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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6145818 No.6145818 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6146007 [DELETED] 

>final fantasy thread has multiple replies
>shmup threads have barely any

>> No.6146009 [DELETED] 

>same RPG threads get multiple replies
>Dual Orb 2 thread gets deleted

>> No.6146012 [DELETED] 

>shmups, and arcade games in general: /vr/ sleeps
>role playing games: REAL SHIT?

>> No.6146019 [DELETED] 

>games anyone without a brain can beat: Filled catalogue
>skill based: 404

>> No.6146023 [DELETED] 

Never got into shooters, and usually threads about them just crap on new or begginer players saying git gud anytime someone asks for help. Doesn't seem like much to talk about other than bragging about your 1cc's.

>> No.6146024 [DELETED] 

Yea, because shmups are such memorable games.

>> No.6146025

>I have never visited a shmup thread: the post

>> No.6146027 [DELETED] 

I agree, they are very memorable

>> No.6146028 [DELETED] 

JRPGs have a higher skill ceiling and have more customization options making the experience rememberal. Shmups is just hurrdurr pew pew.

>> No.6146029 [DELETED] 


>> No.6146035 [DELETED] 

Shmups are childrens games.

>> No.6146037

There are several arcade related threads right now with people giving fairly indepth advice on how to git gud to people who are asking right now

>> No.6146038 [DELETED] 

Oh so they're simple and for children. Surely you'd show us your WR of DOJ? You obviously have it because of how simple the games are

>> No.6146134
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>mfw playing Dragon Force II
Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.6146145 [DELETED] 

Why is it necessary to keep making these threads? All shumps are just copies of each other, you should be limited to one thread a month as there is hardly anything to discuss.

>> No.6146154

Lmao what
Please explain how Blazing Star is a copy of Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu

>> No.6146159 [DELETED] 

BASED! Fuck shmupfags

>> No.6146160

>both have ships, is obviously a clone
probably what he though.

>> No.6146179 [DELETED] 

spam more shmup threads

it's the only way to cleanse /vr/ of its jarpig obsession

>> No.6146182 [DELETED] 

hey remember when you dodged that bullet
yeah that was awesome

>> No.6146186

You're not gonna cleanse /vr/ it's already far too shit and far gone, how about instead of spamming threads or shitposting you make decent posts in existing threads instead faggot

>> No.6146196

>generic shmup vs niche game designed for absolute autists

you couldn't cherry pick harder
might as well ask how is Blazing Star different from Space Invaders

>> No.6146198

Impressive dodge bro

>> No.6146207 [DELETED] 

>first 3 replies are off-topic meta whining
So you never intended to talk about shmups.

>> No.6146210

>generic shmup
But I was talking about Blazing Star and DDPDFK? When was I talking about shit like Raiden?

>> No.6146256
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shmups have the best waifus tho

>why people talk about shmups so much now?!
I don't know, it's a shmup renaissance.

>> No.6146265 [DELETED] 

shit genre

>> No.6146287 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 554x400, 1525916738007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shump thread
>majority of posts are O B S E S S E D with jrpgs

this thread is as devoid of actual content as your genre

>> No.6146293

Horis or verts?

>> No.6146310

>comes to shmup threads to seethe while calling others obsessed

>> No.6146315

Theres far more good verts, horis are old & busted

>> No.6146317

I feel like horis that have environmental traps can fuck off, like ones that kill you on rocks but otherwise they seem more easily readable

>> No.6146321

Environmental traps are the only thing that makes them interesting tho and even thats seldom explored to its full extent, usually they are just floating big hitboxes without any interesting dynamic elements. Gradius 4 and 5 do capitalize on it with reactive terrain and liquid physics and shit. Otherwise its more natural to read bullets coming from above, and rarely having shit come at you from behind makes verticals even more readable. Thing is that most horis are easier with some big exceptions so theres not that much to read. Play vertical bullet hells and you'll think otherwise

>> No.6146337
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R-type leo and Sexy parodius and Gradius 2 are probably my fav horis. Horis need good environments because reading bullets is harder, shit like sengoku blade is a nightmare to play.

>devoid of actual discussion
wrong, threads without bants and shitposting are boring and lifeless
back to your jrpg containment thread

>> No.6146430


>> No.6146439

Thats just unfortunate. Not sure how he managed to not 1cc it after 200 hours, must have terrible practice habits

>> No.6146463

probably 200hours of mindless flailing with little planning and memorization. Maybe he thought the clear would happen like it does in jrpgs just by aimlessly sinking time into it while watching youtube in another tab. Still it's an impressive feat to not clear it after playing so long.

>> No.6146468

Is it dumb to play and practice a variety of games at my local arcade and play a different genre when I'm home? Or is the time spent playing other games better spent focusing on ones at the arcade?

>> No.6146481

variety is fine as a secondary practice but you should git gud at your favourite game(s) first.

You can get mame at home and practice those arcade games for example. I used to practice fighting games at home so I could beat regulars at my local arcade. If you like single player games you can try to get the biggest scores

>> No.6146872 [DELETED] 

>your turn
>select attack
>your party is low
>select heal
wew, so much skill.

>> No.6147963

Not even a shmupfag but somehow I love this silly game

>> No.6148236

What had the better shmups? Saturn or Neogeo?

>> No.6148242

Saturn by far, it has so many decent ports of some of the best shmups of all time
>Psikyo games
>Radiant Silvergun
Neo Geo has some good ones like Zed Blade, Blazing Star and Pulstar but that's it

>> No.6148364 [DELETED] 

yeah, you literally have to memorize patterns and enemy placement

>> No.6148382
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>> No.6148529
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>20 posts gone
Damn someone got filtered. lol

>> No.6148892

I can't pass that volcanic level in tf IV.
Send help.