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6133909 No.6133909 [Reply] [Original]

How have my shmup niggas been progressing so far? Been getting filtered by the 4th stage boss for the last couple of days.

>> No.6133934 [DELETED] 

>playing Caveshit
I ain't no tranny.

>> No.6133953

Same except in Espgaluda 2, Tateha is fucking worthless survival wise in this game

>> No.6133992

So what non caveshit are you playing then?

>> No.6134146 [DELETED] 

*takes a huge shit in your mouth*

>> No.6134256

I ordered the LE for this but still waiting. Meanwhile playing on and off on mh hacked Switch. It's fun, I like the difficulty but can't 1cc it yet either. Wish I spoke Nihongo for the menus though, did somebody translate them yet?

>> No.6134260

What's the best Saturn controller that connects to PC?

>> No.6134275

What's wrong with Cave?

>> No.6134284 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1131x572, dadpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made garbage shmups.

>> No.6134286

>danmacuck 2hufapper zoomer virgin dadpill garbage
Ok do you want to actually have a discussion and use real words?

>> No.6134296 [DELETED] 

>do you want to actually have a discussion
Not with Cavecucks, no.

>> No.6134301

a real saturn controller with an adapter

>> No.6134316

That company that is producing new Sega-approved Genesis and Saturn controlls also does USB versions.

>> No.6134318

>I have no argument and got filtered by Cave games
Oh why didn't you say so

>> No.6134327
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guwange. Got 1200 coin chain stage 1. And chained up to stage 4. FEELS GOOD.

>> No.6134585 [DELETED] 

nice meme, but confirmed trannys like dadshit games
kamui plays garegga
cream played psikyo and raiden games mostly

>> No.6134683


>> No.6134701 [DELETED] 

Cave shmups aren't even difficult, idiot.

Garegga is a tranmaku, retard, and almost as bad as Caveshit.

>> No.6134712
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1572608697171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cave shmups aren't even difficult, idiot.
Why do you come to these threads? You don't play shmups do you?

>> No.6134714

Still can’t beat the last stage and bosses of Battle Mania Daiginjou, it’s so long it’s mentally taxing and the bosses are tough as nails, I’m already out of continues and low on hits by the time I reach that point anyway because the 3rd level dojo level is filled with total bull crap that eats away at hits and continues.

Also trying to do a thunder force 4 run through without using the 99 lives helper. Again the last stage gets me because of those small areas you get locked into and have to survive until you take out all the ceiling and floor canons, it’s total bullet mayhem and I can’t dodge them all, and the part where you have to dodge all that high speed debris coming at you is hard too, all this crap in one level, and the last boss has multiple forms, again it’s mentally taxing, this stuff just wears on you.

Neither one of these games have a level password system either so every time I wanna give it a go it’s from the beginning every time, if only og hardware had save states lol!

>> No.6134723

So emulate both of them and use save states.
Watch a couple replays to see how those sections are done and try them yourself.

>> No.6134740

>Cave games aren't even hard dipshit
>that's why I have no WRs or superplays, they're so easy it's beneath my time to do so

>> No.6134775
File: 24 KB, 300x153, look_at_this_dude_lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got to stage 6 in DDP (Dodonpachi). I should do some more practice on stage 5 so I can have resources to actually clear the game.
But I'm not a fan of the chaining so don't have much motivation to continue...

>> No.6134779

I like how you put in brackets (Dodonpachi) as if it's some obscure game and not one of the most beloved and revered shmups ever made

>> No.6135163

Playing Rolling Gunner right now, it's fantastic.

Any hope of Esp. getting NA release?

>> No.6135276

afaik, there’s a separate achievement list in english. whether that means anything is unknown