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6127981 No.6127981 [Reply] [Original]

Do you really have to delete roms/isos within 24 hours or less? This is an extreme debate that people exaggerate over, and I tend to get very frustrated over it

>> No.6127983

No you don't, it's a thing ppl and websites say to get out of legal trouble, but in most places in the world you would never, ever get in any legal trouble for downloading roms, or pirating anything for that matter.

>> No.6128001

Why do you get frustrated over it? The only place you would ever see this was on rom sites.

>> No.6128002

I would just do it to be safe. Is it that hard for you do just delete and re download them?

>> No.6128021


In most places in the world, there's some kind of legal trouble you could get into, but nobody other than Nintendumb seems to care.

Also, that really wouldn't work as any sort of legal argument. No judge in any court on this planet would accept "Well, yeah, I made money from ads on a site where I primarily offered pirated media for free, but it's cool 'cause I told everyone who downloaded that they HAD to delete it within 24 hours! It doesn't count!"

Whoever started saying that was retarded on the first place, like whoever started the rumor that undercover cops had to tell you they were cops.

>> No.6128031

Unless you're hosting roms on a website I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.6128056

Lol, imagine being American.

>I tend to get very frustrated over it
Also, you have serious autism.

Me being normal, I've pirated every game I ever wanted.

>> No.6128090

I think the OP was being ironic. At least, I'd hope so.

>> No.6128158

I don't even know how to host roms, nor do I intend on learning how to do it

>> No.6128259

Then have a drink and relax and play your games

>> No.6128569

You're probably more likely to get in trouble downloading the same roms over and over again every day rather than just saving them like a non faggot

>> No.6129156

Yes, you have too! Its a global corporation law enforced by every gogermant around the world. Dont liste to the criminal energy in this thread. Just dont do it.

>> No.6129160

based 3rd world retard

>> No.6129316

The issue is how would authorities even know you downloaded them to begin with? Either top government spies are monitoring your online activity, meaning you have bigger problems to worry about, or the site providing them was caught and forced to provide a list of all IPs who visited it and downloaded something, and even then they can't prove it was you doing it, not to mention the cost of chasing down a million leads.

>> No.6129341

It's bullshit. I've had the same romsets for 10 years.

>> No.6129360

Nice job outing yourself. Enjoy federal prison, scumbag.

>> No.6129380

I don't see any cops around.

>> No.6129387

Not a lot of black people on /vr/

>> No.6129396

I'm pretty sure that's not an actual law, how would you even enforce it?

>internet police get an anonymous tip stating that you downloaded Blaster Master at 5:22 PM
>next day at 5:20 PM you have internet police standing outside your door with a battering ram, waiting for it to be 5:22 so they can bash the door in, shoot the dog, and arrest you

>> No.6129562

>I'm pretty sure that's not an actual law, how would you even enforce it?
How the fuck is stealing not against the law? I'm not against pirating, but come now, you can't be that dumb. The part where you're right is that they can't enforce it because the money involved and bc they would be arrresting like 50% of people who actually know how to use the internetz.

>> No.6129570

it's not against the law because there's nothing actually being stolen. you could theoretically be sued for making copies and selling them though.

>> No.6130043

based mentally ill Amerifat