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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 34 KB, 1066x965, IMG_0783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6126658 No.6126658 [Reply] [Original]

Thirty years ago, Nintendo was hard at work on a new innovative game. Little is known about the game. Even its working title is unknown. The game was finished but was shelved shortly before going into mass production. The game looked and played great but was ultimately canceled for unknown reasons. I guess this one will have to remain a mystery.

>> No.6126913

Oh yeah I heard about that game. Hopefully someone will upload it online one day.

>> No.6126938

Awesome blog faggot

>> No.6126997

Oh yeah. My uncle who used to work at Nintendo had a demo copy of that game. I'd show it to you, but I can't find it.

>> No.6127563

Oh yeah, I actually have one of the few protos of it, but I'm hoarding it for 1 billion dollars

>> No.6127758
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That game's name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.6127792

Game collector here. I have that game. It cost me $35,000 to acquire it, and it's the jewel of my collection. I am doing my due diligence to preserve this game for posterity, and thusly I have no plans to dump & release a ROM of it.

>> No.6128742 [DELETED] 


>> No.6128748

And everyone clapped.

>> No.6128750

Plebbit, the thread, fuck off with your 'humor'.

>> No.6128769
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>> No.6128815 [DELETED] 

Sorry, is this one of those memes that are tailored for people with shoe size IQs?
I hope you get raped to death. I hope your whole inbred spastic family get raped to death.

>> No.6128823

>>6126658 (OP)
Sorry, is this a meme specially tailored for people with shoe size IQs? You're about as funny as watching one's own child slowly and painfully die of cancer and AIDS.
I hope you get raped to death. I hope your whole inbred spastic family get raped to death.

>> No.6128860

I hacked Nintendo customer services a decade ago and managed to get my hands on the game
then i hacked google epicly and tricked the jew bots working there and made them upload my copy directly to google
here's the link incase anyone wanted it

>> No.6128864

Ngl kid's got some moves

>> No.6128867
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>> No.6130164

The Angel pub, Welshpool, Mid Wales. Every Saturday night, and I'll be where I always am - sitting at the table right by the entrance door with my pals, drinking beer out of glasses taller than you are, you pathetic cunt. See you soon, you little bitch. Bring your band of trannies (like you have any fucking friends). You'll need them. All of them. Faggot.

>> No.6130178

>You're about as funny as watching one's own child slowly and painfully die of cancer and AIDS.

And you're even less funny apparently. Making cringey statements isn't humor

>> No.6130231


>> No.6130928

>"you're not funny"
>cum drinking spastic doesn't understand what subjectivity is
Imagine my fucking shock...
>Look at me, dad! I'm PROJECTING!
Both of you soft little ponces, please read: >>6130164
See you both soon, brave boys.

>> No.6130996


Is he bound to the rack like a dog?

"You be a gooood boy and wait here while mommy goes shopping."

>> No.6131018

Child leashes are a legit thing (at least here in the US). But I often wonder what happens to those kids when they grow up. Do they develop certain... kinks as adults?

>> No.6131059

Nah. I used one on my oldest kid when we would go to very crowded places. Now hes 12 and hisonly kink (judging by browswe history) is hentai tenticle rape monsters

>> No.6131061

At least its a good clean fetish.

>> No.6131082
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u got mad lmao
what a homo

>> No.6131087
File: 11 KB, 200x200, IMG_7425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't wanna fuck with me
I'm a big tough irl
Come say that shit to my face pussy

>> No.6132710

>Thirty years ago, my dad hadn't gone through puberty yet

>> No.6132752

I can sort of see a correlation between leash and tentacle. But it's a stretch.

>> No.6135386

I think living in Wales is already punishment enough for you.

>> No.6135387

Nice to know there's kids into the classics.

>> No.6136932

I wouldn't personally leash my kids, it seems dehumanizing, and I'd be afraid of them getting warped.
Unless they were maybe special needs, in which case they're kind of like a bipedal dog.

Well, maybe it's not so bad, then.
Specifically tentacle *rape*?

>> No.6138706

Consentacles are the patrician's fetish.

>> No.6139703

They're not as fun, the rape and forced pleasure plays into my sadistic sides.

>> No.6140707
File: 2.25 MB, 2130x1510, Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu! - ch.2 - 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animu grils are for loving and headpats, not for hurting.

Also, OP is a faggot.

>> No.6140727

I'm sure Nintendo prototyped and cancelled dozens if not hundreds of game projects. Who cares. If it was scrapped it would've been because it was no good.

>> No.6140961

>TFW Nintendo of America employs only uncles.

>> No.6142170

Sat at my table, waited for one of you fucking pansies to show up. None of you did (because you're a bunch of spineless pathetic turds). Weak little keyboard warrior FAGGOTS. None of you are men, and this gay little board is beneath me. You're all a fucking JOKE.

>> No.6142912

Yeah, lemme just buy a $750 plane ticket to get my ass kicked by a limey. Dumbass.

>> No.6144945

Murder Dog, NES.


"Murder Dog" was the PAL only sequel to the hit Japanese game "Hayashi no Gaia: C.R.Y.S.T.A.L". Development team Nintendo attempted to make a game which would corner the burgeoning western market, however the game's contents and atmosphere were considered too horrifying at the time and it never saw widespread release.


Murder Dog: Protagonist Murder Dog is a high-ranking officer in the Cactus City police force. A copy of the original design document makes references to him fighting a large-scale drug operation, however the actual gameplay seems to consist exclusively of Murder Dog arbitrarily killing and eating random Cactus City residents while spraying blood from his eyes and emitting unsettling 8-bit squawking noises. Poor translation has left the game's plot undecipherable, but we do know that Murder Dog vehemently drags on an animated cigar before speaking and that his comments make frequent reference to a "blazing wheel". His character design is primarily centered around two glowing blood-red eyes, which Kagomi apparantly believed would humanize the character.

Susan Atari: Referred to in the game manual as "Murder Dog Top Pooch Companion", this character is completely absent from the actual game apart from an animated Game Over sequence where she removes her dress while turning into a skeleton. Some commentators believe this section to have been stolen verbatim from failed Kagomi hentai game "Cockroach Whore".

Black Danger: The chief antagonist and end boss of each stage. Black Danger is primarily depicted as a Murder Dog sprite painted black and covered in animated flies, although the game manual inexplicably used for his headshot a poorly-scanned picture of the cover to Grace Jones' "Nightclubbing" album. The appearance of this character ingame will automatically destroy both the game cartridge and the console it is played on.

>> No.6144947

My g/f used to tie me to a poll while she got her hair done.

>> No.6145009

Better than living in New South Wales. Or in whales.

>> No.6145010

Mine used to tie me a Pole. Best three-legged race partner ever.

>> No.6145018

>with my pals
>my pals

Nice LARP, mate.

>> No.6145038

Oh yeah? Well MY uncle used to work at SEGA. He still has a boner.

>> No.6145885

>muh projection/lashing out at people better than me in all the ways that matter
>muh perpetual loneliness
>muh constant masturbation becuz females won't even look at me
>muh inevitable suicide
You need to go back. I'd usually tell you to kill yourself as a follow up, but you're going to do that soon enough anyway, aren't you, Captain Popular?
I'm so loneleeeeee,
Ain't got nobodeeeee,
to caa-aaall my owwwn,

>> No.6146461


>> No.6146574
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Take it easy bro. It's not our fault your dad molested you when you were a wee lad lmao

>> No.6146735

Right here, bud: >>6145885
>muh projection
That part, specifically. Tell us where on your Care Bear doll did your old man touch you, you lonely degenerate drug addict/alcoholic/self-harmer? You do know that throwing out accusations of molestation is a tell, right? It's textbook stuff.

>> No.6146753
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Look out guys. We've got a professional psychoanalyst over here kek

>> No.6146760

Bullshit. I was there all night and you didn't show. Probably because you're a big pussy who lives in your mom's basement.

>> No.6146864

>dolphin porn

>> No.6146878

I couldn't even point to Wales on a globe. That's how little you matter to me.

>> No.6147438

Shows how stupid you are, and how little you interact with actual people. Yep, this is where you live, you sad pathetic fucker. And if you're going to address me, then use punctuation in your sentences, you spastic. Every single time you post your gay little retorts, I laugh, because all you're doing is providing me with a tall glass of delicious lolmilk, you imbecile. So, by all means, keep going; the more you post, the duller you look.
Hello, fellow bong. You utter fucking retard... Can't you mutt faggot Burgers get ANYTHING right? And you wonder how a bunch of half starved manlet Asians handed you your jizz filled arses... You're a fucking JOKE.

>> No.6147452


>> No.6147453

Well, let's be honest... you'd be hard pressed to point any country out on a map - or even one of your own states, I'd imagine. That's how retarded you are. The Burger eJukaShuN system - in full effect! Gosh, it's just so much fun toying with you morons. I almost wish I didn't have better things to do.

>> No.6147487

You sound like a homosexual you limey queer. I'll bet you fantasize about the queen mum shitting in your mouth. No wonder we kicked your asses so hard in the Revolutionary War. You're all a bunch of limp wristed fairies. Get a life you gay retard fucker.

>> No.6147494

Look at you, you scared now, you ho. Scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man.

>> No.6148843

>No wonder we kicked your asses so hard in the Revolutionary War
>Burger doesn't understand what his forebears were fighting for, doesn't understand that the colonials were under the rule of the Crown until they gained their independence (you SPASTIC), and the retarded Burger doesn't understand what a civil war is
Imagine having to rely on a foreigner to teach you about the most important part of your own country's history. Fucking embarrassing. The only time any of you have killed one of us during war time was a friendly fire incident, you incompetent CUNTS.
>You sound like a homosexual you limey queer
You'd know, and nice projection, Cecil. The USGAY is irrefutably the main exporter of NPC culture, you have the most gay prides of any nation (and the most deviant), the largest gay population per capita; and it just goes on and on. You're pretty fucking repulsive. Also the first to defend paedophilia (muh virtuous paedos!), and also the first to defend child murder (aborting babies that have gone full term, anyone?)
That's a complement, you total fucking mong. Look up the etymology of that word.

>> No.6148856

>I'll bet you fantasize about the queen mum shitting in your mouth
She's been dead for years, retard. And no one cares about your fantasies.
What the fuck is this supposed to be?
>You're all a bunch of limp wristed fairies
And yet our special forces are the most feared and respected in the world. Top two heavyweight boxers in the world are Bongs, by the way.
>limp wristed
Yeah... I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that you're a massive bender, projectionist. Just admit it; get it off your chest. We can see that it's eating at you. You can do eeet!

>> No.6148904
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Pic related
It's literally you

>> No.6148946
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How's the sheep shagging?

>> No.6148959

Thank you anon. It was a very fun game.

>> No.6148973

I wouldn't know. I'm not a taff. I live here because of the lack of Mudslimes. And Americunts. And Bugstralians. And Germongs. And MuzzSwedes. And Cucknadians. And Frogs. And Africunts. And EuroSpics. And so on. I lead a happy, relatively worry-free life. The air is clean, there's no serious crime; no violence, murders or rapes, etc... I've got it made. How about you? How many locks do you have on YOUR door?

>> No.6148978

It’s bleak as fuck man, as a burger who’s been there everyone was depressed as the scenery

>> No.6149178
File: 59 KB, 450x300, bleak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God! Look at this hellhole! It's like the aftermath of a nuclear war!

>> No.6149185
File: 244 KB, 1200x900, bleak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! How can anyone possibly survive in such a harsh, unforgiving environment!

>> No.6149190
File: 76 KB, 640x440, bleak3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live here?! How have you not been picked off by all the armed thugs? How do you pluck up the courage to even leave your home?!

>> No.6149192
File: 92 KB, 615x387, bleak4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the f... Yes, this is getting quite tedious now, isn't it? *Sigh* Two more...

>> No.6149195
File: 155 KB, 1400x550, bleak5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're a full of shit faggot Americunt. What a shocker...

>> No.6149196
File: 49 KB, 680x380, bleak6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my part of the world. I can see this from my house, in fact. Yup, bleak...

>> No.6149215

Thanks I'll be moving in tomorrow. Me and my band of muzzies.

>> No.6149289
File: 46 KB, 512x595, IMG_6890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the reason your dad left, and your mom regrets not aborting you every day.

>> No.6149774

>europoor getting assmad the second an american says something about his country
right on schedule

>> No.6152078

You're out of your mind if you think anyone would willingly visit the UK.

>> No.6152094

>a tall glass of delicious lolmilk
Whaleanon talking about gobbling down our cum

>> No.6154217

>I'm too stupid to make an actual argument, so I'll just resort to gay little ad hominems
Also, nice projection. Seems to be a lot of it in this thread. Go talk to someone before you kill yourself. Actually, don't...
>If you look at me wrong, I will shoot you, and execute the rest of the students in this school
Stones, glass houses, and restless arms. You're the undisputed masters of sperging out. It's why half of you are permanently doped up.
Oh, and I've done nothing but easily refute spurious claims, and own you faggots throughout this thread, you spastic. Even MORE projection from the Americunt.
One of the most visited counties in the world, you fucking dimwit. How is it even possible that you can be this stupid? Ah, that's right - AMERICAN!
>I've only been on the Internet for a week
And yet more gay fantasies from the Americunt. Just can't help yourselves, can you? Keep 'em coming, ladies. The more you post, the more retarded you look.

>> No.6154241

I always forget how terrible Euros are at banter and insults. You enjoy your irrelevant country there, Achmed. Yes I know, empire and culture and blah blah blah. What have you done since we broke your empire after WW2? You know, while we were inventing and growing and keeping you idiots from starting another world war?