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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 404 KB, 1024x791, shmup forget about her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6119621 No.6119621 [Reply] [Original]

wot u workin on lads

>> No.6119626

also gus's speedtranny run is in like 17 hours

>> No.6119638
File: 139 KB, 736x1005, Personification of USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.a death clear in tgm2+

>> No.6119856

been playing that shit for years and i still can't pass torikan
I'm probably just retarded though

>> No.6119889
File: 139 KB, 400x300, Shmups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see normie reactions to that run.

trying to figure out which shmup I like most, so I can go full autismo on it.
any suggestions?
I've been mainly playing Raiden II, 鮫! 鮫! 鮫!, DDP, and Ketsui.

>> No.6119915

>can't wait to see normie reactions to that run.
"is this one of those 2hu games"

>> No.6119930

I like Raiden 1 > 2
DDP > Ket
Hishouzame > 鮫! 鮫! 鮫!

>> No.6119940

I dont work, feggit :D

>> No.6120586

Ketsui no question, DDP is good if you like all or nothing chaining tism though

>> No.6120906

For me, it's Fire Shark 1P version.

>> No.6121025
File: 98 KB, 435x333, 1576435557889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's about to run

>> No.6121029

It begins.

>> No.6121158


>> No.6121167

BASED Gus, what an awesome run

>> No.6121374
File: 98 KB, 742x606, gus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best gdq run ever.
and that speech at the end was priceless.

>> No.6121520
File: 213 KB, 1131x572, dadpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies dilating quick
I'll pass

>> No.6121565
File: 38 KB, 298x398, stunfest03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classic vs Danmaku
fake news.
Both are good, just don't be a 1cc collector faggot and actually push the games so you get good.

For example, world record holder for Dodonpachi also multiloops tatsujin ou and raiden games.

>> No.6121649
File: 90 KB, 573x623, kenshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that speech

>> No.6121664

how exactly do you speedrun a shmup? you go forward at a set pace.

>> No.6121669

It was just a regular score run. Even though GDQ implies speedrun, they do other shit sometimes too.

>> No.6121672

It's a scoring/1cc run, he did the exact opposite of speedrunning strats and kept a lot of bullets on screen that caused extra slowdown but made for JUICY CANCELS

>> No.6121691

guess i'll watch it when someone finally uploads it to youtube

>> No.6121694

It's about 9 minutes in here

>> No.6121698

cheers buddy

>> No.6122957

What is the origin of the tranny meme?

>> No.6122967

Lots of people that attend GDQ are part of the LGBT cult.

>> No.6122972
File: 48 KB, 600x436, twaddlecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example, world record holder for Dodonpachi also multiloops tatsujin ou and raiden games.

they're an exception to the rule then. most 2hufags/cavefags don't wanna go anywhere near shmups that are older than DDP.

>> No.6122973

There is literally nothing wrong with being transgender.

>> No.6122974

Neck yourself, freak.

>> No.6122975


>> No.6123010

For example? Jaimers cleared R-Types, Raidens, Rayforce among others, Bananamatic played Garegga, Darius and others, Iconoclast is a Raiden Fighters series fan, Chum played a bunch of old school games the Raidens, Aquas plays a variety of old school games. Jap players will typically be even more familiar with old school games because they are older. Almost every single notable Cave player plays old school shmups, the few exceptions are mostly people who obsess over one or two games and ignore the rest of the genre. Even average 1cc collector shitters have vastly more experience with old school shmups than most of this board.

>> No.6123318

>Even average 1cc collector shitters have vastly more experience with old school shmups than most of this board.
Good point, maybe you should leave and find some place more appropriate to discuss trannymaku games, perhaps discord or /vg/

>> No.6124609

meant for >>6122974

>> No.6124703

>There is literally nothing wrong with being mentally ill
>There is literally nothing wrong with hacking off your genitals/breasts
>There is literally nothing wrong with feeding children drugs
>There is literally nothing wrong with the disproportionately high suicide rates in the trans community
>There is literally nothing wrong with forcing someone to use your pronoun
>There is literally nothing wrong with being transgender

>> No.6124859

> shitting on 1cc collectors
I bet less than 1% of this board has ever 1cc'd a game without rewind and save states.

1ccs are still a decent accomplishment for many games. Most people cant or dont want to play the same fucking game all day every day for 4 years straight.

>> No.6124924
File: 3.13 MB, 480x361, get a load of this guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6124980

This doesn't look anything like a counter-argument, degen.

>> No.6125013

Maybe you should start playing the games you claim to love instead and make this shithole a bit better

>> No.6125027
File: 150 KB, 322x313, gus_gdq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmups are now officially tranny-tier
How will /shmupg/niggers ever recover?

>> No.6125045

Nice run. Is he using a standard xbox 360 controller?

>> No.6125047

By enjoying the Futari port that Cave will release to cash in on the exposure if theyve got any common sense

>> No.6125117

>doing more PC ports
Keep dreaming lad.

>> No.6125130

By not being obsessed with trannies and stalking them on reddit?

>> No.6125137

Why does someone sexual preferences matter? It’s video games

>> No.6125151

I'd settle for a piss4 port

>> No.6126221

It's not a sexual preference. It's a mental illness. No one is born a tranny, no matter what any spastic deviant says. It can be argued that you're born a fag, or even a pedo - but not a fucking tranny. Literally no evidence from anyone who doesn't have an agenda, or hasn't been harassed into submission by degen tranny activists that proves otherwise.