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6122093 No.6122093 [Reply] [Original]

What was it like for /vr/ to grow up with the Latin American / Mexican version of Club Nintendo?

I started owning their issues around 1994, but only started to take better care of those issues by 1995 to 2000. It was some of the best print media that kids could read before the internet.

I ran into some nostalgia, when I found a site that did "reviews" for the early issues. Not only they make fun of some of the "letters" (some really came from the staff) they got, but most of the shit they got wrong in the days before readers could verify what the staff said with the internet.

Do you have any scans? It is easier to find Nintendo Power online than it is to find this shit, as Club Nintendo also had its own staff / version in countries like Spain, Germany, and The Netherlands.


>> No.6122108

I always thought that N64/GCN was better than Club Nintendo. Also, Gus Rodriguez was, is, and forever will be a faggot.

>> No.6123114
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I still own a bunch of them from back then. My first issue was number 3 (Bart Simpson on the cover, from Bart VS The Space Mutants), 1992 or 1993, I don't remember.
It was the first time I ever saw any kind of magazine about video games, so it was shocking and fascinating. I remember a double-page feature with SMW's world map, and tips to get 100 lives in the game. I'd stare at it in awe, as I didn't own a SNES yet.
In defense of the actual written content, it's true that a lot of time the information was wrong, but a lot of times you can tell it's because of things that were out of the editor's knowledge. For example they kept saying KI1 would come out for the Ultra 64, and that the Ultra 64 would come out in 1995. Sure, it was wrong, but that's what Nintendo promised, I don't think it was made up by the Club Nintendo staff. There's probably many occasions where they bullshitted though, and of course, they always tried to make Nintendo seem like everything they did was right since it was the official Nintendo magazine. But browsing through these old mags now, I see a lot of good stuff: "El Control de los Profesionales" was a section with actual cool stuff where they explained actual stuff like how computer coding works, or how sprites could be mirrored, technical stuff like that, in a way that was fairly easy for a kid to understand. Another cool thing is that they had an arcade section where they'd talk about the newest arcade games, even if they had nothing to do with Nintendo. I remember first reading about Darkstalkers on Club Nintendo, despite Darkstalkers never came out on any Nintendo system.
I also always loved the design layout of the magazine, looking at them now you can just feel all the soul coming out of these colorful pages, with nice art work, quality screenshots (well, the first issues had pretty bad screenshots, especially for Game Boy games, but eventually they got devices to capture good ones), and in general it all was pleasant to look at.

>> No.6123341

>Arcade section
You mean Arcadias

>> No.6123351
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Yeah, that was the name of the section.

>> No.6123412
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Growing up means realizing how much this magazine sucked.
These guys were always incredibly fanboy-ey to the point of outright refusing to call Sony or the Playstation by their name.
They also loved constantly changing their opinions about games. Back in the time they praised Kirby's Air Ride and Mario Sunshine to no end and now they hate them.

The worst offender of all was to see how they hated piracy and preached about how bad it is and then they used FUCKING Vietnamese Crystal for an OFFICIAL Pokemon Crystal review and they even didn't try to hide it.

And for everyone following them on Twitter they already know how this Master Kira guy is an asshole towards the magazine fans and anyone who remotely express interest in Playstation consoles. His ego is above the clouds.

Man everything surrounding this magazine sucks and you just realize that when you grow up out of it.

>> No.6123413

Many of the letters published were fake, they had to do this to match the questions with the oncoming material they would receive from Nintendo Power.

>> No.6123419

And to answer OPs question, there's an entire blog dedicated to scan the magazine. All of it.


>> No.6123421

chilean club nintendo > Mexican Club Nintendo

>> No.6123430
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>when you grow up out of it.
Well, I wasn't even aware of those Twitter things.
I think I grew out of Club Nintendo around 1999, was when I bought some of the last issues I got. Then in 2002 got some more issues because I got a Gamecube and was nostalgic about buying the magazine, it was different, now it was the actual mexican universal version, rather than the edited out for each country version we got before in the rest of Latin America. It was OK but felt more "corporate-like" than before.
About not calling the PS by name, etc. I think it makes sense, why would you mention the competitor's brand name in your magazine? At least I never saw any jabs at the competition either.
Not really defending them, but I think rather than "fanboys", these guys might have just been guys working under an employer (Nintendo), so they had to do the job: do good marketing for Nintendo. It could have been a lot shittier, I think all in all they still delivered a quality product, even if in reality it was a monthly Nintendo catalogue with very pretty pictures and layouts.
Speaking of magazines, I also had Hobby Consolas, from Spain. No idea how Hobby was after the mid 90s, never bought any issue again.

>> No.6123436

Chileanfag here. As I said, the letters published wre fake and too often the articles announced for the nest issue were never published because the Chilean version was made out from parts of the Mexican one, and they only had a fixed number of pages, so some articles were axed out.
I stopped buying the magazine after they began including some retarded comics that had no other purpose than filling pages.

>> No.6123437
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what were the differences?
btw pic related is from issue number 3. Total kino.

>> No.6123442

Hobby Consolas era una mierda de revista.
Por otra parte, Super Juegos le volaba el culo en todos los aspectos, os dais cuén?

>> No.6123448
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>I stopped buying the magazine after they began including some retarded comics that had no other purpose than filling pages.
Got you covered senpai

>> No.6123454
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I got a Super Juegos issue, Darth Vader on the cover. It was cool, but too much advertising. Then again, Hobby also had that problem.

>> No.6123458
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>> No.6123510

The Punisher, De Lucar and company were great writers for Super Juegos.

>> No.6123527

Esa mismita.
¿Dibujos como las weás, una historia pedorra y encima el puto font del Comic Sans? No quise comprar más esa weá de revista y nunca me arrepentí.

>> No.6123534
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I believe at that point, the magazine started including more pages anyway. I remember thinking it was kind of sketchy-looking, but I didn't mind it. I don't think they did many more of these, this is the only one I remember. Then again, I didn't buy the magazine religiously.

>> No.6123535

>The time when Nintendo pack the Fricking Virtual Boy ina bundle with the SNES in mexico.

>> No.6123554

Había varias historias (se las pedía a mis compañeros de curso) e incluso había algunas protagonizadas por los pilotos que escribían la revista.
La calidad era bastante mala tirando a pésima.

>> No.6123562
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As a kid I remember liking seeing Fox and co. on a comic, even if it was shitty, but yeah as I said, this was the only one I ever saw.

>> No.6123587
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might as well post the last one

>> No.6123747

A club nintendo thread is something you don't see everyday, Nice. Perhaps any of you can help me find an issue that had Kenny from southpark sitting on the toilet, full page image by the way. It was released on Venezuela I don't know on the resto of latinoamerica

>> No.6123946

I used to get it because of the posters

>> No.6125798

I wish I could find a video of the time when the club nintendo staff went on a tv show to debate some sega representatives.

>> No.6125901
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I grew up collecting their mags way after they were relevant because i was a dumb kid with no internet at home. Good times.
The best part about Club Nintendo imho was Gus Rodriguez's general character, having such a wholesome and genuinely nice guy at the helm really helped make the magazine feel less like a collection of ads and more like a dude who's passionate about the same hobby as you giving you tips and news about it.
And in a way i guess it kinda was if his displays of love for videogames even to this day is any indication.

>> No.6126170

I only started collecting this magazine in 2002, the first time I realized that this shit suck was when they "review" starcraft ghost problem being that that game never came out...

>> No.6126173

This, egm in spanish was better

>> No.6126928
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It was all an act tho because of course they have to sell this nice persona.
The magazine and everything surrounding it was incredibly elitist and hypocritical.

The shit I remember the most was a line for the... 200th issue where they went through Nintendo and the magazine's history and they reached the Sega Mastery System / NES rivalry and they had the fucking BALLS to call out Sega's console naming convention by saying "Master System 2... yeah, they were running out of ideas."

MOTHERFUCKER, just take a look at Nintendo's names, you can't fucking say that.
This, this was the issue I just stopped buying them. I'm no Sega fanboy at all (I bought the magazine for a reason) but this, this annoyed me to no end. I didn't want to be relate to something like this.

>> No.6127048

I mean, I understand your point, but we're talking Sega vs Nintendo? Because Sega was always the most aggressive toward the competition, lol. Well, at least Sega of America.
Anyway, I never got to the 200th issue, last one I got was 60 something, from actual retro times.

>> No.6128490 [DELETED] 

Sonic the Hedgehog started on the Sega Genesis. The first Master System came after it, not the other way around, Club Nintendo.

>> No.6129337

Are they really saying Sonic the Hedgehog started on the Master System?

It came first on the Sega Genesis, and the first Sonic for the Master System was an all new game rather than a port of the Genesis game. Just like the other Sonic sequel for the Master System.

>> No.6129363

Nah, they're saying they're glad Sonic replaced Alex Kidd.

>> No.6131939

It was pretty cool, I think they even had some inserts that got lost, so the scans didn't save some stuff.

>> No.6132352

Don’t know, I grew up in a first world country and had Nintendo power

>> No.6132357
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>first world country

>> No.6132360

It was first world back in the 90s, shut up beaner

>> No.6132817

When this issue came out, we were still watching OG dragon ball on TV. Many kids got confused because Goku was blonde, had a son a Piccoro was his partner instead of a villain. Good times. So yeah this issue was a huge spoiler.

>> No.6132829
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Yeah, it even had a page explaining each character from the game. I remember being shocked to learn Trunks was Vegeta and Bulma's son.
Anyway I was sort of familiar with some of DBZ because of the DBZ movies on VHS, but I think at that point I had only watched a couple of the freeza-era movies.