now youll have an excellent and challenging performance game. In fact thats what Synthesia kind of does, and Rocksmith

>> No.6147395

>Thats because piano playing has no objective rules and goals other than what you set for yourself,

That might be the single stupidest thing I've ever seen someone on vr say, congrats.

>> No.6147406 [DELETED] 

You think so because youre a low iq simp who cant distinguish between objective rules inherent in the object being discussed and subjective normative rules like the ones in music

>> No.6147409

There are a lot of rules in how to play piano properly, you simpleton.

>> No.6147416 [DELETED] 

Yes, which are normative and come from us formalizing the act of playing piano rather than being inherent to the object. Its the difference between you turning something into a game, and something being a game intrinsically. Interesting how evry time I hear this omg dumbest thing said outrage it always comes from utter idiots who dont know anything about anything

>> No.6147419

>Yes, which are normative and come from us formalizing the act of playing piano rather than being inherent to the object.

That's not true though

>Its the difference between you turning something into a game, and something being a game intrinsically

The distinction is murky.

>> No.6147428 [DELETED] 

>That's not true though
You CANNOT justify this claim, dont even waste your time trying
>The distinction is murky.
Most distinctions aren't 100% clear and will have some fuzzy edge case scenarios if you dig deep enough and question human ability to know anything but at that point you are completely breaking down communication. If you have no grasp of the concept of say numbers letters and words and dont understand common symbols then yes nothing will intrinsically be a game

>> No.6147443

Fuck you. I decide what my fuel for gaming is, not you.

>> No.6147531

You're right it's not worth wasting my time but that doesn't mean what you're trying to say isn't bullshit.

>> No.6147537

Nooooo, you MUST follow rules of a random stranger on the internet!

>> No.6147961

based and gamerpilled

>> No.6147962


>> No.6148250
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, 6-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaming lost its balls, OP. People shitting on you in this thread are Zoomers who don't remember how glorious it was. Pic related.

>> No.6148262

I wish my beloved VNs would stop getting shit on, they aren't hurting anyone
Actual VNs are great, although ironicfag western shit needs to die

>> No.6148263

if you didnt catch on to the disappearing enemy exploit before you got to that part, you must have been using game genie.

doing stuff like that in NES games is really satisfying and I feel like the only games that still put that amount of trust in the player is the dark souls series.

>> No.6148305

This is why I think the Fighting genre stands apart from all the others considered difficult and skill-based like rhythm, shmup, rts, and certain platformers: it's not as simple as "memorize" to win.

>> No.6148310
File: 383 KB, 1528x2100, life force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No game genie needed but yes, that game was extremely buggy. Dark Souls did a good job bringing back some of the structure of the NES era but it is an outlier. Gaming is still missing that pick up and play, fast-paced, punishing jank.

>> No.6148314

It's good to have a variety of game types. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a JRPG, sometimes I want competitive multiplayer, etc. They all can be great in their own ways.

>> No.6148323

t. game journalists

>> No.6148369

>JRPGs, adventure games/visual novels, walking simulators, games without difficulty, "metroidvanias" (i.e., Symphony of the Night)
>games without difficulty
dfficulty depends on your goals and skill level, many people are bad at games and find jrpgs and metroidvanias difficult enough on the first couple of playthroughs. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.6149058


Also, JRPGs, adventure games, and metroidvanias can all gain any amount of difficulty from puzzles. The fact that many of them don't is just the result of arbitrary choices by particular game developers. Games like those can be made harder than Battletoads, no problem. With good design they can even be made difficult and fun, both at the same time.

In JRPGs, every battle itself can be a puzzle, or another kind of strategic challenge. If level growth or whatever is controlled appropriately then things won't be too easy most of the time (nor too hard). It's just not what the developers want to work on usually.

And on top of that there are puzzles involving plot progression or unlocking of sections of the world or whatever... there's no fundamental reason why those can't be truly difficult.

Shumps, meanwhile, can be relatively easily played by machines. They are much simpler and cruder. Less suitable for human effort, you might say.

>> No.6149069 [DELETED] 

This is a very messy unfocused post. Any game can be as hard as it wants to, shmups can be literally humanly unbeatable and can also have puzzles not only of equal complexity to any other game but also with a time pressure, being action games and all. It's a meaningless discussion. RPG's AND shmups can be played by machines, hell even competitive multiplayer strategy games can be played by machines against human players, this really doesn't say anything. Shmups have an inherent problem solving aspect as well, which becomes more prominent once you start scoring.

>> No.6149103

>The best games are those that make you feel like a bad-ass, require practice and technique, and memorization.
I would agree.

>Feeling like a bad-ass is that which makes you feel alive. Your fuel for gaming. A level of excitement, something that gets you out of the bed.
I think there's many types of different games, but exciting and challenging ones would be my favorites.

>Memorization is an interpretative framework that informs you of a proper way to do a thing.
If it's about learning mechanics and tactics, I'd say yes. Pure rote memorization or pure RNG gambling isn't a lot of fun however, then it's just boiling the gameplay down to repetition for the sake of repetition.

>JRPGs, adventure games/visual novels, walking simulators, games without difficulty, "metroidvanias" (i.e., Symphony of the Night), games trying to be "art", and overly linear games are an anathema. They do not contain the aforementioned precepts. I doubt the creators of these games could even beat games with those precepts, let alone master or even code one.
That's retarded and you're a fag.
People who worked on Symphony Of The Night also worked on other titles which were less RPG oriented, you couldn't level your way through Super Castlevania for instance, or Dracula X, you would need to just beat it (beat it), and looking at the Metroid games you still need to actually succeed in fighting and maneuvering to progress.

You have a narrow mind.

Doom has fun gameplay, not liking it would be the edgy position.

>> No.6149106

That would be true.

Only if it's in excess or in place of any actual gameplay. Learning rules and mechanics is the good kind of memorization; what does this enemy do, what can I do with this tool, what maneuver is best for this situation, etc.

True, and it's a shame because the game is kind of cool. I heard it was made that way to squeeze rental money out of kids, and that the Japanese version isn't as mind numbingly hard. I don't know if that's true.

>> No.6149116

I can appreciate a challenge, but Ninja Gaiden was just too fucking sadistic for me. I prefer Batman, that one was hard too, but it didn't feel like I had to exploit bugs to win.

>Actual VNs are great, although ironicfag western shit needs to die
This. I'm sick of hearing about Donkey Donkey Ligature.

>No game genie needed but yes, that game was extremely buggy.
I'm just gonna say that you're a more skilled player than most people who have played Ninja Gaiden, I don't think a lot of kids who had it back in the day actually managed to beat it.

>Dark Souls did a good job bringing back some of the structure of the NES era but it is an outlier.
True. Dark Souls isn't really very hard though, it's more that it just punishes failure and rewards success. It's stern, but there's a logic to all of it, and if you catch on to it you'll make it.
I wouldn't call it an outlier entirely, it has some pretty decent popularity, there's like what, almost 10 games now in a quasi-series?

>Gaming is still missing that pick up and play, fast-paced, punishing jank.
I would say so, yes. I don't think every game needs to be a ballbuster, it's a medium, it can be varied, but with that statement I also very much mean that the ballbuster variety has grown less common in the medium, it's an endangered species that needs preservation.
A good start would be to add some harder difficulty levels to games.

>> No.6149121

>Shumps, meanwhile, can be relatively easily played by machines. They are much simpler and cruder. Less suitable for human effort, you might say.
And the 100 meter dash can be performed relatively easily by a car.
And a 1000lb weight can be lifted relatively easily by a crane.
And chess AI can crush Grandmasters relatively easily.
And computers can draw photo-realistic pictures rather easily.
And your analogy misses the point entirely.

>> No.6149138 [DELETED] 
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>The best games are those that make you feel like a bad-ass
>A level of excitement, something that gets you out of the bed.
literally a child

>> No.6149159 [DELETED] 

>filthy burnt out coomer cannot feel the simple chidlike joy of video games
Stop jerking it to hentai or you might become a joyless decaying husk thats begging to be put outs of its misery

>> No.6149193 [DELETED] 

>t. shmuptranny whose self-validation comes from playing children's games

>> No.6149290

Ah yes all those children with a DDPWL WR

>> No.6149441 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 720x424, cumbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't train both his mouse arm and his fapping arm
>not excelling at action and self pleasure

>> No.6149489

One of the things I hate about shmups / bullet hells besides the fact that enemy bullet patterns are pre-determined is how you can just hold the shooting button with 0 consequences---there's genuinely no point to having a shooting button then, and very little point left to calling it a "shooting game".

>> No.6149493


>> No.6149620

I find it interesting how often Dark Souls is still brought up like it's both a pinnacle of modern difficulty and alone in it's challenge. Monster Hunter has been around much longer, in it's country of origin is massively popular and playing solo in the high ranks makes Demon and Dark Souls feel like baby games by comparison.

>> No.6149626

What the fuck is this thread??? People are immediately ranting about things the OP didn't even say or mention. Is this a continuation of a different thread I didn't see or is there some discord drama spilling over on the board or something?

>> No.6149635

this is your cue to lurk more

>> No.6149702 [DELETED] 

Why lurk in a cesspit?

>> No.6149723 [DELETED] 

thats a shooped image retard

>> No.6149735 [DELETED] 

>pretending to have a Cave WR so you can act like you won an argument

>> No.6149737

exactly, which is why you're here and not on /v/

>> No.6149758

Is that image even real? I'm a lowkey shmup danmaku fan, but that pic looks extremly retarded, if it's real what game is it?

>> No.6149803 [DELETED] 

You hate them because you are a dummy who doesnt know anything about them. They have different shot types for hold and tap that you have to switch between on the fly both for precise dodging, general positioning and offense. Most games also have a thing called scoring where precise and delayed shots are key
It's real but it's also the infamous last attack of a mode that's intentionally made to be absurdly difficult, the game warns you against picking it. It's not really meant to be dodged in a traditional sense either, its more about using up your resources at the right time and manipulating the scrolling.

>> No.6149813 [DELETED] 

>the degenerate coomer who jerks off to tranny anime shit calling others trannies
The fucking ironing

>> No.6149827 [DELETED] 

There's some mentally ill low iq BR sperg who's really upset at shmups and really even skill based games in general.

>> No.6149893

The Japanese version is significantly easier.

>> No.6150096

I've heard that. Is it actually worth playing?

>> No.6150123

It's more forgiving so you won't die to newly introduced bullshit as much. Some spikes that were known to catch you off guard were removed or robots that exploded, instantly taking a life away, do not anymore.

The US version is perfectly playable if you go through wookie hole and learn to farm lives. You would probably enjoy the famicom ver much more though. There's a GCCX episode of the game and Arino didn't have much trouble beating it.

>> No.6150161

Funny how the japs got the easier version.
Sorta makes me think of Fester's Quest, where the western devteam weren't really thinking about how hard they had been making the game, and the Japanese testers were all "WTF? This is impossibru!"

>> No.6150364

Yeah try just holding down the shooting button in Progear and see how well you score

>> No.6150439

Yeah, no
>shitty game
Because it requires practice or because it backs up your claim?
>a pretty hollow victory
Just like shooting free throws, shooting range and every single player game. The point is to have fun feeling good about getting good, not having the game babymode you through "the sense of achievement" like in modern games with loot boxes and shit.

>> No.6150442

You can NOT remove memorization, retard. As long as you are learning anything that gives you the upper hand it's memorizing. The opposite would be a game that randomly generates everything, then it's either you knowing what the fuck you have to work with (memorizing the items you have to work) or you getting lucky with the RNG, and might as well play poker at this point.

>> No.6150447

>haha he needs a pillow to play
Might as well mock people for wearing glasses to read books at this point. Imagine shaming the usage of tools.

>> No.6150448

So what game do these faggots want?
A game where every stage, item, enemy and player attack is randomised?

>> No.6150450

So you're saying you never felt bad for losing or good for winning? Are you sure you're not depressed, anon?

>> No.6150727

I think he just worded it poorly and meant endless rote memorization.

>> No.6150759 [DELETED] 

shmup fans have a discord that they use to regularly run shitposting attacks on /vr/ where they spaz the hell out about how jrpgs aren't good and the only genre worth playing is shmup. they won't necessarily directly say this, but it's implied and if you know their dogwhistles you'll pick it up right away. you can either acknowledge that the /vr/ shmuptard discord is real or not, but the quality of the board is hampered by a group of loud idiots either way.

>> No.6150808 [DELETED] 

/vr/ was trash even before the whole jarpig/arcadetard war started anyway so who gives a shit

>> No.6150910
File: 1.61 MB, 210x300, Yace_tries_DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe his lies^

>> No.6151568
File: 57 KB, 603x407, Shmuptranny acknowledges mental illness and addiction to porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shmups are a disease

>> No.6151570
File: 43 KB, 567x251, Shmuptranny thinks playing video game is work and a means to delay inevitable suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6151572

>one guy says something about a genre
>the entire genre and all players of genre must think the same
Is this American education?

>> No.6151962 [DELETED] 

Americans have schools?

>> No.6152262

No this is "gamer" education

>> No.6152289

Well good to know your opinion. I disagree with every word of it but you're certainly entitled to it.

>> No.6152321

This is why I love the SNES Megaman X games.

>> No.6152703

So you like boring, easy games? That's fine too.

>> No.6153780

>he doesn't like Doom
>he doesn't power through Hell Beneath fighting like a madman with what little resources he has
>he doesn't play the deadliest game of Peek-A-Boo in Hunted
>he's never experienced the thrill and wonder of Misri Halek

It's kinda shitty desu, though I wonder how he fucked up his arms.

Probably because Dark Souls is popular and it's one of the few popular series in the west today which doesn't baby the player and makes an effort to make challenge good.
Dark Souls isn't as hard as a journalist will tell you, but the fact that this kind of game has become an enduring hit (and inspires knockoffs) means there's still hope for the industry, there are still lots of people out there who want a challenge to best, not just dull cakewalks that pat you on the ass.

>> No.6154410
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I feel like it was mostly in the marketing and the tone the games set because as you say, though it is punishing with mistakes, if you're careful they're really not that hard. At least Dark and Demons which are the ones I played, nothing in them is even in the same ballpark as doing something like the offline Alatreon fight in Monster Hunter 3 for example. Which is why for some of us who have been playing it since the ps2 days are such rabid fans. But it's difficulty wasn't marketed in the same way.

>> No.6154616

Was Monster Hunter widely popular though? Genuine question, I don't think I remember hearing much talk about the series at all until recent years, with that MH World game.

>> No.6154623

No that's my point. In Japan it's been a phenomenon the whole time but until pretty recently it's been very niche in the west. It's why DS getting lauded for finally being a challenging game again always seemed a little odd. But like I say, it wasn't marketed like that. Heck over here they barely marketed it at all.

>> No.6154627

I guess Dark Souls just happened to click with Westerners. But then, as you said, Monster Hunter wasn't really marketed much, so maybe things could have been different.

>> No.6156206

>It's kinda shitty desu, though I wonder how he fucked up his arms.

Probably poor blood circulation. I knew a guy like that who's hands would fall asleep.

>> No.6156212

Kind of depends on what you're looking for. Sometimes, I want to be challenged, even unfairly so, but other times, I just want something simple and easy because that can be fun, too.

>> No.6156828

To be fair the series had an odd start. I love MH1 to death but it's got a very unusual control scheme and there's a lot weird gameplay choices. The later games let you focus mostly on the action if that's what you want but the first one especially is in many ways a samurai caveman simulator.

Then they released the next few on PSP which was a horrible system for it which didn't help and then DS/3DS was actually quite good but it's a bit of a strange series for a Nintendo handheld and so again with the lack of marketing many people didn't really notice it till World.

>> No.6158867


Could be a pinched nerve too.

>> No.6158915

Battletoads Arcade > Battletoads NES

>> No.6160172

That's true for every single arcade to NES port.

>> No.6161663

Battletoads Arcade came out years after the NES game and are hardly alike. But he's still right, Battletoads NES has too many shit levels while Arcade is fun the whole way through.

>> No.6161675
File: 16 KB, 236x369, shaeffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has there ever been a console port better than the arcade original? Doubtful.

>> No.6161683

Not really. It works well as a game that should be done with some resets and planning ahead. Just like in original mario, find shortcuts, conserve lives, push through. In battletoads: farm lives on crows, get further and further. There's a shitton of replayability for the crow farming and getting there is pretty fun too.

>> No.6161689

Soul Calibur
Arguably games like Ninja Gaiden or Bionic Commando though both are pretty different from their arcade counterparts in many aspects

>> No.6161712

Never said problem was difficulty, but that there's too many shit levels. Namely Terra Tubes, Arctic Cavern, Karnath's Lair, even The Revolution. They're not fun to play no matter how well you have them down. I've beaten the game multiple times but these levels are never enjoyable and are designed like shit. All of the levels in Arcade have some semblance of fun through them.

>> No.6161725

Don't see how they're bad, to me they're fine, maybe overly punishing somewhat. Arctic Caverns is fun to explore despite being difficult.

>> No.6161746
File: 9 KB, 244x250, 1497152328858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see how a level like Terra Tubes is bad? Where the swimming mechanics hardly work and is a 50/50 on if you can make the jump out of it on the last wheel section or punching the rubber ducks sometimes not working with your fist attack pushing you ahead of them instead of hitting and instantly killing you for no reason or the final swimming section that's basically luck on whether the shark combos you into the spikes with no way to fight back and other times just does nothing? The level is fucking dreadful, I can't think of one fun section in it, hell it starts with getting shot from off screen like that's fair. Even for Battletoads that's just some shit. Arctic Cavern has the same problem of getting hit off screen and the one tight jump off the slope that ends up being the only challenging part of an otherwise tedious level. And Karnath's Lair is just boring, no enemies to fight purely memorizing snake patterns and nothing else. It's no wonder everyone always warps through the level, it sucks.

>> No.6161749
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>> No.6161778
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nothing wrong with puzzle/adventure games.
Solving puzzles can make you feel like a badass. Of course, there's a lot of bullshit nonsensical puzzles, but that's clearly bad design and doesn't detract from the potential of the genre/s.
I also get a lot of "fuel" from exploration in games, I enjoy discovering strange new worlds and figuring out how they work. No other medium lets you explore and interact with virtual worlds in a meaningful way, and that shit's super compelling to me.

>> No.6161810

Not to mention that you can use spin slash or throwing star to get through. No exploits needed

>> No.6161984

>Where the swimming mechanics hardly work
You tap, the toad swims up, it's perfectly functional
>50/50 on if you can make the jump out of it on the last wheel
Don't be slow and you'll survive, it's not that hard.
>punching the rubber ducks sometimes not working with your fist attack
You just need to delay its 1 hit KO better and get inside its hitbox, it's not like the ducks explode like the robots you know
>final swimming section that's basically luck on whether the shark combos you into the spikes
Then don't rush and punch the shark. There's a perfectly consistent strategy to chasing it away. You also get infinite redos because that part has a free 1 UP.

Tedious is just your subjective opinion. It's fun if you're just not spastic with controls that don't have that much depth to them.

>> No.6162020

>I also get a lot of "fuel" from exploration in games, I enjoy discovering strange new worlds and figuring out how they work.
There's a big appeal in that. I do find it in some RPGs and even some FPS

>> No.6162195

>I also get a lot of "fuel" from exploration in games, I enjoy discovering strange new worlds and figuring out how they work.

This is why I love roguelikes so much. A good one (if you don't spoil yourself) is a near endless stream of exploration and experimenting with gameplay elements.

>> No.6163049

What is everyone talking about regarding "fuel" lmfao
You guys all robots?

>> No.6163331

Shit is like that or >bonechiling >slowburn is when reddit is actually taking over

>> No.6165586
File: 119 KB, 1159x809, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating soliloquy, OP.

>> No.6166083

What are your thoughts on Darius Gaiden?

>> No.6166085

We should tell /m/ this is where all the robots are

>> No.6166110 [DELETED] 

just came in to say that I can beat turbo tunnels without breaking a sweat, and while driving in the middle of the screen like a Chad.

>> No.6166125

I can beat Turbo Tunnels without breaking a sweat, and I can drive in the middle of the screen like a Chad.

this. except for a few glitches, Battletoads is very well-designed. that 1-up at the last checkpoint of Terra Tubes is crucial for getting you past the final segment. as for the shark, I have a strat where I stun it so that it falls on the spike shelf in the upper left corner, then I can pound away at it until it's defeated (iirc it takes 5-6 hits). it's tricky to pull off, but it's great when you do.

>> No.6166165

Well of course I like those other genres but I dont even disagree with you on principle

what can we even do about jrpgs
I just hope to find one with a new idea and actually grind my way

>> No.6166829

This is true pleb filter. It's not hard if you have some reaction time and can memorize 30 seconds of a level, but it really was funny to see my niece and nephew try it as kids under 5. I had to always beat this part because they couldn't logic the correct roars or do the ostrich part at that age. At this point they could beat a few levels of smb, but this was a different level for them.

>> No.6166837
File: 242 KB, 1600x1062, salamanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish life force had kept the name salamander. I get why they changed it for marketability, but imagine a case like this on the nes version. This is my favorite shell on any game ever.

>> No.6166853

This is really sad. I don't know who this is or the drama behind it, but they really need to do something with their life and seek help for their depression and other issues. I genuinely feel bad for people in this situation but after a certain point, it becomes a personal choice.

>> No.6166901

Yeah. Challenging yourself is fun, but if you're just playing because you feel you should, because it's all you have and you're not even enjoying it, you're not playing a game for fun, you're just trying to dull yourself to your own life.