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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6143860 No.6143860 [Reply] [Original]

I had the most profound experience last night playing super metroid on lsd- I realized something i've known for years but often forget. And its that snes was and always will be the greatest system of all time. Stuff before that era was too primitive by modern standards and stuff after focused too much on technology and less on the gameplay experience (of course theres major exceptions to both).

Theres a certain innocence of snes games that is unmatched, made before the internet was big, before everything was connected, before political division, before everything was super fucked up. The graphics and soundtracks are like beautifu mosaic clockwork.

I dont give a shit about modern gaming. I think overwatch is for fuckin losers, and that people who play whatever the next elder scrolls will be have way too much time on their hands. ps5 is going way too far with tech, and gaming has lost its roots. I'll never forget snes, and ill never forget this experience. When video games were good, and everything was right in the world. I hope I have children someday just so I can show them these games.

>> No.6143878


All I play is SNES

>> No.6143885

3rd gen is pretty good though, NES alone has a lot of timeless classics. 2nd gen is also great and 100% ludo, and people often underrates it, well mostly zoomers.
4th gen is the golden era though.

>> No.6143889

Byuu, is that you?

>> No.6143946

Whose that?

>> No.6144042

Outside of Super Metroid, if you could play one other Super Nintendo game during a trip what would you choose?

>> No.6144137
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>i blogged on the intarwebs on lsd

>> No.6144187

This is one of the cringiest threads that I've read on vr for a long time.
Wow, some nintenbabbie had a revelation that his SNES console is the greatest thing in the world whilst on drugs.

>> No.6144237


>> No.6144278

There's only so many SNES games, and all of us have already played the good ones, Metroid, Chrono Trigger, Mario World, etc. What's the point?

>> No.6144497


This is pretty much how retarded every nintendo fan is

>> No.6144540

op was cringe, but the way you were triggered about it was even cringier.

>> No.6144542

Really? not that bad, then. LSD isn't a bad drug.
Better than Sega junkies who do meth, or Sonyggers who smoke weed.

>> No.6144558

lol I wouldn't exactly call the SNES the psychedelic console of choice. That's why OP got all introspective while playing Super Metroid. He would have had just as good a time if not better with moderate drinking, which is the normalfag tier substance I think games on Nintendo consoles are most suited for.

If he'd been playing Rez or something he might have had a real breakthrough.

>> No.6144559

I was just kidding.
I don't think I wanted to play video games (or be inside my room) when I was tripping balls on acid. Too lost in my consciousness to pay attention to some electric device.
Maybe in a small dose...

>> No.6144568

Yeah, it seems like a recipe for a bad time but remember this is 4chan

>> No.6144574

In what alternate timeline?

>> No.6144582

In 100 years people will be able to sit down, play Super Mario Brothers and appreciate it

>> No.6144591

SMB isn't representative of the quality of the rest of the library.

>> No.6144609

The anon said NES has a lot of timeless classics, not the entire library.
People will also be able to sit down and play stuff like Mega Man or Chip n Dale in the future too.

>> No.6144614

He wasn't talking about the library as a whole. His point is that the best games on the NES are more "peak gaming" than the best games on the SNES though I think that taken as a whole, arcade games offer the most distilled experience.

>> No.6144620

>People will also be able to sit down and play stuff like Mega Man or Chip n Dale in the future too
You could go paint on cave walls right now, doesn't make it a timeless pastime.
>His point is that the best games on the NES are more "peak gaming" than the best games on the SNES
ALttP and SMAS are better than Zelda and SMB/2/3. Honestly, the SNES library crushes the NES library in every way, and is far more representative of peak 2d gaming. I get that contrarian gen x'ers are going to hate that, but their popularity today versus the NES titles can't be disputed. They just hold up far better by modern refined standards, meaning they're more 'timeless', unless you're arguing that vidya standards will regress in the future and thus NES shit will be more relevant.

>> No.6144624

Yeah, no.

>> No.6144629

If you read this post again >>6143885
you'll notice he's saying 4th gen is indeed the golden age, the peak.
Doesn't mean NES doesn't have a lot of timeless classics still.

>> No.6144630

Okay xoomer.

>> No.6144632

>before political division
Come on and zoom, come on and zoom, come on and zoom, come on and zoom, come on and zooma-zooma-zooma-ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM!