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File: 19 KB, 174x290, Nights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6142043 No.6142043 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of picking this up is it really good as people say or all hype?

>> No.6142053

It's made by sonic team so it automatically gets hyped by a bunch of furry autists.

It's pretty average otherwise and the graphics are only okay for a Saturn game. It's "colourful" but only because the Saturn can't do more than 256 colour polygons without serious restrictions.

>> No.6142060

Why did Sega though this was a better idea than making a new Sonic game?

>> No.6142063

There is already a Nights thread zoomer.

>> No.6142086

It's good but why don't you just get a pseudo saturn cart and burn a copy?

>> No.6142103

It needed to be smooth 60fps to even be playable.

>> No.6142113

Try it on PC first. It’s a weird game and not for everyone

>> No.6142117

Its not like this is an expensive gane

>> No.6142130

It can be if you want the Nights 3D pad which you would.

>> No.6142204

Will pseudo saturn give you the 3D pad as well or whats your point?

>> No.6142212
File: 1.25 MB, 1150x1150, 1436256075048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my (second) favorite game of all time but then I'm a segafag as it is.

If nothing else there's absolutely no good reason not to pick it up. Either you've got a Saturn and it's frankly impressive you didn't already own it, or you're getting the HD port and it costs a song anyway.

>> No.6142220


I found this in the "removal" bin in my game store, fixed and bought it for half the price.

It's not even fun.

>> No.6142642

Literally picked up a boxed copy with controller and game for a tenner from Yahoo Japan. It's all in English anyway.

>> No.6142694

This is the cheapest on ebay. I bought mine new back in the day for $20 boxed and new, white version as well.


>> No.6142698
File: 368 KB, 1304x640, Nights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guess it was $21, still cheaper than ebay. Especially since I grouped a whole bunch of stuff into one package as I was buying Naomi stuff.

>> No.6142719

You don't need the 3D pad to play it, good luck finding one in good condition anyway, the analog stick breaks easily.

>> No.6142725

Sticks are easy to replace. The actual mechanism behind it uses hall effect sensors which last forever.

>> No.6142732

Where can you buy this replacement stick?

>> No.6142734

I've never seen a broke 3d controller

>> No.6142736

and what exactly is the part worn down in yours? the spring? replace the spring with new spring.

>> No.6142741

>I've never seen it, but do what I'm saying
Get a load of this guy. I told you it was the stick. You seem to think there's some Sega Saturn 3D stick Depot I can go to.

>> No.6142752

>You seem to think there's some Sega Saturn 3D stick Depot I can go to.
You're on the internet, anon. You absolutely can find replacement parts for damn near anything if you care enough to look.

And like those other guys said I've never seen one break either so I doubt it's this widespread issue like you're suggesting.

>> No.6142753

"WORN OUT STICK" doesnt explain how its worn out. If its no longer springy enough, replace the spring inside the damn stick.

>> No.6142757

>Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm an expert even though I just said I've never looked at one

Fucking kek triggered like a bitch lol

>> No.6142760

I wanna know what kind of ham fisted retard you have to be to break a Saturn controller. 3d or not.

>> No.6142762

It was bought used at a pawn shop for a few bucks

>> No.6142767

Enjoy your broken 3D controller then anon.

>> No.6142828

Never seen a broken one either, it's a great pad, quality is very high and ultra comfortable and luxurious.

>> No.6142878

I love that controller. Many happy hours.

Nights is a neat score attack game, OP, you should try it.

>> No.6143297
File: 486 KB, 640x480, BD42CD8C-BE11-4317-B2C9-35CAB24BBF9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like other anons have said, NiGHTS is a pretty fun score attack. If you go into it looking for something more you’ll be disappointed, but if you like arcade gameplay and decent replayability you’ll have a good time.

>> No.6143329

You fly in circles trying to get a big score. What do you think?

>> No.6143724

I heard the hd port is shit through

>> No.6143747

It is. Analog controls are fucked. You need a Saturn and 3D Controller to properly experience NiGHTS.

>> No.6143970


>> No.6144080

NiGHTS is definitely one of the best games I've ever played. It's very bad at explaining what you're supposed to do, so I think a lot of people drop it before figuring out what they're really supposed to be doing (i.e. clearing the stage as quickly as possible and then spending the rest of the timer racking up points).

It's a unique enough game that it's worth giving it a shot to find out yourself if you're going to like it because there's not really anything else like it (including its own sequel).

>> No.6144142

>i don't know it's sonic
wew lad

>> No.6144148

It's a lot of fun but you'll probably be bored in a hour.

>> No.6144163

Kys sonic autist.

>> No.6144170

What does this comment mean? If you play NiGHTs like Sonic (or the other way around, really) you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.6144201
File: 39 KB, 352x224, nights-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gameplaywise it's nothing special now, but back in the late 90s it was something special. What really makes this game is the overall aesthetic; it screams Saturn era Sega, and has an incredibly catchy OST like many Sega games from that time. It also has this very dream like quality which makes it an almost surreal game to play. It'll make you feel like you're 10 again, at least that's how it makes me feel.

>> No.6144498

Saturns are bumfuck expensive, are jap models cheaper and just as easy to mod?

>> No.6144518

Cursory search tells me they're half as expensive and even with shipping they're still cheaper. Sold.

>> No.6145143

Enjoy it, friend

>> No.6145224

Import games are often cheaper than their western counterparts too. You'll have a good time with the Saturn especially if you enjoy arcade-like games.

>> No.6145498

>go to yahoo japoon auctions for saturns
>item status: damaged/dirty
>goddamn thing is in pristine condition in the pictures and every fucking angle is shown
>one is even still in the box and the components unwrapped, item status still dirty because the box has a scuff on it
The jews truly fear the samurai.

>> No.6145501

It's so they can avoid complaints and returns. They just sell everything as junk status.

>> No.6145502

Oh. Two bombs truly were not enough.

>> No.6145507

It's no different than eBay sellers and as is.

>> No.6145860

I got fucking sniped. I saw one that has the saturn fightstick included, maybe I'll do better with that one. Looks pretty rad.

>> No.6145878

I had the Saturn Fightstick and the Hori Fighting Stick SS, you're better just playing with the pads. The Hori one is better if you're stuck on that idea.

>> No.6145914

I've modded my fair share of fightsticks, it's just for the case.

>> No.6146010

Yeah it's pretty shit. Needs more menu combat, cutscenes, story and lootboxes

>> No.6148129

How do you get sniped on Yahoo Japan? They have soft ending auctions. If someone bids in the last 5 it extends the time.

>> No.6148592
File: 473 KB, 500x210, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to sleep and apparently there's a site called buyee that has a "snipe it" button.

>> No.6148620
File: 10 KB, 756x359, Sniper bid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snipe it just does an auto bid in the last 5 minutes. The auction will still autoextend another 5 minutes when someone does that. It also doesn't allow them to bid on the auction after that.

>> No.6149836

>If someone bids in the last 5 it extends the time.

>> No.6150443

Pretty standard on any auction site that isn't ebay. It more follows the format of real life auctions where they don't stop till people stop bidding. Gets rid of snipers.

>> No.6150468

I got a super nice set of shit for a quarter of what it would cost from anyone on eBay. I’m a believer of buying straight from the japs when it comes to Saturn.

>> No.6152063

aren't most refusing to sell to gaijins?

>> No.6154048
File: 559 KB, 2592x1944, dream_delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was in the clearance bin at Best Buy for $20USD, developed by Sonic Team, and I already had the 3D pad, so it was worth giving a try. I found a delightful and charming game which also serves as a tech demo for the system. The music is relaxing and stages colorful and interesting. I like big chunky scaled pixels and the smooth movement. The series seems to get a lot of hate, probably because it is from Sega, but for at least 30 minutes the game is still great to me.

>> No.6154050

I seriously don't understand people asking for advice about pick up and play arcade score attack games. You can download the ROM and decide if you like it in 15 minutes.

I never liked this one myself, it was just another of those Saturn games that made the system really unappealing. But you can make your own call pretty easily.

>> No.6154054

It's basically a score attack game. Get as many points as you can before actually clearing the course to get as higher rank as possible then fighting a boss then going to the next stage etc. etc. The game has pretty good aesthetics and music, worth a play at least once.